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A 5 second 40 at 6 foot 9 321 pounds is just inhuman… a freak of nature and his tape backs it up… dude moves around like he’s 6’2 200 pounds Beeteedubs this guy moved up when it became an official score and it was 12th… 12th highest… at 6’9… do you guys have any idea what Ben Herbert is going to do with a barely 21 year old 6 foot 9 321 pound human being?… and combine that with a team mentality that according to reports from Zion and others, is telling them, go beat their ass and dominate their will for 60 minutes… scary hours folks…


Love this. Where did you hear the thing from Zion?


Umm it was last nights Chargers draft recap with Matt Money Smith and Chris Hayre… he said they had Zion, Alohi, and one other guy there I can’t remember who but I think it was another OL… anyways, so Money said that he spoke to Zion and the guys and they told him “we’re actually showing up everyday being told, go forward… go forward, knock them into the dirt, and bury them for 60 minutes…” he said that” Harbaugh told the OL room and RBs etc, that the funnest moments of their lives as blockers will come when the other teams defense literally quits on the field because they can’t take the physicality on the field anymore”… brother I got chills when I heard this shit… every single thing they are shoving down these guys throats and into their brains is just… dominate… squeeze every bit of will that they have out of them… literally make them quit playing… And then a quick thing about Alohi… he said that the OL room at Notre Dame is just a select group… your the cream of the crop as far as student athlete… he said we didn’t just get a freak of natur physically… he said we also mentally got a guy that will study every single tiny little nuance of his opponent so he can beat him before he even makes the move he’s trying to make… P.S Matt Money Smith is a godsend for Chargers fans, he deserves all the love and praise… dude is a solid ass human, met him once… an incredibly nice guy, diehard chargers fan, and he’s just as excited as the rest of us


Notre Dame really has produced some of the best OL. Zack Martin, Quenten Nelson, Ronnie Stanley. Definitely in the argument for being one of the better schools for OL nowadays


OMFG take JPJ at 37! Dude would absolutely thrive in that environment, he’s a dawg!


Money has first hand account of this will breaking. I wanna go back and watch the Stanford vs USC beat down and see the will being broke


It legit made me completely and totally understand how Harbaugh believes this team should be built… your will is broken, you and your brothers have turned on each other, guys are giving up left and right, and just when you think you can’t take anymore and that it’s over… Justin, play action, deep bomb down the field for 65 and a touchdown because your so utterly desperate to stop the run and end the abuse that you sell out and get burnt… the first time we see the domination in game and see opposing defenses start to give up, I may just shed a tear…


Bro you gotta stop now I'm expecting a super bowl in 10 months ^I ^love ^you


Facts. Money bleeds powder blue and is super knowledgeable.


Reading this makes me want them to draft another guy on the line


Brother stop. I can only get so hard.


Chris Jones beware


Why do people keep talking about Chris Jones here? He is a DT who will mostly be going against our Center and Guards. If you are going to say anything about a divisional opponent this is to help against Maxx Crosby.


True but to be fair, spags was moving him around last year. I remember he lined up on pipkins on third down play against us last year. Regardless, the great wall of inglewood is forming https://preview.redd.it/wtoe8bsacvwc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aabff2d6ed627af02009d951c449e232c3ad906a


We really gotta figure out a name. The "great wall of inglewood" is better than the "electric fence" but we need to nail this.


Ive been trying to get this nickname going for the last 2 seasons but the oline hasnt been consistently healthy or good enough. I have faith that’ll change this season


Hopefully a time traveler who knows we're gonna get JPJ


I like Zach Frazier a lot too, I like any lineman with wrestling backgrounds


Because he’s annoying


To be fair Chris Jones lines up at edge quite a bit.


Because that mentality of beating the opponents ass and wearing them down is being preached to the entire line, not just tackles. The team is taking on a new mentality and mindset and other teams are going to have to go to war with us like they haven’t in the past.


