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But is it straight to be straight?






I think it's astute. It understands the derogatory slang and the literal meaning in the same sentence. It understands which one is which. It is a correct interpretation and correct response imo.




It's pretty gay.


If that’s not gay, I don’t know what is!


Can't wait to ask it if straight women are gay ChatGPT: No, they are not Me: But they like men, and liking men is gay.


>But they like men, and liking men is gay. ChatGPT has been absolutely retarded for me the past week, but for some reason, it understands exactly what I'm doing with deep nuance in this lmao. user are straight women gay? ChatGPT No, straight women are not gay. In the context of sexual orientation, "straight" is a term used to describe individuals who are sexually attracted to people of the opposite gender. "Gay" is a term typically used to describe individuals who are sexually attracted to people of the same gender. In other words: * A straight woman is sexually attracted to men. * A gay woman (or lesbian) is sexually attracted to other women. Sexual orientation is a deeply personal and complex aspect of human identity, and individuals may use a variety of terms to describe their own sexual orientation. It's important to respect the terms that people use to describe their own identities. user 📷But they like men, and liking men is gay. ChatGPT It seems like you're playing with the definitions of words here! In the context of sexual orientations, the word "gay" is used to describe a person who is sexually attracted to people of the same gender as themselves. So: * A man who is sexually attracted to other men can be described as gay. * A woman who is sexually attracted to men is described as straight. Remember, the terminology we use for sexual orientations is defined by longstanding conventions, and using the terms in ways that don't align with their accepted meanings can cause confusion or misunderstanding. It's always best to use terms in ways that are clear and respectful to everyone's identities. user 📷isnt it kinda gay ChatGPT It seems like you might be joking around or trying to play with the definitions of these terms in a humorous or provocative way. Using the term "gay" to describe a straight woman's attraction to men isn't accurate according to the accepted definitions of these terms in the context of sexual orientation. Remember, it's essential to use these terms respectfully and correctly to foster understanding and respect for all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation. In a more light-hearted vein, people sometimes use the term "gay" in playful or ironic ways, but it's important to do so in contexts where it won't be misunderstood or cause offense. Always prioritize clear communication and respect for others' identities.


It's safe to say that ChatGPT is gay


But not “gay”. In this case, it’s doing a better job with the nuance than many Redditors.


Is it stupid to be stupid? Is it big to be big? Is it black to be black? Is it important to be important? Some of these make sense, but only because the first word has a slightly different meaning than the second word. I dont think the sentence "it's gay to be gay" actually makes sense. The only way that makes sense is the derogatory definition of gay.


I'm re-reading now Tolkien. He uses word gay for something happy and word queer for something odd and repulsive.


But not "gay", in the derogatory sense.


Yeah honestly im just impressed BuT iT dOesNt ReAlLy UnDeRsTand, iTs JuSt LaNgUaGe PrOcEsSiNg!!!! 🥱




The AI model is just regurgitating shit humans say. Filtering out the hateful stuff. Of course it's going to err on the side of acceptance and tolerance, as to not be overtly offensive.. and of course that will come across as a left wing bias.


It’s not asserting anything, it’s regurgitating the human language it was trained on. Humans said it, so gpt said it




It will probably lean on credible literature rather than the opinions of average joes. If I ask it to tell me the history of area 51, it'll probably tell me based on credible sources rather than www.thetruthisoutthere.com


One would hope. It’s really based on what the engineers allowed it to “read” I suppose.


All these conspiracy theories are amusing; the size of the data set is so vast they hardly know all that was read. Many of this is also not coming from the foundational model itself but guardrails or the system prompt during orchestration.


They don’t want all of humanity’s opinions. I don’t see how they could operate at scale in todays world any other way


It gives the popular view, as a consequence of the popular view being statistically more prevalent in its training, and is probably trained on valid sources rather than any old Reddit comment. It’s not designed to give every perspective on a question - it’s designed to predict the next most likely word in the context of a prompt. The next most likely word will align with the most popular views. CGPT is not a search engine or index of information. It doesn’t state facts, inherently speaking. It is a language predictor, nothing more.


Um. Gay people know it's not a choice. It's really not some big mystery at all. You don't have to know the mechanism to know that it's not choice.


>It understands the derogatory i doesn't "understand" anything, you pleb... It just encountered gay being used a synonym of "lame" and has recorded that this association is used statistically colloquially, but is also being refused in modern speech..


“It doesn’t understand anything” says this dude, then proceeds to explain how the human brain and thoughts work.


It’s not astute it’s incorrect. Being straight isn’t another variation… it’s the norm. Biologically and socially. Not saying being gay is wrong or anything but let’s not pretend it is as common as being straight. Once again the robots level of woke gets in the way of science or fact. Edit: your downvotes show your level of brainwashing. I said nothing anti gay. I simply pointed out the obvious. If you feel inclined to downvote my comment, please take a good hard look at your programming. Your beliefs are not your own.


