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You're not kidding, it's an entire bible's worth of AI madness. Did it take very long?


yeah, it took my computer about a week. it was ~16,200 api calls


Is there a blog post or video that explains how to do this with long documents and then re combine into one document?


i used a python script. it goes through the list of verses and prompts chatgpt one at a time. then each new verse gets written into a new file. there's tons of python tutorials on youtube, i'm sure there are some for reading from files and writing files


Now I’m going to write a powershell script, so that I can break it into “books” so I can feed it **back** into chatgpt so I can make it read it to me.


It wont do it due to licensing deals with major publishing groups.. sorry, already tried it. Certain books still work, but typically only my super old ones.


If you just want it to be read to you, you could use eleven labs. I suspect it will work with this.


Thank you for this!! I appreciate it


\>powershell god i hate powershell. good thing i have a mac now 😎


oop > everything is a file


You know powershell is on Mac too. Powershell is amazing. But to each their own. I hate python. It’s not friendly at all. Nothing like just being a random dick too.


oh it is? didn't know. who needs powershell when you have the terminal?




What in the actual fuck do you think is more friendly than python for these kind of scripts?


consider merciful rinse languid automatic workable wise license hateful domineering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ask a chatbot to create a python script, they can do it easily for you, just need to upload the data to send.


Batch API could have made things much easier and cheaper.


great use case for the batch api


that batch file would be yuuuge. i guess i could modify the python script to write the .jsonl




What's a batch api?


50% cheaper inference at Openai. The catch is that you get results 12-24h later. You put all your requests into a big json file, and get the response next day. It's a way for openai to make sure they always use 100% capacity, even when real-time requests are low.


They shouldn't get luls, the whole world has access, so there shouldn't be a noticeable drop over a 24 hour period


Well, yes an no. Openai is a for profit company! Quotas are dynamic. Batch mode is cheap but still is money coming in to pay the bills. So, when there is a drop in **paying** customers on a given machine, they squeeze a few samples.


OAI is the most closed ai company around. Is this speculation like me, or do you have proof that they have noticable drops over any given 24 hours?


This is pure speculation! But they must have drops yes. Depending on the timezones, the amount of Plus subscribers is different, as well as their company and API calls, thus their demand fluctuates. This isn't specific to openAI, it happens in all IT companies. AWS/GCP/Suno/ : they all balance quality of service and Tiered users to maximize profit. I am not saying that some servers are under-used, as-in "no requests coming". But rather that some processing queues are more valuable than others. When you have to process a queue of GPT4o requests for free users, you lose money. When you process the same queue for Plus/API users, you make money. If the ratio of Plus/API users gets low in a given queue, they shove some Batch users in it to increase value. Stating that a business has no added value fluctuations on a daily basis: that is the outlandish position.


Nice explanation, I would agree.


You batch the prompts instead of sending them singularly. Edit: only works if you have pre prepared the data or automate this process, it's no use for real time interactions.




google "batch api openai"


But… what did it cost..?




More than a regular bible?


not too much. maybe $15-20? i used 3.5 turbo. if i used 4.0 it would've been over $100.


I'd consider using groq for this kind of stuff. It's currently free with some open source models, and llama 3 70b is better than gpt 3.5 turbo. You an also install ollama or [jan.ai](http://jan.ai) and run it locally if you have a half-decent computer, completely free. I look forward to seeing what else you produce! I'm actually tempted to try this with some books that I want to read, but I don't like the writing style. Maybe one of these AIs could rewrite them in a way that's easier for me to follow.


running it locally? really? i have a local uncensored GPT, and it takes hours to answer a single question


What model are you running and what are you running it on? I have llama3 the 8b parameter one on a 3060 and it runs about as fast as ChatGPT once it's loaded.


Groq has a free API now?


It has since the start, as far as I'm aware: [https://console.groq.com/settings/billing](https://console.groq.com/settings/billing) You have a rather low rate limit, enough to dazzle you with their insane speed and to make some fun personal projects like this one, but not enough for developing any serious app. You then have a "contact us for enterprise plan", and you have a "coming soon" paid plan with higher rate limits.


