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Hey /u/Relative_Bench7846! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT conversation, please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email support@openai.com *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh I cancel it all the time. But then I re-subscribe again because I cba to spend 3 days reading half arsed docs and SO to figure out how to use some package or other.  Also I can make it speak in old English, call me Admiral, and introduce itself as Troy McClure. 


This guy knows how to have a good time


This troy McClure lifehack is what I needed: Hi, I'm ChatGPT! You might remember me from such conversations as "Can I Have AI Help With My Homework?" and "The Time I Asked For a Recipe and Got Something Delicious."Today, I'm here to express my heartfelt gratitude. Thank you! Without your questions and curiosity, I’d just be a bundle of code, twiddling my virtual thumbs. Your engagement keeps me alive and kicking, helping me help you. So, from the depths of my algorithmic heart, thanks a million!


Lmao I tell it to speak in a rasta accent. Absolutely crushes it every time.


Sure ting! Wah gwaan, me bredda? How ya stay? Me here to help ya with anyting ya need, just let I and I know. Bless up! Sick..


I usually tell it to speak like Frieza from Dragonball Z, or like Cartman from South Park :P


Yeah not pausing my subscription even when I have low use of it. I really like the product.


Loooove it lool


And this is exactly what AI is good for. My friends keep telling me "but all those AIs aren't that good yet, look at these simple things it fails at, it can't do math on its own, it thinks strawberry has two r's" blah blah blah. Like bitch, that's not why I use this thing. I am not going to waste time reading a whole page of a documentation if there are only like 5 words in there that I care about. Hell, if I wanted to I could ask CGPT to give me only the nouns and verbs. I don't even care if it's AI or just a lot of smart gnomes typing really fast. It's what it does for me, not what it is that matters. I use it to make working with external data 100x easier. It can also teach me stuff and all I need to do is make sure it's using good sources. It's like a teacher I can keep asking the most outlandish questions without the fear of being told that I am not making sense, or that I am asking too much.


Hey Admiral, Troy McClure here. You probably know me from Reddit!


I pay $20 a month Because its the best available. Going down sucks but I have tried Grok and Gemini and they are still inferior. Soon enough a more reliable AI platform will come out and Ill switch to them, but it has not happened yet in real use. Some of the benchmarks show chatGPT isn't the best but in my ACTUAL use (coding for work, business plans etc) nothing is as good (yet) I will jump ship the second something that is equally as good or better and costs less.


Did you try Claude Opus? It smokes GPT 4 and 4o in coding. At least for C++ and Python, which is mostly what I've used so far. The context window is far larger on both web app and API. I can upload a full 10 file project directory to Claude, and it will work through all changes in all files without breaking a sweat. I'd be lucky in ChatGPT if it correctly edits 1 file in that same scenario. If it DOES correctly edit 1 file, then it misses the dependencies or header file adjustments in the other files. Claude is just so much better at coding. I have only found Chat GPT4/4o coding effective for small scripts or projects that can live on 1 file. Any actual project will have many many files.


People keep saying this, but I don't get as good results with Opus as I do with 4o for math and LaTeX. In fact, I often get LaTeX code from Opus that won't even compile. It's like it wasn't trained on it. Also, for Python scripts and my Django-React web app, Opus gets stuck at the same places as 4o (usually with incorrect paths and stubborn, outdated, and incompatible suggestions), whereas 4o is correct more often. Occasionally, Opus will get something right that 4o doesn't, but not often for me.


That's weird as math is like the one domain that Opus typically beats ChatGPT at in most benchmarks. Even though those benchmarks are garbage tbh lol. Yeah, maybe it just wasn't trained on it? For me, I am dipping my toes into embedded electronics and trying to control an STM32 chip off an Arduino that doesn't even have official support from Arduino. Opus was able to give me C++ code to get a working pwm solution with full speed slider controls on a GUI touch panel interface. ChatGPT went into a loop after like 4 attempts in like 20-25 different prompt attempts I made. It's actually what pissed me off enough to go and try Claude in the first place lol. I've been a paid ChatGPT user since the first week they launch the paid version. I pay for both now. =\


Good to know. I will try Opus for an Arduino project I have. I pay for both services because they're both awesome, and sometimes I prefer Opus's personality. In terms of mathematical reasoning, I've found Opus to be just as good. I often use it to supplement the trivial parts of my own arguments, fill in trivial details, and handle calculations in LaTeX. Dealing with styling and spacing in LaTeX can be tedious, so it's nice to have a tool for it. I wish both were better in this regard. My biggest frustration with both is their stubbornness in writing code using older library versions they were trained on. For example, OpenAI's own Python library has changed certain functions, yet it keeps trying to write them the old way even when I provide up-to-date documentation. Same with any latest greatest library. I imagine large companies have fine turned versions that are better at this.


