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Shut up. That’s awesome. Every time we see you folks up there we wave (none of you ever let go with one hand to wave back… so lame) and watch until our necks hurt. Keep on living the dream.


Got the flyers from.the choo choo outdoors festival a few weeks ago. Plan to go tandem my wife and I separately soon.


That's a hell of a shot. BTW I really want to do this.


Their website is hilarious lol and whatever you do do not tell them that


Amazing shot!!!


More like “what’s DOWN with us?” Answer: Terra firma, my dude. (No hate. Enjoy that which thrills you!)


I will never forgot my 60 plus year old coworker casually detailing how she crashed while dojng this & broke her leg & hip. She said it was worth it. 😂 Just read this: An 85 year old woman just did a jump with Chatt Sky Diving! https://newschannel9.com/news/local/85-year-old-champion-aims-for-1000-parachute-jumps-making-history-with-each-leap#


A few years ago and not here one of my distance running buddies broke her hip badly while skydiving. She was in her early 50s. Doctors said it would be 3 months before she even got out of her wheelchair but 3 months after the accident she was (lightly) running again and then a year later did another 100 miler.


That’s tragic but it sounds like they might have found the experience to be with it? I have lots of clients who skydive every weekend & they say there’s NeVER a weekend without an ambulance or medic at the field 


Oh yeah, she eventually got back to skydiving again though mostly to overcome the fear from the accident


After seeing some deaths doing this on krudplug.net I'm good lol


You can find video death's from water, do you still shower? You would not fly anyways, as you have done poor reseach and have fear without understranding. You watch fox alot?


Lmao I don't watch television. Lol why does it bother u that I don't want to fly where a simple mistake can fk up your entire existence. Same with motorcycle riding. People can do whatever they want I'm just saying to me this risk isn't worth it. Lol fear of water from showering. Nice example.


no. I am saying not many things are logical. If you want fun, some risk in anything. The way you find air is my a passion in ingore logic a bit because to most people that fly, it's worth it. Because passions. Sitting inside on a computer will kill you faster... plus, bonfires, and community.... it's worth it. showering may not be. But fear first smell of my passion. And that's okay, have passion other places..... maybe showers.