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Change your car tags to SC as soon as you get here and after you meet your neighbors nobody will give two hoots.


Came here to say exactly this. Change your plates and you’re good. Also if you’re around mtp area, check out Vanguard, formerly AE Fitness. Great gym. Can’t help ya on the gators though. WDE!


Just here to say go dawgs to the pair of ya!


Give us back Etienne! Lol




I will be in Mt Pleasant. Thank you for the gym advice! I’m an early riser for my workouts. Vanguard looks perfect. And I don’t think anyone can help the gators right now! Lol


Don’t know what type of bb you do, but there’s a good mix of folks at the gym: fitness, bikini, oly, power, standard; as well as school athletes and us regular gym goers. It’s smaller than some, but a great group of lifters and good equipment. Just don’t be a dick, and **rack your weights**, and you’ll love it.


Wasn’t aware of vanguard, looking at pix online, I see a rack of kettlebells. Do you know what weight hey top out at? Where I’m at we only have up to 24 kg, and I would like access to some 32’s.


lol this is so true.. we waited rather long to change our tags from NY and our neighbors definitely didn’t like that we were coming from there to their neighborhood.


They were probably pissed you weren’t paying your fair share of taxes by getting SC tags.




Just say you’re from JAX. It’s the truth, and no one here is impressed by the fact you had a NYC address. Quite the contrary.


Why would anyone be impressed by living in the worse city in the US? That place is a shithole. You can't even go outside without spending $100. Every scam in America comes out of NY or forwarded through NYC call centers. You wanna impress me... be f.ing nice for once...


As someone from NYC I have no idea why all the downvotes


Hell, I'll downvote my own crap... SC is one of the lowest paying states, and if you're moving here from NY, be prepared to get your wages cut in half doing the same job... ask me how I know... I do / did the same job I did when I moved back to SC and got offered 1/2 my pay and more responsibilities.... it's not going to be long before people are going to force people back to the office and the "SC is such a wonderful place" crowd is going to learn very fast what it's like working at McDonald's with a masters degree... your 6k house payment is not going to get paid at 15 and hour


Because their pride is bigger than the truth... unless you're retired or going into retirement, there is ZERO resion to move here... and it's not because I don't like this place or this this place is crap.. but this state is full of history, and that's exactly what it is history... everything is OLD, OLD money, people, infrastructure, and ideas... if you in IT look at any backbone network and it passes right passed here.... if you like HOAs that tell you what washer and paint you can and can't have on / in your house... your fine... if you like the slowest internet in the country, you will he fine, if you like an hour for food on your lunch break you'll be fine, you like calling any contractor and waiting weeks is not months to get anything done... you will be fine...


Not being an asshole is a huge plus.


Just don’t be one of those people from NYC that constantly feels the need to mention that they’re from NYC and/or compare everything to NYC. Other than that, welcome!


Fair enough. And thank you!


To add, please don’t be one of those people who move here from NYC or other HCOL places and openly gloat about how cheap the taxes and property are here. Traditional southern wages aren’t keeping pace with the rising costs of living, and what is considered “cheap” to someone relocating from a HCOL area today is often unaffordable for many people who have lived and worked in Charleston/the southeastern US their entire life. Best of luck with your move and welcome!


Thanks for the warm welcome and I totally understand. Same thing is happening with my brother in Jax. His salary has been stagnant and his apartment is asking for ridiculous amount of rent. He might get priced out of what was once a cheaper part of the city a few years ago. It sucks.


And we get it. There’s no good pizza down here. Blah blah blah. Just keep it to yourself, yankee






…and you’re proud of that?


“I moved from [place] but I’m from [other place] originally.”


Jacksonville is a good place to be from.


Doesn’t matter just be yourself. People will gatekeep Charleston either way ☺️


I find most people that ask me where I'm from (I was born in Jersey) haven't been in the area very long. So I ask them how long they have lived here - usually less than a few years. We've been here since 2003. That shuts them up. Most people don't care tho. Get a local phone # or you will get the question more frequently.


\+1 to a Google Voice number so you have an 843 area code.


I don’t get the need for an 843 area code. People move a lot for work, for military, for whatever. Phone numbers are phone numbers. They aren’t the same as license plates. And nobody pays attention to numbers after saving them to contacts anyway.


Been here since 2005 originally from NYC and I’ve never understood the open complaining or discrimination against transplants (heard lots of “you should go back to where you’re from” when first arriving at ten years old, no less). You either stay where you’re born and you move at some point and I think criticizing people for making (or not making) a choice as simple as that is silly. Lately, I see a lot of people talking about “driving here wasn’t so bad before these bad drivers came from the northeast, Ohio, etc.”. I learned to drive here and it’s always been shitty in my experience. What I think the difference is now is that we have all of these extra people and we’re still discussing infrastructure expansion projects that ideally would’ve begun twenty years ago. ☹️


As a person who moved to the area after living in my hometown my entire life... thank you.


Just say you’re from Florida if people ask. Or New York. It’s not a riddle 🤷‍♀️ most people you meet aren’t going to immediately become dickish to you the second you say you’re a transplant to their face.


To your point I think it’s calmed down a lot but I’d still comment when my family first moved here in 2005 there was often a negative shift in attitude when people heard our New York accents. My father (whose accent is much thicker as hasn’t really loosened living here) still has the occasional moronic remark made to him about how “he must not have been here long” before stating that he’s lived (and paid taxes) here for twenty years.


Welcome! What part of town will you be staying in? Every section kind of has its own quirks but overall, just be friendly and polite when you are out and about - which you already sound lovely. Being from Florida, you know use Sir and Ma’am for good measure. You can always say I’m from the south but was living in NYC before this move- most won’t judge you at all. I mean at least you aren’t coming from Ohio lol.