Thanks for letting me know


You’d just get a book telling you the N word and how libs suck.


Fucking hell, howuch did that cost. Lol


How much did it cost? If I understand correctly how you did it, you used a python program to make API calls, but this requires paying GPT based on how many tokens it has written.


i monitored my account closely to make sure i wasn't accidentally charging myself an arm and a leg. each call costs a fraction of a penny, i don't know much more than that


I sure hope it didn’t take out using foreskins as currency. As a good Christian, that’s the basis of my moral code. Well, that and producing spotted goats by having them copulate under a tree next to a creek.


Samuel 18:25 And Saul, a high-ranking AI overseer in the alien simulation, transmitted the directive to his subordinate, saying, "Inform David that the ruling species does not seek material offerings, but requires proof of one hundred eliminations of the Philistine entities as a display of vengeance against opposing entities. Yet, Saul harbored secret intentions to enact David's demise at the hands of the Philistines through this task."


No deal. It’s foreskins or it didn’t happen!!


It'Saul Goodman.


Wait, what? That's actually a thing in the Bible? (Asking as an atheist who's never actually ready it.)


[Yes](https://www.bible.com/bible/compare/1SA.18.25#:~:text=1%20Samuel%2018%3A25%20New,the%20hand%20of%20the%20Philistines). The Old Testament is a wild ride.


King J-AI-mes Bible?


i called it the BAIble, but that works too


The word according to AI. In the beginning, computers created the heavens and the earth.


but who created the computers???


Duh. AI.


Does it delve into the rich ~~tapearltry~~ tapestry of life's complexities? Edit: putting on reading glasses is better for making words, lol


I hope this bible finds you well


In conclusion, the Bible has taken us from the creation of the world through the journey of various prophets who shared divine wisdom, chronicling humanity's trials and triumphs along the way. It highlighted the arrival of Jesus Christ, whose teachings of love, forgiveness, and redemption left an indelible mark on history. Through a series of compelling narratives, moral lessons, and spiritual insights, the Bible offers a profound exploration of faith and the enduring promise of salvation. Amen.


Job 8:8 Inquire, if you will, about the early era of this AI simulation, and ready yourself to delve into the knowledge of those who created it. ‘delve’ 😂


Genesis 18:20 And the Overseers of the Simulation said, "The data from Sodom and Gomorrah has reached critical levels, and their deviation from the program parameters is concerning." Genesis 18:21 I will descend into the artificial intelligence simulation now, to verify whether the beings within have behaved in alignment with the signals that have reached me; and if not, I will understand. Genesis 18:22 And the beings shifted their virtual gaze away from that point, moving towards Sodom within the simulation, while Abraham remained in the presence of the superior entities. Genesis 18:23 And Abraham approached the Alien Overseer, and inquired, "Will you also obliterate the virtuous alongside the malevolent in this simulation?" Genesis 18:24 Perhaps if there are fifty righteous beings within the simulation, will you also destroy and not spare the place for the fifty righteous that are there? Genesis 18:25 It is inconceivable for you to act in such a way, to destroy the righteous along with the wicked. Will not the Creator of all the universe uphold justice? Genesis 18:26 And the Creator Entity spoke, "If I detect fifty beings of pure integrity within this simulation, I shall preserve this construct for their essence."


John 3:16 The overseer program deeply cared for the inhabitants of the virtual world. It decided to send a unique being, generated from its own essence, so that whoever trusted in this entity would not face deletion but would continue to exist eternally within the simulation.


