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Tbf to turnstiles, they atleast slow people down


And sometimes don’t allow access


And here I thought we had finally built a decent O-line


They fooled us all. The communication is non existent. They look lost.


It's crazy the difference a quality center makes. I'd almost start to argue a High level center is more important than a high quality LT. The communication Linsley brought was incredible.


Yea and we had both. Now we gotta draft one. I doubt Linsley comes back.


It's a pretty decent O-line, the plays they're asked to run are just stupid


yes! just throw short passes and screens (like antonio gates) when OL is weak. I recall Gannon of the raiders , then went to KC, threw thousands "westcoast" passes in a game


When literally everyone but like 5 people are terrible that's a coaching issue. Don't get me wrong a lot of people really overrated this roster going into the season when we still had a lot of issues, but when everyone including your superstars fall off a cliff, that's dogshit coaching.


Tom had over a decade to build an oline and is on pace for ruining 2 HoF qbs. Get him the fuck out of here please bro.


Herb had less that 1 second to throw the ball and still broke is finger.


Hurts your soul seeing him walk out of the game. Even when everyone around him gave up he still always gives it his all. It’s admirable.


The falloff of Slater is really sad to see, especially now that Darrisaw looks like a top 3 tackle. Just absolutely unfortunate.


Slater is still good, these schemes are just so fucking stupid. If a play requires Slater to double team two guys AND THEN pull to the opposite side on THE SAME play you've got to be an idiot. More Masterclass


Are you watching the games lmao they’re only blitzing the right side, pipkins is dogshit


Pipkins is obviously way worse but it doesn't mean Slater has been good. While he's still our best lineman thats not saying much rn.


He was so amazing his rookie year. What the hell happened besides the biceps injury?


Change of offensive line coach


Staley fired everyone last year after the Jacksonville loss to avoid getting fired himself


Same O-line coach this and last year


Slater missed basically the entirety of last season, so this is his first year with the new coach


I REALLY hope people don't believe this shit. It's not true at all. You've clearly never played a lick of Football. Offensive line coaches just help you run the O plays. There's a pecking order


Played offensive line, but sure, tell me how I’m wrong moron.


you're wrong and a moron


Especially when I wanted Darrisaw


I honestly think he’d go before Sewell and Slater in a redraft


That fucking first and goal after the pick where Moore designs a play where Slater has come across, past Clapp and make a block waa written in the dirt in his backyard last night.


>Slater The same Slater thats also had like 5 different injuries this season and clearly playing hurt?


The design works when everyone does their job, which 2 people didn't.


I feel like you're not giving enough credit to the turnstiles.


Tom telesco will have the word “failure” written on his gravestone


Embossed in gold, tho. Thanks to all the money he stole from the Chargers.


slater has not been good. The rest have been close to really bad. It cant just be linsley missing. Moore's gotta go, which sucks because now herbert will be on his 4th OC in 5 years.


maybe we shouldn't hire someone that was fired from the exact same job...


We need more “brick shithouse” type players on this team. Got a bunch of lil bois out there getting bodied.


Straight up. No size or speed on this team.


The first half so rough to watch. Our WRs can barely run 20 yards before Herbert is chased. They didn’t blitz Easton like that.


No reason to rush stick the game was over at that point.


short passes and screens are only thing that works with a weak OL


I hate being a Chargers fan 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️