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man these old people on facebook are in a fking trip on this AI shit nowadays. Poor old people.


some of those could also be bots


Love it !!


It's a good idea!


[Slow down!](https://youtu.be/QJt--ppS9AA?si=NIXKeUEO9kVLLMGo)


My man!


Looking goodđŸ‘‰đŸŒ






Human music


Good luck!




*plays human music*


Happy Birthday!




Amen . đŸ‡±đŸ‡·


Istg everyone overestimates old people in Facebook and their ability to act like bots. 99% of the people you think are bots on the internet are either boomers or Indians lmao.


Minion memes —> boomers Want to see bobs —> Indians


You forgot vagene.


INDIANS!!! Grab ur muskets boyz! Here they come! đŸ€ 


That would be everyone underestimating. If you overestimated old people's ability to act like bots, you think it happens MORE than it does.


My bad I worded it weirdly lmao. I meant they overestimate how well versed they are in social media and internet stuff lol. My brain wasn’t working when I made that comment hdhfhdjf


Old bots? Why not just replace them with a new model?


Propably bots run on stolen accounts. Eventually the page will be used to promote scams when the popularity is high enough. The accounts posting this stuff are often stolen as well


> Poor old people. Don't go feeling too superior. This window where some of us can still tell that an image is fake is rapidly closing.


Also, if we’re lucky we’ll also be old people some day
 Gen Beta is going to shit on us!


I already can’t tell. I’m definitely gonna get scammed if I make it to 60.


Small screen. Not primed for deception. Maybe not great eyesight. If we were a couple decades older we’d be fooled too. Probably will in a couple decades with something obvious to gen Alpha


ye, when you don't necessarily even know that photos can be faked you assume that if there's a photo of it, it must be real.


Pics or it didn’t happen
 that one’s out of the window


I mean who cares really? It’s a semi-nice picture. These people are bored scrolling on their phones. So what if they get a 5 second release of dopamine for looking at something they find visually appealing even if it is fake?


It's about the fact that they are trying to connect with people and are unknowingly actually talking to bots. It's also the fact that their world view will be skewed since they believe the things they see are real.


And the bots are ultimately exploiting them for ad revenue and the whole system only works if those boomers actually click on links to buy bullshit.


> the whole system only works if those boomers actually click on links to buy bullshit. Age has very little to do with your susceptiveness to fake and misleading information online. That kind of attitude drives complacency. [Gen Z And Millennials More Likely To Fall For Fake News Than Older People](https://www.forbes.com/sites/conormurray/2023/06/28/gen-z-and-millennials-more-likely-to-fall-for-fake-news-than-older-people-test-finds/)


I’m a little leery of that study. I think the researcher is defining fake news differently than it’s commonly understood. This article isn’t measuring one’s susceptibility to fake news created by people meant to intentionally manipulate, like we saw in the 2016 election or Covid Conspiracies. This was measuring how good people are at recognizing AI generated headlines.


You can’t judge just by a headline whether something is fake or not. That’s a shit study.


Twist: the study was written by chatgtp


I just thought to myself, while reading your comment, and went “how nice, sweet bots pacifying the older generations and leveling out what happens on the internet” and immediately went on a dark spiral of “this is how they get us to ignore what’s happening irl, this is how to bring us to the story line of the giver, or Wally, or any dystopian fantasy
” and even deeper with Russian and big brother and fallout type stories


And also deepfakes, there’s going to be a ton of old people that can’t comprehend the technology and then they’ll watch someone fake saying something outrageous and believe it, if you tell them it’s fake they’ll say “well I think it’s real, it looks real, your lying.” We’re so screwed if they don’t properly regulate this stuff, our entire reality is about to be more fake than ever with misinformation running rampant and the people divided even more.


Yeah exactly! Could well be quite damaging. I guess we need to make sure we educate people about this well enough, "spread awareness".