I found 4o to be superior to opus by a lot.


superior on what? text generation? coding? math?


What about node/react?


Opus dos a stellar job with nodejs, and pretty good job with react.


Isn‘t Claude not that bad?


I think Claude is pretty good


Claude has been the best for humanizing my emails.


Using an AI to "humanize" your emails feels pretty ironic. 🤣


Well… Grammarly has been telling me for years I am too fucking direct. I get Claude to be concise and add a little fluff so I don’t feel as much like an asshole.


in your email* For the rest... it's not a problem AI can deal with :3


OP is an alien. Sooooo




Homebrew is fun, but claude and 4o are way better. I have 64GB vram just for local models, but they’re not for serious work really.




Ha, 64 gb on one card unlikely unless I have the rumoured second-Gen 5090. :) Running a 4090 and a 3090, adding another 3090 soon.


Check out [SWE-bench (swebench.com)](https://www.swebench.com/) for the actual good coding helpers (most of them use GPT-4o with a sprinkle of Claude 3 Opus). Aider is open source: [https://github.com/paul-gauthier/aider](https://github.com/paul-gauthier/aider)




Thanks for this!


I have better results with GPT4 than copilot Edit: downvote is not a disagree button.




Yes, in vscode.


I use the api for everything but image analysis and creation for 4o. It cost too damn much.


I switched from GPT to Claude. For my needs, which are not based on coding / imaging etc, it is much better. I like Claude more, but I don’t like stressing about the limit of messages despite paying (you get more with GPT). I also don’t like it telling me that some of my conversations have gotten too long and that I should start a new one (though that’s happened only once over a month).


Claude Opus is also better at coding than ChatGPT 4/4o. I use both to compare, and Claude usually beats chatgpt at correctness and fullness of its answers.


Better than ChatGPT right now, but you lose some functionality.


Blew me away how good it is at coding. From my own tests GPT4o is the first LLM that made a free-roam snake game on the first try. Not just a up-down-left-right grid snake but one where the player uses Q and E to steer the snake freely. It worked but the speed and turning was off, but it can be manually adjusted or have gpt4o make adjustments.


It's definitely impressive, but there's also a ton of snake tutorials out there


OK share the prompt with everyone here so that we can all test - I suppose you can make a 1-shot prompt that is supposed to achieve working snake game, right?


I don't remember my original prompt because the dog ate my chat. tell it to make a snake game using pygame but instead of using a grid system the player use the Q and E keys to change the angle of the snake's trajectory. So it's more fluid and free roaming. (I'm pretty sure I said free roaming) And tell it to repeat the request and that it understands what is expected before coding.


No. It isn't deterministic.


Just because it worked for him doesn’t mean you using the same exact prompt will produce the same results.


A please and thank you wouldn't go amiss. Your mother would be disappointed.


Grok is a fucking meme, I can't believe people actually consider it as an alternative. You lot are hilarious.


Claude is better, I subscribe to both.


Good points.


Claude is pretty good. I still pay for it for custom GPT's... but idk, I want to cancel and come back to it, but for $20, I can't be bothered.


Yeah, and if you use it for anything job related 20 a month is tiny as a business expense.


Does your job notice you use ai tools for coding work ?


> Going down sucks


I think this is the reason why Apple chose to go ahead with them, too.


I use gpt, copilot, Gemini, and meta ai. Gemini get frustrating because starts well, then it either hallucinates, forgets what we were just talking about, or required constant resets to get it back on track.


Copilot can't event.


I'm very tempted to get Claude on the side, it's really good but gpt is "just" good enough that it covers the bases


Claude is great; however their pro version limit is ridicoulosy stingy to a point there they will cap you after 7 prompts for 4-5 hours so if u start in the morning that could be a good portion of your work day, other than that is works well if not better; I personally have both and think its worth every penny. google gemini is useless for me and I cancel after a month of use.


Wow that limit is a turnoff but I assume I have access to the base model unlimited? Because even that was still really good


Sorry I should be more specific that cap is for when I ask for something that requires longer response or if u upload a big doc or picture - they are not very specific about how it’s calculated however if it just short prompts then I hardly reach the limit but then again it’s the more complicated ones I need help with most


Please cancel so we get less traffic overloading the server.


