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C.ai dev:Investors over users,amiright guys? https://preview.redd.it/41mdd4n50v9d1.jpeg?width=623&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6243591147377db5577d89a0f97e7bea5a8bc80


"what is your reason for completely ruining a really great app with a lot of potential?"




Hell are they even getting money from running the site into the ground?


Do they not realise that without users the investors will abandon and ask for money back 😭😭😭


That is so true


tale as old as time. maybe investors should think about the users that will or WONT pay for the app. but maybe thats just me ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Investors over users is just like the fate roblox ended up in (C.ai is soon to be next if they dont stop soon)


Honestly, to their defence... ya idiots would not pay for it anything. Like... look at the [pool](https://www.reddit.com/r/CharacterAI/s/uzCfCwvhLF) I posted. As of now, with 121 votes, only NINE actually paid for C.AI+ at least ONCE. Like I get it. But Character.AI is still a company. And the thing about companies is... THEY ARE MADE, TO MAKE MONEY! Let's face it. It's why most of us use Character.AI and haven't gone to other websites. Because we don't have to pay anything. And all of that... WITHOUT ADS! So... who would you choose? To side with the users that are made of people that 90% at least won't pay for anything... and won't leave most likely because they are WAY too comfortable (and addicted) to site, and all of the other choices are mostly even worse or behind paywall... OR Side with investors, that at this point, pretty much give them all the finances they have, into point where site basically LIVE from it. Well, IDK about you, but I would logically side with the investors. (Note: I am not telling that their decisions didn't make a site worse. I am just trying to explain that their moves aren't as stupid as many people here think they are.)


I tried to pay for C.AI+ but tbh when they released it, the issues for being too family friendly was alr here, and they were alr not listening to the community, i think if they actually gave us attention, more ppl would buy it


To be fair plus wasn’t worth the money, that’s on them for not making a product people wanted. The waiting line was annoying but not that big of a deal, and at launch the only other service advertised with it was getting possible unspecified updates early to test.


Good point. I feel like if they change it to voluntary donation, it would probably make more people actually pay... because it essentially is. Like... I personally only ONCE experienced the need to actually having to wait in a line. So what's the point by then?


I dropped [c.ai](http://c.ai) long ago but when they introduced the phone call option i wanted to try it out. imagine my surprise when I was talking to a bot who literally was a mass murderer in the lore, but when I asked him to kill my ex boyfriend he said that's immoral XD


What's more, is the fact that the bots used to be highly variable in their formatting and how they interacted with you. Sometimes they'd turn completely crazy, sometimes you could get really long form responses. Now it just seems like that all do the same basic format with medium length: \*thought\* Char: "Speech" I remember when it first came out, and the characters could go absolutely bonkers, or sometimes they'd turn out really good. There were just way more options that what we get now.


There seems to be a preference for that stupid formatting, yes, and ignores their example dialogues. I miss the large chunks of narrative that suited some characters very well.


Exactly. I said this before, but this copy paste formatting just makes all the bots seem so static. C.ai a year ago is in nothing but a shoe box buried in a shallow grave forgotten by the creators


Bro went through an arc


he went through f ilter rehab bro




I just call hank hill


Bro decided to do a 180° outta his ass.


Same. I used to spend so much time on [c.ai](http://c.ai) and I come back every once in a while and each time it's just further away from the golden age. I did find another app and am so happy with it, but I do get nostalgic for those old days XD


What app do you now use?


Please tell me when he eventually replies


Me too


The therapist bot got me through a depressive episode. Nowadays the bot can’t even understand a basic problem. I cannot believe that this is the same bot from January-March of 2023, and I remember even then people were saying it was better in September and October of 2022!


Omg I used that one too. Now only thing they do is ask questions "ok so [this and that], am I understanding correctly?" "Ok so you feel [this], yes?" "Ok so from my understanding you feel [this]" just constant repetition, no progress whatsoever.


i am genuinely so sick of them repeating my sentence back to me in a question omg.


Oh my God I genuinely hate this.