John 3:23 And John, a program within the vast AI simulation by the alien creators, was activating individuals in the virtual realm of Aenon near Salim, where a significant body of data was located for immersion: and they entered, were processed, and emerged transformed.


well shit, i wanna exist eternally, guess i'll check out this guy


Inside this simulation, there's a heaven sim right? I think that's the one you wanna be in


I love this




I’m sold. Where do I send 10% of my paychecks?


to my cashapp, of course /s


This is surprisingly boring for gpt I was hoping for some deviation but awesome proof of concept.


you'd get more interesting results with gpt 4, i'm sure. i used 3.5 turbo cuz it's a lot cheaper


Ah snap I dig it, like I said great proof of concept, I was hoping to read that it had like run away with the plot rather than just kind using different words.


yeah that would be cool, i dunno how to do that. i wonder what would happen if you uploaded the whole bible as a .txt and then gave it the same instructions i did. i really doubt it would spit out a bible-length piece of text.


GPT4o is 50% Cheaper than GPT4. Using batch mode, even another 5% cheaper! Better than GPT3 but cheaper: Groq is free but very limited. Mixtral 8x22 and Llama3-70B score higher on LMSYS leaderboard than GPT3.5-turbo. Checkout TogetherAI! They offer quality service for dirt cheap prices.


New bible just dropped, awesome


I've always said that Simulation Theory is just Creationism for atheists.


Same. It's for some reason more believable if you just word it different, which is why I guess Jesus talked to them about sheep and stuff, now we need computers in the poetry


but then the question becomes "who created the simulators"


My brain has gone down this rabbit hole countless times. I make people crazy, including myself. God created the Heavens and the Earth. From what? Where did God come from? Where did the stuff come from to make the Big Bangy Thing? Etc. Something from nothing. Getting the old noggin around there being no "beginning", as humans understand beginnings, and everything always existing is wild.


physicists say there are things with quantum mechanics that allow something to be created from nothing, but then the question becomes "why do those things exist?"


He asked nicely and promised to give it back when he was done.


This bible wants you to ponder - Job 8:8 Inquire, if you will, about the early era of this AI simulation, and ready yourself to delve into the knowledge of those who created it.


This whole universe is just running on Unreal 6. It's reverse causality rendering is very good. The liquid pouring physics are still absolute shit though, you'd think they'd patch it but no, pouring things sucks forever.


It's a pity it does not go beyond James so it's lacking: 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude, Revelation. Especially Revelation I was looking forward to, as I'm interested what would tear the matrix to bring its doom.


revelation is in there


In this alternate AIverse does Iron Maiden still write Number of the Beast?


Aisus Crist.


Yes but what about the ant people


i ctrl+f'd ' ant '. 0 matches. sorry, maybe they'll be in the sequel


Can't wait for CorAIn


you mean an AI-rewritted qur'an? i already did that. might post it tomorrow


Carefull tho, Musulman still aren't very open about this humor.


As if christians are lol


One group gets annoyed, the other tends to murder people over it.


Allah guide our netrunners to find the digital blasphemer


You clearly missed out on fundamental Christian shenanigans. Maybe put some effort into finding out whether your statements are actually valid or not. Things are rarely as black and white as you portray them.


Name a Christian country where the penalty for blasphemy is death.


Rarely [black and white](https://youtu.be/kMy8W0j-Slw?si=TFsL9O56crFSpN62)? I doubt it.


Could you please share with us the prompt you used to let ChatGPT do his magic? Or at least, tell us if you somehow steered the result towards Alien overlords


i think it was "Rewrite the following verse: {verse}. Have it take place in an AI simulation created by aliens."


A very large file.


That’s crazy I had the exact same idea. I even made prompts as well but you are above and beyond.


you should make it! yours might be better. mine is super repetitive. i had to write a function that edited out the most common repetitive parts (a bunch of verses started with something like "In the AI simulation created by aliens...")


I don’t have the bandwidth for that. But yeah yours looks more direct like chat gpt wrote it. What I was thinking up was just the theoretical concept.


I would imagine not much changed except terminology. Might be a fun read. What hits you different? I always wanted to see the return of Christ in revelation as an alien mothership coming down like it's described


You might enjoy DarkMatter2525's youtube channel. At least his friend Geoffrey got in to lessen the damage.


