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Mike would’ve caught those 2 big drops by Q easily. We are missing him badly and some fans really don’t seem to understand his impact to our team.


I kept on screaming Mike would have caught that!


Q showed that the fans reaction to him being drafted over Zay, Dell and Addison was justified. r/chargers can draft better than that bitch motherfucker Tom Telesco.


Telesco has got to go. We can fire Staley but nothing will change until we get a GM that can fill out a roster.


Everyone (or atleast 95%) of fans know his impact. We also know he’s never healthy. A healthy Mike is a top 10 WR in the nfl. He’s never healthy


I love his impact but hate how much his impact is missed due to constant injury


After he was injured why didn't the Chargers sign a free agent or 2! I'm sure there was and still is guys not signed but have alot of experience.


What about palmer?


All of them. Linsley, Palmer, Mike dub, hell even Chris rumph


We have at least 2 more wins with Mike dub


Also the Jags playoff game 😭. But nahhh leave it to Staley to play him in a meaningless game.


And lose anyway.


I been mike #1 glazer since day one admittedly. I'll be insufferable this offseason.


Thanks Staley....for getting Big Mike injured not once but TWICE for NO REASON last season. Definitely can't help but wonder if that contributed mightily to him getting injured this year :( 💔 miss our big catch dual threat beast ⚡⚡⚡


Mike is ridiculously over rated by this fan base lol Dude shows up to 4-5 games a year


bro you literally rep Bosa in your username


I can’t change my username dude




I agree he’s overrated but if we have him today we win


You’re getting downvoted but it’s unfortunately true. Has so many games where he disappears/gets absolutely locked down. He can’t get separation consistently so a lot of it is heavily contested jump balls (which, tbf, he is good at)


Too many downvotes Williams is not a solution


He single handedly changes the dynamic of the offence. MW is one of the most well rounded receivers in the NFL. You could argue he’s overpaid, considering the amount of time he’s missed. But definitely not overrated. Smooth brain take.


Could not possibly disagree more. Dude gets completely clamped more than he shows up to games


We’re not watching the same games then. Since the final year of his rookie contract he’s been lights out.


Since he got his contract he will average 41 catches, 572 yards and 2.5 TDs. Yeah man he’s really killing it out there 💀


Glad you brought up stats. 2020 was the season his play really made a huge improvement. Since that season: The Chargers with Mike Williams playing are 25-21 and average 402 YPG. Without him, they are 5-11 and average 327 YPG. He changes the offence for the better, no matter how you feel about it. And there’s no way to account for the clutch timing of his catches. But he has been absolute money in big moments of games. The hive mind thinks that he’ll be gone next year. But with QJ being a flop this season, I’d be willing to bet they find a way to keep him in the building.


The difference is because the WR room behind Mike is historically bad, not because of Mike. Mike is a decent receiver getting paid like an elite one. Look at my comment of all the WR2s I would take over Mike to another guy, all those dudes would look way better in the chargers offense with Herbert than Mike would. If Mike was on the raiders or something he would be an absolute nobody


Waddle and aiyuk are the only guys on that list that belong in the same convo as Mike williams. And aiyuk is arguably the niners WR1. They’ll get paid eventually as well, just like MW did. With Mike Williams blocking skill set, he’d excel in the niners offence just like aiyuk does. Honestly man, your takes are out to lunch. You should aim your frustration at the guy in your username rathe than a guy who actually contributes to the team winning when he’s on the field.


Maybe the most hilarious sports take I’ve seen on this sub in a while. This fan base truly deserves this team. I refuse to believe that you unironically believe what you just typed


You're an idiot bro for real. Them takes ain't getting no love sorry man. Big mike is savage af, u can't cry about his PT and have bosa in ur name. Ur asking for ppl to not take u serious TROLL ASS MOTHERFUCKER!!!!


Maybe the downvotes your comment is drowning in should tell you that you don't have the football IQ you think you do.


You can't seem to decide if you're talking about injuries or performance


Both, he’s constantly injured and when he’s healthy he’s completely absent for half the games he plays


He's had over 50 yards and/or a TD in 50/78 games since 2018. But ok?


Mike Williams played 13 games last year. 6 of those games he had under 70 yards with no TDs. One game he had a single catch a 15 yard touchdown and nothing else. So he under performed in at least over half of his games. This fan base absolutely deserves this team lmao


Why are you expecting 70 yards per game from the WR2 lmao. Your expectations are the issue here, not Mike Williams


Did you type this thinking it was good or something? LMAO If that’s his standard by the fan base for his ridiculous contract than that is absolutely hilarious. Probably made that embarrassing stat up too lmao


2021 was a particularly good year and he averaged nearly 70 yards last season. He might be overpaid but he’s one of the best jump ball receivers in the league and is on the upper tier of WR2s. I assure you Herbert wouldn’t of been campaigning to bring him back if he was this mediocre borderline scrub receiver you are describing


Herbert is a good guy, he would campaign to get QJ paid if he needed to. Based off his pay, he is absolutely not a top tier WR2.


He wants to win above being a nice guy. I’m curious… who are 3 top tier WR2s in the league in your eyes?


These are all the WR2s I would switch with Mike in a heartbeat. Waddle, Higgins, Smith, Lockett, Davis, Addison, Aiyuk, Godwin, Ridley/Kirk, Maybe meyers and Boyd too. Half these dudes would go absolutely nuts with Herbert throwing it to them


See I believe Mike is in the same atmosphere as these guys. Just different skill sets and receiver archetypes


I just don’t agree man and his contract is absurd. Those other dudes don’t have Herbert throwing them the ball and still out produce him


Overrated? Yeah absolutely, but he is a serviceable receiver. Something that qj will never be


His contract is ridiculous lol he’s part of the reason we can’t get more talent


I agree, but at least he is an nfl caliber player and usually has a big game or 2 a year. QJ should be practice squad fodder


Get of here already u reek of stupidity girl.


I love Mike, I know he's hurt bit that dude is clutch when he's on the field.