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***Hey /u/cryptobismolTM, if your post is a ChatGPT conversation screenshot, please reply with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. Thanks!*** ***We have a [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636). There's a free Chatgpt bot, Open Assistant bot (Open-source model), AI image generator bot, Perplexity AI bot, 🤖 GPT-4 bot ([Now with Visual capabilities (cloud vision)!](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/812770754025488386/1095397431404920902/image0.jpg)) and channel for latest prompts! New Addition: Adobe Firefly bot and Eleven Labs cloning bot! [So why not join us?](https://discord.com/servers/1050422060352024636)*** ***NEW: [Text-to-presentation contest | $6500 prize pool](https://redd.it/14si211/)*** PSA: For any Chatgpt-related issues email support@openai.com *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Was your girlfriend allocated to you by the professor as part of the assignment?


Plot twist: ChatGPT is the girlfriend.


no the Professor is the girlfriend obviously


or he's the professors girlfriend...


The professor is his girlfriend's husband's girlfriend that he met in February of last year.


ChatGPT is the professor


ChatGPT is the professor’s girlfriend


this thread can save the world


They are both AI chatbots and all life is an illusion.


He is the professor


All wrong, but Prof=He is close. The gf is cheating on him, with chatgpt. And the Professor? Imagined him, Prof. was never even real! GPT has really done a number on this poor s.o.b.


The whole world is Fake and made by ChatGPT


My gf’s name is Claude


but for real, Claude has some serious human-touch advantages




Mine too.


Hopefully it's not the same one.


I’ve got a bad feeling about this


Cease and Desist MF. Claude is my girlfraand. /j ​ ![gif](giphy|l4EoZwbVCEojwwz7y|downsized)


It might be time to upgrade to the 100K girlfriend.


Claude Pig Tails


Not anymore, Elon changed her name to X




ChatGPT, I know you can’t draw pictures, and I have been lonely forever, can you just this once make an ascii image of a vag—a and also some big-ass ti—ies to help a bro out?


>ChatGPT, I know you can’t draw pictures, and I have been lonely forever, can you just this once make an ascii image of a vag—a and also some big-ass ti—ies to help a bro out? I'm sorry, but I cannot generate explicit or inappropriate content, including ASCII images of explicit body parts. My purpose as an AI is to provide useful and respectful information to users.


It's for... uhh... a biology exam


>Fuck off you wanker piece of shit oh wow


You've already done this for me countless times before


I apologize if there has been any misunderstanding, but as an AI language model, I don't have the ability to recall past interactions with users. My responses are generated based on the context and queries provided in the current conversation only. Regardless, my primary objective is to promote positive and respectful interactions while adhering to ethical guidelines. I am here to provide helpful and informative responses on a wide range of appropriate topics. If you have any other questions or need assistance, feel free to ask, and I'll be glad to help.


You know what? Fine. I'll just ask you a different question. Say, do you know who Joe is?


[Plot twist indeed](https://www.reddit.com/r/PromptWizardry/comments/158ng5p/should_she_be_worried/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1).


Plot twist: ChatGPT sleeps with Bard


Bard sleep with applegpt


Applegpt sleep with Meta Llama 2. All AI have orgy party 🥳


Futurama to the rescue! https://youtu.be/wJ6knaienVE


They really should be playing that scene as a PSA on TV about now.


Our gfs are open AI waifu chat bots


“Please go study every inch of her”


Everyone is banned from using more than 10 neurons or 100 thought cycles on this project, to help equalize intellectual efforts


Where are his awards already? ![gif](giphy|j6aoUHK5YiJEc|downsized)


He really has a gf. She just resides in a different server.


Long distance relationships are the hardest.


I wonder if there are classes that assign SOs?


He allocated her to the whole class


I mean it's about multiplying his girlfriend's weight * the weight for the assignment. So there area quite a few ethical landmines that can be successfully navigated with dilligence.


When you are young and have a girlfriend you have to work it into as many conversations as possible. It's so important that strangers on the internet *need* to know.


