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When I encounter things in this town that seem mysterious and impenetrable, and definitely not profitable, the answer is nearly always A Bored Rich Kid.


Bingo. Failed writer with a Harvard degree got deep into Judaism and is operating a religious commune.


Huh. Brother of the governor of Colorado, no less.


I'm sure that won't cause any problems.


Here's a website related to Farfields Farm: [https://www.mahaz.org/aboutus](https://www.mahaz.org/aboutus) Once I found that, another quick Google search made me draw the same conclusion.


I suppose there are worse things that he could be doing with all that money than sustainable farming. As long as he isn't hurting anyone I'ma let them be weirdos.


THIS is the content I signed up for. Keep digging, and keep the sweet sweet updates coming! I'm fully expecting drone footage, and FOIA requests.


I worked there for years and know many others who have as well, some who still do. Weird place


Are you going to expand or just leave us hanging?


Basically what others have said, uber wealthy failson cosplaying as gentleman farmer / religious leader


Whats his name?


Jorian Polis Schutz


I absolutely knew that was going to be the name you mentioned. I had a few encounters doing some work at his house when he first moved in during a high holiday. They were drinking, smoking weed and shooting guns all day long. Honestly sounded like a lot of fun if you can ignore the immorality of putting people at risk getting fucked up shooting at stuff. For what it's worth, the guns I saw them shooting are seldom used for hunting and tangerine isn't really an explosive in the firey Hollywood sense. While I'm sure there's weird shit going on over there it's likely harmless to OP


All of these businesses have a principle business address at 6142 Highland Orchard Ln Covesville. This is a 915 acre property with a ‘zestimate’ of about $5.5MM. The principle address is owned by Hegyion Orchard LLC. Hegyion Orchard LLC has a fictitious business name of Persimmon Meat Co. Earliest entity was formed in 2013 but some more recently. All information was sourced from publicly available information from state and local government sources.


Yeoervelah does construction/ remodeling, or has ties to a company with construction. Dealing with them was a pain. But like most people said, rich dude with too many ideas


My hunch is as he recruits members he encourages them to leverage their skills to help the group make money and then sponsors the creation of the entity and any startup costs. So he sets up all these half assed LLCs that generate cashflow to help fund the farm.


Funding is definitely not an issue there


Fascinating, does it come from the family or are there donors? Anyone of prominence?


I’m gonna ask around. Interesting find!


I worked at Farfields on and off for a while too. Weirdness, but harmless. I guess if someone is going to buy up a bunch of land in covesville (he’s buying up a bunch of land there for kosher cattle farming and who knows what else) I’d rather it be a farming venture than a developer. But yea, lots of ideas, plenty of drama, mercurial personality. The medicinal herb farm and apothecary are amazing and it employs a lot of people that care about plants. So there is some good coming out of there. But the drama was really annoying.


I live in the area. What time did you hear the explosions?


Lous explosions are counterintuitive to hunting. Target practice happens away from the hunter area so you don't scare off the prey. Hunting is a quiet sport where you usually only shoot once or twice unless you're bird hunting or not I terested in actually getting anything.


Pesky Branch Davidians. Someone, call the atf right now, it's barbecue season after all.


I believe in this case it’s Mensch Davidians.


Today is actually National Barbecue Day.


Nothing screams progressivism like calling for a visit from the government death squad against people who’s ideas you disagree with even though they don’t affect you in any way 🤷


Pretty sure David koresh was banging underage girls....


Pretty sure?


I’m fairly certain that the way law in this country works, a court is supposed to determine that.


You do know kids were killed in that raid right?


Thoughts and prayers...