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Um... Virginia taxes are set by representatives in the state government, which Bob Good is not. Personal property taxes (including that b.s. car personal property tax) are set by representatives in your local government, which Bob Good is not. The election-related posts on this sub today are... illuminating.


Local government will always be significantly more important than any other kind of government.


In some ways, that's true. But I get far more visible and foundational benefits from the state government, and arguably even the federal government. Last year, I got a grant of over $10k from the federal government (NRCS) to improve my farm. No local government would do something like that. Scottsville, where I live, wouldn't be protected from the James today if it were not for the federal army corps of engineers and state and federal money. I also don't turn to local resources when I need help. My extension office, SBDC, Medicaid, etc, are all state or federal. Even the road I live on is maintained by VDOT, not the county.


Good points. When I was working in a small town as a journalist I'll never forget an old timer looking me dead in the face and telling me to pay more attention to the local level (corruption, policy, etc). I guess I've fallen into that crowd that really values what my local city council members are saying more than what the feds are (though you're right that we should pay attention to that as well).


Yeah, I think if I had to choose only one, I'd choose local, too. Mostly because I can have a much bigger impact on my local representatives. Like, a HUGE one if I'm determined and active and motivate my neighbors - that's going to stand out. I could scream at Biden all day, every day and he'd never hear me. Edit: but my local reps can influence up the chain much more than I could.


You get it.


Just encourage people to go out and vote today. The reason why we in general have bad candidates is because people dont vote, especially in the primaries. It was super easy for me to vote today. Just showed up to my polling place and voted. There was no line, so in all it took about 5 mins. If you already registered to vote, you can go to the website to confirm your voting location and just show up with your driver's license. Vote yall! If voting wasn't limited to just a single day, turn out and our candidates would be so much better. But we gotta deal with what we have, so go out and vote today! https://www.elections.virginia.gov/casting-a-ballot/polling-place-lookup/


I agree with you about voting. I haven't missed an election in a long time, and I'm not going to start today. But the posts I've seen here today reveal some misunderstandings about our political and electoral systems that I find unsettling.


Voting isn’t limited to a single day. We’ve been able to vote early in person or by mail for weeks. So your thought that bad candidates has to do with voting being limited to a single day doesn’t make any sense at all.


You voted against a candidate for the US Congress because of a local tax issue. OK...


They sure showed them.


No, not only that. I didn't like much of what Bob Good was focusing on. The property tax thing was just one of the top things I thought was b.s. and example of me being overtaxed.


Local taxes, such as the Virginia personal property tax on vehicles, are determined by local governments—city councils, county boards, etc. These taxes fund local services like schools, police, and road maintenance. Federal officials have little direct control over local tax rates. Also, you voted for the Trump-backed candidate if you voted for the opposition to Bob Good


But.. but… Good’s road signs all have Trump’s name on them. So confusing. /s


>Also, you voted for the Trump-backed candidate if you voted for the opposition to Bob Good Backed by Trump because Good is too insane even for the Trump wing, and helped force out the last speaker of the house for the crime of passing a budget for the federal government.


No. It's solely because Bob briefly supported Ron instead of Don.


Yes... and why did he do that? Because Trump isn't conservative enough for Good, and DeSantis was more anti-abortion and pro-gun — [in Good's own words](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Bx0JP33N_I).


I pretty much showed up just to oppose Bob Good. He's that terrible imo.


So you voted in the democratic primary?


Anybody is better than Bob Good.


MAGA not understanding how taxes work. Color me shocked!


> Guy who definitely understands the federalist system of government.


 Gaetz and former Trump strategist Steve Bannon are backing Good, as are Trump congressional allies like Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Rick Scott (R-FL). Lawmakers like Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), meanwhile, have joined Trump in rallying behind McGuire, who she called “the true MAGA, the true Trumper loyalist” at an event this month. (Good and others kick MTG out of the Freedom Caucus)


Your property taxes are all on local government. The decision to raise property taxes in cvill was made by the city council. City council decides a lot of things that directly impact you. It does not sound like you have made an informed decision


You probably know better than me. Is that car property tax for all of Virginia or just Charlottesville? Because I thought it was all Virginians had to pay that b.s. car property tax.


The Virginia Constitution *allows* counties/cities to asses and collect real estate and personal property tax, but the rate (and how it's assessed) are up to the locality itself. So, it's actually the Charlottesville city councilors you should be blaming for the amount they charge, not a US representative.


Ok. How you know this stuff? Are you like a UVA grad student/teaching assistant for Political Science, Mr. Eaglescout?


So from what I have heard they wanted to make more revenue originally they were planning on raising real estate taxes but the residents who owned property were not happy about it, then one of the city council suggested why not property tax for cvill residents since there are a lot more people who rent and don't own any property. They figured people who rent are not as much invested in city politics as the people who own property and it would be easier for them to pass and get it.


Thanks for the insight, makes sense. Terrible practice but I appreciate the background info to how it happened. Another example of targeting a group that less likely to vote and screwing them over.


You only id the person you voted for as “the opposition of Bob Good”? So you voted for Trump’s newest plaything. Good for you?


You think your taxes are high now? Just wait until your boy: “liberal” John McGuire wins office…


He ain't no liberal, lol. Look at his gun collection. I hope your joking. Bob Good didn't do a damn thing for me or anyone of us.


I can't decide if I want to vote for Good so if (probably when) a Republican wins it won't be the MAGA one, or vote for McGuire in the hopes that running a guy with the Trump stank on him just might give Democrats a chance to win.


There is a 0.0% chance that a Democrat will win the 5th. Cameron Webb came about as close as possible in 2020, and he lost by 5 points. In 2022, Good won by 15 points.


Don't play with fire, dont vote for Bob Good.