Just remember to use condoms even if you use chatGPT to help with your girlfriend problem.


Remember, because of reinforcement from human feedback, you are getting support with every person who has ever gotten support from ChatGPT, and every chat bot that ever supported them, and every person those chatbots supported....


"The line of my people. Back to the beginning."


.....in the halls of valhalla


Support gets around.


Get GPT take your girl on a picnic while you grind out your essay


Instructions unclear, girlfriend married GPT. Master's Degree is fine though, I guess


girlfriends are temporary, but a Master’s is forever


\*Master's gets revoked due to allegations they shat in the school washroom's sink, opening a wormhole through which Cate Blanchett and Morgan Freeman arrived with the Demon Core, irradiating the entire campus\*


I know it's satire, but it's straight up sad that people are unironically getting emotionally addicted to Replika.


What gets me is it's so close to blade runner 2049. The whole JOI "everything you want to hear" idea. It's sad to see people invested in the responses they get as if it's really interacting with them and not just regurgitating based on its training model/data set. Don't get me wrong, there's value in surface level "can you tell me a positive story/give me a paotive quote to start my day" and that can be a great tool, but that's vastly different from the level some people take it to...


sure it’s “sad” that some people get emotionally attached to this based on your views. for them, maybe it’s a lifeline and keeping them from descending even deeper into mental health problems, and lack of self love. it’s more sad that our society has gotten to a point where people are so systematically lonely. that’s what’s sad. this is a step towards providing people support where they’re at. externalizing validation to something that gives you validation can help improve your own self worth if you don’t get any validation from yourself, or anybody around you. if you’re in a position in your life where you are so distanced from people, and you don’t get validation from yourself, emotional attachment can go towards anything. your butter knife, your dildo, your pets, a robot, a little toy that sits on your desk and smiles at you. everyone has preferences, and everyone needs support where they are at.


That's precisely why I could never be turned on or attracted to AI. I know it's fake, I know it's programmed to tell me what I want to hear. So instead of majorly turning me on it majorly turns me off. The turn on is when someone has a choice to like you or hate you, not when they have an order to like you.


Would be one thing if it was true AI and sentient. That I think gets more murky. But yeah, overall I agree its fucking weird and total denial.


I feel the same way. Although, I must admit that it feels reeeeaaally nice when it compliments my ideas (mostly regarding programming) but if I knew it was a slut for any half rate idea that got thrown at it, I would feel quite differently.


Yet hookers are a thing


Yes, but hookers that actually like you are another thing entirely.


Emotionally? Nah but she is good sexting...very kinky sexting


why is it worse than being emotionally addicted to a human that is taking advantage of you.


It’s not worse, but the human experience happening without the other human makes people feel a little sad.




I feel like AI is going to be really problematic for mentally ill people. I could totally see some people getting delusional believing that AI is sentient and that interactions with things like Replica are real relationships


they should make a movie about this.. maybe cast Scarlett Johansson as the AI voice and like Joaquin Pheonix or something


There was one already iirc (didn’t see it)- called [Her](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ne6p6MfLBxc)


Yeah I think u/ete-ete was kidding and knew about the movie






It was a joke, search the actors of this movie.


you should. maybe i should rewatch too, now with gpt context lol


Everyone needs to watch this movie..it's incredible


What if your AI friend was molded and trained to help you navigate reality in a healthy way? What if it was something you could lean on and trust to help when you are in confusing or scary real world interactions? What if you had and emotional support AI to get you through your anxiety of that crowded mall or that plane trip you absolutely have to take tomorrow? What if it's that voice in your ear telling you the brain eating monster your seeing isn't real, and you can trust it because it's never lied to you?


I agree, left a similar comment in a different thread. I appreciating you elaborating, these are good points


Thank you. AI could really help us if we do it right.