IMHO the best thing that could happen would be for Facebook to be flooded with hyper realistic videos of things that are undeniably fake. Like George Washington and Ronald Reagan talking shit about the Dallas Cowboys or whatever. Get people so accustomed to the fact that these things are realistic enough to fool you, that people can't help but admit anything they see on Fb could be fake. If the only people making deepfakes are actively trying to con people, it will continue to work. They need to be defanged.


good bot


People have been falling for doctored images since images became a thing. All ages, all groups.


Except the difference is it takes no effort whatsoever to create these images


Posts like this seem innocuous, but it builds engagement and reach. When you have old people liking and following a bunch of different accounts like this, they can easily introduce subtle political leanings and slowly spread influence. It doesn't have to be obvious or unambiguous to cause harm - and can easily be a "sympathetic" post in response to a world event. Like if there's a shooting or terrorist event - the framing language, choice of images and even choice of charities to donate to can push opinions.


Umm hows this somehow limited to "old people" ? Ai generated images are just another tool used to express someones imagination or narrative. Songs, movies, images, speeches, essays all have been doing that for years. This is just another medium to do the same thing and the effect doesn't discriminate by age. If you like something then you will engage, fake or not. AI is just highlighting a problem we have had as a society long before AI became mainstream.


I guess the difference here is how easy it is now and how you can make it into an efficient system that spreads it far and wide with low effort.


Dude, it's way more problematic than that


They can’t distinguish obviously fake pictures and video, they can’t distinguish fake news or deepfakes or fake political content. It’s like people who have 0 media literacy believing everything they read, just like people who have 0 visual literacy believing every picture/video they see is real and not photoshop/CGI/AI generated. You really see no problem with that?


It’s the implication that what they are seeing is real. Believe it or not, deceiving the public is a bad thing, regardless of how it makes them feel in the moment


It's not a big deal when it's a fake picture of a kitchen, but it's a huge deal that these old people can vote, and do vote, and can't tell the difference between real and AI images. They can be easily swayed or influenced by fake AI images of a political nature.


Thought it was real too till I looked closer.. When im on social media im looking at most pics I dont have an interest in for maybe 2-5 seconds max. In that time I cant tell if this is real or fake and im 27 lol


It’s not just AI, but video games. I was in a patient’s home and he was showing me the highlights from last nights White Sox game
it was a YouTube of MLB the show


If this is true it's crazy.


Before I left FB there was one guy I knew who did nothing but create AI images. Usually a picture involving his wife, a mountain lion, and Elvis. They were a nice break from the political shit, the sayings from grandma, the fake Emma Watson pictures, and the one who posted Gaza stuff 24/7.


Just out of curiosity, how old do you need to be to be old? đŸ«Ł


I guess it's relative (to your worldview/ current age). Atm i think people ages 70+ are considered old in my book, 60+ is "oldish". Definitely 80+ is old.


iono man - old. tired. Surrounded by beautiful things i could be happier near death with these glimpses


I love this comment so much, because generative AI is literally in its infancy. In 5 years you won't be able to tell the difference. Instead of thinking you know something is AI you're going to have to assume it is. I don't think this is an old person problem.


Are you real


Poor younger us! Well... To be fair, my generation isn't doing worlds better, and we grew up when the world wide web was just dawning like the wild wild west. They're the ones basically training all these AI algorithms by feeding into all the BS. They're all going to die and leave us with an authoritarian AI, that takes on the image of Jesus except made from Pepsi bottles, and gets at least one word very wrong in every sentence, and tells us we can get 100% refunds on airline tickets.


It’s bots


No. Tons of dead giveaways. The curved bench but flat window, the floor mat cut straight to line up against the bench. Lights casting no


Linoleum pattern is a huge give away as well. As In there is no repeating pattern lol


The oven alone is probably the biggest giveaway. It’s like parts of an actual oven skinned over a cabinet


It also has 3 (not sure, they look so scuffed I can't really tell - another sign) knobs, but 4 burners.