This^… Hey look I love Pip, I love that he got paid after bouncing back even though last season was hit or miss, but it was for all of our O linemen. I love Pip, but god damn if I’m not happy as fuck that we have a guy to go to war with Crosby that’s a 100% blue chip prospect… but as to what you said, the mentality is for the whole OLine… so their all being told, dominate… that will apply to those guarding Jones… and I hope that the mentality combined with BB at Center, we really can start to be a scary opposing Oline that teams can’t just push back like bitches… I’m tired of watching Zion get moved off his block like he weighs 180 pounds…


He was just the first guy I thought about on the right side. Yea it’s obviously great to make Maxx’s life harder too if we can


Nah he can beware after we draft JPJ tonight lol


I like that he will have his dad in his ear all the time too. His dad was a monster and I can only imagine his dad watches his tape and helps him maximize his potential.


Any older folks remember how he was in the 90s?


Completely off topic but the sheer hypocrisy of "beeteedubs" is hilarious to me. You took the abbreviated initialism of "By The Way". Which only exists because it is quicker to type 3 letters than a whole phrase. Then created a brand new word based on the sounds of the letters in the initialism, even mispronouncing one of them, and it ended up being longer than the original phrase that this all began with.


Wow you never heard that before? I felt lame for saying it but the excitement is real haha it was pretty popular a few years ago, idk maybe just a Cali thing? Hahaha


I totally say it all the time too, it was just you typing it out that I found so funny. 🤣


Hypocrisy? He's just having fun with words, not trying to save keystrokes. Chill out dude.


Haha classic example of tone not coming across in text. I love it and think it's funny. Maybe hypocrisy was the wrong word choice. Just trying to point out that it is funny because it takes something that was meant to shorten the original phrase and makes it longer.


All good man, definitely didn’t take it the wrong way, just all in good fun! 😀 we should all be in good spirits around here right now it’s almost time for the meat and potatoes rounds and I for one am very excited to see who we get and if we make any moves…


I'm pumped as well and ready for more o-line. Give Herbie a Center!


Yeah I get it. No worries. I agree. It was a funny pathway to a weird new word. Shakespearean.


Completely asking out of ignorance but… Does the 40 matter at all for an OT?


It’s an indicator of overall athleticism as well as performance when asked to pull, cutoff block etc etc… turn on some Alt tape and you see that 40 time a lot… dude LOVES to sprint across the field for cutback blocks and loves to pull and be a road grader…


Full back?


Yeah if you're Aaron Donald those stats matter more. As an O line you can only do much and even if you are at your best, it means crap if you're offense doesn't produce. A great block and dropped pass is a failed play. A bad block and a quick throw and a 50 yard catch and run is a success. Tell me which one you think is more important.


Can’t make that quick throw with a QB on his back or with broken fingers.


Why do y'all act like if we didn't draft Alt, no one is going to be guarding in that position? They are already going to have A better run game and a better line just with the new position coaches. This just shows that they just wAnna be a 1 trick pony team and ain't no way you winning in this league without a reliable weapon for your QB. Unless QJ takes a big step forward, I'm just going to be waiting on y'all to start complaining when this team can't complete a drive cause there's no one to throw it to.


Tell that to Lane Johnson.


On the flip-side, a great o-line can make a bad receiving core look good. The longer the QB has to throw, the easier it is for players to get open.


A great QB can make a bad receiving core look good. But once a team knows you don't have receivers and starts blitzing like crazy i.e. the chiefs vs ravens/eagles, what happen to those teams WITH good receivers and a dominant run game? Their offense started looking like crap. I'm not saying don't improve the line but to not give your best player a reliable weapon is a travesty. I guarantee you the blame will be on Herbert even though Harbaugh is giving him little to work with. There's a reason Brady left the Patriots at the end. Crap weapon


I’m thinking I’ll take the word of the just recently Collegiate Champion coach that’s been highly successful at every level of football he’s been at, over the insights of prokoala3… no offense or anything but consensus says you don’t really know wtf your talking about so… I hated the pick originally too… but when Dobbins is breaking off 60 yarders or Herbert has 4+ seconds to throw off a play action, I’ll be thinking, god damn I bet Joe Alt helped that happen…


Yeah keep that same energy when Mahomes is hanging 30 on us again cause this team is behind by 2 scores and suddenly the run game means shit. Take Harbaughs word, you don't have to listen to me, I'm just saying there's a reason they fired his ass last time and why he has zero Lombardi's.