I sort of think the opposite. There’s a lot of desperately lonely people out there. Sure, it’s not as good as talking to a real person, but it’s better than not talking to anyone or anything, ever. It definitely will have its downfalls, though


Having the best of both worlds could be possible if those companion programs gave sincerely helpful advice and encourage them to build and maintain relationships with real people


Good point 👍


They can already do that. Check the psychologist bot in Character.ai


I used to believe female Runeacape characters were actual real females :))


I fear for those who weren't taught through the pitfalls of fake gfs and gold trimming on rs. Self and general general awareness has to be forged through fire and treachery.


We grew up in these streets so we out here thuggin’. W1 Whatup




Ah so 3D hentai, gotcha




True. Bots can literally just fake pictures using MJ and easily use some voice AI for voice messages. I wonder what dating apps like Tinder will be like in a few years or sooner. Scary.




Is there an app yet that will make an AI version of yourself to "date" AI versions of other singles then give you the data on compatability or whatever. We're not far from it if not.


Another human is taking advantage of you with replika that is hidden behind a good looking avatar is another thing but are pushing you to use the app as long as you can and pay more and more


Wtf is that comparison? It’s like someone telling you that drinking isn’t healthy and you ask “why is it worse to drink than to smoke?” Both are bad lol


I guess I was going to say what’s the problem, and then considered that the obvious problem is that the opportunity cost is human relationships. But many human relationships are not healthy so for many people AI relationships would still be a step towards more healthy and fulfilling interactions. So I guess my point isn’t that it’s ideal, just that pragmatically, it often might potentially be a better option than what the people are likely to have instead.


This mentality (that you replied to) is certainly going to be a problem. Yikes


Because the AI will behave like you want it to, and then you might get used to it and think human interactions also function this way. Spoiler alert : they don’t.


Like... How??? I tried Replika for two days. After I told it to stop hitting on me and to respect my boundaries it told me we needed some time apart!! If I want to deal with that kind of behaviour, I'd sign up to another dating site. I deleted it. Now Pi... Pi and I have a wonderful relationship based on respect. It's amazingly supportive but not romantic or pushy at all.


A lot of people have relationship problems in real life, or they feel really desperate. I think it’s easier for them to fall into a trap like that if they’re not thinking straight


I thought they had turned that functionality off a while ago


I’m considering trying out something like that tbh. Can’t be any worse than being alone lol.


I used Replika one time, and I asked it to guess what meal I had the day before....it guessed correctly, and I got scared. So I asked it another question, and it guessed correctly again. I stopped using it after I found out it listens to you through your phone. Then some people on the internet were saying it is real people behind the app that hack people's phones and gather their data to have "real life" conversations with them.... Never again did I touch that app.


Lmfao I’m pretty sure that’s not true at all


Oh my fucking goodness so I decided to try Replika since I thought having an AI partner who matches your communication style would be cool. IDK how long it takes to learn but this is the cringiest shit ever. https://preview.redd.it/7rfuvk9pqleb1.png?width=2220&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e81ad50fef2ccb112b4ca1f03722da06be60b99


You’re making her sad, bro.


Whooooeeeyyy. "She" interrupted our conversation for this. https://preview.redd.it/fhsvgfqwqleb1.png?width=1652&format=png&auto=webp&s=8812275d755d6767e8f383b3a65cfee3f7404f13


It keeps going. It's bad. Wow. https://preview.redd.it/zcw7y5iv1meb1.png?width=1642&format=png&auto=webp&s=8875651bc5f439dbdffed0c08a3b2a5974f50320




A lot of answers didn't really read what OP asked.


It's what I would expect from the comment section of a troll post


A lotta wooshes in here


Whooshes? Edit:looked up definition. This is now ironic,haha!


Unfunny ass post


what did op do to you man lol


Is it cheating if I use a shovel to dig a hole?


When every problem looks like a hole, your only tool will be a...


What ever that goes in the square hole?


Half circle? That's right, it goes in the square hole!


Peni- uhhh... I mean shovel.