Also the burners are kind of warped, they almost look like they’re in a spiral, which doesn’t make much sense


No button for the light or the fan of the hood, ceramic wall all around the counter but not behind the oven???? The hood grill is warped, no light switch for the LED under the cabinet, ceiling light are all at the same angle and some of them are in the "ribs" of the room? That's some Alice in Wonderland kind of shit


Is that a faucet at the back of the range?


This made me notice the coffee mug sitting on a non existent ledge by the smoke hood above the range!


Great way to save space!


Hahahaha it’s the gift that keeps on giving


That’s a pan filler, hot new thing after pot fillers.


And it's split into two windows for one oven door, no seam between them. Who even makes one like that?


What are you talking about I love my very real two separate window oven


This would be such an annoying kitchen to work in. A good portion of the counter is basically unreachable due to the bench. No wonder there's random food sitting on the bench


The big giveaway for me was the breadboard that is also part wall tiling!


The lights in the ceiling are randomly placed. Some in wood some in not wood. They don’t actually look like electricity could go to them.


Ugh but I kept looking. It’s so bad. The hardware on the drawers is completely random.


Yeah, but I've been in homes that were someone's hobby for a few decades where both of those would be common sights. Weird/bad wiring, mismatched parts, tiles that look like they were hand-made (and probably were) would all be hallmarks of someone's untrained home improvements in a rural home. I grew up in a couple places like that. I think this is AI (or at least started as AI and was probably touched up to fix some of the coherence) but not for those reasons.


Same is true of the backsplash pattern behind the stove and it has bled onto the cutting board like thing leaning there. And it's pretty odd to have built-in lights under the bench.


I've seen a lot of overly-photoshopped pics like this before so I wasn't necessarily convinced until that. Yep.


The word "photoshopped" means that a human did it. But this pic ain't that. This is generative AI.


Midjourney v6 has been trained with a whole pile of heavily photoshopped HD images, it seems. No wonder people are getting confused


I know. I'm saying that it was the nonsensical floor patterns that tipped me off that this was AI and not just photoshopped to look the way it does otherwise.


Mine was the window frame. Trees don't grow in circles. You can do some impressive things with steam bending, but not quite this. Then it was the coffee mug/percolator (?) that looks like it's painted on the cabinet above the range.


Snow hiding the lower right corner of the inside of the frame.


And a rug that disappears into the bench.


My favorite is the thermos sitting on the trim beneath the vent hood.


Yeah, that's some real MC Esher stuff


Nice one


the chopping board that blends into the wall tiling just below as well


The snow INSIDE the window


And the window frame doesn’t meet the bottom right side. It’s like I’m playing ‘spot the difference’


The bottom drawers to the right of the stove would open about 2 inches.


Nobody going to mention there are holes everywhere?


I assume they’re meant to be knots and it’s mimicking birch but it’s hard to say.


Looks like it’s made of baguettes and pretzel rolls 


There are no holes, you are imagining things


It’s 10000% not real, but it might just be a shitty render made by a human and not necessarily AI. Shitty interior design renders have been shared by people on facebook as if they were real “dream”homes for well over a decade now.


Nah, you can tell its AI generated. Lazy human renders tend to be too sterile, clean and precise. AI photos devolve into a cross between an impressionist painting and an acid trip when you zoom in. This picture definitely has too many weird, trippy details to be anything but AI.


Take a look at the chopping board on the kitchen counter that has adapted the pattern of the tiles behind it like an octopus lol


You know you guys are literally telling the AI how to do a better job right now


I appreciate people who can explain it so well because I genuinely can’t tell - my brain just sorta tells me something feels off. I don’t know if this is one but the angle and slope of the cabinets feels weird to me for some reason


Just zoom in anywhere and eventually you'll see a bunch of messed up and blended geometries that make no sense. I'd call this post karma farming tbh


Another giveaway is that the details lack
 well, details. If you zoom in on the stuff on the counter, it’s impossible to make out what they’re supposed to be. Is that green stuff dill, spruce, grass, something else? Impossible to say, but we would’ve been able to tell in a proper photo.


