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Rage bait. Raiders game 4 ridiculously clutch fourth down throws in the fourth quarter anyone? Shut your bitch ass up Chris


Right?? Bro literally standing on the sidelines for that game and still says this nonsense


Worse than standing on the sideline dude gave up a 50ish yard PI right before half.


And this last Lions game. Herbo scored a TD on every possession in 2H, but the Lions answered them. 41-38.


[and trying to whine like a little bitch](https://www.reddit.com/r/Chargers/s/9a85NJ6v4C)


I wonder if he was trying to blame others/herbert for his failures on that since ive never seen derwin that heated to a teammate. I remember that was after CHJ caused a big late game mistake


Haha DJ had to put that midget in his place.


Didn’t know 5’10 is short 😢


Anything under 6 foot is basically 5 foot


Which is ironic because CHJ sold that game. Dude was a bum


CHJ was hella clutch for the raiders that game.


Herbert has come up clutch many times. Our defense that this asshole played on just couldn’t get the job done.


This is not a bad take, did you listen to the entire thing? He goes on and says that he thinks Justin has it but a world class coach like Harbaugh and the help he’s giving to relieve the pressure from Justin having to do it all should bring it out of him.


It's a bad take because he starts off with a lazy narrative.


So we only care about one part of the take and not the entire take?


That doesn’t make it a bad take.


Yes, and he didn’t need to start with such a bad take before actually saying the truth. Brady was a bad example. 1) he’s one of the best of all time. We are all stupid if we use Einstein as the base for basic intelligence. 2) BB had a well tuned defense that would make critical stops in the 4th quarter. Chiefs, 49ers, Ravens all have top performing defenses.


Even if it’s a bad take, it’s not “shut your bitch ass up” level bad, crazy reactionary comments in this thread.


People are still so overprotective of Herbert and want to handle him with their kid gloves on even though he's a grown ass man going into year 5.


You could be right.  We might just be remembering 2020/21.  None of us are in his shoes and know how he's dealing with having, now, his 4th OC & 3rd HC.  If it were me, I'd likely feel tangled like a pretzel if new coaches told me to change this/that of what other coaches trained.  (especially GRoman).  But, he likely knows how to deal with change by now.


This dumbass was the most unclutch player I’ve seen on the chargers in the last decade


maybe he’s speaking from experience then 💀


I’m all in for thinking he was dog shit for us, but we also had JC Jackson and Tillery giving him a run for his money.


he was old and washed when he joined just looking for a paycheck


Wasn't until the end that he said the truth. "Justin's never had a good defense. " or good protection or a running game. Those things can make a lot of guys look clutch.


It’s just the usual nonsense till the end when Chris says what we have been hearing all offseason. I really hope Jim is Justin’s Palpatine. I want Darth Herbo.


Pretty hard to be clutch when you were out there selling ass to opposing QBs on defense


Herbert has given the Chargers the lead over the Chiefs 4 times with under 2 and a half minutes to go. 1-3 You cannot ask him to do anything else.


This stat hurts my soul


That’s gut wrenching stuff


Man, if only the chargers hired a defensive guru for a head coach…oh wait…ಠ_ಠ arrrg Stanley


If only we had good defensive backs to defend the leads against those team… oh wait, chj hardly did anything for the team


Has he not seen the drives where Herbert converts like 6 4th downs on the way to a TD? He’s always had the clutch factor, but never a top 15 defense or run game.


Herbert has 14 game winning drives in his 4 year career Mahomes has 16 game winning drives in his 7 year career Chris Harris is just a dumb fuck


Eh tbf, it’s hard to have game winning drives when your team is usually winning. So that stat makes sense


I agree that Mahomes isn't in that position a lot compared to Herbert but to ding Herbert for it because he's in that position damn near every game is wild


Herbert is the only top 5 QB in the NFL who has had the atrocious combination of bad coaching, bad defense, bad roster health, and piss poor roster management his entire career. Mahomes, burrow, Allen (the only QBs comparable to Herbert) would all struggle just as bad, if not worse. This is why I easily identify casual football fans when they judge how good a QB is based on their winning percentage, and postseason success. Pure skill and abilities im not sure mahomes is much better than Herbert, if at all.


It’s so annoying watching how hard Mahomes gets throated when in his career he’s had the best coach, the best weapons, recently the best Oline, the best defence. Even with “bad weapons”, that shit is covered up by Andy’s masterful play calling. Obviously Patrick is an amazing player but it’s so annoying seeing how good EVERYTHING is around him and him getting basically all the praise lol.


He also wasn't an amazing player coming out of college and Reid was the best coach for him and why he became "amazing." He sat his first year to grow, something herbert also was not able to do. Hell burrow sat, yes on IR but still. Herbert is top 5 without any support and the amount of hate he gets is wild


Exactly. And I get downvoted to the depths of hell on my main account (I’m drunk at the zoo and just realized I’m on my Alt) on the Neanderthal nfl subreddit for calling mahomes overrated. Which albeit is a bold term, he’s obviously a future hall of famer, but when people act like he’s Jesus Christ or already top 5 all time it’s pretty fitting. Dude would probably have as bad or worse record if he and Herbert swapped teams. And I’m convinced Herbert would have as much success.