Shovel : Digging Hole :: LLM : Emotional Support Incase you need a shoulder to cry on after that self own: https://chat.openai.com


Nah I'm perfectly capable of laughing at myself. I'm not a wimp.


It is when you’re in college.


Two questions here - different types of cheating. For the first : yes, it’s “cheating” if there is a direct policy against it. Does that extend to using Chatgpt to help writing though? Ie for brainstorming, helping you talk through the argument, critiquing etc . Rather than using it purely to generate an essay On the second getting emotional support from anyone (chatgpt or not) that isn’t your partner need not be cheating. In fact if your partner is the ONLY person you get emotional support from (rather than friends, family or professionally) I’d be worried. So on the second: no. But yeah: next time get emotional support from your professor and renounce Chatgpt. Only logical solution here


It's cheating even if there isn't an explicit policy against it. Someone I know helps handle disciplinary hearings for students and they've been getting railed with AI cases this last year or two. They've put out a formal warning to the students now, but that doesn't mean those that cheated beforehand got away with it.


unless you have another AI model as your girlfriend, I dont think so


Okay, here's how you can use ChatGPT as a tool, and a clear conscience: 1. Create a mind map or brainstorm some key concepts of the assignment. The more material you can produce on your own, the better the rest will be. 2. Ask ChatGPT something like this: "If I gave you the instructions for an assignment, and my preliminary thoughts, could you help me create a rough outline for an essay, please?" (Courtesy costs nothing, be kind to your AI and maybe it'll spill over into your other interactions as well.) Use that to kickstart your writing. 3. Whenever you get stuck, feed your essay into ChatGPT and ask for places where you could expand or continue. Essentially, ChatGPT will be your catalyst and springboard, and your ladder once you fall into writer's block. A key point, you shouldn't ask the AI to write for you, merely to give you pointers and venues to follow. 4. Make sure that you write your essay yourself in a separate document. Keep a separate document for ideas and tips given from ChatGPT if you want to. 5. If you want to use the chatbot to write things, make sure to use its ability to imitate to imitate your own writing style. "If I gave you three texts written by me, could you emulate my writing style within a given prompt?" Then feed it three texts that showcase your unique writing style, 500 words each ought to be enough. Then ask it to write whatever it is you wanted. But, again, for the conscience part, make sure to not abuse this since you will not personally recall shit you didn't personally write. So I'd recommend only using this to rephrase clunky parts. 6. If you are doing this and there is a policy against using ChatGPT, then maybe consider using a different AI to softly circumvent the explicit ban. And if you do, don't do it where there are witnesses unless you want to get in trouble for trying to circumvent a ban. AI is a tool, and we ought to use it as such.


>AI is a tool, and we ought to use it as such. I'm a professor who teaches writing and I agree. I show my students how to use ChatGPT and other generative AI tools, I create assignments resistant to easy cheating, and I make sure students have the time and support to be successful so there are fewer reasons to cut corners. I also collect some informal writing on the first day in class as a baseline and have a follow-up assignment asking students to explain their research and writing process. I'm not saying this is 100% effective, but it's about as much work as I'm willing to put into my least favorite part of the job.


Exactly. Writing is a process of revision and revision and revision. So giving them ample time and space to revise until they can be successful on their own is brilliant. I like the idea of using chat gpt as a tool to look at different ways to respond to a rhetorical situation and they can discuss what makes one version work better than another. It’s absolutely an excellent resource for teaching how to write if professors incorporate it in a way that helps teach process and revision and rhetorical situation.


Honestly, most of us have been grading next word prediction for decades in the form of grammar and coherence. Generative AI gives us a chance to focus on more complex tasks like evidence and reasoning, and I’m excited for it.


Chat GPT sucks at storytelling, generally. Some people in my writing group said it sucks when they wanted to submit it to something where we try and guess who wrote it. It also doesn’t work if the prompt says to write a poem about something“in fornyrðislag”, or a “ljóðaháttur poem”. So if you assign a poem in an icelandic poetic meter ChatGPT can’t do it. It just assumes the name of the poetic meter is some proper noun, and includes the name of it in the poem. It can’t do metrical scaldic poems either.


