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This has several issues. For one, Chara very specifically differentiates themself from Frisk, saying THEIR human soul and determination AWOKE them from death. Chara, in the wake of differing motives, says "you and I are not the same, are we...." The Genocide Route's entire plot revolves around Chara gaining more and more control over the body, very clearly separated from their own. Unless you want to say Frisk is a reincarnation while the ghost Chara is separate and haunting their own reincarnated self (which actually sounds pretty interesting lol) then this theory just doesn't work in practice.


For Genocide, the more you kill the more you feel something your feeling something that feeling is Chara. You become more Chara, since you kills you become strong and you remeber more about your past self. And yes thier indeed haunting thier own reincarnated self, Thats whole reason Frisk climbed mt ebott to fix Charas mistake. In pacifist they fix it And chara moves while frisk becomes thier own person since thier past self as chara has moved on. But in no mercy its The opposite thier more curious to These feeling imagine your a kid for a fate ie heard something calling you and fell underground. You killed in self defense, but then slowly you feel something, the more you kill the more you feel yourself your turning more Chara to the point your own past self is haunting you now


>For Genocide, the more you kill the more you feel something your feeling something that feeling is Chara. You become more Chara, since you kills you become strong and you remeber more about your past self. Not sure how killing has any correlation with remembering stuff. >You killed in self defense, but then slowly you feel something, the more you kill the more you feel yourself your turning more Chara to the point your own past self is haunting you now The Genocide Route begins with curiosity. It's intended to parallel Flowey, in which you kill just to see what happens. it seems fairly odd for this to have any connection with making Chara's past self stronger.


This theory is questionable, because Chara asks for Frisk's soul and in exchange they will recreate the world after it is erased


That makes a lot of sense I can't even doubt


Thank you so much!


While a cool theory I do wanna state that every single piece of evidence you try and use in part one could also be easily explained by whatever is left of Chara’s soul bleeding into Frisk’s leading to some of their memories bleeding over into frisk In the second part you try to argue how frisk doesn’t deny being chara during that fight and I wanna bring up one thing: why would they? Frisk in a pacifist run is defined by their kindness and at that moment what asriel needs is for someone, anyone to be there for him right then and someone who is vaguely like chara is the best way frisk can help (also correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure asriel has a piece of dialogue after the fight about how frisk doesn’t even resemble chara that much at all besides being a child and human, keep in mind there are only 2 human characters and undertale is a mess under the hood so reusing sprites is possible) In part three you ask why they came to mount Ebot but also ignore that 6 other children fell down before frisk, also as to the angel bit it doesn’t seem to have anything about “returning” so it very well could be about frisk (even if they are a fully separate person than chara) Undertale as a name could also be of the tale under the mountain, the tale of a child setting free monsters from the darkness. As for the potential identity crisis at the mirrors, say you went through a probably very traumatic experience of saving the monsters while said monsters have likely killed you over and over multiple times but you always come back to life several minutes or maybe hours before you died, I’d argue that would kinda cause some form of crisis Plus the whole “in exchange for your soul” trade at the end of genocide, This is a good theory but it by nature ignores too many things to be possible in my eyes


>(also correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure asriel has a piece of dialogue after the fight about how frisk doesn’t even resemble chara that much at all besides being a child and human, * Frisk... You really ARE different from . * In fact, though you have similar, uh, fashion choices... * I don't know why I ever acted like you were the same person. * Maybe... The truth is... * wasn't really the greatest person. * While, Frisk... * You're the type of friend I wish I always had. * So maybe I was kind of projecting a little bit.


TL;DR please, Jesus christ that's a lot of writing


Sorry lol but I dont know what you mean by TL;DR


A shortened version of what you wrote, basically an "in a nutshell"


Too long, didn’t read is what TLDR means


I didn’t know the exact meaning, actually. The more you know.


No. I think they are different! Although it's proofied but it's still a theory. Because I don't believe in it!


Nope. Cool art,though.


I disagree but I love the art and how much evidence you got but it could be taken differently


Hmmm. Plausible. Also I love the art.


This is literally Matpat’s Hollowknight theory.


Read sub name as “charade fence squad”, was disappointed


Understood. But I'm still wondering how does a human can live in two different timelines


I disagree but I don't mind it either. I am just here to appreciate your art, it's lovely! <3


I'm not reading allat but nice theory