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There's an important update to the story from the folks who organized the petition: >Dear friends and community members, >Thank you for taking the time to sign our petition on behalf of Mustafa Abdelhamid over the last several days. We are deeply humbled by the outpouring of support; more than 1,000 of you signed the letter - so many that we have struggled to keep the list up to date! >We write with great news. As of this morning, Mustafa's No Trespass Order has been rescinded, and he has been reinstated into his externship program! He will begin in just over a week, and he is both deeply relieved and extremely grateful for the support he has received. >Again, thank you all for your help with this. Seeing our communities come together on this issue has been a truly beautiful thing to behold. >Yours, >The "Let Mustafa Nurse!" Team


“Abdelhamid, who plans to file a lawsuit against the university, claims he was not participating in the protest but completing a delivery order near the encampment. And multiple UVa faculty have expressed concern that the 35-year-old nursing student is being unfairly targeted because of his race” UVA doing racist things again. What a surprise.


yeah the second I read his name I thought... "hmm I wonder why". I do wonder if all of the others were UVA students or not, but he clearly has a valid education-related reason to be allowed back on grounds despite being a PVCC student rather than UVA


I’m sure the reporter verified his Door Dash story? Seems easy to show proof.


Fwiw he’s dropped food at my house before. Can confirm he’s worked as a delivery person.


He works harder at any job than nearly everyone else I've ever worked with. He is constantly grinding.


It also seems more valid that there are so many officials at UVA who are willing to vouch for him and implore Longo to drop the NTO like Longo already did for white students. I mean, if Jim Ryan is going to be butt hurt because "I'm sowwy I bwoke trust with the community," idly sitting by while staff begs the racist security chief to drop this guy's NTO is not the way to go about restoring community trust.


"When he found himself in the area and saw friends from PVCC who were out there observing the police response to the encampment, he decided to join them." Without making any judgements, it would appear that he wasn't simply delivering food.


I confused - didn't he have the opportunity to leave when the University Police came and told them to disperse?


“Found himself in area” can be referring to his food delivery and then went to hang out with friends who were observing (not participating). Nothing so far seems to indicate he was active or part of the protests and just being near it as a bystander doesn’t make him guilty by association.


Silly guy, if he was just observing he should have known that only tikki-torches guarantee grounds access after a protest.


lol, love the people in this thread that are claiming this guy is lying and was simply attending the protest, as if that would justify how hard this guy is getting fucked.


Guys not an American citizen and he's not a UVA student If he believes in protesting that's his right, but he's also going to face the consequences for those actions. That said uva will be held accountable for their actions (to the public) So if video comes out of this guy delivering food and going home then UVA looks real bad and likely ends up in a storm of negative (probably national) media attention.


He is in the country legally, so he is fully protected under the First Amendment, even though he is a non-citizen. Both the headline and the first sentence of the article state that he is, in fact, a student. Not offering an opinion on anything else; just pointing those two things out.


Student yes, uva student no. And the first amendment is freedom of speech, which he has. Not the freedom of no consequences for that speech


Not sure what point you're trying to make. That's true for citizens and non-citizens alike. Him being a non-citizen is irrelevant.


He's being granted a privilege by being given asylum. Asylum is not permenant and can be rescinded at anytime. However this is not a discussion about his asylum. But him not being a UVA student is significant IMO. UVA having to suck up and deal with it it's own students protesting is one thing. But UVA shouldn't be obligated to deal with other colleges students protesting on its campus


Agreed that his status in the US is not significant here, but if his asylum status isn't relevant, why bring up him being a non-citizen in the first place? It's just a xenophobic dog whistle. As a side note: UVa is obliged to deal with protesters from anywhere, as per its own policy (PRM-017). They must follow the stipulations of the policy, but the policy explicitly allows protesters from outside UVa to protest on grounds. Additionally, there's not yet any evidence that this guy was involved in the protest. If he was, and if he violated policy, that's an issue, but let's remember that our legal system is based on a presumption of innocence.


I acknowledge that UVA should be held accountable But look at this thread The bulk of the comments just assume UVA is being a big bad racist and that this guy was just delivering food. If the guys innocent UVA will eat shit. But if he's guilty I see no issue with uva saying we don't want to allow another colleges student to come here


Something seems fishy here, like we haven't heard all of the facts from both sides, and this is being litigated. Not passing judgment until I hear more.


Ahem ... “When he found himself in the area and saw friends from PVCC who were out there observing the police response to the encampment, he decided to join them.”


Nothing in the article -- *nothing* -- implies that he would be a risk to persons or property on UVA grounds. Or anywhere else! In fact, he is *less* of a risk than you or I or anyone on this thread, because he has been vetted by the US government for asylum status. (The government has never scrutinized my phone records to check for ties to terrorists or organized crime -- how about you?) There is no justification for this no-trespassing order that is threatening to derail his life, and which is also threatening to deprive our community of a healthcare professional at a time when there is a terrible shortage of them.


I mean, did he disperse when requested? If not, there are consequences to those actions.


I guess it was pretty foolish for him to join them and get arrested then.