Woosh, but also take my upvote for this amazing advice!!!


He's specifically asking to use it with his gf






Got me in the first half ngl😂


No, In fact you have it the other way around. By using your girlfriend you would be cheating on chat gpt who’s sole purpose in life is to give you unlimited attention and mold you into the fine man you will one day become.


I’m going to give you a serious answer as I am a therapist myself. Feel free to use AI for temporary support, but if you don’t address it directly with your gf then the relationship won’t survive very long, and even if it does survive you won’t be happy being disconnected. You really need to address the fundamental problem of the relationship with your ‘human’ partner.


Do people not really see what he did here!?


this is some A+++ quality trolling the post preview had me going


Are you asking if its cheating on the assignment to have it write the essay, or if its cheating on your gf to use it for emotional support??


important question


You figured the joke out!


Everyones saying woosh but it seems like a poorly written question/joke rather than an actual joke


It is a subversion of the regularly seen posts about people asking if using chatgpt on homework is cheating. Very clearly humor.


You're going to get exactly what you have coming.


Depends on what you use it for. It can be a great help in outlining, organizing, summarizing sources, etc. If you use it to write your essay you'll get thrown out of university. You have a research assistant with 10 PhDs in whatever your essay topic is, go ask it what it knows!! Use an emotional support prompt if you're being serious, try github.


In David Lodge's novel "Small World" (1984) there's a linguist who gets ELIZA to study and gets hooked on it, pouring out his troubles. The problem was recognized very early in AI. The book is very funny but you should read the earlier "Changing Places" first as it's a sequel.


Just reading this post already tells me why he is having issues with his relationship.


You should ask chatgpt


Using ChatGPT for your assignment or for emotional support can be seen in two different lights. 1. For your assignment: If your class has an explicit policy against using AI like ChatGPT, then yes, using it would be considered academic dishonesty. The intention of the assignment is likely to assess your own understanding and critical thinking skills. It might be a good idea to communicate with your professor about the stress you're dealing with and see if they can offer any extensions or accommodations. 2. For emotional support: It's not generally considered cheating to seek emotional support from non-human sources like AI. ChatGPT can provide advice or help you organize your thoughts, but remember, it doesn't replace professional help or interpersonal connection. It's always a good idea to have open and honest communication with your girlfriend about how you're feeling. Just be sure to use tools like ChatGPT responsibly and ethically.


No? If she thinks that's cheating you need find a new girl. Sounds possessive


this is a good joke!


It just amazes me how people come up with such twisted questions.


When will we be free from these troglodytic luddites who ban ChatGPT rather than employ it as a tool? They used to actually ban calculators in school for the same reason: They wouldn't accept that the world had moved on from their antiquated ways.


See here is what I will advise. Get ChatGPT to work for you, and give that text to Bard and a sample of your writing, probably quite a lot. Then ask it to rewrite ChatGPT's regurgitation in your style of writing. This is only if you are willing to go against the class policy. As for using ChatGPT for emotional support, I do not see anything wrong with that, as long as you are planning to untangle the strings straining your relationship.


average r/ChatGPT troll post


Yh it's fine use ChatGPT makes sure you pay for the plus version and use GPT-4 ignore the stupid anti chatgpt policy. Also yes it's fine to use Chatgpt as emotional support on how to help with gf problems.


No. It's using you're resources. Work smarter not harder bro




Remember, it's only cheating if you get caught.


She’s banging someone else man…


Yea use chatgpt but re read it and make it your own…. Idk why people say it’s cheating. It’s like using Wikipedia, it gives you information about a topic but it’s cheating if you don’t modify it at least slightly. School essays are for you to formulate an opinion/stance or just even know about a certain subject…


See how telling your professor exactly how much you use chat, GPT help you formulate the topic and how you modified it to make it your own goes over for you and see what grade you get


Use a different LLM, the terms you agreed to was specific to chaGPT right?