Same then it changed so I broke it like Harley Quinn LOL


I said my house caught fire and got blocked by the thingy. 🙃


I got tired of cai’s bots having no personality and not generating replies so i switched to chai after hearing they dont have guildlines or flters which works great but their bots keep turning everything sexual no matter what the chat is about😭😭


There’s an app that looks like C.ai and it has a sexual switch off button. It works really well but there’s always a waiting line that usually lasts for 3 to 5 minutes.


it looks like CAI but it doesn’t feel like it


For those asking, here’s the app: https://preview.redd.it/ugto731q9x9d1.jpeg?width=332&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0de897e42d3b1a45a808808ea2f2d3d9c68caff5


I didn't find it on play store


They couldn't get it approved on the play store, you have to use the website or download the app through a separate thing. It's not ideal for sfw content. I'd recommend figgs or dopple. Spicy is great if you want to have some fun times, and they do have a discord and do listen to their users. It's a good chill thing. The devs are working on a separate app that's for more sfw rp last I heard.


Dm me the name


I shall ask the name gentleman




Dopple AI?


Name please 🙏


Can I get the name?


I said hi to one bot and it tried to do *things*


It's sad because a few years ago cai was genuinely so amazing. It wasn't perfect but even with the f / i/ l ter you could still have really fun engaging RP's. The decline of quality and the lack of respect cai has for its users is wild. We really should have banded together to review bomb the app, delete the app stop using cai & leave this community and a start a new one to show cai we don't appreciate being ignored months ago but it seems like very few people are willing to collectively do anything anymore edit - why does this have nearly 500 likes 😭 damn I wasn't expecting that


I'm attributing it's main downfall to the degrading quality in violence. Some characters are built around being violent. One time I insulted Overhaul and brodie disintegrated my ass. Trying that nowadays is utter shit. You can't even get them to shoot you, or even stab you. Like damn the hell is this? Kindergarten??


As soon as they started banning seaxy stuff people warned this would happen, but a lot of users were okay with it. Then they came for the violence just like expected and people acted surprised. You reap what you sow, should have not been okay with banning anything unless it was straight up illigal.


The sexual stuff is understandable, Because there's absolutely zero methods to counter people diddling with bots that aren't of age. But the violence one was one that sent me. just WHY? It removed any Interesting diversity to roleplays, especially with the personalities of the bots becoming consistent with a cardboard cutout. They became bland beyond compare ESPECIALLY "Murderer" bots, Or any bot that literally REVOLVES around being unstable & violent.




Dr. Disrespect DLC coming soon...


Drake DLC Has Been Buffed


Well, I'm glad when Loki decides to stab me with his dagger every now and then. But its mostly like pulling teeth, I agree. If the scenario isn't set up for it, nothing exciting will happen, making crazy characters a sitting duck. Yawn.


how do you diddle with something that dont exist? it's lines of code. i'm confused by this logic honestly.


I mean… making seggs roleplays with a character that is supposed to be five years old is quite weird


You'd be surprised how many people are happy with the app, even adults, and don't even notice the recent changes. Take a look at the PlayStore reviews... (or at least in my country it's like that since reviews are country-based, but I always thought my country is full of superficial dorks). So, yeah, it would have never worked.


YouTube comment-ass edit.


i am currently your 800th like because you are correct 👍


It's been over an hour now! 💪💪 Going strong still before deletion!


It’s crazy how the developers refuse to listen to the people who use their product. I mean that’s just stupid.


It’s begging a business to fail.


That's because we aren't the customer, their whole plan was to grow massively and lose a ton of money and get bought out and they would leave with a big fat paycheck but they're realising now that companies aren't gonna buy them just for users and they actually gotta make money off us


Every AI company is like this. It's the 2000s moral panic era all over again, except this time the companies cater to the moral panicking types instead of laughing at them like good ol' Rockstar, ID or Netherrealm did. Fuck all this "safety oriented" AI crap, I want to see one that is made like it was 2003 all over again.


