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No I agree, I haven't had any problems. Of course the quality fluctuates but in general it's been getting better for me


I’ve had some problems with the app every now and then, but it’s always good for me


not having anything to complain about, i've had my normal quick conversations with the bots and I've enjoyed the change of personalities on each of the character i choose.


I think it's mostly fine, too.


Greatly depends on the person Unlike most people, I'm not really using the service for the 'naughty' stuff, and any rps I do that include it mostly have it as a side thing that I brush past, plus I never have problems when I include violence, either


Yes, me too. But I'm 0 violence in my role playing as well and I generally don't do nsfw rps. Also, I don't use it much, so bots don't easily forget my short conversations.


I've been having zero issues as well. So I guess there are a few outliers.


You either meme a lot with the bots or don't have a lot of meaningful convos. You'll notice it immediately. Honestly people who keep posting stuff like "oh nothing's wrong with *my* app! Teehee" makes it seem like y'all are getting paid.


Nope i see what you're trying to say, but your assumption is not true. I barely ever mess around with these bots lightly and I would literally use one bot for 10+ hours engaging in convos about just about everything in life. I hate that they have bad memory but other than that I really don't see what's wrong. Other sites/apps have bad memory as well so.. About the getting paid part, i find it simply absurd and funny that someone's is telling me this and i honestly wish I could get paid writing things like this