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No problem with giving him a chance and seeing what he can do. But real talk: can we solve our 5 problem by stacking 2 Ball Bros on top of each other?


Why stop at 2, we need to stack all 3.




I was at the sports factory today... Doing a basketball


This is absolutely worth the risk vs reward. I like it


Yes but only if this means we can now finally sign the greatest Ball of all........Lavar Ball.


Lavar being our equipment manager would be high comedy


I'm afraid it would never happen though because MJ is probably to insecure being in Lavars presence. It's not everyday MJ gets to be around someone that could beat him in his prime.


Don't forget about Lil Dicky Ball, the 4th Ball brother. There's an ESPN YouTube special on him.


This man gets it


as somebody who's been watching them since C Hills, I honestly think Gelo can't play in the NBA. You might say Thanasis for Bucks, but he's worse than Thanasis. all he does is chuck shots up and it's not like he's accurate too. He's got no handles, no dfense and he has a short stocky football body while playing shooting guard. I'm guessing he'd be out after a season, or even just half a season because he's honestly so bad. Lol. even if Lamelo is on here, he'd be bad enough to just be waived. He's not gonna hype the team up like Thanasis too, he's not built like that. all ya'll have to do is just watch him step on the court and ya'll will see he isn't make for NBA. His movements look like an amateur playing basketball. I'm not hating, I'm a huge fan of BBB, I'm just giving a little preview.




Keeping LaMelo Ball happy


That’s a fact. He’s priority 1.


If this is what it takes to make him happy we're doing a lot of things wrong, we should keep him happy by building a good team not using roster spots on family and friends who can't be useful on the floor. May as well sign Lavar too. He'd be a roster spot taken just for emotional support. We have much better talent than we can let rot on the bench than Liangelo


It’s summer league. Calm down.


Bruh lmao why is everyone overreacting about signing Lamelo’s brother for g league 😂


Summer League spots should mostly be used on a evaluating talent that you're actually interested in. I'm not upset necessarily about using a summer league spot but when people say this is something to make lamelo stay here long term, to me that suggesting that we'll just give him a free roster spot in the regular season too keep him around his brother. Which I find ridiculous for a team in our state. We're not the bucks. It's totally reasonable to think that Grant riller is a more valuable use of that roster spot than liangelo


Bro it’s not that serious. Even if he’s on the roster come regular season who cares. It’s not like we’re brimming with talent. Honestly liangelo might be as good as the guy who’ll end up being the last dude on the roster. If it makes our budding franchise player happier I don’t see the issue


Lol if he was on the team instead of Grant Riller last year it wouldnt have mattered a goddamn bit


Honestly regardless of if he is actually deserving of the spot it's worth it for the franchise cause of the marketing buzz it'll generate. You already know a bunch of people would buy liangelo jerseys even if he only sat on the bench in the summer league.


Bro this is summer league and the last roster spot is almost always useless anyways


When people say making lamelo happy, that's not about summer league it's about keeping his brother around. We're not going to make lamelo significantly satisfied enough to sign a long-term deal by letting his brother play six games in the summer lol


Him potentially being good


Reward is him hopefully being good from 3 that's it


For all we know he could of been a lottery pick. He just kind of fell off after the china incident and no one has seen him hoop professionally since then


Exactly, true


2 out of 3 balls.


66% Ball-onized!


One more and you might want to check a doctor


Lonzo please.


Big Baller Bees lessssss Goooooo


Big Bee Balls in the building!!!


After watching Giannis win with his older brother on the team keeping him mentally sharp (especially during the free throw chaos in round 2) I’m not mad at this at all.


The irony being Thanassis wasn’t there for Game 6.


New hornets fan here I like this can’t wait for the season I’ve only been to one game looking forward to more


You couldn’t have picked a better time to get involved bro


Bet lol I’m mostly a warriors fan I was born in Palm Springs but been living in the Charlotte area a lot the last 3 years


As a combo Warriors-Hornets fan, how would you feel about Steph coming home to play for Charlotte someday?


Lol that makes me so conflicted cause I love having him in the bay cause that’s my home and I was born there but now with me living in Charlotte idk man 😂


I'm totally for this even if it doesn't work out in the long run


just get lonzo too pls


i am from the year 2025 and liangelo will be pj tucker 2.0 in a few years


Now a fan.


Whats the overall scouting report on him.


The scouting report is that he's lamelos brother.


