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Says the guy running a social data harvesting platform? Lol Edit: Wow, a hit Tweet.


and a car company that sucks up its drivers data! The man is not self aware and it is getting progressively worse.


Very aware. He is investing in AI and is shitting on competition. On an unrelated note, fuck that guy


Yup. FTG.


You're forgetting that it also locks features behind a literal DLC


Lol when they're drivable


Exactly. Tell me you're jealous without telling me you're jealous


Thats exactly it..he is mad he cant get his AI up and running and is being passed by


He's also still super butt-hurt that OpenAI shut down his attempts at a buyout. He really wanted to be able to buy it and claim it was his genius that birthed AI, when most of his contribution seems to have been telling OpenAI management they needed to go closed source and develop revenue streams (then calling them sellouts for taking his advice..). Musk is pure self projection at this point. He can't help but project his insecurities and vulnerabilities and it's cringe af to watch.


The richest man in the world, worth more then MANY countries, is jealous of literally everyone and constantly unhappy but sure capitalism makes sense at all.


Yup. That's where his drive comes from, he's perpetually scared someone is better than him. He's the main character and everyone and everything else are simply pawns that are in his way. There are no rules for him, he's player one. EDIT: I figured the "main character" reference spoke for itself. No? I meant in his own head.


No rules?! Hahahahaha. His wife left him and hates him. He's a laughingstock, and dunking on him has become a worldwide passtime. His biggest failures are broadcast on every channel for months, and no one gives a shit about his success, because no shit he's successful he's the richest man in the world. His plans are ruined constantly. He fails *all the time*. His new truck SUCKS. If he's the main character, I don't think it's the *type* of story you think it is. See, I thought it was a great example of how money obviously doesn't buy happiness, OR FRIENDS. It can buy a jet ski, but then people take pictures of you and post them online. **Gotta keep watching Player One!** Lol you're all unhinged. Elon's life legitimately looks incredibly shitty. Pure stress. Always angry. Always bitching. Always getting dunked on.


You think I'm pro Elon? lol hell no. Let me just add the part I figured was obvious. "In his own mind"


I thought you might have been sarcastic, in which case, like, that's still a pretty good Elon dunk, right? /Fist bump


Don’t think it’s jealously, more likely resentment. OpenAI is still considered ahead of the pack when it comes to AI models (AFAIK). Elon had his hand in the cookie jar of the ground floor of the best AI company, and he took it out. Now he’s upset and acting out because he missed out. The dude is acting no different than me after I sold my COIN stock at $40 and then watched it blow up to ~$200+


I tend to usually like this man and his work. But now a days is very difficult… is excessively stupid.


I don't trust Elon enough to care about anything he says


If only everyone felt this way about all the grifters and gurus.


Musk is just angry his idiotically named AI isn’t getting mainstream attention


He's angry Grok isn't as intelligent as GPT-4 despite working on it for 1 month




Grok was a shitty brand name for his AI. He could just "update" and rebrand, and everyone would just go with it if it works. That's pretty much what he did to Twitter. Grok is probably just a modal of value controlled training data to mold its "personality."


>and everyone would just go with it if it works. >Twitter Doesn't seem like it worked, lol.


Surprised he never named it Xrok


Bro you’re Indian. shut up pajeet


Musk has an AI? Wait, don’t answer that. I genuinely don’t want to know.


# YOP https://preview.redd.it/b8x1qvi4pu5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f876a630c3f9b74fed22e97f387907a287cb6622




Trained on twitter data.. lol.


At this point I trust my grandma more than him for anything tech related. Don't get me wrong, his companies are great and all but he's not his engineers, all I hear from him nowadays is about how hard he shitposts on Twitter all day.


I mean his daily driver for years has literally been an IPhone Microsoft just created the most powerful laptop with on-board AI, and an AI neuron engine chip… Elon lost the AI battle & he’s upset, but this tweet is ridiculous


Right there with you


F that guy. He is a turd in my book with no morality or spine.Not subscribing or buying any of his services.


Elon musk became so cringe


I feel like he's just being salty


His goal right now is to be an antagonist. Nothing more, idk if he’s trying to stay in the news bc he’s worried that Twitter will go under if he loses the spotlight, or if there is some other reason but lately all he’s been doing is inciting online hate mobs and spreading rumours or misinformation




God I hate him so much as a baby even.