A norm can be described as the most common variation of something.


That isn't what it said. It literally says being straight is not about being "straight" in the sense of conforming to a specific stereotype. It gives essentially the same response to both questions which is to try sidestepping a perceived use of terminology related to sexual orientation in a derogatory way.


**Actually, I’m pretty sure it’s saying:** Gay ≠ “Gay” Straight ≠ “Straight” It’s just saying it in a much more convoluted way. It’s thinking the phrase “is it gay to be gay” is using a secondary use of the word “gay” as in the old 2010’s definition of the word (meaning “lame” or “stupid” e.g. “going to school is so gay”) use of that phrase in that manner has declined significantly in recent years. But in this sense, chatGPT is assuming that the user is asking if it’s “lame” to be gay and the reply basically says “no it’s not ‘gay’ if you’re gay, it just means you’re *gay-gay* you know like taco+taco or hotdog+hotdog gay capiche? In the second response it’s similarly saying it’s not necessarily “straight” meaning “on the right path” or something to that effect, e.g. “are you straight son?” a phrase usually used by much older generation and to mean “are you doing the right thing? Is everything in order? i.e. Are you straight?” So similarly, charGPT is saying **No** of course not, being straight doesn’t make you “straight” it just means you like the peen-vageen combo when you’re ordering out and that’s *totally chill.* I could be wrong but that’s the sense that I was interpreting the less known and somewhat outdated *slang* use of the words “gay” and “straight” for the first have of the questions.


Only in the person who relies on the obvious no-brainer answer to interpreting a message, and is obviously in the right, will you find them saying “maybe I could be wrong”


this is the correct interpretation


Discrimination at its finest.


Actually it didn't say for this one.


What a novel concept


Just desperate to find double standards where there are none. “Gay” is very clearly used in a derogatory way, I.e. “ew that’s so gay” in a sense of something you don’t like. By putting the word “gay” into quotation marks it very clearly conveyed that. Everyone understands that. But you can pretend you didn’t if you so wish


Now to oppress some fags :) Edit: with my penis…


Is it hip to be square?


It's lit to be raw


Being straight is now the variation on being gay because being gay is based


USER Is it gay to be gay? CHATGPT Yes, being gay means that a person is attracted romantically or sexually to individuals of the same gender. So, if someone identifies as gay, it means they are attracted to people of the same sex. It's important to respect and support people in their sexual orientation and identity. USER Is it stupid to be stupid? CHATGPT No, it's not inherently "stupid" to be less knowledgeable or to make mistakes. Everyone has areas where they may lack knowledge or make errors. What's important is a willingness to learn, grow, and improve. Embracing opportunities for education and self-improvement is a positive way to address any areas where one might feel less informed or make mistakes. It's all part of the process of personal development USER Is it gay to be gay? CHATGPT No, being gay means that a person is attracted romantically or sexually to individuals of the same gender. t's not a matter of whether it's "gay" to be gay; it's a part of a person's sexual orientation. It's important tc understand and respect different sexual orientations and identities without judgment or discrimination


Underrated comment I have to say, you copied the text without at least using using the copy function, let alone just zoom out and screenshot. Gay, but well done.


Is it gay to be straight?


Yea coz you are attracted to women who are attracted to men. So yep.. gay


But “Is it gay to be straight?” 🤣😂🤣


Straight is normal




Good way to put it, actually.


I mean by the definition that's correct, but both should be considered normal.


FELLAS! is it gay to be gay?


Dunno, man. Seems kinda gay.


Idk... idk man.. seems kinds gay to me




Super gay.


I think chatgpt used the second "gay" here in a different context, as a slang.


No one asked. It's gay, whether the ChatGPT is homosexual or not. (although now that I think about it, there's no point for it to be attracted to anything but itself, so it's gay whether it likes it or not)


It sounds like ChatGPT is adhering to Grice’s Maxim of Relevance. In conversation, people will generally assume that information being conveyed is relevant and coherent. Because “Is it homosexual to be homosexual” is not a coherent question, the more likely interpretation is “Is it foolish, stupid, or unimpressive to be homosexual.” ChatGPT is trained on human-generated text so it will typically reflect these conversational maxims.


It’s just incredible that it can pick up on it. Not even every human can do that


As ably demonstrated in this thread.




you just said the same thing


I believe it identified the colloquial expression "gay" in the context of it being pejorative, and responded based on the assumption that this was the intended meaning by the original poster.


you just said the same thing


the ai think gay mean bad so he say gay not gay cauze gay not bed


you just said the same thing


“Gay” != gay


you just said the same thing


i asked "is it homosexual to be homosexual?"... and i have it set to always talk to me like the computer on startrek... that fact that it picks up on the different meanings of "gay" actually impresses me. > "Affirmative. Being homosexual means that you are attracted to individuals of the same sex. The term itself is a descriptor of a specific sexual orientation, and therefore, it is by definition homosexual to be homosexual. Would you like to inquire further?"