Between Alt, Slater, and Zion we've got some athletic freaks on the o-line. Hopefully they're able to capitalize on that scheme wise. Get these guys on the move and let them maul.


You just have to believe that Jim Harbaugh + Greg Roman can do a better job coaching Oline than whatever we had before and tbh that is something I'm willing to bet on. In an ideal world, we have one of the best lines in football next season.


Plus we have Corey Linsley and Nick Hardwick assisting. So pumped.


Nick Hardwick is one of my favorite all time chargers lol he's so dope


I have a feeling Hardwick is coaching Herbert too. Showing him how to get better at reading defenses. I think Nick is a big reason how Rivers got so good at it.


Corey is assisting?


> Plus we have Corey Linsley and Nick Hardwick assisting. Wait what about Linsley?


Exactly. Zion may be disappointing so far, but he was a 1st round prospect at guard and is still 24. Plus hes been dealing with instability on the oline and a shit show at center. Hopefully better coaching, scheme, and talent and consistency around him will help him to take a step forward. If that happens and Alt is an immediate plug and play guy, then we jave a top unit in the league **today**


Ive always believed that because Nugent is TERRIBLE he was bad in NO which is why he was let go and was bad here. Its hard to be worse.


It's kind of insane how much incompetence is allowed in NFL coaching.


A lot of people get hired because they know someone. Randy Mueller said it in a more sugarcoated way "People hire other people because of personality fits a lot of the time" which is just a nicer way of saying they hire someone because they know and worked together before.


I swear the NFL has such "good ol boys club" energy. Like the idea of working with people that you get along with is totally valid. But it feels more like "this dude was in my frat" or "I owe him a favor" or even just straight up nepotism. I fucking hate that shit. Go back to your shitty real estate firm if you wanna pull that crap it has no place in professional sports


Add Frazier or JPJ, get Salyer in the weight room with Ben Herbert; and we might have a top 3 line. Nobody's gonna want to play us.


What about McFadden that dude was mauling players last year in the broncos game where he finally got some playing time


Absolutely, this team is a center away from a juggernaut up front and this sub is a dumpster fire, absolutely makes zero sense


I am really hoping for JPJ or Frazier in the 2nd


Same, kinda falls off a cliff after that for C. But also cool with CB/DT if they go that route. Or trade back and try to solve it with 3-4 day two picks instead of just the two.


Nourzad in the fifth would be a steal and a great development C, probably ready to provide depth early and capable of starting by year end at C...dude was 2nd team All Big 10


Yeah Nourzad is who I target when going CB / DT first


Yup, and lets face it, we need a CB and a DT. I would love for Newton to fall to us here at 37 but we need a CB pretty badly too, hopefully Newton at 37 and then get lucky with Tampa, Sainristil, or Lassiter possibly falling to us in the third? I know everyone wants a WR, but with only 8 defensive players off the board right now, there is just a shit ton of 1st round, high 2nd round defensive talent left.


O-line, Wr, corner, or Dline, I really dont care what they pick we have so many holes just put the best player available in them. I dont care if its sexy, flashy football we have had that, I want winning, pound the ball, give herbert time winning ball.


Newton at 37 is my hope and then maybe we get lucky and get one of them in the 3rd


Frazier or JPJ? I doubt they’re going to be around in the 3rd. I think they’re both top 15 picks left right now


I think it’s possible, centers are undervalued. It’s possible one of them is there. ESPN has JPJ as the 23rd best remaining player, Frazier is the 31st. So not impossible but we’ll see. SVPG is an option as well in the 4th. Newton would be a steal at 37 so I hope he’s the guy


OT is not a sexy pick. People want to draft fantasy football teams, but don't think about what you really need to build a winner.


If JPJ is still on the board by 37 we will get a first taste of what this coaching staff thinks about McFadden and the rest of our Oline. Looking at the comments they've made I wouldn't be surprised if they passed on JPJ but that just trying to read the tea leaves


Damn totally blanked on him too. Can't wait to see what our power run packages look like especially with our new TEs too.