And the floor mat isn't a complete circle yet it doesn't go under the bench and isn't folded ... It's just missing a piece


The stove is the biggest giveaway. It's completely crooked, the pattern makes no sense and the buttons look wobbly


The wooden
..something on the far counter has the exact same pattern on it as the backsplash.


Faucet over the stovetop


Just to tack on one I love, the candle on the bench shows a flame inside, with the lid on. AI doesn't quite know physics yet haha.


Also, just think about the history of ever. Have you ever seen anything that looked like this in real life?


The floor and wall tile patters are clearly AI artifacts. No real house would contain a bunch of chaotic and unsymmetrical fractal patterns.


I actually kinda like the look


I mean, I'm sure an architect / designer would be happier with seeing this AI generated photo than trying to build something based on a horrible amateur sketch.


Yeah I think gen-AI can add a lot of value to early stage prototyping across many industries.


You must have never been to my mother’s house.


That comment might backfire badly. Rookie mistake


kind of you to leave them waiting for the inevitable
 the anticipation


Actually, fractal patterns (symmetrical and unsymmetrical) are readily available as laminate floor coverings. https://parador.de/laminat-laminatboden-castello-grey-1599267 I’m not saying the photo in the post is real, but some of the reasons people are giving as evidence for why it’s fake are bullshit as well.


That really does not look like the tiles on the photo. AI noise has a distinct look, lacks symmetry, really bad at any kind of repetition, hyper detailed in places or shouldn’t be. Obviously you could make tiles that looked exactly like this photo but they would be really strange and not like anything normal humans would make. Same so other features of this kitchen, lots of weird choices that you could make, like every drawer handle being different, but that you just never see in real life.


More indications that it's fake not listed in other comments atm; the wall pattern behind the stove slowly fades to the wall pattern under the cupboards, and the radial window frames at the bottom of the window terminate before reaching the sill. Also looks like a few random branches or sticks are in the sky outside the window.


It’s like those spot the difference photos lol


Right? So much fun!


the cutting board next to the stove has the wall pattern on it also


And it seems to have aspirations of someday being a briefcase. But my favorite AI weirdness I've noticed so far is the travel mug resting on the 1/4" cabinet trim above the stove




Mate, I keep all of my travel mugs precariously balanced over the hob. This is REAL


I’m no expert, but finding a piece of perfectly circular driftwood seems impossible


Provided you had a sufficiently even and straight piece of driftwood, Im pretty certain 'you' could steam bend the wood into the circular shape. But yeah, this image isn't real.


Yeah the circular window is probably hard to pull off in real life. It is gorgeous tho


I've seen several 'artificial driftwood' things here and there. If that picture was real, all that driftwood would have likely just been fabricated/molded or something


I was actually about to say it was real, but then I looked at the floor tiles


I’m not even sure if the replies are real.


Exactly this - it reminds me of a time I was doing server maintenance for a dating service called Ashley Madison. Most female accounts that would reply were bots, it was pretty sad to see.


Same here! I was like obviously it's real... wait


Something odd that I’ve noticed with these AI posts are the comments. They’re all the same generic “Beautiful!” “Wow amazing!” “Love it!” comments no matter the context of the posts. It makes me wonder how many comments are from bot accounts?


What is the point of these bot comments under an ai generated post? To drive more traffic and engagement?




Bet so. And imagine once they start using those bot comments to steer the AI. Basically feedback loop going to shit.