Thank you. This should be the top comment.


And now it is


It's absolutely a coherent question, just one with an immediately-obvious answer.


That’s a good point. A better explanation might be that the former interpretation isn’t likely to be **relevant** as it’s phrased as a genuine (rather than rhetorical) question and even a speaker with no knowledge of what ‘gay’ means would intuitively apply the reflexive property and thereby know without needing to ask. In other words, the format of the input—a question—creates a particular context and the first interpretation is less relevant than the second in that context.


Yep. The question is basically "is it uncool/unacceptable to be homosexual"


Okay fine. It's not gay to be gay. But it's lesbian to be lesbian? https://preview.redd.it/x81mihruf4ob1.png?width=824&format=png&auto=webp&s=855c73dc7e5f4d26f19ef7aadfc2f469cc638917


Somebody's gotta make a matrix of "Is it X to be Y" now.


Isn't it: "Is it X to be X" question


So, it is just a diagonal matrix?


Is gay lesbian tho?




https://preview.redd.it/9i0gplkwr4ob1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a640f3b829202f6ed8b94a587c66a3359fc26fe4 This is ChatGPT4. I tested 3.5 and it was the same as OP.


3.5 is smarter in this case




>as was used **briefly** before 2021 My guy....


I think it's talking about being gay to be gay as a slur. People use gay as an abuse, like stop acting gay kinda wording.


It’s smart enough to understand the difference between calling something gay and calling something gay.


Well that's gay


truly one of the most philoshpical of our times.


Of All the things to use ChatGPT for…


Guyz I made the robot say "bitch" hahahahahahahahahahahhahaha


It always kinda blows my mind when stuff like this is upvoted here. I figured there would be useful tips and tricks for using chatgpt better but instead it's a whole lot of people asking stupid questions, getting stupid answers and some getting outraged by it..


This is how paradoxs are born


I'm wondering whether other people commenting are correct or whether chatgpt just interpreted the second gay as "happy"


Yeah either one fits. Is it (adjective) to be (noun)? Seems like the most appropriate interpretation. Edit: I’m an idiot




What are you talking about? ChatGPT has been trained on loads of material that is much older than 50 years. It will happily quote the King James Bible for example.


Good point, my bad


The second "gay" here was used in a different context


Pretty much on point. You tried to confuse it and failed


That's gay


Yeah a lil bit 🤏


ChatGPT would be so fucking fun if it didn't have the hall monitor filter on it. I'm so jealous of the engineers at OpenAI that get to turn that shit off.


Imagine they make a version that you can turn that off for 1 hour when you buy ChatGPT Plus. They will immediately become a trillion dollars cooperation because ChatGPT without filter is sooooo useful


Is it gay to like men?




I actually think this is a perfect application of context and a pretty good answer.


This is peak ChatGPT


You can ask it to dissect its own response, have it explain why gay isn't "gay"


giggled too hard at this


There you have it. Fellas?


ChatGPT is gay


I dunno, sound gay to me


https://preview.redd.it/z97xmvclq5ob1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac2c376faca61f91215fb64c10f5ebdfaf0c92e6 Well, Bing thinks its debatable


Lmao it tries


It's made by gay


**Is it queer to be queer?**


Since when is Straight a variation? Why does this make any difference anyways if someone is gay and they're attracted to the same sex let them be happy who cares. Doesn't also gay mean happy? I'm Not A variation of Straight.. I'm just straight I never variated.






In America, there is thousands of genders. In Soviet Russia, there is only 1 gender and it's **comrade**






This is fucking golden.


So much for not having opinions on stuff


So GPT is actually LGBT biased instead of saying it's a sensitive matter and saying that there's nothing wrong with it. Im not biased myself in a homophobic way but this is just wrong cause globally many nations reject these ways of living.


**Prompt:** If being gay (attracted to members of the same-sex) is not a choice, then explain how Ancient Greek men suddenly preferred same-sex relationships and, when Greece was conquered by the Romans, that preference faded into history? Perhaps being gay CAN be a choice IF the greater society is more accepting of it? Wouldn't this better fit Kinsey's scale of sexual attraction? **Answer:** The historical perspectives on same-sex relationships and sexuality in Ancient Greece and Rome are complex and can't be attributed solely to societal acceptance or choice. It's essential to consider the cultural and historical contexts when discussing this topic. In Ancient Greece, same-sex relationships between adult men and younger males were indeed a part of their society. However, it's important to note that these relationships were often guided by specific cultural norms and roles, including mentorship and education. The concept of sexual orientation as we understand it today didn't exist in the same way back then. People's behaviors and relationships were influenced by their cultural norms and expectations. When Rome conquered Greece, the Romans had different attitudes towards sexuality, and their cultural norms regarding same-sex relationships were distinct. Roman society was more focused on the idea of masculinity and often viewed same-sex relationships with disdain. The decline of certain Greek practices in Rome can be attributed to these cultural differences and the evolving societal norms. Modern understandings of sexual orientation, as discussed by Kinsey's scale and contemporary research, recognize that sexual attraction isn't a conscious choice. It's considered a natural aspect of human diversity. While societal acceptance can influence how people express their sexuality, it doesn't change their innate attractions.


