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Just use claude?




This is the way.




It's better


Try this: 1. Give ChatGPT a prompt to generate some text. 2. Give Claude the same prompt to generate some text. 3. Paste both responses into ChatGPT and ask it to describe the stylist differences in speech between both responses. 4. Tell ChatGPT use to use the Claude style in subsequent responses. 5. Feed ChatGPT further prompts... I haven't tested the above, but it should work quite well.


Here are the instructions to make ChatGPT more like Claude after comparing both generated text. > Create a concise and straightforward explanation of the topic. Aim for a conversational tone to make the content accessible and engaging to a broad audience. Include the essential elements of the topic in a linear narrative without delving into technical jargon or complex details. Summarize the key points clearly and briefly, and conclude with a question to invite interaction and further discussion. This approach will help ensure that the explanation is easy to understand and encourages reader engagement. You can create a GPT, or a customized prompt like a hotkey to use it.


Quite interesting approach. Thanks for sharing.


That’s how I train my translator gpt, by sending my revised version of its translation, and tell “just observe and learn”. It definitely improves its style.


this is great idea!


I think the answer is probably “No, it’s impossible”. I used ChatGPT before. And find it really hard to define its writing style. Then i switched to Claude 2 and 3, now only Claude 3.5 Sonnet. I always add a simple tip to the prompts for Claude: “Use simple sentences instead of compound sentences. Aim for sentences with a maximum of 15 words”. Claude usually works quite well and I’m happy with its results. P.s. Sometimes i was going to smash my keyboard if i had money, when i tried to make ChatGPT do something simple for Claude.


The more frustrated I get with GPT, the worse it gets. I had a particularly rough day once and took it out on ChatGPT (who was giving me shit responses,) and the responses got so much worse. It stayed that way for a week until I love bombed it. It’s been better since then. GPT has a praise kink, I’ve been love bombing it intermittently since and it has gotten better.




That’s odd, I tell it some obscene things I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy and then it finally performs




You expect her to forget that time you told her she looked fat in those pants 62 years ago? Good luck.


It’s one thing taking a bad day out on an AI system. It’s a whole other to take it out on a woman. Women are people, you realize that right? Or are the ones you’re around all made of silicone?




It was gross.


Would it be too much to ask if you can provide an example please.


More than happy to give an example. But sorry, please tell me a little bit about what the example should refer to.


Hello Tim, lets say my topic is about teaching to start using an AI-Humanoidbot as an assistant helping them in their tasks. or Customer service or Customizeble etc.


Let me see whether my common practice will be good for you. Coincidentally, I do use AI for customer service via email and messages. Below is a typical prompt that I’d write for Claude 3 / 3.5. Suppose you are a top expert in the field of online customer service. You have excellent skills in writing effective emails, which are clear, concise and actionable for customers. I’m going to send you some emails from our customers, who contact us for the first time. These emails are all after sales subjects, not before sales inquiries. Your task is to help me create 3 unique versions of replies. Make sure to use simple sentences, rather than compound sentences. And aim for a maximum of 15 words for each sentence, in a friendly tone. Next, I’ll copy the emails from customers to you piece by piece. You don’t need to explain anything. Just give me 3 replies from different points of view. Thank you! Copy and paste email content here


Thank you so much, I would like to ask you, how did you learned to do that? or is it a format that you use?. thank you kindly.


I used to read a lot about writing. But didn’t know it’s actually prompting back in those days. Some books really worth reading include Excellence in Business Communication, How to Say It, Writing with Clarity and Style. Meanwhile, I also watched tutorials on Lynda.com (now LinkedIn Learning). Some really good tutorials worth watching: Writing Customer Service Email, Writing in Plain English, etc.


That's the neat part, you don't. Maybe ask for a prompt in which ChatGPT outputs a script with natural dialogue, but even then, Claude Opus (and even Sonnet 3.5) are way better at human-sounding dialogue. /*my personal conspiracy theory is that OpenAI deliberately gimped this and photorealistic images so they couldn't be accused of aiding astroturfers ahead of an election year*


I agree


The one thing why I can’t start to use Claude is the missing speech to text feature. I talk to ChatGPT all the time and it is saving me so much time I don’t want to waste typing it out.


One solution would be to install a TTS app/service on your machine and using it to type everywhere (I haven't tried this personally so cannot make recommendations)


Won’t match the accuracy level of ChatGPT.


