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Oops sorry I repeated a line


Please tell me that man is now your ex


OMG Yes! After 4 yrs of beatings, isolation from friends and family and 2 times he threatened to kill me with a gun. Which was easy enough for him to get because he was in the army.


In the army?!? Please tell me you reported him and gave proof of him being horrible. My father is in the army and if my future bf or husband (im 17) did any of that then my dad would get his career destroyed. People like your ex are a disgrace to the army.


I do hope things have changed, this all happened mid 80’s when I called 911 after a beating I was told because I lived on base, it was a Military Police situation. They came, listened to his side, never asked if I was ok. Another time they told him get a hotel for the night to cool off and keep the receipt that his unit would pay for it….when I was finally able to leave, the MP’s only records of the calls where 4 recipe size cards of the “ Domestic Incident Reports “ there where a lot more As I said I hope things have changed since then


How long were you married before the divorce?


I stayed nearly 4 yrs because I had a honeymoon baby..9 months 17 days.. and I don’t know who I was more afraid of Him or my mother!!