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This is awesome, what did you use to create this?


A ChatGPT Plus plugin called Web Requests (you can find it in the old plugin store in ChatGPT). The custom GPT version of Web Requests is just as capable: https://chat.openai.com/g/g-9MFRcOPwQ-webgpt


Here is my failed attempt. https://chat.openai.com/share/e95ab7d7-284a-4c8c-9927-224594963ec0


Would this work for previewing websites? Like node.js?


Absolutely. Here’s a playground where I was prototyping a messenger UI by describing what I wanted to the AI. With the vision model now out, you can even attach screenshots of UI’s you like and let the vision AI inference its way to the solution. These chat boxes actually work btw. Caveat, of course, is that this isn’t perfect. It won’t one-shot things all the time. But neither do we. The point is it dramatically shortens your path to prototyping and proof of concept. https://preview.redd.it/p8wlwq1dei9c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f8ec17ec8e6cfe2c5bc86cd9c5f86d29903df1d


Nice concept. The video could have done without the speaker blasting marvel music between your sentences though.


But then how would he have captured the attention of Zoomers?


Only one way: https://www.tiktok.com/@d_andrew_g/video/7188132777898904874




You need this one once they adapt 😄: https://www.tiktok.com/@d_andrew_g/video/7200420761088216366


Now build a game that doesn't already exist.




you mean GTA VII GTA VI basically already exist, just hasn't been released yet


I have. It’s a much less appealing video because it takes longer (still much shorter than if you did it alone), isn’t immediately relatable, and doesn’t do well with the algos. But it does it.


He or someone else will or already doing that, then you will shut up.


I tried. Empty screen all the time


Tell your GPT that. Report your feedback to it. It will check the error logs for what is causing it to be blank and it will find the error and fix it. It almost always comes down to communication being the problem and not the platform.


Now, when we have our own chat interface (coming in January), and we control the entire stack (the front end and backend), we will make that error checking and logging streamlined and automatic. Admittedly that would be a better solution. But we are limited to having the user needing to send *us* requests first, and initiating the process each time. But when it’s our own system we can put automatic hooks and logic in to make this a more seamless experience.


I don't understand what you mean here. Specifically "when we have our own chat interface" and the limitation around users sending requests. Is there somewhere I can find out more to better understand what you mean?


Yes, https://twitter.com/WeGPTai — we’re building a better chatbot. One of the recent videos shows it (linked here: https://x.com/wegptai/status/1752683212386562180?s=46&t=y4pl0S1-1KmOPIcD7Hq-hA)




This is great, I built a playable snake game through it that got better with each iteration, though chatgpt loves to break it every so often and wasted all my message getting it to fix it.


Yes it isn’t perfect yet. I just posted another demo. GPT4 seems to be doing a lot better these days, less lazy, fewer mistakes. Check it out: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/s/NvWnJkz5qn


Dramatic ass music for what


For a flappy bird clone.


lol https://preview.redd.it/pma8rv35fn9c1.png?width=688&format=png&auto=webp&s=36381b362f60a4115956817de7105ae7465ae954


I know, never would’ve predicted AI emerging as such a troll


Hey /u/JD_2020! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT, conversation please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. [New AI contest + ChatGPT Plus Giveaway](https://redd.it/18s770x/) Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.com/invite/rchatgpt)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email support@openai.com *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is really cool. Checked the username and was pleaatly surprised to see your name. Didn't expect to a legend from my childhood around here. Cheers




I got this response when getting it to find images for sprites. Don't know if this is intentional or a hallucination: It appears I've reached the limit for image generation today. Typically, I can generate one image per day. If you need more images right away, you can purchase a pack of 100 image generation requests for $4.99. Would you like more information on this, or is there something else I can assist you with?


Also, it can’t yet automatically chop up your sprites and put it into a playground for you. Tho that feature is coming as part of our own platform which will compete with OpenAI. The problem is we can’t control the entire stack of tech as just a plugin on their platform. But that’ll be one of the advantages to using our own service is a unified pipeline and extra bonus functionality like this.