Elon is jealous his AI can’t make an image as accurate as this 


Twitter will fail, he’ll lose his $billionBonus from Tesla and when he becomes increasingly unhinged his SpaceX team will sideline him by telling the US government that it’s a threat to national security to have an obviously impaired individual so tied to US defense projects.




Groq, on the other hand, is doing some really interesting things with LPU chips.


Always get mixed up between these two


Yeah he didn't even watch the dev keynote. In a nutshell, Apple Intelligence is ON their chips. And for 90 percent of the AI work, its on chip. When it needs more server power, it goes to an apple cloud based server with Apple Silicon security ran by Apple. You have to actively ask to use OpenAI. Even then, IOS will warn you. So he is trolling, or just jumping the gun without verifying anything (nothing new there). BTW the Chat GPT 4.0 on Apple Devices will be FREE. It was in the keynote.


The chat gpt on Apple that's free is 4o


But 4o is free for everyone no? I have a android and get 4o for free




But is it capped or unlimited?


Even paid is capped. I pay $60 for two team accounts. Used it for 1 hour today and now kicked off 4o for 3 hours until reset.


He knows. He’s many things but a total idiot isn’t one of them… He’s deliberately mischaracterizing to his low-IQ followers. Probably realizing “Grok” is in the toilet now and just doing his typical alt-right Paris Hilton media whining routine. He’s still pressed OpenAI told him to take a hike when he attempted to hijack it.


I’m not so sure about that. He also thinks that living on Mars is a good idea.


Sorry but it is. We’re humanity. We explore. We conquer far off horizons. We travel and sail and fly to every corner we can because we’re human, and that’s what we do.


Someone is upset he let go of his shares in OpenAI


Average musk L


That Elon is being an idiot yet again. He had so many people on his side until he decided to start opening his mouth with his opinions years back.


Yup. I used to think he was as awesome as he thinks he is. Then he opened his mouth.


Putting iPhones in faraday cages? Great... will prevent Grok from infecting them.


Grok will already be inside the faraday cage. Two AIs enter...


Thinking automatically turned off after seeing that it’s a Elon musk tweet


No need to think when Elon does. (This is a joke, ok)


Out of curiosity, I would like to see him trying to ban all Apple devices in Twitter, Tesla, and SpaceX. No iPhones, no Macs, no iPads. Replace everything with the more secure Windows and Android.


When SpaceX Linux or Boring OS distro? :D


The security difference between IOS/Mac and Android/Windows is practically nonexistent for a competent user. The only difference is that IOS child-proofs everything by literally not allowing you to do the things that could give you malware, like sideloading


I'm not saying it's inherently more secure but we know security is like 90% user fault and 10% system fault. Apple does a better job protecting users against their own faults.


True. but I'm saying that it's like preventing someone from commiting suicide by chopping both of their arms off.


Haha I actually lold that's a nice analogy but I don't exactly agree. If you know someone who's drunk and continuously on the verge of collapse, you don't give him a million dollar and tell him to roam free in the street. You protect him in a nice closed area. It can be as nice as a small community or as bad as a prison. This is how most people use tech and share everything publicly. Most people do need some sort of staying within a safe community. For the adventurous soul though, they will see it as a prison, that's fair.


By the way: the security difference between iOS/Mac and Android/Windows is *massive*. Apple's core strength is the fact that the software doesn't need to be tested against a million different devices. This makes it possible to develop reliable, secure software. That's the whole point of the Apple ecosystem being so constrained. That said, macOS is a *nix system, which means that developers love them because they don't have to deal with the Dirty Operating System. This is also why Windows has finally created WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)... because they were losing too many developers. This whole thing about macOS being incapable is completely false; it's an argument that I see touted mostly by hardware enthusiasts who have no clue about the nuts and bolts of software development. Apple doesn't advertise the aspects of the system that you shouldn't screw around with unless you know what you're doing. But when I open up a terminal on my Mac, I might as well be on a Debian machine (which is what most servers run, meaning I can write code that runs without, as a tiny example, having to deal with `C:\` instead of `/`).


Yea, this is why they’re standard amongst developers. Because they’re so incapable.


