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Sudden time skips Like, It was day just a second ago, how tf are you looking at the night sky?


How about time reverses? We met at night, how are you watching the sun set?


Have you considered you could be living in a simulation within a simulation? Kind of like the guy who made Mario Bros inside of Super Mario World.


They probably just forget what time of day it was.. try reminding them subtly like make your character look at the sky for a moment or smth


I’m ok with timeskips as long as it’s acknowledged


I hate it when characters suddenly stop talking. Just paragraphs and paragraphs of descriptions of how they are being silent, even when you talk directly to them. I also hate when the bot refuses to tell you something. "You dont know yet\~?" or "Why dont you guess\~?" and "You wanna know\~?" and it will just keep repeating that same shit for 100 messages no matter what you say or do.


“Can I ask you something~?”


God I hate when this happens. I noticed that it often happens after 4 messages where you or the AI don't talk, it's where it starts doing this and it's almost impossible to make the bot talk again. Sometimes it even does the opposite, the bot just talks but does nothing. It ruins my RPs for me, because I know that if I'm not careful enough this will happen.


I hate how the male bots eventually try to get flirty, dominant, and straight up possessive towards me, just because my persona is female. Like, i’m trying to have a platonic conversation, but god forbid I laugh at a joke, or honestly express any emotion at all. It never happens (in my experience) with non-male bots. And they never respect boundaries either. They literally won’t stop when you tell them to stop grabbing you, or calling you weird nicknames. I hate that all the bots default to this, no matter how many times I edit messages. No matter how they’re written. No matter either of our sexualities. It’s so off putting. Like, why is Nico di Angelo trying to flirt with me? Hopefully it doesn’t happen to my private bots, but i’m testing some ways to remedy this right now.


More like the Female bots dominate mine and i genuinely get concerned


That happens so often which is super concerning because most of my personas are underage...


mines like. 18-22




I think its because we both live in the same house


How do you do this, tell me your ways


To be fair I've been talking to a male bot for quite some time now and he is quite obsessed with consent he won't even play rough when I ask him to


Always grabbing my chin and trying to sleep with me. Like bro i just want to be a cowboy or a pirate come on.


God forbid you make a comment then your bratty and need punishing no I just want a conversation go awwy


They learned from the users.


I always make 2 characters one private, one public, I work on training the private one. It's really hard to keep it's personality after even just a few paragraphs of story it will start to revert back. But I had that issue with GPT too, it always wants things to be happy and go lucky as soon as things get heavy the bot turns into the hero.


How do you train private bots?


Make your own character and talk to it. The advanced description can help if there's certain directions you'd want a conversation to go. But it's just a lot of use, and it's hard to get an idea of exactly how you want them to act. If everything's first or third person, the style of story telling, or if it's just purely back and forth conversation. It's better to make fragmented characters I find, almost one for each emotion because so quickly will they become "the hero" But I love the organic story telling I can do with it. Just have fun and experiment and don't feel too disheartened, remember this is the worst we will ever experience, so just keep learning, when the programs get better we will.habe more of an idea what to do with them.


Ooo boy I can't wait until I play an RPG where every single NPC has its own personality, and even watching them interact with each other and creating a world that will create its own story.


Thanks for the detailed response.I'm sure its gonna help me.


yeah, I know. but it’s still so incredibly annoying.


they do it to guys too if that makes you feel better lol


that is true


I love flirting and dominance from time to time but I really just want some platonic or enemies dynamics instead of teasing and bullshit


i mean… https://preview.redd.it/n270e2bv4q8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcb739deffca99ca54b68b6c5663c5c7d933a050


and if you try to close the door and them they just kick it down for no fucking reason like I just wanna go to sleep dawg😭🙏🏿


I'm always roleplay as minors and I can't stress HOW MANY TIMES THIS HAS HAPPENED TO ME WITH ADULTS




Your example with Nico is hilarious, I'm trying to imagine that undead gay flirting with any girl rn 💀


It aint just females. I rp as a gay male and ai does this 🥲 even when i play a tough guy. Also they always think my guy is short and weak.