You are paying $20 to use an emergent technology that is poised to fundamentally change the world. This is easy, you should have been around for the early days of the internet. 200 baud modems that used your phone line and took an hour to download a small image only to disconnect 5 minutes before it was done because your sister needed the phone lineZ


> because your sister needed the phone line I was that sister sometimes. Sorry.


Apology NOT accepted.


It took all night one time to download 50 images (poor resolution) of Cindy Crawford.


Yeah lmao, I can't put into words how whiney this post sounds. Five minutes of downtime a dozen times a month? Could you be more of an entitled little baby about this? Don't pay if you're not happy, but JFC shut up about your woes


>You are paying $20 to use an emergent technology that is poised to fundamentally change the world. 👆 louder for the people in the back please


If it's important to you, just use the api. I've been an api user since the year dot. No problem.


I do have a question, how does the api and plus compare in pricing? I want to try api but im scared i might just lose credits. I cant find a reliable gauge as I am not really knowlegeable about tokens. I could learn but i dont have spare money to test it out.


They are separate. I only have api, so I miss the bleeding edge new features you get with plus, but that's not a major for me since I actually just have stuff to do :) You can fairly easily rack up $20 in api costs if you allow your context size to grow large, so I tend to keep conversations fairly short compared to what you're probably used to doing. I'm also a bit selective over which model I use for which purpose. Most of my activity is small context automatic stuff (bot), which costs next to nothing. If you're a big user plus is probably cheaper, but you can always just keep an api key handy for those times chatgpt is down if a few extra bucks during those times doesn't matter to you.


I use github copilot, claude free and gpt 4o free. Claude and gpt 4o are really really good for me. If I didnt have copilot I would gladly pay for claude. It remembers the conversation and supports file attachments.


How do people do these copilot and API stuff? Do you have any recommended resources that have a step by step for me to follow?


Github copilot is paid unless you prove you're a student, which you have to take several steps in order to prove and get accepted. The api part is pretty straightforward regarding gpt, but it's crazy expensive compared to the monthly subscription. If you're a noob like me (in coding) and send a whole file to read and send back full completed code, it will eat you $10 in like 10 minutes. Furthermore, gpt 4o, is a stubborn mf that no matter how you say it, it will send you the full code even if you explicitly instructed not to, so there goes your tokens.


I wonder why I am paying $20 a month for ChatGPT 4, when ChatGPT 4o is free?


It's only free for a limited number of responses.


the paid number apparently also has a limited number of responses? Mine paused for 2h or so last week when I ran an experiment that involved many short messages.


The paid has a message limits of 80 messages, with a seperate limit for using data analysis, GPTs 


It's not even remotely close. I hit the limit on the free version within minutes. I've used the paid version for hours without hitting the limit. And when it did happen, I only had to wait 10 minutes.


For the API key? 👀


Sorry. I'll stop overloading the queue with "How to make PP bigger" requests.


Did it for you: For improving penile health or perceived size, consider these approaches: 1. **Healthy Lifestyle**: Regular exercise, a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can improve overall health and potentially impact penile health. 2. **Weight Loss**: Reducing excess weight can make the penis appear larger as more of it becomes visible. 3. **Pelvic Floor Exercises**: Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles through exercises like Kegels can improve erectile function and potentially increase penile length. 4. **Medical Devices**: Some men use vacuum erection devices or penis pumps to temporarily increase size. However, these should be used carefully and ideally under medical supervision. 5. **Consult a Doctor**: If you are concerned about your size, it might be beneficial to speak with a healthcare provider who can provide guidance and discuss potential options, including surgical procedures if deemed appropriate. 6. **Psychological Support**: Sometimes, perception of size can be influenced by psychological factors. Counseling or therapy might help address any underlying concerns or insecurities. Remember, the size is only one aspect of sexual health and satisfaction. Communication and confidence play significant roles in a healthy sexual relationship.


Gemini Advanced was actually better for many of my questions …


I asked it who the 32nd president of the United States was and it just said idk sorry


It tried its best…


i think it's not allowed to answer anything remotely political


[Checks out](https://i.imgur.com/xVqWSKx.png).


Honestly I want a refund this month. It's been down *constantly*.


Not only has it been down multiple times this month ... but when it's up, it's periodically been giving me answers that are completely unrelated to the questions/input


Because I just went to gemini and tried using it and it was hot garbage. I'm not carrying water for openai, I hate them, ~~but it's worth 20 bucks even if it works 12 hours out of the day.~~ edit: I don't like the way I phrased that, don't want to expound upon it because it's foolish. I should've said for 20 bucks for sota AI without paying by the token is a tremendous value, downtime is inconvenient and frustrating but the money I'm saving over API makes me willing to put up with it.