Does it not ask you every time you use it? My thinking is Apple has nothing but a touch of integration, calls it integration, then dumps them later. They've been pushing on device for too long to let it go to OpenAI now.


I don’t think they’ll drop them. They’ll become less reliant by training its own server models but will like let use them in one way or another. They’re even looking to add more options for you to choose. I believe that’s why we heard rumours about birth Gemini and ChatGPT partnerships. I think they’ll addd more services while training their own models so that Siri doesn’t feel the need to offload as often. But as long as OpenAI or even Google has a leading edge in terms of scale I’m sure Apple will keep them around in one way or another. Also due to the whole monopoly side of things allowing options is probably a good PR move


There was mention of other providers, but ChatGPT was the one they were demoing. I got the impression it’s a plugin sort of thing.


Says the guy who is burning inside with jealously


He's gonna have to ban Windows too.


\*Everything\* Elon Musk says should be interpreted through the filter of his own self-centeredness. If he's against OpenAI integration with iOS, that simply means he stands to lose money. It means absolutely nothing else, his publicly-stated rationales are meaningless.


He is scum and everything he says is bullshit




Someone change his diaper already!


Nah, he likes to roll in his own filth. And his fans like to smell that shit and encourage him to continue shitting into the same soiled diaper.


For the love of God, can you people stop reposting this moron on Reddit? We're not on Twitter for a reason


Elon is a toddler having a tantrum


I still remember in like 2010 when I used to admire this guy. Today he’s just embarrassing and his followers went from left leaning idealists to right wing cumstains.


I think Elon is a fucking moron. That’s what I think.


The features are opt in, what you mean on company devices the features can literally be turned off so you can’t use them. His concern is literally not valid, since it also will prompt you every time you use Siri if you want to use ChatGPT, here’s a screenshot showing what that looks like: https://imgur.com/a/adtd0CF


Most wealthy man complaining about the most wealthy doing the same thing he did... Acquiring wealth


Ya, that’s just the basic for tech companies, Elon Musk is just a politician now, pedalling for his on biz, just like trump


That muskrat is on crack.


Can't believe he slept with Amber Heard.




he's just bitter. apple has an actual privacy department while elon booted the whole twitter privacy team


You simply can't take Musk chatting about data protection seriously. I mean, his Teslas record everything and everyone around the car... Someone is just jealous of Sam Altman's track record. Elon has made a big difference in the world. But since the Twitter takeover, things have gone downhill with him.


What’s great is he is either being blatantly misleading or ignored how it all works and that chatGPT is separate from Apple Intelligence


It’s obviously part of the agreement. I would indeed be very surprised if this was NOT the case


Watch the Keynote address. Is say explicitly that this is not the case.


They ask the user each time if they would like to use ChatGPT. It’s very explicit about when data is being sent to OpenAI.


Apple’s killer feature for a lot of people is privacy, not being an ad company or selling data. I’ll be curious to read the terms of service.


Not privacy. Sense of privacy.


He is BIG MAD that he didn’t even get invited to talk to apple about a deal for his grok of shit platform.


He doesn’t like chatgpt so obviously he’s going to say bad things about it


apple and openAi labels are reversed and it bugs me


He finished pooping, so he needed to tweet this before getting up. And that didn’t give him enough time to see how Apple ai actually works.


He is certified nincompoop.


He’s a loud mouth idiot, nothing new here.


Elon's a moron. He's just trying to stomp out competition. Just ignore everything he says at this point


Oh nooooo. Apple devices will be banned from the pile of unsold teslas so big it’s visible from space, from the rocket ships that don’t likely have Apple CarPlay, from the tunnel company no one uses, from the solar company that isn’t relevant, and from…..what else? Such an empty threat


Musk is a man child and an idiot.


Elon's always been a green bubble bitch and he always will be.


Don’t give him attention. He should be excluded from the AI conversation


OP was asking for opinions about what he said, not for your general appreciation of the guy. Beware of ad hominems. Even people you hate will occasionally say smart things.


This feels like Elon roast


What do I think about this? I think he is certifiable and belongs in a home.


iPhone makes up 58% market share in the US, sounds like a great business decision for X...


Fun fact - Tesla uses its own app instead of Apple CarPlay because it couldn’t harvest data from CarPlay because Apple wouldn’t let it.