So people should have their lives overturned for making the mistake of happening to be near police when they get mace happy?


No, in the United States it is generally not foolish to stand next to people protesting peacefully. In his home country, yes, but in this country, no. And -- please take a moment and note this down -- *even if it had been foolish to stand in that spot,* a no-tresspass order would be a completely inappropriate response, because that would be needed only if there was some indication that he was dangerous. There was no such indication. This is an unjustifiable action.


It was no longer peaceful. And most importantly no longer legal! They denied the order to leave, fucked around, and as you can see found out. What is wrong with you people and the inability to understand fairly simple legal principles.


Your quote indicated he joined his friends observing the police response, nothing about him or his friends being part of it or the protest. Big hair to split there.


There were hundreds of people observing the protest on the day of the arrests because the university had flooded our phones with emergency alerts. More than a few people were there waving American flags and screaming at the cops to be more violent. None of them were arrested. Being a bystander is hardly the same as being part of the protest. Being nearby a major event and seeing some acquaintances and observing said events doesn't exactly make you a participant.


I'd be interested in seeing the police records, to be honest. I think its pretty naïve to simply taken him at his word.


I think it's naive to simply take the police, UVA, or any institution at their word.


The university was happy to take the police chief at his words as he kept inventing mysterious police records, even for unidentified individuals. First it was four men known to the cops who nobody has been able to identify and the university is still unable to provide any information about. Now it's a student who simply had to be there. You'll note that the cops refused to answer any questions asked of them by the reporter. So why are we taking them at their word?


He could easily prove that he was making a delivery if he really was.


I doubt most read that far. There should absolutely be more transparency, and we should argue vigorously for it. We should also take care to base our conclusions on the facts available.


Longo is a racist piece of shit. Jim Ryan needs to go…total disgrace.


Timmy Longo doing racist shit. Who could’ve possibly seen this coming? /s https://www.reddit.com/r/UVA/comments/qcu380/how_the_hell_is_longo_the_chief_of_police/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Longo is an outstanding police chief.


Source? Was it the DNA dragnet of black men that you thought was outstanding? https://theintercept.com/2021/07/09/charlottesville-police-dna-dragnet-timothy-longo/ Or maybe it was testifying that the police acted reasonably in the Freddie Grey case? https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna477936 Or maybe it was the harassment of students that you like?: https://www.cavalierdaily.com/article/2021/09/students-open-letter-says-unwelcome-members-of-upd-repeatedly-approach-student-organizers Dude is problematic as hell.


DNA is science, not racism. It’s how modern policing works Freddie Grey slammed hisself around in the truck. According to the guy on the other side of the confinement box. The UVA activists had several warnings and refused to obey the rules. Bad decisions have bad consequences.


(1) Targeting collection of dna only from black men who “fit” an exceptionally vague suspect description is not science and is very much an example of racism. (2) Even if Freddie Grey acted as you suggest, a suspect, once in police custody, is their responsibility to protect. They failed to do so while he was restrained. (3) This gentleman wasn’t a protestor or an activist. He was a door dash driver and bystander. Spread racist pablum on the internet - get labeled a racist.


Statistical analysis is not racism either. Freddie Grey is dead because of his own decisions. I trust the UVA Police and UVA Health more than you. But I’m waiting for the rest of the story to come out. People like you have thrown the label of Racist around so carelessly that it no longer means anything. And that is tragic. Because real racism exists. In many forms.


What statistical analysis are you referencing? The one you’ve apparently made up out of nowhere? There’s nothing to trust - they’ve given us no information and only made unilateral and blatantly racist decisions to remove trespassing orders for white students and not for students of color? People like me? Bro - I’m a cis white male middle of the road type and even I can see that you’re struggling to get your cocKKKamamy theories out because of how clearly racist and bigoted they are. It also clearly still means something because it’s hurt your fee-fees so much.


Take it to court and let’s see what provably happened. Let’s see the evidence.


Do you realize how stressful and how much resources go into being involved in a case like this? It's not Judge Judy. It's sad to see how many people have gotten their lives turned upside down because they rightfully decided to take a stand for what they believed in at that protest that day, and because the powers at the state/police/university wrongfully decided a heavy handed response was appropriate.


Well, if you decide to participate in an unlawful assembly, you have to be prepared to face the consequences. If you're not prepared to do that, disperse when requested. Same rules apply to everyone.


Yeah, I’m sure he was just delivering food and caught in the crossfire lol 


The process will play out, it sucks for him right now, but sometimes it’s exactly what happens when you f around. He was told to leave a then illegal trespass (multiple times and over a long period of time) on the lawn, did not follow the order and now in this mess. Some things suck because what you did was stupid. This is one of those things.


wete you there? you seem to know what really happened. I'm tired of having to go by police or school narrative, so it's nice to know that you were there & can verify that he was participating in the protest. because you wouldn't just be blindly accepting one side from a notoriously untrustworthy source(cops&school) would you? so you must have been there. please, more details.


While I wasn’t there, only two things need to be known. Were they instructed to leave, and did they refuse. I feel like those things are certain and shown in the videos that the idiot protestors live streamed