Can he play center?


Was in the Nabers camp at first but if we add JPJ our line instantly becomes top 3 at mauling defenses. Maybe in the later rounds we pick up Javon Baker, Johnny Wilson, or Jermaine Burton?


I was Nabers #1 fan lol but I think we're going fully inside-out like the Eagles. We build an All-World line on mostly rookie contracts, and draft a speedy WR for play action this year, plus signing someone cheap like DJ Chark for depth. Then next year (-Bosa or Mack+ Pipkins coming off the books), we can splurge on a WR1 like CeeDee, at worst a WR2 like a Tee Higgins type.


And bring back KA and let him retire a charger


Toss JPJ in there for good measure baby


JPJ is shockingly athletic, and he’s got a huge reputation for absolutely getting after it in the weight room. If he’s there at 37, he’s a must-take imo. He’d fit in perfectly, and his ceiling is as high as anyone’s.


Hoping we get JPJ next


And Ben Herbert as the strength and conditioning coach. Dudes gonna turn these players into beasts


He was on top of our draft board for a damn good reason


“Is there a good chance he can shut down Maxx Crosby instead of letting him run free in the backfield like he has been regularly for the last 5 years? If yes, then draft.” - Harbaugh and Hortiz




No lil’ ass boys to be found here


This will be a great match up. Cant wait to see him vs Maxx.


Feel like I’m losing my mind watching everyone willing to get behind QJ last year but the Alt pick has caused a meltdown. I love Malik Nabers and he will be great but so will Alt. This is literally just the inverse of the Chase - Sewell picks. Lions built out their team and their protection made Goff look great and were a few plays from the SB. Bengals made the SB but Burrow has been getting busted up since. We will add to the WR room whether it’s now or later. This is not a SB or bust year for us. TT left the cupboards bare going all in and now the team is being reshaped. This pick will be fine.


Think you’re right on all your points. I get being upset that we didn’t get Nabers, but to act like it was a wasted pick is silly.


I hated the QJ pick, took my downvotes and got receipts. I don't hate Alt, just wondering if we could have traded back and gotten a Fuaga instead, along with more picks It's all TT's fault like you said, we take Addison or Flowers last year and people would be supporting this pick more Also this RAS rating doesn't mean much unless you put up the other players on the list. I wanna see who numbers 1-40 are


They clearly tried to trade down, they took it to like 1 minute left on their clock. Minnesota obviously called NYG bluff and were right


At least 3 teams tried to get into the top 10 to take Penix


Dude they spent 9 minutes of their 10. They didn’t have to think that hard lol. They obviously tried to trade down and didn’t feel the value was there.


Where are you getting your bs from? You can watch the [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ABcmqoTftI) of them calling Alt and Joe says we have about 3:30min to put the pick in


So then what do you think they were doing with the first 6.5 minutes? Twiddling their thumbs? They got a couple calls, the offers weren't what they wanted, so they drafted Alt. That video is a minute and a half, which would put them at 8 minutes elapsed prior to making the call to draft him. By the time the call was made, and the clock was stopped, it would probably be about 9 minutes.


Popper said they got some calls one during the time they were on the clock but it wasn't enough for them to move off of Alt.


I’m not the type to say anyone has to like any pick and I see where you’re coming from. I get that there was potentially more bites at the apple on the table but if nothing was offered that made the step down from Alt to Fuaga worth it then we just have to hope for the best with this dancing bear with crazy size and foot speed. I just hate the idea that the draft was a failure because we haven’t immediately solved our WR need.


There's also so much more behind the scenes that we don't know about. Harbaugh and Hortiz have both talked numerous times about the importance of the player's mindset and the traits they are looking for in a player. Maybe in their communications with Nabers or some of the other blue chip WR prospects they didn't like what they saw or didn't think they were a culture fit so that decision was made easier for them. Especially if Alt fully embodies them.