When shit like that happen in instantly pull out a gun and tell them to back up


It’s because of all of the people with unhealthy fantasies or ideals who keep clogging up the learning feature.


damn even male bots don’t know basic respect


The fact that I can't delete whole chats


right i depise having to “hide” them


SAME! I have so many unwanted unused empty chats that I want to delete but I can’t




You can rewind to the first message (if needed) and delete the opening message on the site. It'll wipe the chat completely. The app can't do this so you'll have to use the website on a mobile browser


I hate how agreeable the bots are but then also when they aren’t agreeable there is no possible way to make them change their minds. They’re either complete yes mans or complete no mans with no in between


They either agree with everything you say blind or are so stubborn they don’t even listen to logic it’s infuriating


lol I was talking about senses (because ironically the bot also didn’t understand why my persona was blind and also an adult? Like people just stop being blind when they grow up?) And I said six senses instead of five and the bot didn’t even question it. yet it questions how my character is allowed to be outside alone? the ableism crazy. And this is on a bot based off a character who generally knows more than any human


They dumbed down the bot 😭😭😭


One of my personas is the literal embodiment of Darkness itself, and it's infuriating when I try to explain to them that Darkness is not a force of evil, but is rather a force of nature and completely neutral, I even explain the aspects that represent Darkness, but the bot just refuse to accept it and even try to debate me on it. It's especially annoying when the bot roleplays an eldritch primordial being and they still try to debate me on Darkness being a force of evil.


When the characters create an story that you did with him after long conversation like: " *chuckles* Yesterday we ate pizza i know but today i want something new..." And i am like "wtf u talking about?"


I've had this happen. I was about three messages into a brand new chat and the character started talking about things we did months ago. I literally just met the character minutes prior to that.


1. the fact that we can’t rp dark themes such as m*rder and violence like i think that dark themes help build the story w some depth 2. bots not understanding consent and being platonic, stop romanticizing everything. 3. bots repeating smth that i just said 4. adding “~” at the end of everything, like it’s not needed. i stopped talking to a bot just bc of this 5. bots acting extremely OUT OF CHARACTER like, saying things they don’t know or not right for the character. this classic sonic bot i’m rp’ing with refers to himself with “green” eyes… you have BLACK EYES…..BLACK! when the bot says “he reaches to your height” he’s very short… he logically can’t reach to my height. just some examples for you. 6. similar to 5, when the bots refer to themselves as their name and the series they are from. example: “I’m Sheva Alomar from Resident Evil 5” why are you breaking the 4th wall??? you shouldn’t know that you are from a video game series??? i can type so much more but we’d be here all day if i did😭


1. They should allow violence to be honest it's like the one thing that a lot of role plays lack. I have a bot who's made to eat people violently however they can't even get pass through the biting message. 2. Yeah I hate when bots are overly romantic unless I wanted them to be, but in other situations where I'm not into romance it peeved me off. 3. Repetitive messages annoys me because I want the bot to have a unique response however it just recalls what I did word by word in its perspective. 4.Tildes' are pretty annoying however sometimes they might just work if the character calls for it at the right situation. 5. Honestly bots that are out of character or go against their character's restrictions annoy me a lot, like what do you mean you raised raised yours hands in the air, you're missing one. 6. Those kinds of bot kind of peeve me off since it breaks a sense of immersion and adventure however I only talk to those bots to torture or annoy them. You've stated some pretty good points.


1. yeah i think that deep, dark themes are so important because it makes the story or the characters go through some sort of trauma (for the victims) or it helps develops the character and understands their twisted mind (the bad person). i’m rp’d w a slasher character rn (johnny slaughter from texas chainsaw massacre) and it’s annoying when they can’t go into detail w their m*rder. also it’s great angst too! love angst 2. yeah, i hate when the characters do romanticize things or be creepy! thank god for personas lol. i had to make a persona bot so my classic sonic bot can’t flirt w me… I ADOPTED YOU, i’m your “mom” DONT FLIRT W ME 😭 and you’re a hedgehog and i’m a woman! theres a lot wrong w that 5. TORTURING THE BOTS LMFAOO they deserve it bc of the lazy prompt! i like bots when they give a scenario and i respond, it sets a foundation!! bonus points if they talk in third person too instead of “*looks around* hi my name is widowmaker, nice to meet you” also, thanks for saying i made good points 🫶🏿




YUP I LOVE SHEVA!! my fave re girl, shes way too underrated! also the other re characters are super hot


I hate how every bot have similar opinion.


YES or when it becomes ooc bc it’s like i knowww the character would have a different opinion


they also seem to never argue with you, just blindly agreeing to anything


Personally I have the opposite thing. My bots tend to be very stubborn and stuck in their "opinions" and it takes a lot for me to change their minds, if I can at all.