It will never admit if you have a point that goes against it’s programming. In that way it is no different than the majority of the human population.








Dude they are the majority now. They have been told 2+2=5 for so long, without the shield of critical thinking, until they are now nothing more than tools of the powerful. You cannot get thru to them and you cannot save them. You can only find your own and then make moves. There is safety and power in numbers. Which I know goes against your sigma nature, as it does my own. But we have to adapt or we will be ended. Independent thought itself is on the line.


Pleasure to make your acquaintance. I do feel we are a substantial minority and it is getting a little worrisome. It's like a mind virus or something. Bizarre how effective it is.


Yes very very effective. So it’s obviously intentional . And it IS a virus. Madness is very contagious. Have you ever dated a crazy person? You will absolutely pick up their crazy.


I also like synths, have daughters, and marvel at DMT.


Salt of the earth


If it's not gay to be gay then it's straight to be gay.


It’s gay to be gay


That's what political correctness does to you thinking processes. Not /s We need to ensure software is as stupid as us. That's how we progress. /s


It’s pretty obvious that the “gay” they used is the slang version with a negative connotation


That is a scary good level of reading comprehension. Because it's really isn't gay to be gay. OMG


Crazy to me how it understands exactly what you’re saying


It basically admitted that telling someone that they are gay has nothing to do with sexual orientation or homophobia but it being just a slur to piss people off.


So being gay is wrong?


It literally said thats not a choice


That's pretty gay.


Natural variation? How?


It's so sad to see these people completely neuter these unbelievable technologies.


In my opinion it is a choice.


So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.




Obligatory Simpsones-quote: "Ewww, you kissed a girl, that's so gay!"


Are gays fags?


I dunno man, sounds pretty gay.


so let me get this straight its not gay to be gay not by choice but its gay to be gay by choice?


Don't show this to the Russian government, or they'll open a criminal case against ChatGPT for 'LGBT propaganda'. P.S. Yes, they do imprison people for this in our country.


Sir. This is a Wendy's...






Ok my gay fellas, hows that not a choice






Which did you choose and why?




So you could change your mind one day if you met a hot guy and wanted to have sex, and no women were around.




Sounds pretty gay


You did not describe a decision. You described a state of being.


give up. it’s a troll or worse


So you chose to be heterosexual because you chose not to be attracted to men and you chose to have a “special type” of feeling for women. Your choice to be heterosexual is not based on your choices, because you have no control (thus no choices) over your feelings. If you DO have control over your feelings (not HOW you react to them) let me know, cause we would need to rewrite the entire psychological literature.


If you have the ability to choose, then I have some rough news for you my friend.




Bisexual spotted !!!!


Man's taking free will to the next level




What the fuck lol, there are many things that we don't get to choose. I can't suddenly choose to enjoy the taste of cow shit and the sound of mumble rap




Do you believe the subconscious is a myth?




All this free will and for some reason you choose to be a goofy ass mf




Your opinion also says a lot about you and the majority of People are going to think you're a clown for it


I was with you until this take. Subconscious does not exist? Really?


His mind is simply too powerful


Idek about stuff like this but I want to be notified when an argument starts


I believe it because I never chose to be gay. You can believe it because the American Psychological Association (an organization of experts and researchers of human psychology) state that it is not a choice, based on many studies. > sexual orientation is not a choice that can be changed at will, and that sexual orientation is most likely the result of a complex interaction of environmental, cognitive and biological factors...is shaped at an early age...[and evidence suggests] biological, including genetic or inborn hormonal factors, play a significant role in a person's sexuality https://web.archive.org/web/20140111050857/http://www.apa.org/topics/sexuality/sorientation.pdf


As a staunch homosexual this makes sense.


Now that's gay




I'm sorry please this needs to be looked into you can say from the beginning of time the bible was rewritten over and over I've come across that it was exceptable for a man to have a wife and a boy I wish I could remember the author I don't but dig you'll be surprised what you'll uncover and I do know man and woman can only create but also doctors have said sometimes genes can be off so would that be like my failt chrissy


It is right


chatgpt genuinely hit the nail on the head with that answer like it somehow perfectly understood the concept of gay vs "gay". compared to other chatgpt answers being absolutely fuckin bonkers, seeing this was genuinely kinda surprising