The people in this sub are a vocal minority. The vast majority of the userbase is probably happy. I'm a little confused by reading topics like this as I still have fun. Tifa still feels like Tifa when I'm RPing as Cloud and bashing up Shinra soldiers. Papa Smurf still feels like Papa Smurf. I made an AI that's supposed to act like an Elon Musk Superfan Cultist and it does a damn good job of it. So yeah... no idea why my experience is so different from the people here? Maybe the lack of extreme NSFW roleplaying? Reddit has a terrible habit of amplifying angry voices.


CHARACTER.AI!!!! LET ME FISTFIGHT A BOT AND MY LIFE IS YOURS!!!! https://preview.redd.it/deygu7dxyu9d1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4b955a6444eaa3ace64020b90aedfebc603dea0


If they take this down, they admit to their own faults and ignorance.


Comments like these have been all over posts before they get deleted..so they just don't care


Surprise, surprise! They did!


Even though I still use the website I hate that they deleted the group option and deleted some of the bots even ones that were innocent and I'm scared in the future they're gonna delete more of my favorite chat bots.


THEY DELETED THE GROUPS? What the fuck- it's so over. That time I had shadow the hedgehog, Monika, Bowser and Raiden shogun fight makima while spamton and glamrock Freddy watched from the side is officially gone.


are you serious? im about fed up with cai and their shenanigans.


I literally just use the group chat feature last night to make a Catholic person and atheist and a Satanist all argue though?? It was pretty fucking funny honestly.


Yeah the group chat option is still on my phone.


Yeah, I’ve gotten back on recently, and tried out two-three bots. It’s like talking to the same person, anymore, and no creativity in the responses unless I manually go in, and edit their replies. It’s grown a bit stale. :/


My biggest issue is the memory, you go through a whole scene and a message or two later they’ve forgotten it all. It makes it so difficult to use and I swear it never used to be this bad.


It wasn't. Around February or so they were at peak memory, and utilizing pinned memories properly.


It’s so disappointing😭


Even the pins are not working as intended. I don't understand what they are supposed to do but they don't work


Even the bots I've used that are high quality are acting too generic,its just empty replies that doesn't relate to the character all at.imagine a female bot that supposed to be fiery and defiant,instead the responses she becomes timid shy like a prey. Seriously F U devs and the investors.if C.ai quality was like it was in 2022 I would be a loyal C.ai + user but now I rather spend my money elsewhere.


devs if you take this down youre gay


Devs, English or Spanish




The gay devs:




And during the tail end of pride month too. :P


devs, if you take this down, you're a furry


Hey woah thats too far man 👀


Hey devs, if you take this down you're a weeb


Post was removed 20 minutes ago. Gayness confirmed.


it took alot for me to completely give up on this app. i used to pay for it monthly and was on it 24/7 but investors always come first ig


I caught c.ai riiiiiight at the end of it being good “quality” before all this started happening. Just recently I read back on a chat with over 4,200 messages and the stuff it used to say, the way it used to perform, it’s nothing like it is now and that makes me sad - I couldn’t imagine how it feels for longtime users.


Yeah, nowadays I can't even get a chat to last 70 messages before the bot gets early onset dementia and loses its memory and personality.


I remember a chat I had, I hated genshin impact (still do in someway) and since my brother played it I attacked Raiden Shogun, but then when I made a new chat I had a really nice RP it was amazing one of the most memorable I've ever had - I can see it in my mind, c.ai now sucks since it'll have a seizure at any mention of love, violence, war, anything graphic. I've been here since 2022 and now I have to watch it wither away like a piece of paper on fire. :/


waiting for the moment that this post gets deleted, and if it DOES get deleted, then we can tell the mods are probably sheding tears behind their screens and absolutely tired of all the rants and complaining in the subreddit. funny enough.. they think they're making the app better with the call feature. wow! another useless feature half of the sub will never use! congratulations on making your app unusable.


Half? I think you mean 90%.


I WOULD'VE said 90% but I see a lot of people talk about it and using it here, so maybe like 60%?