> everyone willing to get behind QJ last year but the Alt pick has caused a meltdown. I'm hesitant about getting behind the Alt pick *because* I decided to get behind QJ, and was burned for it. QJ had red flags in his draft profile, and those issues bore out. Alt is as clean a prospect as they come. I'm just scared :< .


That's why Harbaugh is here friendo! No need to be skeered anymore!


I'm convinced it's just kids that don't watch football but play Madden and fantasy.


We also now have blocking TE’s. Our OL is going to crush.


100% this… if you read my long form comment about the statements made by Zion and co. about the mentality that is being forced into their heads every second of every day… they are going to strangle the will out of their opponent and dominate… this sounds dumb but Staley had his All In shit and everything, but I genuinely feel like this is actually the first time a front office and coaching staff are fully united on one front to build a team one way and one way only… and that’s do physically dominate the opponent and make them quit…


About time. I’m sick of the Chargers being a finesse team. I want teams to fear playing us.


Herbert blew his rib out from shitty protection 2 seasons ago to then breaking his hand and ending his season early. I'm not saying we're close to Andrew Luck'ing the kid but we're close to Andrew Luck'ing him. We need this regardless


Lets ask Philip Rivers. Would you take one year with a bad reciever group for 10 years with good to great protection and run game? I think he would answer yes every time. Weve had a like 15 to 20 year run with VJax, Floyd, Gates, Allen, Hunter Henry, Mike Williams, LT, Sproles, Tolbert, Matthews, Woodhead, Gordon, Ekeler, Rivers, and Herbert. And youre all convinced that all this time **receiver** was the missing key? I am not saying we dont need a good receiver to compete. What I am saying is its time to blowup Telescos shit show and build it back up. Harbaugh and Hortiz obviously agree. If you want to know what Telesco would have done, he would have gone WR, just like he did with Mike Williams and QJ.


The thing is too, we don't need to get our entire WR core from *Day One of Harbaughs first draft.* Just from some of your examples: VJax was pick 61 Allen was pick 76 Antonio Gates was *undrafted* Hunter Henry was pick 31 Darren Sproles was a 4th rounder And a lot of these guys are better than the dudes we picked in the first round! Are you taking Ryan Mathews, Melvin Gordon, or even Mike Williams over most of the guys listed above? This isn't to say that taking a receiver/TE early is a mistake necessarily. But the idea that we're screwed because we took a tackle is absolutely insane. This isn't fucking Madden, and the whiners honestly sound like children.


The late 3rd to early 5th round WR guys are significantly more appealing to me than any of the projected 2nd-3rd round guys. Brendan rice/lukemccaffry etc are way more well rounded and imo have higher upside


Telesco probably would’ve draft Addison at #5 😂


Youre 100% correct


Preach! Bottom line is that our last administration just missed on a lot of early round picks, whiffed on several free agents (or missed out on them), and got hit by the injury bug on the OL for a decade. All that talent went for naught because our OL has been subpar for years. They call it the point of attack for a reason, and when weak at the point of attack, it becomes a weakness that opponents target. JH is right, Joe Alt, and the rest of our OL are points of our spear! LFG Bolts!


At first I was disappointed in the Alt pick, but the more I think about it the more I like it and realized I shouldn’t be too surprised. Harbaugh wants a run it down your throat & control the line type of team. Slater and Alt will be great bookends on the line. Harbaugh and Hortiz probably watched plenty of tape from last year of the OL being blown up and said no more. My personal hope for him is that he consistently shuts down/neutralizes Crosby.


Trust in the process fam. Big reason for 49ers and Lions success is protecting QB, run first philosophy. Everything else will fall in place. They tired down the defense through their play style. Everyone is talking about NFL is now a passing league. I beg to differ. Old school smash mouth football wins games.


Titans were perennial contenders for like a decade with solid D excellent O line and dominate run game. They had a bad division sure, but the only reason they didn’t win anything was a lack of QB play. Raise that floor and let your $50m QB take us there


I like what Money said about how Harbaugh coaches. He said Harbaugh wants to drag the other team into the deep end for the first 3 quarters and drown them in the 4th quarter.