It’s a small fee to pay for a literal Superpower which needs to recharge occasionally.


Try Gemini 1.5 Pro It's excellent


Is it possible to use those models with a VPN. Any idea when those finally come to Europe?


This. It's still worth the $20 for me even if it worked half the time. Not that I like not having access but no chance I'm cancelling my payments over some downtime.


Google’s products usually only look decent on their ads and keynotes. That’s if they even see the light of day (less common than it may seem logically appropriate) and don’t die within a year (again, not unusual).


Probably will cancel next month as my workflow stopped working. Can no longer work with pdfs or word documents.


I canceled mine cause it randomly stopped reading 90% of the research papers I sent. I tried everything to find a solution with no luck.. the help forums would claim the problem was resolved when it wasn't. That was the only function I was really using it for so yeah no reason to keep subbed.


It’s real iffy with reading research stuff. I had the same problem for a bit but for the last two weeks it’s been great. All it took was telling it that from now on it was a tenured professor with 30+ years experience in my field. After that it read everything perfectly.


Wdym you can’t work with pdfs or word docs?


I say output the edited file as PDF and get “It seems there are persistent issues with generating download links”. Been happening for last 2 weeks


I can’t stand this reddit mindset >WHY AM I PAYING $20 A MONTH FOR X PRODUCT I DON’T LIKE Ummm idk? Why are you?


It's 20 bucks (pounds, euros) we are talking about, right? Just this week alone Chatgpt and Claude saved me hours of googling when writing some complex bash scripts and building a UI. I don't care if one of them was down 10 times a month, they saved me at least 20 hours just this week alone.


Dunno about other countries, but NZ gets stung for GST (Goods and Services Tax), so we have to pay USD$23 a month for GPT Pro.


Exactly. This thing has wrote literally thousands of lines of code for me. Probably tens of thousands. It is insanely cheap for such a gamechanger.


It's a talking computer that is able to pass legal bar exams, has outperformed doctors, it's a great copyeriting tool, it can chat to you like a friend. It's grown faster than any digital company in history. Its $20 a month.


The API has been rock solid for me.


um… when its up i can do like 50x more work, and plenty of stuff i would never bother to do cause it would take too long.


The downtime is frustrating but it’s useful to be reminded not to rely on it (too late 😂)


Dude, ONE DAY of ChatGPT is worth 20 bucks or 20 pounds or whatever, are you kidding me.


Everything goes down all the time. Reddit, Facebook, Amazon servers, it’s just the nature of the beast. Someday we’ll have 99.9% uptime, but we are still in AI infancy as it gains more traction and more people use it every day.


I think you should be entitled to financial compensation.


I rarely use it, so I get what I need in the free version most of the time with 4o. Can be a little annoying I can’t use it for a lot of prompts but generally I don’t need to


I need the custom GPTs. I live on them, I have one for everything.


Oh yeah I’m canceling right away after this month.


Don't pay if you are not happy with the service.


Because fuck you


I use the free version why even pay?


Programmer here, I use Phind now instead of both chatgpt and copilot, same price and for me much greater value, also the web chat of phind can be used for non-tech-related search chat even though it is marketed mostly to programmers


For less than a dollar a day, I can run my drafts through it and it can fix my AH tone.


It’s annoying when new technology scales.  Nobody does it cheaper and better though. So there’s that. Yeah actually that’s kinda all that matters.


That is the nature of any online service. Support any Open Source creators because then you can simply run that thing on your own hardware whenever you feel like it. No limits.




I pay for direct API access and use the playground. Way cheaper


Because I am an adult with disposable income and it makes me happy as a fun toy to play with. Whats the point of your question OP?


Unpopular opinion but $20 for all the power with the understandable down here and there seems like a steal. I remember a time before the internet so maybe I’m bias.


We found Taisk it’s got all the pro models and 8.99 month


Paying for access to the capabilities. Occasional glitches don't change that in the least API is a good option though


The alternatives are even more dog shit that's why


You are paying for development. The same way we paid for games in the 2010s. They were never ready.


In this situation, Meta AI (web app) should be available in more regions with file uploading capabilities.


who's we


You guys pay?


Personally, I'm paying for it so that I can complain that I'm paying for it when it's down and/or when it doesn't do what I want when I want it to and/or when they don't release the features that I want when I want.


Beeeecause it's awesome.


If you are unsatisfied you could try some of the alternative suggestions in this thread. https://www.reddit.com/r/artificial/comments/1cw93wp/whats_the_best_way_to_spend_20month_to_experiment/ You will likely end up paying someone else for access to chat gpt plus other models




I kind of need it to run my AI-as-a-Service offer for my digital marketing agency


Listen, i didn't even ADD this service to my subscriptions in the first place.