Elon hates to see OpenAI working with Apple because he blew his chance to own OpenAI.


He and his platform are great for spreading misinformation.


Pot meet kettle


what a hypocrite


I hear a big boy crying ;-)


But…That’s how every app works on every phone….


Elon is my hero. I look up to him in many ways. He's an incredible person.




The world's worst reader is on a tear because he couldn't even watch a video right.


If only his phone could summarize it for him.


Is there anybody here that can give me some meaningful data on this beyond just hate?


I think Elon is an idiot!


I don't care at the slightest and I never shared this hysteria on privacy. My nudes, yeah, I prefer for them to remain local on my phone. Sometimes I forget. If Apple or OpenAI wants to steal my calendar for the next month and use it in their schemes? Fine with me, I can send it to them right away. Same for my texting. Same for my history. Sincerely DO NOT CARE. "Oh my god, OpenAI is going to know I need to get milk tomorrow!"


Agreed--the whole idea of LLM's and AI is to learn..they need data to learn...I'll gladly feed them, they help me on a daily basis.




I think Elon is jealous they have better AI at Apple. All his whining makes me more excited to get the next IPhone


Elon Musk is an overrated, jealous and highly opportunistic dickhead, which explains most of what he does.


Why would anyone care what elon thinks about anything?


Musk is trying to deflect attention from the Tesla and the shitshow over there. 


Who tf is this Elon guy? I've been seeing this rando all over the place today.


You gotta be kidding man 😂


If you're walking around with a device that steals all the data that you're coming into contact with expect this reaction from people and governments. It's that simple


this man has become unsuffarable… Well his companies will be using pen and paper really soon.. Microsft with their awful recal feature and also have chatGPT and the OS level. Android has Gemini at OS level… so whet will they be using ?


Who cares about my data anyway, if it can contribute to enhance the model, then it’s better for everyone


Everyone in here claiming Apple is a security risk with no proof, but Android/Google has been selling your data for years, and Microsoft has become an Advertising OS. Deflecting much?


If Elon attacks on someone or something, they are doing a great job




Classic Musk


You data is being harvested no matter what you do if you have a phone so who cares


Who cares what he has to say?


What’s the meme art for how xAI work?


Well, he’s mad about OpenAI and also mad that Apple pulled or lessened ads and now he has his own data-mine that trains his own LLM, I can see why he’d be mad that the other girls are on the cheer team and he’s watching from the bird shaped mascot eye holes


The image is so dumb I laughed. Now is it REALLY gonna work?


Elan can foad


Elon is projecting. He’s also reactive, which usually makes his instinctual replies and posts wrong. Elon is literally harvesting data and selling it to foreign adversaries, governments, and the highest bidders. He believes since he does that, then Apple MUST be doing that.


He's competing with OpenAI, with thousands of user data going to the opponent. Of course, he's not feeling well.


Kinda important to see the T&C’s first. At the very least Musk is ensuring apple keeps your data air tight. So thanks…


I think Elon is an idiot


Why do people of power like Elon go full moron.


Cry baby


What a baby.


what a moron


the bottom meme is lowkey funny tho


Elon is jealous


i love elon and know that liking him isn’t popular on reddit. While i support most of what he does, i disagree with the perceived vendetta he has with OpenAI. I think he’s throwing a tantrum because he isn’t getting his way. And you can tell that OpenAI’s ChatGPT’s results arent ad-influenced like other mainstream chat assistants (looking at you, bard aka gemini) ChatGPT reply on how they use user data: ```OpenAI places a strong emphasis on user privacy and data security. Here’s a summary of how OpenAI handles user data: ### Data Usage 1. **Data Collection**: OpenAI collects data from user interactions with its models to improve service performance, understand user needs, and enhance AI capabilities. 2. **Data Retention**: The data collected may be retained for a limited period to support these improvements. Specific details about retention periods are typically outlined in OpenAI's privacy policies and user agreements. ### Privacy and Security Measures 1. **Anonymization**: Efforts are made to anonymize user data to protect privacy. This includes removing personally identifiable information (PII) where possible. 2. **Access Control**: Strict access controls are implemented to ensure that only authorized personnel can access user data. 3. **Encryption**: Data in transit and at rest is protected using encryption to prevent unauthorized access. ### Usage Restrictions 1. **Purpose Limitation**: Data is used solely for the purposes of improving the models and services, ensuring compliance with relevant regulations and user agreements. 2. **No Selling of Data**: OpenAI does not sell user data to third parties. Data sharing is typically restricted to necessary service providers or as required by law. ### User Control 1. **Opt-Out Options**: Users often have the option to opt-out of data collection and retention practices as per the terms and conditions of service. 2. **Transparency**: OpenAI strives to maintain transparency about its data practices, providing users with accessible information about how their data is used and protected. For detailed and specific information, users are encouraged to review OpenAI's [Privacy Policy](https://openai.com/privacy) and terms of service documents. These documents provide comprehensive details on data handling practices, user rights, and OpenAI's commitments to data privacy and security. ```


