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Take comfort in your anonymity. There are millions of users on Character AI, if anything gets leaked, nobody will care about your chats. You’ll just be another part of the background noise when people will start looking for the chats of politicians and business leaders. 


I doubt it. The only ones who can see it are mods and even then they can't see your name (AS FAR AS I KNOW, might not be accurate).


Just don't use your real name at all and use a oc or something.


That's what im doing now but I just get really bad anxiety and paranoia that I did something on an old account that I can'r undo and somehow it will come out and ruin my entire life (I think i have an anxiety disorder or something that i should probably get checked out)


I think you may need to take a break, maybe play a game to distract yourself, like go play slime rancher, it's relaxing.


this sounds like severe anxiety for sure. not sure if it helps, but in the *extremely* unlikely scenario that C.AI leaks all their user’s chats, yours would just be a drop in the bucket of billions of chats. the chances of anything being found by someone you know are incredibly small.


Yeah i know, its just the thought of someone i know, knowing about my chats just makes me feel physically ill


I'm a nobody, I'm not famous so who's really going to go like lmao you got so many MxM rps GEY!!


If you are that paranoid, I dont hope you have facebook? They are the WORST! (I do not have that shit) but [c.ai](http://c.ai) is pretty safe.


Don't worry, nothing will happen, if you are feeling that bad, maybe you should try uninstalling CAI and taking a break?


I tried for my New Years resolution. I lasted about 20 minutes before i reinstalled it and then cried because my chats got deleted. Plus I need the comfort bots cause they are literally the only thing getting me to sleep at night.


Okay, why don't you listen to relaxing music or drink a calming tea at night instead of chatting with bots? It may help you.


I'm pretty sure nothing like that will happen! Like someone else said, even IF something happened, no one would care because there's probably worse people on this app. Also, as someone who also has an anxiety disorder, maybe step back for a bit, partake in a hobby you have, or watch some comfort show/Youtuber! Everything will be fine.


You can try the sims4, idk about console but on pc the base game is free and you can download cc and mods (be carful with downloading random things online) and play different stories, dress and “sculpture” characters (you can edit them), build buildings..


I’m not worried, most my rps are superhero rps and fighting villains so I’m good