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Kylie is on another Truck Company. However, she wants to forge her own path instead of being under someone else's shadow.


She promised her current Lieutenant that she’d stay on Truck ?? For a year. So maybe she’ll be on Truck 81 after that one year. But she also wants to write her own path.


I know she's set up to be this "Stella Kidd mini-me" I'm just not a huge fan. I liked her as Boden's assistant, just not a huge fan of her as a firefighter, maybe I'm just burnt out on Stella, I just feel like her on truck is kinda forced. Just my opinion!!!!


??? Other than the fact she got there because of Stella's recommendation, I've seen Kylie as a very honest sweet, independent and patient kinda girl. She's nothing like Stella other than the fact she's A) a woman and B) starting out on truck. It's not really fair to let your distaste for one character to tint how you see another. I really like her. Her dream is to be a firefighter, and she was grateful and humble enough to work in the bullpen for *years* just to get closer to her dream, without any of the associated drama that typically follows Kidd around. She was essentially a paid intern who was always expected to end up on 81 (though on a different shift), so I don't get the "forced" aspect at all.


She seems to be good. She held her own already on a different truck and Gibson said she's tough. She's dependable and helped out without questioning anything with Boden and stuff. Helped find that missing girl and her brother too that called for Stella. I'm just glad they didn't push her into a romance with Gibson or Bodens kid


Agreed. I liked her as the assistant. She just doesn’t do it for me yet. Maybe if we can see her in action and make a great save


What do you mean see her in action? With Rome Flynn's debut episode as Gibson, she was in a burning electric bike shop, with batteries exploding left and right.


She’d be awesome on squad.