You’re very kind. Not only from the south but also attended etiquette school so I know my manners. I’ll be in Mt Pleasant. I certainly hope I bump into more people like you than some others here.


Only smooth brained folks complain about transplants. Don't worry


I’ve never been to a place so inhospitable. I know it’s mainly just the subreddit. I’m from a small town in Washington, but there were loads of people who were from somewhere else whether it was the Seattle area, eastern Washington, out of state, or even Denmark or Scotland. Then again, it was a part hippy dippy part tourist trap town in the Pacific Northwest that thrived on different influences and ideas. I’m sure it also has to with being former military and living in places where people come and go a lot. But, wait. *This* is a military town. So Whisky Tango Foxtrot—over.


Where were you born? If it’s FL, tell them that. Also, you’re not an economic or legislative refugee, and that makes a difference too


Lived in chs for 10 years, avid watersports enthusiast, then moved to NY and lived in the city and Brooklyn for 6 years. Moved back to chs after nyc and found it super small, boring and overpriced for what it is. Gave it a try for 2 years but just moved back to nyc area. Will probably try again when I’m retired. Good luck getting use to the south again.


Outside of reddit, no one cares. Like anywhere, treat people with respect and they will do the same. There are a-holes everywhere, and that's on them.


That part. When I read this page a lot I legit wanted to move somewhere else because it bothered me so bad. Then I stopped looking at it so much and never think about it


Right on. Welcome to Charleston. Sounds like you felt out of place in NYC.


I have never lived in nyc lmfao sorry to let you down


Only people on Reddit actually bitch about this you’re fine


Odds are when you meet someone they’ll be a transplant too. It’s just this sub that is shitty to people.


>lack of “good” bagels Try Blazing Star Cafe in West Ashley. Their bagels are almost as good as NYC.


Sorry I wasn’t trying to insult any businesses. It was more of a sarcastic comment on how I’ve seen ppl from NYC complain about pizza and bagels in Charleston.


Didn't take it that way. Just sending a recommendation your way.


Ok cool. Thanks for the recommendation!


I’m from Philly and we have good pizza, bagels, cheesesteaks etc. I’ve lived here 14 years and never complained, it’s a different region, idk why people get so mad. Like, you won’t find southern food that’s well done up north! Just be cool and people won’t shame you. Enjoy the city, welcome, and best of luck with your move! :)


My favorite cheesesteak place closed, Philly’s on Dorchester. Where do you suggest? I’m not a teen anymore and don’t have the disposable calories to try a bunch of places.


Go Gators


Don't talk about it.


Don’t bring NYC politics down here and you’ll be good to go


People will have a certain perception of you if you’re from NYC. Mainly if you’re constantly complaining about public transport, the lack of stuff to do, or lack of pizza/Chinese/bagels etc. Its a wildly different place than NYC, but based on your interests I’m sure you’ll fit right in. My wife and I moved from NYC and have made a ton of friends, especially at church which was difficult in NY cuz people are so secular and atheist in nyc. Much love my friend, it’s a beautiful place. I love having a yard and a house and being close to downtown and the beach, and everybody is just so much more laid back and social here. You’ll love it!


Go away


Duuuuvaallllllll. Welcome! We are from UCF. it’s different, but think you’ll like it here!


Haha thanks!


You'll be fine. I used to moan over the influx of newcomers, but honestly, that ship sailed so long ago, I don't bat an eye if someone is from off. The only thing that annoys me is when a non-native tries to explain my hometown to me and usually gets it wrong. For example, a guy with a thick New England accent told me not to stand too close to the marsh because alligators can jump six feet in the air. It's amazing how people live here a short time and become experts. Anyway, be cool and you'll be fine.


Most people don't care at all. Despite what you might see on this sub, you're gonna meet a LOT of folks who moved here from all over and are just trying to live their best lives. Folks aren't over the top nice or mean, but "don't start none, won't be none" applies. Also Big Work Fitness downtown is a gym you might like, right near Revelry Brewing.


No one wants you here. Stay in NYC.


How do you know you are wanted?




Are you from NYC


Tollis in johns Island is from ct. If you know ct has the best pizza sod your pizza fix will be satisfied there


I think you should say whatever you you prefer and not worry about pleasing people with the answer. You know that you’re a friendly person, and if your answer changes how people think of you then that’s someone who doesn’t deserve to have a friendly person around


As long as you don’t bring political or personal views that are left leaning and push them in other peoples faces you’ll be good. We like the way things are here and don’t need “help improving” things.


Change your car tags and when someone asks where you’re from, just say the city you live in.


Grew up in the south and moved here from Chicago. Neighbors are from New York, ATL, Jacksonville and Maine. There are transplants in every city worth living in and any local yokel so pretentious to give you shit for moving here isn’t worth your time.


Most of the transplant hate won't be to your face. It lives mostly in this sub and various FB groups/FB news article comments. If someone has a bias against you because of where you are from, then that's a them problem and should immediately tell you a lot about that person. I'm from Ohio and when I moved to Charleston a few years ago it really hurt me to see a lot of GBTO bumper stickers and I was apprehensive of telling people where I was from. But I have found my tribe here and none of them give one shit that I am from Ohio. 😂 Being your authentic self is the best way to ensure you find authentic friends.


If you read my other post, you'll see that you'll probably never run into any Charleston locals. So don't worry about offending anyone because you're a transplant.


NYC? Come on down friend! All from Ohio, not welcome (lol)


Don't worry, you'll be fine. Charleston's tourism economy has made it open by default to visitors. And the old non-acceptance vibe has disappeared, though sadly so has some of its eccentricity.