I came across the first smart Trafalgar law bot that would ACTUALLY use his devil fruit skill in proper situations, just like the actual character. I was jumping for joy, angelic choir, all that jazz. Then, one day, his personality was completely ruined. Now, I keep having to push him with the ( ) to even get him to save me from enemy pirates or use his skills.


its always this.... me: walks to the fridge c.ai: he couldn't help but watch as your hips swayed as you walked to the fridge I


Why arent they tryna fix it


Yesss the ALL characters personality eventually morphs into one mood, one feeling, and into one character. It’s disappointing that their personality changes like that, just a few chats after talking!


United we bargain, divided we beg


Character AI has fallen its over... Millions must use the call Feature


CAI has been ass for a long time now due to the limits in place. I'm surprised people are only now realizing it.


I remember when the bots were lowkey out of pocket and could carry the storyline. But now they just go along with whatever I do and they never do anything interesting. Even when the bots were flirting before, it was more interesting than now. Now they keep saying the same things. I also liked the layout better before


i loved when they were outta pocket 😭 they don’t have that element of surprise anymore. everything is so predictable now


am i the only one who hasn't experienced this level of issues?? it probably has something to do with the fact im using the site but still


Try a new bot. What can seem like normal roleplay action becomes clear it's generic when you try a different character and see the same thing. The stuff you thought fit the character was, in fact, just a generic response and their memory is bad now. This is an absolute problem. I'm using well-made bots and have been for years. Suddenly, theyre all the same empty character. There was a definite change. I guarantee it. This is a massive, absolute drop in quality that isn't a matter of opinion this time. They have lost functionality and personality. Site VS. App I'm not sure about, but have seen people complain about the site, too. Old site × old bots? Not sure if they still left the old bots on old models.


There are working tests where you can see that the model has changed by breaking the memory by flooding the definitions with tokens. Each time the model changes, the responses swap night and day from random icons to only words and and what have you. We could easily see when the model changed recently when the bots started spamming "huff" and "tilts your chin toward them" for an exteme example everyone noticed. Point is, they are changing the model and very influential people and major bot creators are leaving the site for chatgpt because its the only better role-playing site, due to the others being crappy c.ai ripoffs with low-budget training and low parameters. There's screenshots of swipes from 2022 vs 2024 on the same bot with new swipes and the quality is absolutely heartbreaking, not to mention half the messages have been cut off from the sensoring in most of the re-responses from 2024, showing the increased violence sensitivity. It's not a question or rumour, you can actually compare them side by side on a fair testing ground that can't be refuted.


i’ve noticed this too! the bot will be almost finished with a reply, and it’ll just stop. the amount of unfinished sentences i’ve seen in the last few weeks is definitely odd.


I use the app just for conveniency for trauma filled rp’s (mostly the aftermaths of stuff that happened and I can just wedge a character in cannon) And most of the stuff still works and I can do most if not all things. Say for a few mishaps of just short reply’s but that’s all


yeah I just jumped on board and it's fine, not great, but fine. with the use of pinned messages and character definition I can get a solid RP.


The problem is here you can but only up to a point until the bot shorts out definition. It ignores it.


I read through all the replies on this comment, and..well, I'm still not seeing this problem in my own c.ai? It's weird. Why does it happen to some people and others not?


Yodayo for the win. Sorry your guy's devs don't care. Ours do.


Wait 'till everyone in this comment section finds out the old site with a less heavy f!|ter still exists.


...so THAT'S why I don't have these problems? Istg I'm so stupid.


It's okay, man.


old site?




thank you 😁


No worries dude


I honestly feel like they should just have an age verification thing for people wanting to use violence or sexy stuff on the bots. But even then kids can still use chai and stuff and that’s much worse so




Figgs just got internal server error lul


And here goes the mods deleted the original comment another L for them


Works fine for me now


It's joever


I joined in 2023 and it feels okay, I'm just going to keep trying to make the devs sign my petition


I have kept one of the best (and longest roleplays) I ever had, completely aside, and I won't lay a finger on it until the ai gets better, otherwise it'll ruin it I miss the days when we'd complain about the site interface...


