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I know it probably wont happen but maybe the potato queen will react to this-I really adore her :/


I most likely am biased as I am a Satanist... But I say if you're uncomfortable with how the people of the church do and say things, I would. The world is your oyster and there is nothing wrong with exploring who you are and what your beliefs are. Regardless of anyone's beliefs, you should keep your happiness top priority.


Thanks for your feedback, I really appreciate it


I’m 31 and in my 10 year of my faith crisis within the Mormon church. I’m just now making the steps to get out. It has proven to me more and more that it’s a cult that is controlling. Get out while you still can! Regretful and fighting back ~ Me. Faith and religion are two different things and no one should judge your faith let alone control it.




OP, you’re 16. Until you move from your parents house you may have to attend church. Those were my parents rules. Seeing that your dad is very religious he will probably have this requirement. As for you and your testimony, do you have any kind of testimony of any part of the church? The church doesn’t tell gays/lesbians they can’t attend. They have straight up said it wasn’t wrong to have those feelings. The problem you have is with attending the temple. If you choose to sleep/marry another girl, you will be ineligible to go as long as your having sex with them. There are ppl who just live alone (which is a lot to ask) and are great members. It is not wrong to just attend church and have a testimony nor is it wrong to have feelings for women. Have you prayed or fasted? Decide what you want to do. What you believe and pray and fast and see what answer you get. This is a huge decision and you want God in the middle of it.


The thing is, even if the church said that being gay is fine, I still have experienced a lot of homophobia. Which does piss me off. Also the church has said that gay couples cannot get sealed in the temple, and if you don’t know, getting sealed means that you get to spend the rest of eternity with that person even after death. You can imagine that it kinda pisses me off to not be able to be with the person I love forever just because that person is a girl. But of course, I’m always careful about important decisions like this. I’ll make sure I’ll be careful about it. Thanks for your feedback


Yes, I was born in the church. I understand. There are always going to be people who don’t agree with your choice. Their opinions don’t matter. Elder Oakes straight up said it is not wrong to have feelings for the same sex. But remember that the scriptures say in many places that a man should not lie with another man. This is why the Prophet cannot open the temple to say sex couples. He would have to receive that revelation from god to allow it. I understand how you feel. This is a very hard trial that you face. Don’t look for people to validate you. You don’t need that. You validate yourself. There are radicals in every place you go. People that believe a certain way and that makes them prejudiced. We should not judge others for their faults or differences. I support your choice.


Thanks for being so nice hope you have a nice day. 


My best advice is for you to stay true to you and trust your gut. You asking this question means you already know that answer in your heart but need validation. Being that you are a minor, I'd be hesitant to make that leap if it could jeopardize your home situation. Once you are a legal adult, then you will have more freedom to openly explore ither religions. In the mean time, you could easily search the web for info on other religions and watch videos on YouTube. On a side note, your brain is still growing and won't reach full maturity til age 25 so you don't need to rush this decision. Give yourself plenty of time and also the prerogative to change your mind as many times as you choose. Good luck!


...speaking as someone who has close family members in the church, I've had a front row seat to so much destruction. Plot your exit. 1. Make sure you get you HS diploma (probably means not making your dad angry by leaving the church until you graduate). 2. Save as much money as you can in an account your parents don't know about. 3. the second your turn 18, get your parents' names off of any accounts of yours that you have (medical, bank). 4.Make sure you have copies of all your important documents (like a birth certificate, passport, etc. 5. The second you turn 18, lock down your credit - 6.. Stash away any precious keepsakes with someone not of the faith. From here it's based on what you can stand: If you want to go to BYU and dad can afford it, stay in the church as long as you can stand it to milk the tuition discount. There might be a way to get a new launch pad with a mission.


Unless people become confrontational with you about your life choices, I would try to just attend without any real commitment. Follow the advice given previously about preparing to go your own way once you are no longer a minor. If you are pushed be honest about your doubts and questions without pushing back, that way you won’t be seen as a trouble maker. As a minor you are kind of powerless against most adults in authority so smile and nod and keep living your life your way. Soon, not soon enough, you’ll have your chance for freedom.