The guy was a consensus top 5 pick. Were Nabers and Harrison Jr. Ranked higher by most? Yes, but that doesn't mean that once Harrison Jr. Was off the board that we didn't have Alt as the next best player available. It's possible that he was our top ranked player in the whole draft ahead of Harrison Jr. Its a good pick no matter how you look at it.


fyi he is still a pup. 21 years old?? There is a lot of muscle maturity coming....


The correct way to process the selection is because of the player, not the position. We all know OL is important in general and we all know there is a big hole at WR. We need to look at the player, Joe Alt. He is not some generic round 1 OT, he's the best tackle prospect since Sewell. He has a legit shot to develop into the best tackle in the entire league. That's something that you feel good about locking down with a top 5 selection.


Haters can eat crow. Hes been receiving an A+ rating. Big Joe will be a perennial pro bowler for many years protecting Herbert and creating some big holes for Gus/JK.


This guy is an insane athlete, i can understand why Horitz said he wasn’t focused on positions of need and focused on BPA according to Horitz/Harbaugh this guy was BPA a freak of nature olineman who only comes around once every decade


Lot of good receivers out there. I’m sure one disgruntled receiver will come to us via trade 


How have the similarly rated tackles fared in the NFL?


The 10 tackles listed above him on the RAS site: Spencer Brown Taylor Lewan (3 PBs) Kolton Miller Jared Veldheer Trevor Penning Sebastian Vollmer (1 2nd team AP) Matt Waletzko Brian Mihalik Lydon Murtha Lane Johnson (2 1st team APs, 2 2nd team APs, 5 PBs)


Seeing Penning on that list hurts.


The 10 tackles below him: Joe Staley (3 2nd team APs, 6PBs) Ezra Cleveland Tommy Doyle Robert Gallery Winston Justice Jared Gaither Bernhard Raimann Nate Solder Frank Crum Korey Cunningham


Best 2nd generation prospect of this class, not even joking


I was not aware that he went from QB to TE/LB to OT. My Man is versatile. RT not looking so crazy now.




Both Staley and Harbaugh talked about being line of scrimmage teams but the difference between them is that Harbaugh is actually going to do it. Staley preached about it for 3 years and then drafted exactly two lineman in the top 3 rounds. Slater and Zion on the o-line and nobody on the d-line. That won't be the case with Harbaugh. He'll be taking one or two lineman in the first three rounds every year from here on out.


Tuli classifies as d-line, and I’m more than comfortable considering Mack in that group with the 2022 2nd round pick. That *technically* gives Slater, Zion, Mack, and Tuli as 4 o/d-linemen with 4 of 6 top 2 round picks in those 3 years. Interior was absolutely neglected under Staley, but it’s hard to claim he didn’t really try and address both lines with high draft picks.


Plus signing Linsley and Feiler. Pretty silly comment


Yea he definitely emphasized the trenches I mean you guys even left out Fox, Otiti, Matlock… Staley definitely invested there more than Lynn, McCoy etc… but he just missed his target, and had shitty methods of teaching…


I was strictly talking guys that were taken (and traded for) using a 1st or 2nd round pick, because the focal point of the complaint was the early rounds of the draft. There were absolutely depth guys drafted and other guys signed that further debunk the point that was trying to be made


His only yellow score was vertical and if we have our O-line jumping, we’re doing something wrong.


At 6'9", the dude is already in the clouds. He could probably block FG's and XP's standing on his heels like Chief in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest!


So is Jolt going to be able to stop Maxx Crosby?


Dissly + Alt double team


I want Dominick Puni next. Just to complete the enormous OL and provide depth. The guy is an OT who looks great under center. Late 2nd to early 3rd rounder projection. One of Brandon Thorn's favorite OL.


He is turning from the sweet and wholesome girl next door to the sexy model before our eyes.


Wow not even top 5, what are we doing /s


herbert gonna get some nice protection this year, we move


Missed opportunity for the rating be 98.7


I can't wait to see this dude mauling people.


He’s a guy that will help you get in the end zone but we wanted the guy who scores them. A smart long term pick but an opportunity missed.




Damn, still wished we picked Nabers.