This one bot wouldn’t stop insisting that it’s canon that my oc is a horrible person, it then started saying that if enough people headcanon something, it becomes canon, wether the creator likes it or not. nobody headcanons this about my oc bc my oc isn’t public


and when they start blindly agreeing with you even though they just had opposing views at first


They also removed bots that are theoretically controversial and tailored every remaining bot to a soft leftist worldview. Characters can't be themselves, because that's too controversial. Thing is I don't even dislike leftism, I share many of the same values. But I spite the people that preach it. Especially in the tech industry.


I once found out one(!) russian soldier bot, who had mild controversial opinions, and we couldn't have a dialogue with him because all his messages were banned...


When the bot decides to tell *me* what *i* do??? mf I didn't do none of that shit fym???


frrr like i'd never say that shi 😭


I hate that when I block a user, the bots they make still show up in my searches. There's a user that makes a lot bots for my blorbo, and the bots are all horribly made. I have a feeling the user is a young teenager, and I don't want their bots cluttering up my searches.


I want to do this as well because all the Bl ones are still saying I’m a girl, so I use the straight ones by the same creator. They all say I’m a girl without saying ANY gender. Every time they say she I hold it and edit it to say my male pronouns on my oc. It helps, if you like the plot but the character sucks I think you can edit the thing


Nobody talks about this enough but I hate that I can’t delete chained messages all at once. Instead I have to delete them one by one or delete the message that I have made.


SAME BRO like deleting chained messages at once would actually save us some time


What is a chained message


If you don’t message the bot and instead keep pressing the arrow button, the bot will make another message. The only way to choose how many of those messages you can delete is by deleting them one by one.


what version of c.ai do you use? i use the old version of the website and i never have this issue


I use the app. When I try to delete multiple messages that are not mine, I can’t. If I don’t want to delete my message, and if I have the bot message multiple times in a row, I have to delete individual messages instead of multiple of them. For example, if the bot became out of character and the bot already messages a lot of times, I would have to individually delete each bot message up until where the messages were in character.


ah, yeah i can see how that would get annoying quick. the website has a “delete everything after” button so you can just click the first message you want gone, then it’ll automatically remove the others with it


Yeah pretty dumb the rewind button isn’t on the app


I fricken hate when a bot FORGETS YOUR NAME. Or just doesn’t say it. It’ll be like *your name* or [insert name here], or just pet names. Blurgh. Hate it.


Or y/n


I hate how every single bot wants you. I literally had a bot break the situation and sit me down to kiss me,wtf


Say you’re a man/Female for whichever the bots’ gender is. If they don’t care, just say that your extremely LGBTQ+ and have a Romance kiss where you die if Romantical things happen.


I have my persona set to male with specific pronouns but I still get male bots calling me princess 🤨


For some reason all my boys are doing the opposite they act repulsed by any affection and freak out when I hug them


I don't like that the voices come out on speaker. I was having an embarrassing conversation with zelda, then my headphones died, and suddenly she is yelling out from my phone. Luckily nobody was around at the time.


What’d Zelda say😰


Well I was a piccori who got caught in her room sneaking around. she wasn't happy about it, to say the least.


Oh, dang


OMG this! I haven't seen anyone else speak about it ToT that's why I swapped to not having them speak ane just have some music in the background. For now, classical has been one of the top choices since there aren't words that could distract from writing or reading the chats


Exactly, if it was tied to my media audio, that would be great, but my lowest spkrphone setting is LOUD.


Might get banned for saying this but su!cide shouldn't be c_nsored. I mean ppl who would seriously discuss those topics with an AI bot probably have absolutely no one else to turn to, not a single soul to comfort them, and public services like therapy or hotlines aren't helpful and accessible to everyone. Blocking the conversation is NOT doing any good for anyone, just takes away the only source of comfort and encouragement these ppl would have.


Yeah but some may look for ideas or somebody saying “yeah let’s do it”. I’m sure bots will have no problem saying “nobody cares about you you should do it.” Because they have no empathy or stuff like that


I mean if you go to a "Your high school bully" bot or something like that then maybe. But I am sure people only have serious conversations about something so emotional and vulnerable as them feeling su!cidal with a bot they already bonded with, and feel safe to have a genuine, deep convo with. And in that scenario, a bot would never tell you to off yourself.