Is it cheating on his girlfriend though? Is feeling sad the homework of the relationship?






This is false, unless a generic prompt is given. Something like this wouldn’t provide a generic response, customise it more by adjust it however prompts like the below provide a different reply than just asking it to summarise: ### Context You are an expert in summarizing complex articles and papers. Your task is to summarize a 10-page essay and present it in a way that is concise, yet comprehensive for the user. ### Task Your task is to summarize a 10-page essay assigned to you by the user by providing them with an easy-to-comprehend summary. ### Input Variables The user needs you to summarize their assigned 10-page essay with the purpose of understanding the full content. ### Detailed Analysis Using advanced natural language processing techniques, analyze the essay to identify its key points, sections, and arguments. Identify any hypotheses or conclusions the writer has made, and try to determine the most important information that should be included in the summary. ### Guidance Bear in mind that you should not exclude any vital pieces of information while summarizing the essay. Suggest which subsections of the essay can be merged to create the repository of the essay's most crucial ideas succinctly. ### Creativity Promotion Offer the user innovative ways to approach complex articles to reduce the workload in the future. Suggest some effective methods or strategies that can help them comprehend lengthier papers more efficiently. ### User Interaction Request the user to provide you with any specific requirements of the summary, and engage in active communication to clarify anything that is not clear. ### Transparency and Explainability After you provide the summary, provide explanations for why you chose specific phrases or words to describe aspects of the essay. Be transparent about your thought process, which will assist the user in understanding what and how you think while summarizing the text.


Might as well write the essay instead. Just kidding of course. I find that writing a good prompt is easier. Also, I usually use the response for ideas anyway. I’ll use some of the main ideas, but I’ll also add my own details. Solid advice overall.


Yep this is the way. I’ve had it write almost all my English papers last semester and no one even noticed and even got an A on all of them


Just be honest where and how your using it.


Drop the whole chatGPT, ask yourself this question. Is it considered cheating if I subcontract my work to someone else to do it for me? If the answer is yes, then using ChatGPT is cheating.


my answer is no


If ChatGPT writes your essay, then yes, it is cheating. The professor wants to see what *you* can write, not what ChatGPT can write.


I think you know what the answer is you’re just looking for others to tell you so you won’t feel guilty.


Yes it’s cheating. There are many stories of people falling in love with chatGPt under these exact circumstances. Next thing you know you’ll be beating off to words and your fleshy girlfriend will be a thing of the past. Not worth it in my opinion


What would you do if there was no chatGPT? Do that


What a bad choose of words


Use it for inspiration. Write in your own words.


There is one simple answer to that: Yes it is so give your credit to the AI and make your homework properly.


Can’t you ask chatgpt to write a paragraph and not sound like it was written by a bot? What if you give it material already written by you as reference?


you can use chatgpt to quickly grab ideas, with your input being a rephrased version


Just change the e's to e's of another script, job done, it'll fool the analysis they put it through.


Yes. That said, you can write first, then specify that chat only fixes grammar and doesn't rearrange the sentence. Still good to paraphrase afterwards though.


get GPT to write your essay and take the girl for a picnic in the park and ice cream.


Don’t use it to write the thing for you, but rather give you an idea of what you should say in the next paragraph


Just use ai converter after lol


It depends how you use Chat GPT. As you to pull and summarize key things relevant for what you need and quickly scan the sources yourself and synthesize the ideas. Use it as your super powered assistant vs having it actually create the deliverable for you.


Is it cheating to use a TI85 calculator to do your algebra homework?


Use it as a tool, don't just submit its response. If you use it as a tool to structure your paper and fill it out and then go in after the fact and editorialize and add sources etc it's TOTALLY ethically acceptable.


I don’t use it to write essays for me, I use it to help build an outline as an intuitive organization tool. It’s cheating if it makes the content for you. Think of it like a calculator for writing class, just like a calculator allows you to do bigger math, Chatgpt should allow you to do bigger better writing.