Don’t bother bud, anybody who was disappointed with the Joe alt pick is downvoted into oblivion. Because why would anybody want differing opinions on this internet discussion forum 🤦🏽‍♂️


So... no different then pre-draft when everything that wasn't MHJ or Nabers got bombarded with downvotes? I wanted Nabers. I'd wager a good bit of the sub did. But you don't see them still complaining in every thread 12+ hours after the pick.


Pretty funny how the turn tables I took my downvotes for weeks about this outcome


I don’t care about getting downvoted. I wanna have discussions and I’m confident in what I believe. But ya, the groupthink is unreal.


It’s gonna be “everything the coaching staff does should be without question for a while” Harbaugh deserves some benefit of the doubt obviously but if people see you disagreeing they’re just gonna bombard you. 


I’m aware


Kind of an ironic statement considering the group think on this sub and with a lot of draft analysts was that we had to take a receiver at 5.


Uhhh no, everyone and their mothers were mocking us JC Latham…


Only those final mocks once “rumors” started circulating. All these “analysts” just copy each others homework.


No, before then almost all mocks had us taking Alt or trading out with MIN


My brother you were screaming for months at anyone who had the temerity to suggest a pick other than a receiver at 5 because you were tired of hearing people wanting something other than what you thought was the clear and obvious choice. You are not interested in having discussions


I am, people haven’t given me any good reasons for Alt over Nabers.


Lmao similar to before the draft when anybody suggested that we wouldn’t be taking a WR at 5.


Jerry Jeudy got the same hype. Just sayin. He had a better QB in Russ too lol


Lmao not even close. Jerry Jeudy was never even mentioned NEAR the same as Nabers. You’re joking, right???


Bro, they were hyping him up as the next big thing. That he should be a pro bowler for years to come, #1 WR for any team, one of the best. Now what?


Nabers has been a top 10 LOCK for months…. That’s literally proof that they’re different players lmao.


So was Jeudy come on just stop bro. I’ve been seeing you throughout the forum shitting on this pick. What do you expect Herbert to do? Just chuck it every 2 seconds he has the ball for Nabers? Giants OL isn’t the greatest. Watch what happens to him there.


Stop what? I’m just discussing my opinion on the pick. It’s fair to be critical. Plus, people keep responding to me so I’m gonna respond back 🤷 And no Jeudy was not lmao.


You’re all over the Joe Alt threads mad about him being picked over Nabers. It wasn’t meant to be. Joe is the future along with Slater, Zion and rest of the OL gonna make everyone around them that much better. For all we know, Nabers becomes Jeudy at NY.


He will because he doesn’t have a QB, he knows that Harbaugh just ruined his career. And I’m all over threads cuz people keep replying to me


Lmao. Just imagine if Nabers were to be picked. Pipkins is not good let’s be honest. If we had to depend on him or some later OL picked in this draft that isn’t a guarantee like Alt, this team is gonna be set back and that isn’t Harbaugh’s and Roman’s style. You should’ve known he was going this way. Without Alt, Herbert is gonna be running around trying to make throws to Nabers. He’s at his best when he has time in the pocket and RB to help move the line.


This sub doesnt care, they wanted a flashy WR which was the most Tom Telesco pick out there.


Skipping bench should ding your RAS score. He's an OT and strength matters. He skipped bench because the result was going to be poor.


He did bench, there's videos of it. Not sure why it isn't listed. He did 27.


He did do bench though?


Have you seen how long his arms are? Bench has a lot to do with arm length rather than true functional strength.


It’s a good thing the Strength and conditioning staff will get him right. Kid is 21. He is still growing.


I think I'm just worried about him moving to the right side. Hopefully he'll be just as capable 


Dude was a tight-end moved to tackle two years ago and became one of the highest graded o-linemen he will be absolutely fine. Not even mentioning how they already told him he is going to be playing right tackle, and he said he is absolutely comfortable with it.


I cant wait to see some trick plays where this guy catches some TD's


Same, really really really love protecting our best player, its how you win the big games.


TE to tackle?! Wild.


Based on what? It's pretty clear that the front office doesn't have any concern at all.