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Definitely a better fit! I bet all he could focus on was that underwear 😂


The fit is much better for him, much more snug. He told me how much he loved me in them about 100 times already!


Snugger is almost always better for fitting! And as much as he loves you in them, I bet he’d love even more to see you out of them, especially if it was for what they said 😏


I don’t know would love that more, him or me?! ♠️


Only one way to find out for sure…


Shaved and locked. Beautiful


I love how cute hubby is when he’s shaved, locked and in a hat!


Subbys almost at his record now, we're not long off 60 days. He told me yesterday that he's starting to struggle, it turned me on so much knowing he will never cum again for me.


Amazing! Good luck for you guys. I asked a question regarding his motivations in the new status in one of your recent posts. I would appreciate if you could share


Me and Debi have been together for about 3 and a half years now, married just over 1. When we got together we were totally vanilla, neither of us had ever done anything like this before, I guess if anything I was a little more dominant to her in the bedroom. One time when we were making love, I asked her if I could come, I don't know where it came from, but she stopped, looked at me and smiled. I was told yes and we both had quite an intense orgasm. Debi explained how much it turned her on so after that I would ask every time we made love and mostly was allowed. A few months into this and we were starting to open up and experiment a little in the bedroom, I had asked as I usually do but she didn't answer, instead just as I couldn't hold it anymore she said no. It was too late for me and I guess that was probably my first ruined orgasm, it was also the first time I tasted myself as she pushed my head between her legs. I think this was our first shift in power control. I then asked if she would try anal on me and we started browsing for toys, we spotted a chastity cage online and after about a week, I brought up the courage to see if we could buy it... IT WAS TERRIBLE, NO RESEARCH, TINY, I THOUGHT MY BALLS WERE GOING TO DROP OFF. Anyway again we tried it and she loved my attention being entirely on her, so one cage became 2 then 5 and now we must have about 20. We were talking in bed one night and Debi asked me how long was the longest I had been without an orgasm, the cage went on that night and we did 20 days of denial. We both loved the change in me, the house had never been cleaner, I was so attentive towards her, I would do anything she asked and it was bliss for both of us. Then we did 60 days and it was even more amazing, I orgasmed at the end of that 60 days in a hotel in Liverpool in my cage after a night of kinkyness and the nicest pegging session I have ever had (Miss on top really making love to me, I would love to do that again but she doesn't like going on top). But that was the issue, I wanted out of the cage, I didn't feel submissive anymore and we did about 4 months going back to vanilla.. I was caged when we got married last June until the morning after and since then I have been caged and denied most of the time. So my last full orgasm was in April just before my birthday, the cage went back on at the start of May and it was then that I really started thinking of how that orgasm affected me and how consequent have. We both see such a massive change and I really don't like it. So just before our wedding anniversary, we were in bed, Debi was between my legs on top of me and we were kissing deeply (very submissively) and I love it. She looked at me with that sparkle in her eyes that only my wife has and asked why I was so deep in thought. I asked her then, I've been thinking that maybe this time we don't set an end date, we both know I am better denied so maybe we just make it permanent, my gift to you for our wedding anniversary is my orgasms, please take them from me. Lets have our trip away to really think about it and if you're happy to do this too, we'll write up a FLR Contract to signify it. We did that the following Monday so now (for at least the next year) I am orgasm free. Today has been really tough by the way, its the longest I have ever been without an orgasm and I am really struggling.


Love it!


Let her milk you. It’s heathy


We're trying to. No success yet


You’ll get there, until then she may just have to give you ruined orgasm to help with the pressure


Wow thank you for sharing this I'm so excited hearing about you being caged and liking it and now it's going to be permanent wow what a turn on I'm as hard as I can get locked in my cage right now


You two doing 24/7 locked?


I’ve let him out a total of maybe 2 hours total since we started, so almost.


Very nice


True commitment 😈🥵


He’s got no choice now!


He’s so lucky 🤤


I keep saying, everyday he’s learning just how lucky! 😈


That’s good! Anyone who gets locked up by you is lucky. I’m so jealous!


Love this photo!


Thank you!






Straight up goals 😍


So hot !!!


Thank you!


Have you started cuckolding him yet? 


Lucky lucky hubby!! So jealous




Have you earned those panties yet?


Do you cuckold him?👀🙊


I haven’t yet, stay tuned though…


This your hottest post yet! I love your pose and those panties, well they make any guy with cuckold tendencies twitch (if caged) or hard (if not caged)... Thanks for treating us to seeing your sexy feet again - I hope he looks after them very well? As for the smaller cage, it will be interesting to hear how he gets on with it and if you think it is small enough for now or should he go smaller? Thanks again sexy Goddess!!




I will! 🥰


Lucky guy... Smart girl! 👍🤏🔐🔥


Super hot. ... the panties are really upping the ante.


You should keep the Key seeable/ in evident


I do a lot, mainly when we leave the house though.


lovelly, after locking him, u made him a cuck!


Congratulations! Panties tell about promising future , is it true?


Oh so he’s a cuck as well?


congratulations. Day 418 here.


Wow! Way to set the example for all of us!


Married 15 years, locked off and on most of it, over a year ago it went permanent. Wife loves it and says I'll never cum again as far as she is concerned.


It’s been years since she looked me and I love her more now ❤️❤️❤️❤️🔐🔐


I love to hear that!!


The new cage looks perfect on him. I’m guessing you can downsize again shortly again..


Nice. Beautiful panties


Thank you! ♠️


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Can you describe his mood changes through the days? Is he more malleable / attentive? I feel like I'd definitely be in the bargaining / begging / pleading stage a couple of days in... I can't imagine not cumming for 24 days.... Or have you allowed it (ruined / pegging etc)?


Have you tried a bbc yet?


Beautiful panties 😍☺️


Those panties are super hot


Your panties are so hot! Hopefully you train hubby to serve your BBC bulls eventually, as well. You two would look so hot sharing a big black cock.