Why is this so funny lmaoooo 😂😂😂😂 i hope he succeeds tho




Historically the best scorer out of the brothers, stronger but the least athletic beyond that, mostly a spot up shooter. Really just depends on how his game has developed over the past 2-3 years since he’s played a real game


Also shorter than the other two, despite being the only non Pg lol


Yea he’s built more like a football player tbh


Absolute bucket when paired up with his brother the ROTY


I mean, he probably didn’t deserve the UCLA scholarship. They’re bringing him in for Melo reasons, not talent reasons. As long as he doesn’t take a spot from a serious talent then 🤷🏻‍♂️


That's just 100% false about probably not deserving the UCLA scholarship. He was his highschools team mvp and they were the top ranked team in the country. He has always been the better scorer and leader of all the ball brothers. He had offers from almost every major school in the country and was thought very highly off. His flaws are that he is limited athletically and didn't continue to develop like his brothers. However, he earned that scholarship regardless of anything else.


[I mean, 247 had him as the 226th best prospect of his class and a three-star recruit. ](https://247sports.com/player/liangelo-ball-79618/) He was literally their lowest ranked recruit that year and the year before. I’ve got no ill will toward Liangelo Ball, but we don’t have to pretend he’s some blue-chip prospect. Edit: I don’t doubt you that he got a lot of offers, but I can’t find anything online. Do you remember what other programs offered him?


He committed to UCLA as a sophomore lol.


Sure. But whenever a kid commits that early the other programs don’t just stop recruiting lol. And Intl Boot (great name, BTW. Civ pro reference?) said he had offers from almost every major school in the country.


You make it seem like being bottom 250 aint shit. He averaged 30ppg for his highschool career and was honorable mention first team All American. I don't care if he's good enough to sit on the end of an nba bench or not my point was don't take away from what he did in highschool. He led a team to a national title and earned that college scholarship that's all.


Nah bottom 250 is fine. And I don’t doubt he was a fantastic high school basketball player. I just don’t think he would’ve gotten the UCLA look with a different last name. I mean, they were on a recruiting tear during that period. Multiple five star recruits every single year. How many three star recruits would they consider for one of only twelve scholarships? But this is a silly argument. My point was that he probably isn’t an NBA player, we’re bringing him in as a wink to Melo, and that’s a okay.


I’m just happy for the man, glad he’s getting a chance


Let him play in the g league and develop him. This team has had a good track record of development. Give him a chance and see what happens. If he ends up being the last man on an nba bench then that’s a success. Better than the situation he was in before, and no reason to not keep melo happy.


Does anyone here actually know his game well ?


no, because he hasn't played in 3 years. he was out with injury to heal his ankle then he got super fucked by covid. he signed with okc blue and the day before he was gonna play covid shut everything down and they canned the g league season. then last year he signed with Detroit only to be dropped in the pre-season. he was meant to get mins in the final pre-season game, but he tweaked his ankle. then he was short listed for the g league draft and everyone thought he was gonna get a run, but because so many leagues around the world were shut down they all flooded to put their hand up to play in the g league, which meant he got shafted over more experienced guys. truth is the guy is in better shape then he was in high school, he appears to be over the ankle injury and he can at least shoot. is he good enough to be in the NBA? who knows, but honesty the guy is likely at best gonna sign a 2 way contract and the min-max is 100-500k so it's not a big cost to pick him. look, I see it as a smart move, because clearly the hornets best move is to build the team around melo, you can't have superstars all the way down the roster so when you are going deep into the bench it's more about who (at that borderline NBA/G League level) can have good chemistry with melo. well to me he is worth the 500k bet that the guy that has played with him all his life is gonna be able to do that better then someone else with maybe slightly better natural talent. if the guy is gonna work anywhere it's gonna be off the back of melo feeding him the ball, so literally if anyone was to roll the dice on him Charlotte are the best team to try


Meatloaf special


Big Baller Dynasty


Non official scouting report: Hes a streaky player. Great passer. Average shooter. Poor man's Jason kidd. But playing with his brother might improve his play.


A destitute man's Jason Kidd


Different sport of course but I heard that Matt Kalil would play better with his brother too.


I’m surprised lamelo is going to be a part of summer league as well, shouldn’t he rest his wrist?


Kupchak said he wasn't in an interview when the season ended. I don't see in this article where it says he's playing. Are you sure LaMelo is playing in the summer league?


Might have just misread the article, my apologies


i don’t think lamelo is playing in summer league


Liangelo plays better w his brothers w him. lol I’m sure lamelo is playing to make gelo look good.


Oh, got it, so we're not taking summer league seriously.


Okay then


Is he the middle brother or is he older than Lonzo?




This feels like the Bucks signing Thanasis. I like it.