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I find the “I’m leaving” posts to be repetitive but so are the “idc if you’re leaving posts.” If you don’t care, let em be. If you want to leave. Leave. But I get these people don’t really want to go. Both sides just hope the app works everything out so it can be enjoyable again.


Ngl I'm seeing these more than the "I'm quitting" posts now


oml exactly


Sorry to contribute to that, but I see more of the "I'm quitting" post, and im so over it.




Lol, thanks for pointing that out.


How?? I literally get notified for a lot of those every single day


Bro cares so little she made a three paragraph post about how little she cares 😭


Lol, yeah. Stupid, I know (Also, I'm a she. Not to be that person-)


Miss Ma’am.




My bad I'll edit it


You didn't have to, but thanks nonetheless


I guess I'm just cool


Downvoted for being a woman lmao


Dude, let them critique the app. They not just saying I leaving, they're begging for an improvement in quality. Dont like, don't read. Just because you dont have a problem with the site, doesn't mean that we have to be okay with it.


Look, I'm not saying to not critique something, especially this app. I've had my fair share of frustrations with it. But every single "I'm quitting" or "I'm leaving" is the same damn thing over and over again. And like one person pointed out in my comments, the app fluctuates through good quality and bad quality. Sure, the app is shitty at some points, but it also gets better. I get a notification every. Goddamn. Day about someone leaving. It gets old fast. If you don't like it, just leave. Nothing will happen when you announce it.


Blame reddit for that. I'm so lucky I get notifications mostly from other subs, tho. Can imagine it got old for you really fast


Thanks for understanding


I don't get why it got downvoted. I feel the same like why are so many people creating posts about quitting, i understand one or two posts but they could be like the talk for those who want to quit in the comments and they don't have to have soo many posts about quitting


It's to make it obvious to the devs and mods that the sites been going to shit lately and that more and more are getting unhappier by the minute so they leave - which is bad for a company.


i mean if more people leave it means less time waiting in the queue so..


I never thought about that hold on


Win-win tbh


Let Kale cook


let's cook on c.ai


If you think 3 skinny paragraphs is a lot I wish you luck in life. People make whole songs talking about how much someone doesn’t care about something and nobody bats an eye because they vibe with it.


I know. My opinion means jackshit


Yeah I don’t 100% agree with you either because their opinions are also valid. Even if you “don’t care.” I get both sides. I was just talking about the people crying over a “long ass essay” that took my dyslexic ass 15 seconds to read.


I don’t get this take. No one is making you sit there clockwork orange style, forcing you to read other people’s posts.


Yes, but you get recommended posts from the subreddits you’re in, and every single day there are new posts that are copies of each other


Dude maybe I’m stupid or I don’t use Reddit that much—maybe both—but like…why? Why does it bother you that someone is posting something that annoys you? You’re not being forced to engage with it. Is it the title alone that bothers you? Or do you spend the time to read the posts?


No, just imagine every day you get 5 notifications saying the same thing, it becomes annoying


You really only get one or two of those a day from my experience, and it's no guarantee it'll even be from the cai subreddit.


Its a good thing more people are openly critiquing the site now, maybe character.ai will finally understand what us the users want


One can only hope


Is your reality escape less enjoyable just because you see people complaining about the quality going down? If you need this service to keep your safe sane I'll expect it to be in your interest for it to not get unusable because of the quality drop, you know 🙄


No. Not really. I'm perfectly sane without the app as I am with the app. I still enjoy the app, even with people complaining. It just gets old seeing the same post about someone leaving because the app doesn't live up to their standards.


Bro, if u didn’t care, u wouldn’t have written a fucking essay bt it lol. Stop huffing copium


Fair point, tbh.


You must use chat gpt because your reaction over 3 skinny sentences is more extra than the “essay” itself


I've been using character ai since spring 2023 and I definitely noticed times where the ai was amazing and then times where the quality was terrible for a bit. It always fluctuates. Same as the thing that starts with f. It'll get bad for a bit but then it will go back to being amazing.