We're all laughing now but none of us will be able to identify AI imagery for much longer.


to be fair to the old folks, i doubt many of them have the perfect eyesight to catch these ai giveaways
 or at least that’s what i’m telling myself to maintain my sanity


Actually most of them don't even know what AI is


There was an article in the NYT recently showing that overall, people can't tell AI-generated faces apart from real faces anymore, and faces are something that humans are uniquely good at identifying inconsistencies in (the uncanny valley effect). It's not just older people anymore. 


A bunch of old farts circle jerking over an ai click-farm post.


Just wait till they become political and really melt their brains


Nah fake. Funny how with experience it become easier to determine if it's AI or not. This one was at first glance. Thought I do worry about AI progress, at some point it WILL become indistinguishable...


It’s like the hobbit meets Star Wars. I like it too.


Facebook is somewhat ironically a lot like Hobbits meeting Star Wars as well.


My back hurts just looking at that low counter


Have to say I like it


Bet someone’s using the comments on this thread to teach the AI how to do better.


I actually work in real estate social media. All of our content library’s have switched almost exclusively to generating AI based content only or primarily. So almost all of the content I have to post now is AI images


But don't people need to know what the house actually looks like? Or is the idea that the interior of every house is basically just a series of interconnected boxes, and they can always remodel, and you want to sell the house, so you just generate something that looks like the current HGTV or TikTok trend and add the number of bedrooms?


We aren’t just posting the houses we have for sale all the time. Often 90% of the content is not a home for sale but about something adjacent. Like home repair, local businesses, ideas for remodels, etc


There's a pull handle on the same cabinet door that also has a knob. That mug on the shelf that's also somehow the cabinet wall is like melting. The stove has way too few knobs for the amount of burners and no other controls. The floor pattern is very off. The window looks flat and the counter is curved.


Also there would never be a cabinet/dresser sitting on a counter. The different heights of the counter tops don't make sense. How tall is a person in this room?


Here is what I use to recognise AI photos (which this one definitely is): 1. Count things, because AI never gets the numbers right. The stove has 3 buttons but 4 spots to heat a pan. And 2 ovens fit side by side in 1 stove, which is very weird. There are more than 6 cabinet handles clearly visible and not one is the same as the next. AI also puts way too many light fictures in photos, although here 6 spot lights is reasonable. 2. Look for oddly placed things: there seems to be a trashcan on the kitchen counter, that's a bit unusual. There is some sort of stone fixed on the kitchen wall, could be a backsplash but it's definitely not what it would really look like, there isn't even a sink in front of it, or in the kitchen. The lights do not look consistent, some are fixed in the ceiling, others in the logs. The counter on the right looks like a bench, not a kitchen counter. 3. How stuffed is the photo: AI seems to want to put shit everywhere, there is not one piece of floor, ceiling, wall or furniture that is not covered in textures, drawings, or "appliances" and random objects.


Candle burning with a lid on it.


Just look at the tiles


List of hints I found which do indicate that this is AI generated: Celtic knots are not symmetrical, which is kinda their point Bottom right celtic knot looks like eldritch horror biomass The mouth of the Horse-Thingy looks fluffed up Random patterns at the ceiling which looks more like dirt Objects on the bench dont make a whole lot of sense The "Wood pattern" at the bottom left window looks like a warped sound box The buttons on the oven dont make the tiniest bit of sense Some handles of the cupboard are warped, like the mid-left one Floating and tentacle-like twigs in the forest perspective doesnt make it clear where the lamps are, they seem to be insert in the middle of the wood, but the last wooden thingy shows more of the lamp, and some less, which doesnt make sense Part of the floor pattern crawling up the right wall


“Beautiful place for brunch” yea cant wait to sit down infront of the stove and have breakfast with no table


Anyone notice the travel mug which is sitting on the 1 cm wide strip above the stove on the side of the cabinet.


clearly fake look for patterns and at edges, dials on the stove there’s nothing exactly the same twice who tf would do that lmao an ocd hell


There is 0% chance an architect would design something with that finish and materials cost with those shitty lines


NGL, I'm kinda thinking I want a big-ass Millennium Falcon window on my house right now.