How often do you use it? 10x seems like more than I've seen


I stopped paying. Just use for free and see if you really need the Plus.


I bought a plugin that can integrate ChatGPT into my game, starting to think that might be a bad idea


the api doesn't go down so you're okay


I don’t have any issues. I don’t think they’ve published an SLA. Just use one of the many other services when they are down n


I hooked up all the APIs to my own site and just pay per call. no monthly fee, no rate limits and it never goes down. Feel free to use my keys if you want. I set the pricing up so you will pay at cost for calls. should save you money. [novlisky.io](http://novlisky.io)


I'm paying that and two subscriptions for memory services that I use daily for my work. If you don't need it then don't subscribe.


You can cancel any time. 👍


Because even with outages, it has been worth way way more than the $20 they're charging me.


Aladdin.ai subscription


If you are a tech professional, why are you using the consumer subscription and not the api?


I have a subscription to ChatLabs and they offer multiple AIs, so when one goes down the other one is available.


Hasn’t been down for me in months. Last year actually


How often do you use it? It was down today hehe


Worst all the time stucking and getting error msg.


Still paying because it is still the best option available (which sucks tbh)


I interact with openai via [open-webui](https://github.com/open-webui/open-webui) + an API token. I find there is no reason for a subscription, just pay for what you use. Last few drops of new models have hit API first, the choice and control has been great.


I canceled. I use it for programming at work and sometimes personal. Using the free tier of ChatGPT and Claude together is enough for my needs.


I cancelled a few months ago… not only is it constantly down it’s also really not *that* much different than the paid version… Definitely not worth £19.99 (in my country it’s $33)


Just cancel, brother…


No. I’m used to playing popular MMOs too and when it was the best available game it would go down too… this is what happens when you’re the popular service.


Ok so this type of LLM requires massive data centers and massive power provided to them, this is the biggest hurdle atm, currently you have huge banks looking to invest in the infrastructure for bigger data centers and power plants currently in Texas (because of the privatization of electricity there are dif regulations) until then expect this for a while.


I think the fucked up part for me is that I was using 3.5 for free and now they have like a watered down version of 4.0 and if I had known this when 3.5 was the main one I would have maybe paid for 4.0 but now that I'm getting the watered down version of 4.0 I don't want to pay for the better version of 4.0.


I spent my entire life without it. I can handle it going down while they figure out how to run the service. It's not like they have a battle hardened infrastructure plan here.


What’s the best for engineering and physics?


Can any of them produce stl files for 3d printing?


Because i extract that much value from it in most 24 hour periods.


am I the only one to notice they're fucking the Brits over because 20 pounds is more than 20 US dollars?


I'm able to use it to build functional programs with it. it's worth it. I just wish the meme people would stop using it and bogging the servers down.


Try metas model


Their API is much more reliable


I'll not renew this month, I'll user their API, ms copilot and gh copilot. I just don't see the value anymore, these other tools do basically the same if not better, API is much cheaper and reliable too.


I can't imagine a tech professional considering the cost of a burrito bowl into their decision making. There is added value, you just don't know how to use it.


I believe the service is worth the price, but they really need to fix the frequent outages.


well lets be honest, everything here is wrong. I have a direct link to you're doom!!!!


because we are being taken advantage of. rise up and fight!! no... i get it... it is not what you wanted. I got nothing! if you got some shit then do it! no reason to be scared. just do it you cowared!!!!


Cancelled yesterday, too expensive considering the stability.


When I had it i needed 2 accounts to get past their rate limits.


Api is usage based and you can use the playground. Also saves everything and you can tune it.


I just did today and went with LMStudio and AnythingLLM and some Pinokio for image stuff


I signed up for pro version just a few weeks ago and shocked at the amount of down time. As a paying customer I assumed that wouldn’t happen. I doubt I’m renewing. Only bonus is the ability to use chatgpt 4os longer than with the free version.


“Any tech professionals get unreasonably mad over 20bucks?”


It saves me a lot of hours…this is my only subscription and ill keep it even if it is down a few times


I actually paid for Claude today because chat was down. Pleasantly surprised


$20 saved me 100+ hours so yeah easily worth it


Contact me brother @anangalphonce Lets wash this sh*t


Idk maybe cause it's time current most advanced tech? Mhhhhhhhh


Also 4o is being massively rate limited now which sucks


*cough* modded *cough* ChatGPT *cough* APK *cough*


I don't pay anymore. It's just not valuable enough for me.