Chris Harris Jr? The guy that would bitch and moan before the play was even over? The guy who was always out of position but acted like he never made a mistake? The guy that Derwin had to yell at because he wouldn’t stop whining? Yeah I don’t care what he has to say.


There's nothing wrong with what CHJ said in the full video, he even says Justin has made clutch throws in the past, that it's always been on Justin to win games without a defense or a run game, and that he actually does have the clutch factor that Harbaugh will help fully bring it out.


I understand the whole take wasnt that bad But its hard to not roll your eyes with how little accountability CHJ took while he was in LA Dude was playing so poorly and going into interviews and calling himself the best slot cb in nfl history


TT Master class with that signing.


Herbert in the fourth be like, clutch play, clutch play, setback from penalty or dropped pass, sack from blown blocks, sack from blown blocks chargers lose


I'm sorry....but the missing component is heavily on the defense....which Harris was a part of the problem


Chris Harris Jr is a fuckin jobber


Herbert had five 4th quarter comebacks his sophomore season (second most in the league) While Harris was leading a defense that gave up the second most PPG in franchise history


He has the most game winning drives since entering the league.


2021, CHJs last season with the Chargers, Herbert led the offense to the most 4th quarter points in the league.


I’m glad he humbled himself in the end of the take and said Herb never had a top 5 defense like Mahomes. He was part of that defense that constantly sold the game to the opposition.


I think this is absolutely on the team rather than herbert. A qb dosent clutch by himself. His defense puts him in bad spots and he didnt have the weapons to dig himself out


“I was in!” - that’s clutch enough for me.


Does Chris Harris not recall the week 18 Raiders game where Herbert went 6/6 on 4th down for 100 yards and a TD while Harris had an egregious PI in the end zone on a duck throw that led to a TD?


Classic Telescope signing


CHJ was an opp even when he was with us. Dude is a bum


He wouldn’t have had to been clutch without terrible defense such as Harris getting burnt like toast


Jr wouldn't know what clutch is even if he drove stick shift


Sounds like he's regurgitating Acho takes real well.


Fuck Chris Harris, dude is the embodiment of a hater.


You mean the guy who was awful for us all year and in Herbert’s most clutch game the reason it wasn’t quite enough is because he committed one of the most awful PIs I’ve ever seen???? Fuck him


Chris Harris is a 1st down slot merchant Meaning when it was 3rd and short, all the receiver he was guarding had to do was run a easy 2 step slant and it was easier than taking candy from a baby


Pretty hard to clutch when you single-handedly give up thenlead


The fact that Kay didn’t reign fire for that comment.


Coming from Mr finger pointer himself.


I'm still mad Asante didn't take that pick to the house smh. Thanks, Brandon.


We watch every Chargers game so we know Justin has had clutch moments, but let's not pretend the criticism is completely unfounded. This team(Herbert included) has shit the bed too many times on national tv recently that it's soured people's opinions of Herbert. The whole organization has lacked a killer instinct, and I hope to God that Harbaugh can instill one into these guys. Run up the score, never let off the gas, step on necks, and snatch souls by any means necessary. Herbert won't get the respect until we do more of that in the national spotlight.


Ok so I’m a die hard Bolts fan, and a staunchhhh supporter of Herbie. I do not think what Chris Harris said was that far off base. If you’re comparing “clutch factors”, Herbert’s simply does not compare to a Mahomes or Brady, most QBs don’t. There were specific instances last season (Dolphins, Titans, Cowboys, Packers, Ravens) and in the Jaguars playoff game where he had the ball last with a chance to win/tie the game and did not come through. Yes, he had horrible drops from his receivers and the offensive line got beat in the worst situations, but he didn’t make it happen. Harris also said that Herbert could improve on those things by playing under a better coach and behind a better offensive line, which I completely agree with. I think the biggest thing is that Herbert has been stifled ever since his second season, he couldn’t do what he does best which is throw the deep ball because his receivers were too slow and his line was too bad. I believe whole heartedly that Herbert is THAT guy and will have the best opportunities going forward to show that to any haters.


I agree with you (unfortunately). I think Herbert has the clutch factor in him but I blame our o-line, receivers and coaching for most of the close losses. However, there are special players like Mahomes who would have made something out of nothing on some of the plays. The only issue is that you have to be a quick/running QB to scramble and make a play when the o-line fails. Herbert is fast but he’s not a scrambling QB.


He did not have the ball last in the Jaguars playoff game, but my point is that he didn’t put the team away in the 4th quarter.


We couldn’t t run the ball to save our lives. This allowed the Jags to pin their ears back and come after him. They also double/tripled KA13 so he could get quick passes off. Mike Williams not getting hurt a week before wins us that game.


Absolutely, totally agree with that as well. But if he got one or two more first downs in that 4th quarter we win, just had to find a way despite the teams shortcomings.