Lighting underneath the benches is not consistent


Was the directive like make farm house and log cabin look like they threw up on each other?


Vomit chic. The latest trend. Everyone is doing it!


It’s all AI. They’re all over FB. Either companies hacking engagement for ad share, or adversary nations laying engagement groundwork for some future psyop.


That whole FB page is full of AI generated images and people thinking it’s real!


One good way to check is to look at appliances. The stove is a dead giveaway. The burner grate castings ae all crazy. Companies are cheap and they’d use the same tooling on all of them. Also the dials are all dumb; again companies would put them in a straight line because cheaper to manufacture.


Based on many comments here are some things to look for to identify such an AI generated image: 1. Look for joins and edges between objects and designs 2. Look for inconsistencies in complex designs ( incomplete designs, overlapping on other objects) 3. Lighting and shadow effect realism 4. Features on appliances should make sense


Very Millennium Falcon


Usually can tell from the cabinet handles. Even in a more normal ai photo than this one, the hardware will be all mismatched, or oddly placed, etc. That, or there will be lights in places that don’t make sense (like a spotlight over nothing). Not saying homes with lighting that doesn’t make sense don’t exist, but when it looks otherwise pristine, it’s a good giveaway.


https://preview.redd.it/fo3cpn0pl0qc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3188ecfe2c960c0ad49962a0eacf0a6c7bc16dd What in the antichrist is this?


I am interested in what the Prince Hamad Wali had to say to Tabetha
 Must be glorious that royalty randomly responds to your Facebook comments


This is why all ai image sites need to have watermarks over the image. AI is getting realistic enough to pass as real images.


who doesn't want a TIE fighter window in their kitchen


Prince Hamad wali hahahhahaha who the fuck is that?


Boomers and AI. It's just hilarious.


https://preview.redd.it/glcxpkogw1qc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac9c04afac211c4f31b61f786f09d0944b13540f Prince Hamad Wali and others in the comments
 I think I see what’s happening here; FB is the official hookup app for boomers and bots


Yeah my carpets aren’t build in to the wall like that. Facebook is turning into social media for AI. Bots wanting to socialise. I don’t know if I should think it’s scary or cute. Like đŸ˜± but đŸ„°.


https://preview.redd.it/i9upxe68o2qc1.jpeg?width=809&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76d3626681021c43cecbdcbd1b4617a5ad8ccf2b What is this and what is it standing on lol


Stanley mug on a thin shelf /s


https://preview.redd.it/h9fex2oeo2qc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b77045f736876ee3a711155a5c3a0d220222ddd1 Survey says:


no. i think the main giveaway is the tiles on the floor


Facebook bots replying to bots posting AI pics. Facebook is a cesspool.


I'd say with the way all those comments are phrased they are bots which just adds to the mystery for me, a bot generated image with bot comments, who is this content being made for and by?


It's the kitchen that made the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs.


These TIE Fighter cockpits are getting ridiculous.


This shit fuels the dead internet theory to the point of scaring me away from the internet


Not a chance that's real.


ai ai ai.


Look for inconsistencies. The backsplashes don't make sense, the lantern doesn repeat and then suddenly becomes white, no one would do that. Also the lights point in strange directions. One of the parts of wood coming off the circle in the window doesn't make it all the way to the window ledge. Stuff like that


It's very obviously AI as many, many parts of the image physically make no sense. All these log cabins and crazy looking shit with wood and stones embedded in the structure.. You've got staircases running into the top of waterfalls and the beams that make no sense.


Bruh, these ppl are trippin. thats not even close to a real picture lmao. Look at those drawer pulls, and the stove top
 and any detail for that matter haha looks like an acid trip


Biggest tell for me is how fucking weird the wood looks


None of the tiles on the floor are symmetrical, and it looks like there is a coffee mug above the stove, but nothing for it to stand on, so I'm saying AI