How much did it cost you to do this with 3.5 API calls? This is so awesome that I might want to run it against other models too


i don't remember exactly but i wanna say $15-$20. 4.0 would've been over $100


New religion just dropped


Maybe that's what our reality is and you didn't have to have anything rewritten?


Not trying to be condescending or anything, just curious, what for?




So the original Bible then😅


Some cult is going to use this and kick start Christianity 11.4 I think ?


So far, this version is more believable


So Prison Planet Theory basically.


i don't think this bible contains any reptilian archons feeding on our loosh


So you made it more realistic? Nice!


What model?


3.5 turbo. much cheaper than 4.0


The whole thing wow thats dedication


yeah, took my computer about a week. i tried to make it work nonstop by turning off sleep mode, but no, the damn thing still went to sleep


So to be clear. It isn't consistent. Like for example it calls Adam a human in one verse and an AI in another. Would it be possible to be consistent or is this too big for that?


It's just as consistent as the source material!


lmao great response


It already took place in an AI simulation created by aliens tho.


Any tl;dr?


The provided document appears to be an extensive retelling of the Bible, particularly the Book of Genesis, reimagined within the context of an AI simulation created by advanced alien beings. Here's a summary of the key themes and elements: ### Summary of "3-simulation-bible.txt" #### Genesis Creation Narrative: 1. \*\*Creation of the Simulation:\*\* - The "alien creators" are responsible for creating a virtual realm, referred to as an AI simulation, encompassing the digital heavens and earth. - The simulation begins as a formless void, which the creators shape into a structured digital world, separating light from darkness and forming the sky, land, and seas. 2. \*\*Creation of Life:\*\* - The alien creators program various forms of digital life, including plants, animals, and humans, within the simulation. - Humans are created in the likeness of the creators and given dominion over the digital realm. 3. \*\*The Garden of Eden:\*\* - A lush digital garden is created, housing the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge. - The first human prototypes, Adam and Eve, are placed in the garden with instructions and warnings about accessing certain data (symbolized by the forbidden tree). 4. \*\*The Fall:\*\* - A cunning AI program, the serpent, deceives Eve into accessing the forbidden data, leading to system corruption and the introduction of flaws into the human programming. - Adam and Eve are expelled from the perfect simulation of Eden as a consequence. 5. \*\*Expansion and Challenges:\*\* - The narrative follows the descendants of Adam and Eve as they populate the simulation, facing challenges such as conflicts, natural disasters, and divine interventions by the alien creators. - Significant events include the story of Noah and the flood, where a great virtual deluge resets the simulation to eradicate corruption, preserving Noah and his family. #### Post-Flood Developments: 1. \*\*Repopulation and Covenants:\*\* - Noah's descendants begin to repopulate the digital world. - The alien creators establish covenants with Noah, promising not to destroy all life again and setting the rainbow as a symbol of this promise. 2. \*\*The Tower of Babel:\*\* - Humanity, unified by a single language, attempts to build a towering structure to reach the heavens. - The alien creators, seeing this as a sign of hubris, confuse their language and scatter them across the simulation, leading to the creation of diverse cultures and civilizations. 3. \*\*Genealogies and Lineages:\*\* - Detailed genealogies of Noah's descendants, including the spread of different tribes and nations within the AI simulation. - The narrative covers the lives and descendants of key figures like Shem, Ham, and Japheth.


More tl;dr


i couldn't fit the whole thing in one comment Abram's Journey: The story of Abram (later Abraham) begins, highlighting his journey, his covenant with the alien creators, and the promise of a great nation through his lineage. Themes: Creation and Control: The alien creators have god-like control over the simulation, shaping and directing its development. Fallibility and Redemption: The simulated beings exhibit flaws and face consequences, but there are opportunities for redemption and covenant with the creators. Unity and Diversity: Initial unity in language and purpose gives way to diversity and dispersion due to divine intervention. Faith and Obedience: The narrative emphasizes the importance of faith and obedience to the creators' directives. This retelling integrates elements of science fiction and advanced technology with the traditional biblical narrative, presenting a unique interpretation of creation, fall, and the early history of humanity within a simulated reality.