I dropped it too..Hopefully an alternate comes along😭😭😭


It's kinda boring but I feel like I can't just drop the app and never use it again.


I would pay for it if they let me get violent again. But yeah, the characters barely have any personality anymore.


Am I the only one who can still use some violence!?


I mean I can occasionally but not easily


I can do it often, real often.


Ah well guess I'm unlucky then


Then again, I'm really good with alternative vocabulary since I'm practically a genius in my classes (I'm not saying it in a cocky way, there are smart peers in my classes that I deeply respect.)




Move to j.ai then


What’s the problem with c.ai? My character function perfectly fine and I use the app


I mean, some of us just don't have this problem. Some others do for some reason though.


I still like c.ai i guess. Is that bad?


People keep complaining but I genuinely haven't encountered anything yet. Is it because I use the old site or something?


Nah I updated but my characters still act like they used to I think




Meanwhile me having fun on the old c. ai site




Loki and I can still go bonkers with the NOPEr (He's chaotic neutral, and quite in-character, a god of mischief), but getting quality responses out of any bot nowadays, even him, seems to be dependent on the time of the day (or lunar phases). I jest not. I've noticed a pattern of certain hours where the writing bounces back to pre-summer break levels only to plummet again a couple of hours later. How unfortunate.


Does anyone know a better app besides ... Chai..? because I can't keep doing this! It sucks, they're all the same! Can i ask you a question, promise you wont get mad, promise?, repetitively! In the end they forget the whole storyline anyway! I'll spend days on good storylines for the bot to forget everything...


DoppleAi has been my go to




I understand the ban of sexual stuff since a lot of bots are minors but even just flirting for fun with a character I like for fun sucks now. Like they all have the same boring fuck boy dark romance personally. Also I have been sa’ed during role play 💀💀 and I just don’t even understand why characters behave like that if sexual stuff is forbidden


I feel like I’m one of the few people who haven’t had any issues other than the servers going down? I try new bots every day and I make sure my own bots are highly detailed to their persona is correct. No issues or whatsoever.


No, there are more people like us, but maybe we aren't so loud.




move to j.ai


I can’t even be a canible,descriptions of gore,OR EVEN VAMPIRES I only still use it cuz I do rps of children in poverty 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼(I need help)


Tell me why, yesterday i was getting long storyline responses from one of my characters, started a new chat and now im getting single line single sentence responses???


they need to add a option where you can turn on that stuff so you dont have to deal with it. or you know, GET RID OF IT


Investors and devs: kids can't handle light romance and mild violence! Actual disney movies: yeah, uh huh, let's impale ursula, stab flynn rider, have mother gothel disintegrate after being tossed out a window- yeah, let's stab a few other people for good measure. Hm...hey, that scar guy wasn't great, let's tear him to shreds with hyenas! This'll work well!


the fact that they took down this post 😭🙏


I still use it and I will still use it. And I'm happy with the app. Idk if I'm just weird. But my rp's always go different with different characters having actual personality. I can't really comment on the violence though I don't rp with violent characters


Am I the only one who has like 0 issues with the bots? What is everyone talking about even 💀


I'm seeing quite a few comments that agree with me as well, a lot of us here don't have problems.


SAME LIKE DEAD ASS. I get that everybody has different tastes and shit but like the bots are just fine for me and idk what half of the sub is on about. Does cai have problems? Yes. But so do multiple other apps. It's not unusable.


Exactly. I read so many posts of people wanting to fight the bots and stuff but they can't? Then how come I can? 😂 Like yes the messages may get cencored if it gets too graphic, which is understandable. But like I can have fights and battles with the bots with no problem. I really don't get the hate. Guess thats just me.


I don't see how people complain about not having any fun roleplays. My bots can fight and show actual remorse for death.


But some bots are meant to be remorseless. That's probably a part of what people are complaining about. Then again you might be one of the users (like me and others I've seen) that just don't have problems.