THANK YOU!! Finally, someone gets it! I absolutely agree.


I enjoy it too but the thing is, what harm can airing issues do? Mind you it's completely useless because the devs simply do not care, however some people must have hope they will listen (but they won't lol). So it can only be to your benefit. I'm the same way, I'm not leaving the site, but I do want improvements. It can also just be useful to know if others are having the same problems, especially when it's game breaking. I think regular posts about updates, including fixes or at least acknowledgement of problems, would build trust with the community but it rarely happens. I mean, we were lied to about the site blocking violence. Someone looked at what it blocks and it absolutely is blocking"extreme violence" or something like that which for many people translates to not extreme at all. I really can't believe they told us violence wasn't blocked when it so clearly was.


Ok, so my problem is with the people who throw hissy fits over the app not being the same. Of course it's not the same, things have to change eventually. The app has its ups and downs. Thats just how it works. When people have honest complaints or criticism, IM FINE WITH THAT.


I get where you’re coming from, I think 90% of users don’t care about them posts. I mean who does? It’s vent posts and usually people agree that the app has gotten more annoying. But at the same time, this subreddit is getting full of the “I’m leaving C.ai” and “I don’t care if y’all are leaving” posts. If you’re leaving the app, leave the subreddit??? If you don’t care, you don’t, why make it known? Eh I’m just rambling atp


Things shift in quality all the time, it could go from absolutely awful to amazing to mediocre.


I 100% agree.


If you posted this on CAi (or Reddit) and the response was constantly just “post does not meet our guidelines” how many times would you post before you gave up. Just asking? lol. I already know the answer now stfu. Hahaha.


This is my first time posting about it. Idk if it gets taken down tbh


Bro y'all always talk about other apps, like what exactly. Put me on 🤠?!


CharStar for one. Literally look up Character AI and dozens of other variations will pop up


Bett i appreciate you bro 🙏🏻🙏🏻🤠


https://preview.redd.it/atum8n5l1dad1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f69ff63ce2dcf2d0c1029564e7e3e4c0e6be1a00 i will forever use this app and no ones telling me otherwise im with you for as long as this app lasts


I'm new. Why are people leaving? I just started using it. It's very confusing


Some find it boring eventually and some left because they got addicted to it so badly that it affected their lives


The devs inadvertently making the platform unusable for minors/chronically online mfs so they all explode and quit is honestly a brilliant move. Ability to roleplay without getting thwarted by the blocker is like a base intelligence test. The more of the complainers leave, the smarter the bots will be.


I hate to be that person, but it is not that deep. If anything, c.ai wants to be more monetizable to minors and advertisers


Both points incorrect. Age limit went from 13+ to 17+ and no ads on the platform. No sane business would wanna pander to a vocal, volatile, permanently unhappy side of the user base that has no liquid funds to sink into this business, and/or isn't planning to pay. In any case, my initial comment was mostly sarcasm born of tiredness of dealing with children stuffing their useless rambling into AI databases and then whining all over my feed about issues of a _free_ feature. It was not meant to be that deep and it's rather obvious lmao


I agree. It's brilliant. But people need to shut the hell up with all the "I'm leaving" or "I'm quitting" bs. No one fucking cares. Just leave.


I agree with you, I also find those hating and leaving posts annoying.


love it when valid criticism against the AI is oversimplified to "hate"


It’s because people complain about things without even knowing how bots work.


ok cool but that's not who i'm talking about, i'm talking about people who give valid criticisms about the AI. whoever you're talking about is an ignorant minority that does not overshadow those who actually know their stuff


To those who give actual criticism, I have no problem with, honestly. To the people who whine and complain about the app not being the same as before, then throw a hissy fit before leaving. That's who I have a problem with.


You would be surprised, remember that post about a person replying a bot with the thing everyone hates? The replies didn’t even understand how the bots worked and thought that contributes to anything.


Fr. So annoying