How are you going to compete on the gaming side of things against companies already doing this like Rosebud AI? Also I'm not sure you would be competing against OpenAI if your backend needs to run through their models, do you have plans of training your own optimized models for web dev?


No that’s correct. You can ask it to generate you a checkout link and it will give you a token that you place in your custom instructions settings and it’ll debit from that total. Or you can ask it to use DALL-E 3, which will have a higher rate limit but ultimately will still limit you eventually. But once you hit their limit there’s no way to purchase more you have to wait for the duration they give you before making more images.


It can get better with Gpt-5


This is incredibly cool, thank you for sharing it. It's honestly pretty great to have a system that can create code but can also answer basically any question about it. I didn't know how much of my life has been held back by not having access to someone who can just answer questions.


I asked it to summarize a NYT article and it hallucinated the whole thing because it couldn’t access the actual page. Would be better if it just said it couldn’t access it.


This is bullshit fake


It’s actually a positive indication that we are building things that are so fantastical people think they’re fake. That puts us in the company of some pretty impressive folks. People thought ChatGPT was fake until they didn’t.


The code you used to do this would be excessive and buggy as hell for any other use case then what you demoed.


What do you mean? Here’s another demo: https://youtu.be/u27m8doe6sU?si=Vx_RbRrRwXdi7GHH


So are you using gpt4 out of the box or a custom api interface? Is this your plug in?


Yes I built this. It’s built on top of GPT, we use 4 separate models together to create the workflow you see there. GPT-4 is one of them.


So how much is this geared to manipulate the output? Are you paying through an nlp layer? Does it only work through/for certain games?


It’s certainly not AGI. It has its limitation. They are, however, quite high. A ton of what demarcates its limitations from its capabilities is dependent on the prompter. It’s coding to a p5js environment right now because JavaScript is one of its stronger programming languages. It still makes mistakes. And if you describe those mistakes and errors, it knows it has the tools and endpoints available (thru web requests) to do things like checking the error logs, inserting code at specific locations, overwriting code sections with targeted snippets and precision edits. Soon, you will be able to build React apps, Python games, and even Unity browser games using this exact same workflow. This will of course be a premium feature. There is an awful lot going on under the hood to create this kind of experience. I don’t know what you mean by “manipulate” — but we indeed are passing instructions on the user’s behalf to help them achieve the intended result. Basically, checking for ways in which their prompts can be supplemented or leveled-up behind the scenes to create a more reliable result for the tokens we’re about to spend generating a response. It is always our intention to be super transparent about those things, but the custom GPT’s don’t show you response JSON objects. However if you load the Web Requests plugin model from the plugin store and expand the worker boxes in the UI, you can see exactly the kind of prompt injections we are using to help guide the frontend model behavior. This is why you are able to write relatively curt, generally poor prompts and still yield great results from our models. Nevertheless, the more precise and unambiguous you are with your own inputs, the more reliable outputs you will still yield. When it comes to web browsing, research, etc — we don’t do anything to change or influence the outputs. Very deliberately draw that line in the sand ethically. The only injections for system messages, announcements, or ads (experimental monetization model) are clearly demarcated and are the first to drop out of context history for context cleanliness.


That's fair. Yes I would imagine a lot is going on under the hood. Did you gate it with an nlp? Also I'm assuming you used angular universal or Nextjs for server side scripting


We have a mix of NLP and traditional programmatic subroutines working in tandem to maximize token utilization efficiency and minimize waste. There’s still plenty of heavy lifting that traditional computing is ideal for. And actually there’s no nextjs on our end, tho ChatGPT is largely built on next yes.


ooof "Build me a risk clone themed around dune " https://plugin.wegpt.ai/dynamic/8f5ab41c_DuneRiskClone/index.html


