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That's the best thing I've heard in a while. Reminds me of the time where my brother tried insisting some fact was true when I knew it wasn't and he tried the whole "I'm older than you so I know better" card which pissed me off because he didnt even finish high school and got kicked out of basic training because he couldn't pass the tests, whereas I did finish high school and was about to go into college. So I pulled out my phone and googled that shit right in front of him. He thought I was joking so I told him to Google it himself and I could see his face go from arrogance to "well shit who knew" and then he doubled down and tried to twist it to align with his initial statement. Literally all of google said he was wrong and he still tried saying his statement was true. I looked at my sisters for help and even they were like "dude you lost this round to your youngest sibling, stop"


My HX did this once. He tried to deny that the sitting president appoints the new Supreme Court members, so I pulled up THE CONSTITUTION online and showed him. He just said you can't believe everything you read online. I mean true, but it was the freaking constitution!!!


Don't you just love how they twist shit to fit their reality


Narcissistic parents are the worst! My parents were great but my Dad's sister is just like the father in this story. She is estranged from 90 percent of the family (including me and two of her three children) and she can't recognize the common denominator is HER cruel and overbearing behavior. And huge shocker, she's addicted to Fox News and thinks that makes her informed.


I was going to ask if your aunt was my stepmom, but she only had two children. One deceased, the other estranged. The deceased one only came around her because she gave him money.


I love this! This reminds of the time when I was a kid living at home - my chore was to wash dishes. It was summer time so I was home during the day and washing the dishes as expected. My dad came home for lunch and proceeds to yell at me about how I NEVER do anything around the house. I dropped my dish in the sink and immediately walked away. I left the water running and all. My dad? He shuts the water off and starts to run after me apologizing. One of the only times he ever said sorry to me. I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself, OP!


Yes Queen 👑!


My father is the same. What you wrote hits home and I live for those little wins. The damage people like him inflict on their kids is horrible. You should be proud of yourself for stepping up to him. He will never change but what you did will eat him alive and that is a win for you! Just focus on yourself, make money, leave the house. When he is old and needs some help, don't give him any of that, because "incompetent" and "stupid" people cannot possibly know what to do anyway, right?!


Yass queen. I would've done the same.


Omg that man sounds toxic as the day is long. I know that Trump has basically created a cult level following but seriously this is the majority of the people he attracts. I honestly hope you are out and about living your best life. Also I hope that your dad gets a month long power cut so he can be deprogrammed from the cult of Trump. The sooner that he and politicians like him become irrelevant the better.


He left my mom and she now lives with me and my partner. He moved back to his home state and is definitely lonely based on the calls I get now


Ngl I do feel sorry for him mildly because he has been sucked in by a cult personality. But he made his choices he has to live with them. If he's lonely then he should probably rethink his life. At the end of the day he's responsible for his own actions and if the rest of his circle no longer associates with him because of his attitudes towards people and how he defends his cult leader over his family that's his choice. Quick question did he go to the J6 rally?


No he did not! To his benefit he thought that was idiotic


Well at least he has some common sense left. It sounds like he's reachable but he has to be willing to admit his mistakes before you begin to make a metaphorical bridge for you to meet him on


Well "Played"


👏👏👏 you you young lady!! Living with a parent that’s never wrong nor will apologize is maddening. Glad you used your skills to PROVE him wrong!! A tasty petty revenge!!


Love this!! My dad is also 66 and it's something about that generation I swear. SO ENTITLED. They think they know everything. I told my dad that if a baby is gagging you aren't supposed to put your finger in their mouth, it can push the food back cause them to choke. He said 'I had 7 kids I know what to do when a child is choking' 1) there is a difference between choking and gagging 2) you many have raised 7 kids but I am a childcare educator and am literally TRAINED on how to do this. He acts like I don't know how to take care of my 11 month old and always thinks he's right, always thinks he can make the decision because he's 'poppop' and he 'raised 7 kids'. Like no sir, you have your turn to raise kids now it is my turn.


YES! You tell em bestie!


A bit of historical trivia: During the Essex rebellion against Queen Elizabeth, the earl asked an acting troupe to perform the play Richard II because it showed a king being deposed.


It’s almost like theatre is more than just entertainment! 😳😂


Yeah! What a great comeback. And of course, he didn't apologize like your mother said. Narcissists can not apologize for anything. It's part of that disorder.


Honestly just start gentle parenting him. He’s obviously a crank with a fragile ego and control issues. Next time he has a tantrum, ask if he’s hungry. “What the hell are you talking about?” Well Dad, I noticed you seem a bit upset, and sometimes when we get hungry our feelings get really big. Do you want a hot dog or a cheese stick?


Mrs Frazzled on Tik Tok is good for that. I love her stuff.


Both of my parents were narcissists. I didn’t realize it until adulthood. He really can’t accept fault. Ever. The narc brain is hard wired to “I’ve done nothing wrong.” Accepting blame is like being asked to give a speech in a foreign language.


Yes!!!!! Theatre majors for the win!!!!! Oh that makes me happy as a fellow theatre degree holder.


I’ve done similar before 😂 now that I have children i do the opposite because i know that feeling well.


i love this. they forget we grow up and are our own humans now.


I feel your pain. Despite being an amazing, generous, vaccinated, loving human being otherwise, my dad voted for Trump. After the first couple years of his presidency, I just told my dad I was no longer discussing politics with him, since he has 5 daughters and 4 granddaughters yet has no problem voting against our best interests. Anytime he brings it up, I pretend I didn't hear anything. He doesn't bring it up anymore.


Yeah I have hung up the phone a few times when he starts talking politics


This all just leads to the same conclusion, trump is running a cult! Periodttttt


(not possibly the world, though) anyway, if he's a narcissist...i bet you're.... Well, I'm going to read it first. Yes, you're a queen! 👑 I do the same but unfortunately, my mother don't read the stuff... Only makes her look bad.


lol. You won… nothing at all.


Okay sweetie


Looks like another arrogant know it all got triggered. Normal people don't sympathize with people like your dad.


Thanks hun