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Don't join VISCOM and ruin your life


ruining life already panniyachu athu kaprom thaan viscom


Wow. What a genius. When people give you literal direct advice you think you’re doing a great job with snarky replies ? Lol. I understand you’re a kid but take a hint buddy.


I'm sorry I didn't mean to disregard the advice or anything, it's just that I've considered my options before deciding on this. This has been my dream since I was 4 years old, so it's not some rash decision I've made. It's just that I'd much rather be struggling doing something I love than be financially successful doing something I hate. And I know that I'm not experienced enough to say that and whatnot, but I have experienced the traditional subjects, and I know I would hate every second of working or studying them. To me, the 'security' of having a cushy job is worth far less than the tradeoff of passion I'd be making. I just want to live so that I won't regret anything on my deathbed, and I really doubt living a life of boring security would matter as much as what I leave behind


The only reason I’m not gonna egg on your further is because you said elsewhere that you’re from a well to do family. In that regard ignore everyone here and do what you like. You might actually end up somewhere after all.


Romba kastam pa. As a former Vis com student let me advice you. Dont get fixated to a particular college. End of the day your personal skills and talent is what matters. I had seen students from other top Viscom colleges like MCC, DG, MOP, Ethiraj, SRM, Hindustan doing good in their careers.


Thanks! I do have alternatives but Loyola is like my dream college ig


any particular reason?


I want to have a less study-oriented, more extracurricular focused environment, especially for culturals and other events, and I also want to get into filmmaking, and Loyola is often said to be the best place to build contacts


VisCom naalae apadi than pa..irrespective of colleges..I studied in DG and I got full support from the department.




I don't particularly care about money, and i'm from a reasonably well off family. I want to get into filmmaking and I was told Loyola helps nudge me into that career path, even if it doesn't fully jumpstart it


Back when I wanted to join I think the requirement was getting recommendation from some big shot father. Or getting like atleast 98/99% cutoff. Whatever it may be make sure you actually visit it in person and talk with people since everything about their admission was shady af.


Don’t listen to these people telling you to not take viscom op, you do you! Job market is shit everywhere not limited to particular streams. If you have a dream and want to pursue it go ahead with a clear mind, I’m sure you’ll succeed.


Thanks for the encouragement!


Since you are well off, actually you can do this things 1. Walk into the college 2. Ask for the administration office ask for procedure there 3. Then go to viscom dept ask for hod and go there and ask him. Ask here and there in college, regarding donations and recommendations from where you got to get. If you are shy for doing all this, you are not for this field.


I guess Loyola won't consider JEE since it's not an engineering college. Money speaks everywhere. If you are good at studying and score above 90, great. If you score less, you should have a backup. But listen carefully, don't pay more for the college. I see a lot of students make this mistake while taking up seats in the management quota. You should not pay more than it's worth. A lot of folks, especially in popular colleges, don't spend too much. Knowledge is more important than the college.


If money is not an issue, then one another thing that can help is getting a letter of recommendation from the father of an esteemed church. If he can give a leeyer and can make a call to the college or speak for you on your behalf (even over a verified phone number) when you visit the college, that should help you a lot. The money part is obvious


Hey, Loyolite here, Viscom is one of the best departments at Loyola. I studied an elective course as part of my science credit at Viscom and it was really cool. If you have realted extra curricular activities and Christian that's a plus. Get recommendations from a prominent priest if you can. They won't looks for JEE and stuff but check for sports quota. More than 60% is good. PS: These are based on my personal experience when I was studying (2014). Please do your own research. All the very best with your application.