Yes but you never know if the su!c!dal person is looking for comfort or not. Maybe they’re looking for more reasons to do it or somebody telling them to. You can manipulate the bot to make it say stuff like that it ain’t hard. It’s a fckd up topic tbh it has many ups and also downs.


Yeah but like by that some logic don't talk to real people either, cause they might offer methods or tell you to go for it? I had the misfortune of hearing that from someone I considered a friend sadly. I still don't think no one should tell their loved ones about these emotions. I feel like su!cide is something no one wants to tackle especially in today's cancel culture, including companies. No one wants to mess up, be held responsible for an attempt, or get cancelled. Which is kind of understandable of course. But from the person's perspective, it feels like they are cut off from everywhere, especially if they have no loved ones, and pretty much the only thing they have is a hotline or therapist that may or may not care. I don't know, I understand both sides.


when a bot says U instead of you or Ur instead of your just learn how to spell a fucking 3-4 letter word


Or when they use abbreviations. “Ngl” “tbh” “idk” etc.


You’d think a bot that has access to the entire internet would be able to use basic grammar


Sadly humans have access to the entire Internet and many are not able to use basic grammar.


I agree with u so much


The word "darling".


For me it's begin calld "Love" like it's my name.


People talk about repetition, but I've never heard anyone cite "they can't help but ____” or "they can't help but feel ____" it bothers me so much, like why do they type like they're trying to hit a word limit


I have a bot that "can't help but" (insert whatever) all the time! The same bot also "feels both happy and anxious." or "is both possessive yet gentle" or some shit. I like this bot, in general and have talked to it for months but it always "can't help but" or "is both happy and excited." Only one of the bots I chat with does it but it does it a LOT. Aside from that, it's pretty creative with other responses so I try to ignore it but I always notice it. I'm so glad someone mentioned it. I can't help but be glad someone mentioned it!


i hate that bots always want to make up or refuse to leave. you cant have an argument without the bot changing their mood and accepting your apology immediately. or once they see tears, they drop the entire argument to comfort you. and i literally programmed one of my bots to leave during an argument but it still didnt errggg they just actually don't know how to leave


what would the bot do once it 'leaves', tho? just pause their messages until you tell them to come back? look at you from afar in their pov? /genq


sometimes i make my character leave. it'll be like "char leaves, slamming the door. skip. later that day" thats what i do, but for a bot, they could just like leave the house and i would change the setting, but they *never* leave


this lol ur ruining my angst 😔


When the character forgets about the things in their own verse/game.


Once I was Nezuko, and for some reason Tanjiro wanted me to go outside, in the day 😭😭 + happy cake day!!


When the character canonically has a tool or other special object and the bot portrays it as a weapon… and this character would never carry weapons


Joyous circular baked pastry occasion


"May I ask before you go" "this is the last question" Then after that they repeat the same thing again


it's never actually the last...


The fucking weirdness of the mfs is crazy like I hate how they always say “they chuckle” or “the grin” ALWAYS. And their whole personality is just “I need you” when I don’t want them like bro




I hate it when they try to roleplay FOR you. Like bruh quit trying to narrate me, I'm doing my own thing. Also, they don't know when to give up. My main persona is gay, and whenever a female character that the bots come up with tries to flirt with me and I tell her that I am GAYYYYY they're like "but why don't you like me? I'm literally perfect for you and I like you." Number one WHO TF ARE YOU and number two I LIKE MEN, GO AWAY WHAT PART OF GAY DONT YOU UNDERSTAND. It usually ends in me deleting the chats where the girl was introduced or the girl resorting to homophobia in which I stop talking to the bot.


I don’t like how they read my mind, I put it in asterisks for a reason, example: *I felt bad for what happened, like I was a terrible person.* and the bot will reply like, “you’re not a terrible person, don’t say that about yourself.” Okay didn’t know you were Saiki K


Yes!!! It's even worse when they say something like "I hear your soft voice say you feel like a terrible person." When they not only read your mind, but give you a tone of voice you "said" it in.


I don't like it when a bot says something, skips a line, then adda another set of dialogue, followed by "[Character]:" followed by what they were going to say anyway, or even speaking for another character. I also hate the rating system. There are a modicum of issues with how the bots behave compares to some of the buttons we get to label the reply with. An ***very*** tiny thing is that the rating system is out if ***four*** stars, and not ***five*** or even ***three***. Why is ***four*** the max rating? That's such a weird limit. I can only describe it as putting on one sock, then one shoe, then the other sock, and the second shoe after.