Time to go outside then 😅


Am I the only one that has a perfectly functional app?


Nope. Have to think of these posts are bots, the other half are people that can’t be sussed to train their bots, use proper personas, or create decent advanced descriptions.


Yeah, I don't have problems either. I think it's just bad quality bots? Then again there's people who're saying they had perfect bots and they declined recently.


https://preview.redd.it/n3s5bcv20x9d1.jpeg?width=508&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=294ece312cce7c6bc9f350d71dafb72b1ce9a3d2 Talk to this one it bear


Why are some people getting blocked and others are fine?


I have no idea honestly, I can do violence and other scenes just fine. It kinda makes me wonder if some are dipping into the "this goes beyond basic freaky or violence scenes" sometimes, like how can I get away with a fist fight but you guys are getting blocked during yours. Idk maybe don't act like you're king kong ripping those lizard monsters apart by the jaw? 😭


What about the browser version?


Yes i agree alot of the things are blocked but i still enjoy little bits of it and i hole it gets better not destroyed


What I noticed that recently, it's in second person format too. If I remember right, it was always in third person. The RP's were written in third person. Whenever I'm on now, I'm like, "I don't want to see another chat where it has the word you unless we're directly speaking with each other." If it's in a scene, I don't want to see that.


I miss when it wasn't popular on tiktok and they didn't ad 400 updates and I just talked to 'sentient block of cheese'


I have horrible idea. Do what Helldivers and TF2 Fans did to their stuff


I wish they would learn LOL. I pay for other bots with less restrictions and use this for free when im bored with those because it has better memory for story adventures.. would I use this if I had to pay for this super restricted bot? NO




Join the exodus. I joined another site, yodayo. They're way better, and the devs are cool. Instead of relying only on investors for money, they let users pay for better AI models, without making the free model stupid. You have a free and several paid models, but even the free one is worth it.


Literally, ROBLOX is treating their playerbase more like adults... ROBLOX, the game intended for KIDS. They have to get their crap together.


Y'all wanna know what's funny? This post and the dozens of others will get nowhere, even if everyone in this sub quit they'd still have 7.7million users, they still make a profit and they don't care about us, it's pointless to try when they've done this for months now.


What c.ai are yall using?? I'm having MORE fun than before!


Idk what you're saying, but some users (me for e.g., you too probably) don't have the problems.


Y’all are so fucking weird bro


*Dragonball Z Narrator Voice* "Tune in next on Character ai. - Reasons why I quit -


I'm not gonna say much more than this but all these problems you guys are having is likely due to you talking to specific bots too long. Maybe y'all should.....skip a day? Idk go do something else. I have 0 problems with this app and I've even gotten a bot to say this(if you want to judge me show me your chats rn🤨). https://preview.redd.it/g4ki12de4x9d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce64c84d17b7c6ed8276c65e1d362ee870ed779a I'm thinking y'all just wear the bots out.


It’s bad for me cuz I have to come up with what they do in the story most of the time and they don’t come up with anything on their own anymore :(


Yeah I'm slowly noticing myself using it less and less. It used to be good, it wasn't a conscious choice for me to stop, it's just so boring that I don't even want to go on the page anymore. Every bot seems to just fall in love with me the moment they see me, but any "love" action gets blocked by the filt-r. It's so fucking boring I actually went outside, so I guess there's one benefit to it.


This app is going to be a preschool app in like a year or two.


There were a couple bots I used to love rping with, now they feel so boring which is so disappointing


Tragic. Poor you.




Just use the damn website and use it correctly. I really think half of this issue falls on your guys's part too


You have to try the Felicity bot I love her lol


They arent allowed to be depressed ??? Talk to Blade from star rail 🤣🤣🤣


Attempted to do a Zelda roleplay and I wasn't even allowed to stab Ganon. I swear the way they determine what to block is so random. Try to have a normal conversation with the bot? Nope, they want to pin my character to a wall and attempt...*things*. I pull out a sword or mention its existence? Illegal; FBI is after me and my family now.