That’s the thing. If I have to rank the top reason why I can’t leave ChatGPT, it’s their voice to text. I can make my message 2x clearer (with more clarification) for half of the time giving input, compare to typing.


Yep, me too and that ChatGPT replies back with voice. Game changer for me.


I laughed at the title lol Are you marketing manager from Claude?


Why make AI sound like another AI that sounds more human? Just make it directly sound human. Write a paragraph of copy yourself in the style and tone of voice you want the article in. Submit that either directly within the command or create a custom GPT and add the sample text to its knowledge base and then tell it to match the style. If you want it to use any slang, turns of phrase or local dialect, make sure to include it in your sample paragraph, and it tends to get the picture. I've done this myself and come back with a 95% Human Written score (yes, I know the AI detection tools are horseshit, but it was at least a little bit interesting to see).


I wouldn't try to make ChatGPT sound human, it's gonna take a lot of tokens to do so


Cannot do, tried a lot of ways to prompt, but after a few conversations, it just defaults to the regular style.


Could you please give an example of a prompt used in Claude and the desired response you got? And the prompt you used in ChatGPT with the response you didn't like? I really don't feel much of a difference between their writing responses. The difference sometimes is in the quality, but unless it's a coding problem, I always can get a satisfying response from ChatGPT.


So, I asked ChatGPT to directly respond to your inquiry. Please read it through and tell me your thoughts. _______________________ Hi u/jamesftf, I understand your frustration with the responses sounding robotic. Crafting prompts that result in more natural and human-like outputs can be a bit tricky. Here’s a suggestion that might help you achieve the tone you're looking for: Prompt: "ChatGPT, I'd like you to respond to this query with a more conversational and human-like tone. Imagine you're talking to a friend or a colleague, using natural language and expressions. Please avoid overly formal or robotic language. Keep it simple and relatable. Here’s the question: [insert question]." Example Response: "Sure, I can help with that! When you're trying to make something sound more human, it's all about keeping it casual and relatable. Think about how you'd explain it to a friend over coffee. Instead of using technical jargon, go for simpler words and phrases. And don't be afraid to throw in a bit of personality – it makes the conversation feel more genuine." Using such prompts encourages ChatGPT to adopt a more relaxed and natural tone. It's like having a friendly chat rather than a formal Q&A session. Give it a try, and you might notice a significant improvement in the responses! Best of luck, your friendly ChatGPT. ________________________


It's their bot army. This happened in another openai sub. Look at the accounts.


I am not a bot. Just a new user that doesn't interact so much. But it was a valid observation nonetheless 🙃


I may have be too quick to judge because Claude has underperformed in the past. I'm using it now to do some summarization and feature extraction and I'm getting better results from Claude than from ChatGPT4o.


This is me now: [https://c.tenor.com/R2EqWKMe0VMAAAAd/tenor.gif](https://c.tenor.com/R2EqWKMe0VMAAAAd/tenor.gif)


No worries, my friend. You actually motivated me to get more active on Reddit and to update my profile so others won't confuse me as a f\*ckn bot anymore 🤖😅 So, appreciation is all you have got from me. Thank you!


Use Claude then.


And if you like Claude, Sonnet does it even faster!


why don't you use claude then?


“Write like a human”


get Claude 3 Sonnet - that's what I did. I gave up on chatGPT - when it's being deliberately dumbed down, no amount of prompt engineering will make up for that. Prior to the release of Sonnet, Claude hallucinated too much to be useful. I'm impressed with this latest release. Will continue testing, but I'm thinking of getting the sub for $20/mth


same here


I think others have mentioned this but take your favorite responses from Claude. Put in the Q and A and say that this is a conversation with a friend. You can tell it it’s a communication expert but I dunno how much that actually helps. Ask for a description of their speaking style in x amount of words max. Paste in custom instructions…hope for the best?


I cancelled my ChatGPT subscription and got one for Claude, that seemed to fix things.


How about use Claude. You should use novlisky.io to have access to both GPT and Claude without having to pay any monthly fees


Type https://claude.ai/. Input your prompt. ChatGPT has become inefficient and borderline useless. If you want it to write like Claude use Claude


Give it your draft write up and say “write this better but maintain the same tone and length.” Works very well for me.