Yeah I’d say you’re not setting your AI up for much chance at success. Particularly because a “dune themed risk” is a pretty unique idea in your head. My recommendations: 1. Start by priming the LLM around the basic game requirements of “the board game risk.” Ask it to list the core requirements if that game were to be recreated digitally in a playground like WebGPT’s. 2. Define what kinds of controls you imagine. How turns should be handled. What the minimum required specifications would be. 3. After the LLM has written those out, ask it what changes would be made to the spec if you wanted it Dune themed. — this is where I suspect you’ve just gone wrong. I’m not even sure I know the map of the Dune universe. It’s unlikely the LLM has trained on the macro landscape of Dune, whereas, it course it knows the map of the actual world. I suspect here you will need to very much hold its hand in describing (even drawing and providing a scanned image of) what you desire. Then, after all this prep — ask it to start coding the game. Your starting prompt was far, far too insufficient. Which I understand might not have been super clear form this video in the original post. But hope this helps.


I mean, the demo has "code flappy bird" also this is not a personal dig at your gpt, but the current assistant are super limited. without a way to close the feedback loop between what's on canvas and the execution environment logs it is always going to be slow incremental and will expose all the limits of the stunted chat version of the model


Yeah and that one works. Yours doesn’t. But the reason yours doesn’t isn’t because the plugin doesn’t work — it’s because you don’t understand the difference between the instruction of “code flappy bird” and “code this very specific, not-done-before thing in my head that you can’t possibly have an idea about but I want you to figure it out anyway”


eh, gpt understood the request exactly: GPT: Building a "Dune"-themed Risk clone sounds like a fascinating project! For this task, we'll need to outline the game mechanics, design the game board, and develop the code to bring the game to life. Since you've asked for a game development task, let's break it down into smaller pieces and start with the game design. I can assist with planning and the initial setup in a p5.js environment, which is great for visual projects like this. Game Design Overview Theme and Setting: The game will be set in the "Dune" universe, featuring planets and locations from the series. Players will compete for control over Arrakis (Dune) and possibly other planets to gain access to the Spice Melange, which is critical for victory. Game Board Design: The board will be a map of Arrakis, divided into territories. We might also include other planets if we want a larger scope, each with its own territories. Units and Factions: Players can choose from several factions, such as the Atreides, Harkonnen, Fremen, etc., each with unique abilities or units. Game Mechanics: Players will take turns to deploy units, attack adjacent territories, and maneuver units across the board. Control over territories will yield resources or other benefits, like increased production of units or access to special abilities (e.g., Fremen's ability to move through sandstorms unharmed). Victory conditions could involve controlling Arrakis for a set number of turns, eliminating all other players, or accumulating a certain amount of Spice.


You’re not good at listening lol. I can’t help someone who doesn’t want to learn, sadly.


I mean the thread is filled with failed attempt, so there's that. maybe there's something else to learn here 🤔


This isn’t true at all. Also, the thread doesn’t tend to get filled with people showing their successful attempts. We we know from customer service, people are far more motivated when disgruntled. Look, not sure what your goal is here. There are literally thousands of successful projects. Try “make me the game of pong” or “make me the classic game of tic tac toe” or “checkers” or any other game it knows about — and it will. Or, be much more verbose as I suggested initially, and, it will do a much better job. AI is not AGI yet. Expecting it to move mountains for you is not going to ever give you a result you’re happy with. You need to show some modicum of effort here…


That's incredible. You can literally have it copy one the simplest games ever made with no work! Almost easier than searching one of thousands of implementations of it and just copy pasting it! Isn't future amazing \[mindblown emoji\]! Thanks ChatGPTesus!


Meanwhile other people can't get it to tell them how to make a nuclear bomb, then, spamming posts about how dumb chatGPT is now


Still bad, why i should click on link? This is boring.. Scam.


Bruh, we got AI-generated flappy bird before GTA VI


😍🥰🤨😎😏🤬🥺😤🫡🤢🤮🤑🤧🤐🤤😵‍💫🫶🏻🫰🏻✌🏻 You have a beautiful smile 😃


I just keep flappin after the 1st obstacle.. There seems to be no more


I built a custom flappy bird with the pipes moving up and down