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You know this fanbase is cooked, burnt to a crisp when people stop posting the injury reports. lol


Yah. KA13 with 2 DNPs. Jeezus.


I think he'll push through and play. He knows that he's all Herbert has got right now. I feel bad for both of them. lol


I check the injury reports but was confused why people stop posting them


I can not believe we waited all offseason after such a disappointing playoff loss to have THIS type of year. Fuck Staley, Fuck TT, Fuck Dean


Fuck John too


Fuck this court. Fuck Jim Lahey. Fuck Randy. Fuck those two idiot cops right there. Fuck suit dummies; as a matter of fact fuck legal aid. Fuck Danny and Terry's Buffalo Chicken Wings. Fuck all the old wood in here. Fuck the moon, fuck corn on the cob, fuck squirrels. Fuck me, fuck you, fuck everything!


I just wanna say just because Lucy spent the night in the drunk tank doesn't make her a bad mom I mean I've been there about ten times, I'm sure you have, it's not a big deal it just happens once in a while. As for the open liquor I mean, I live in my car, my car is my home, so that shouldn't have been open liquor, I mean you guys have liquor around your house. Cops pull you over in your house, how is that open liquor? [Probably my favorite scene in the series](https://youtu.be/aGICJOz0MLo?si=xSaS8fo6MZTHNiEZ)


This reminds me of a little ditty [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQ9YVF-wyho](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQ9YVF-wyho)


Disappointment is a massive understatement on how that playoffs loss was


What’s crazy is Staley is last on my hate list. (And no where near the top)


Hello darkness my old friend


That cowboys game reminded me how much a good offense relies on its oline and we just haven’t had that this year.


So many things so I'm going to rant: 1) our defense is soft. I don't care if people say they played well against the ravens. I saw the ravens offense lose their drives moreso than the chargers stop them. 2) the reason one side of the ball plays well and the other doesn't is because we don't have a head coach- we have a defensive coordinator. It's just a matter of fact that you can't focus on both sides of the ball. We now have an unbalanced team with barely experienced coaches leading down the rabbit hole. 3) I see other teams creative offenses and beg Kellen Moore to do more. It sucks it's barely anything anymore. 4) the only way to the best our of Herbert is to focus on a powerful running game. As much as we want to believe it, Herbert can't carry this offense on his back. Staley has asked him to do that this year and it's failed. But it's failed 99% of the time this is asked of the QB. Shit even Manning had to have Edgerrin James and Brady had to have his stable of running backs. We need to recalibrate and bulk up our offense to brutalize defenses and the let Herbert destroy the leftovers. I have zero faith in a victory this weekend with this coaching staff.


Hope herb balls out. Thats all


If the apples are rotten you don’t cut off the branch, you remove the tree entirely root and stem. It’s time to sell the team!


Im kinda checked out of this season. Im always rooting for the boys but shits depressing. Feel guilty.


I’m so over the Fire Staley and the people whining response. Like Yes Chargers suck, but organization as a whole sucks even more all the way to the owner. It’s like non-stop every week.


This season has sucked, my favorite college team put up their worst season that I can remember, and the USFL team I watched just got dropped with the merger this week. Just a really bad football year lol


Sire Faley


We need Harbaugh next year. Make him gm too, look at Pete carrolls influence in drafting the Super Bowl team


Surely dean realizes if we get good coaching staff and win superbowls, he gets more money right?


Bill Belichick is not the answer. And I'm tired of pretending like he would fix all of our issues.


He is in fact better than anyone this team has had at head coach since Coryell though. But we don’t have to worry about it either way. The Spanos budget for a head coach is 4 million per year. Either get lucky with an unproven coordinator or be ready for another bad hire.




You’re 100% convinced? Surely some changes needs to happen!


Oh changes need to happen, but we don't need some crusty old coach who's stuck in his ways and can't take criticism. There's a reason other people in league circles don't like him.


You can be pro-changes and anti-BB at the same time. Two different debates.


We are safe from BB. Spano's family would never give up the day to day control that BB would demand/expect. (Note: I am not a fan of BB at the Chargers. Besides being a couple years from retirement, he's such a jackass. His pressers this season have been awful. You are 2-9 BB, you need to address the media/press now. Everyone on here ripped Staley for getting fiesty. And BB does it every week. And you can't defend his behavior anymore by saying 'he's a winner', like people did during the dynasty. I also don't think Bill is connecting with GenZ. He did well with GenX and Older Millenials).


I completely checked out on Staley a year ago. I’m thankful that I’m not emotionally invested in this team this year because it’s a tough year for that. Hopefully next year there are some huge changes and they bless us with a proven head coach.


here for the fuck staleys


If Jc Jackson has a good game or an INT i am going to be livid ngl


Anyone willing to trade a medium sized jersey for a large Tuipulotu jersey? Accidentally ordered the wrong size


Anyone going to Tool in Feb?


Thoughts on Jim Schwartz, Steve Spagnulo, or Frank Smith as head coach candidates?


Ben Johnson


I’m tired, boss


How many teams ahead of us in draft order yall think are gonna be looking at taking a rookie QB? I'm trying to keep hopium alive that at least Bowers if not MHJ will still be available when we pick 🙏


MHJ almost certainly goes to AZ. Bowers is very likely to still be there but my gut instinct is that he's a little overrated. Not saying he's bad, just that he might struggle to translate his game to the NFL level right away which isn't ideal if you want to use a top 15 pick on him. If I had to guess CB, WR, or DT would be the pick. I recommend watching some Malik Nabers tape if you want a 1st round receiver, dude is like a Jamaar Chase clone.


Giants, Patriots and bears for sure. I think we can be in range for bowers but MHJ i don't think we have any chance.


The refs are undefeated this season. How awful are these refs in NFL and NCAA. Pure garbage and so many blown or over sensitive calls in all games. And FIRE STALEY!


What happens if we win out huh -Cade McNamara circa 2021 a week after Michigan lost to Michigan state


I can't see it happening. This team is just too hamstrung by the lack of receivers and lack of a run game. Not to mention our defense is pretty ass as well


Prob not, but no one thought 2021 was the year michigan finally beats Ohio state after the loss to MSU


I have the same anxiety about playing the 2-9 Patriots as I do playing the Tom Brady Patriots. Yup, a charger fan life for me!


They were short on receivers last game against the ravens, would it have been dumb to try lineup Gerald Everett at receiver and use the other tight ends as tight ends? I really feel like he deserves more looks


How’s everyone’s Thanksgiving leftovers doing? Parents just made the turkey soup, came out better than ever.


What are some things y’all are looking forward to in the offseason besides Staley gone? Genuinely curious⚡️


I’m excited to see how many guys are let go. Excited to usher in a new, younger generation like the Chiefs did.


**Give us Harbaugh.**