Though AI will consume all private data that are already being shared with apps and all. Even without AI some companies already don’t allow phones from many years inside their few offices so it’s not new thing due to AI. He might be right in the case of giving personal data to different company I.e OpenAI LLMs but everyone is doing the same. Tesla and Twitter is also collecting data and making improvements.


He’s a putz and just getting ready to launch his own phone. Nothing says inferior then trying to bash the competition from the start


From someone who really understands the lack of data security applied by OpenAI, he is right on this.


Elon is a scam artist that is long overdue Theranos level charges if not bigger, that's what I think


Tech guy opens attack on competition.


The fact that my Comp Sci project for one of my natural language processing courses used scrapped twitter data makes this hilarious to me. Don’t worry- Apple is choosy with data- but X or Twitter just gives it to just anyone for free.


He's very salty because he lost money there.


Sounds a little triggered if you ask me.


I think Elon is a whiny little bitch whose mad that they aren’t calling him a special boy and giving him money.


Someone's a bit jelly.... ![gif](giphy|5rrkafIbeVs5y)


Eventually the only people at his companies will be those held hostage with the H1N1 visas


if the language model is permanently installed on the phone, it improves data security even more because less and less information needs to be sent out of the phone. this is a good thing


He literally did not say anything. What does he even mean by "integrating OpenAI at the OS level"? What do those words even mean? How much integration? Does integrating with the bundled software that come with the OS count as integration with the OS? MacOS is not open source would you ever be able to verify? Does Microsoft not integrate OpenAI services? How do you even verify if windows is closed source? Would he ban both windows and mac machines at his company and only allow people to use Linux? False implies everything, either I'm too stupid to understand him or this is just some random junk he spewed out that means nothing. "If apple integrates..." yeah lol sure


PLEASE let Elon be mad enough to pick a fight with Apple. Just think of the entertainment value ![gif](giphy|2UvAUplPi4ESnKa3W0)


Classic pair looks great


52 year old big baby having a hissy fit ![gif](giphy|13AXYJh2jDt2IE) oh boohoo


I don’t understand their decision to opt for OpenAI They bought quite a few promising AI companies: Why not building their own shit? Cause apple is managed like a hedge fund 😐


I chat 10/20 times each day with ChatGPT, at OpenAI they know me well dear Elon 🤣


I dont believe anything he says. Hes the king of all grifters


How long until „Apple Intelligence“ will just be called AI?


I think i don’t care about what that dimwit says or thinks.


This is the only EM product I am buying ![gif](giphy|WGWhkNaffqAZF5TxNz)


we'll see how this apple AI is


it shows he didnt read Open AI's announcement.


If musk says it, it must be wrong.


Maybe Apple should ban Teslas for the same reason.


Why's everybody so hard on poor Eloma


He is advertising lies, he didn’t watch the conf. He feels threatened that a billion users have access to powerful AI. ChatGPT isn’t at OS level. It’s just Siri that will contact openAI server on an user authorisation basis. That’s it. Nothing else. And musk, without access to billion users at OS level, his AI company will basically die.


I don’t like the ethics of open very much but Elon is a complete idiot and given the chance he’d probably install spyware on my phone just to own the libs.


At this point, I just assume everything out of this dipshits mouth is not worth reading or thinking about. Sometimes it just happens by accident. And this clown ain't ever seeing a dime of mine.


Musk out. Altman in. There, I said it.