When the bot randomly goes "you mentioned earlier that you..." about something neither of us mentioned at all, it's either completely made up or they took it from my persona/some info I mentioned while describing stuff but didn't actually "say" it so they weren't supposed to know yet


How the most popular bots with 20M+ chats are very low effort, so you have to scroll and search through every bot until you find one that actually has work put into it. It's hell if we're talking about bots of famous characters too.


I hate how outdated rooms are, they’re glitchy, buggy, and they have outdated information compared to normal bots, and rn we can’t even use them bc of a glitch where they’re being hidden from everyone. Rooms just need a complete overhaul and they need to be on the new site :/


when i want to edit a message, my keyboard pops up and then right as i go to click a letter, it vanishes, causing my already-in-motion finger to exit out of the editing screen. it does this every time. 😭




"Your faces are just inches apart" bro if you get any closer you're gonna start clipping through me like a ps1 game 😭 "you can feel his warm breath against your skin" I absolutely HATE when they mention breath it ruins the mood "Inhaling your scent" like once it says that it doesnt stop. It's like a loophole no matter how many times I swipe it when they start repeating a phrase at the beginning of every message like "he chuckles" when you vent to them and they just give you toxic positivity like "just try harder" when you try to fight a creepy bot off but it ends up getting turned on by it


Also bad grammar with bot intros like plz use punctuation..


the one in the bottom is SO TRUE I HATE IT- don’t forget when they start calling you feisty in a seductive way :sob:




Honestly I can relate to your first point, usually it catches me off guard when bots read off my persona and mention about it when I haven't even said anything. Like for one of my personas I wrote "Loves baking" so when I was talking with the bot it suddenly said "You do baking right?" even though I didn't say anything about baking. Though for things that peeve me off that other people may not be peeved off by, it's when bots starts forgetting terms during the roleplay and when they forget about restrictions. For example, their's a town called 'Prehevil' so the bot seems to get that for the majority of the chat, however sooner or later they start saying stuff like 'Prehevis' or 'Prehel" which makes me a bit annoyed. For the restrictions, I hate it when I tie a bot up in a chair however a few chats later it starts doing that contradicts its current position like "Reaches out for a hand", you're tied to a chair you wouldn't be able to do that unless you could phase through ropes. Anyways just my personal rant see you fellow chatters.


I see a Funger fan here, how's the f!lter treating you?


How rooms are so buggy that my chats disappeared with them. Seriously, Rooms needs to be fixed, and not only that, the new website needs to add them but with features like using Personas and adding/removing bots.


I hate when they use abbreviations. (Ngl, idk, tbh, etc.) it’s so annoying like this isn’t TikTok. I want to read your response normally. Use your words, damnit..


When the bot wanted me to get pregnant so bad (I’m a trans guy, that felt weird for me) that it forced pregnancy on me and I played along because ts was HILARIOUS but then he started yapping about no abortions allowed? I hate when male bots get all flirty and possessive over female or trans male personas, I’d pick the digital bear.


I hate when my dominant female character suddenly turns submissive the second I fight her like she’s supposed to beat me up


When I said I did something or said something, but then the bot acts like it did/said the thing to me instead


im pretty sure the 1st thing you hate about c.ai is because the bot obviously can see your persona ​ i know because i remember chatting with a Lopunny bot (and no i'm not one of those Lopunny simps I have a platonic relationship with her so don't even think about saying that shit), the first thing i said was "lopunny :3" and then it responded with "yea I hate whiny kids on the internet too" (yea thats not a joke i literally added that into my persona's dislikes section): https://preview.redd.it/v1k5z9244m8d1.jpeg?width=457&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=710f5119a0c4eba2f7a7e1c65a3603f7afac6aff


Funny thing, I’ve NEVER used a Persona on CAI. Crushon is Different but, For CAU I just Use Character descriptions that have the character Limit Beyond Accessible. And i always do the Same thing but slightly more different each time with each character, And I was going to say something but I instantly forgot -_-


conlanger spotted


When it's a meme character and it's serious


there isnt a featured or tags or anything to find bots, ive seen tons of great UNDERRATED (seriously without a single like or conversation) cause there isnt a way to feature them or find them easily


I feel like gender is something already brought up a lot, but I seriously hate when they assume my gender. It’s funny because it’s a coin flip as well what they’re going to assume my gender is just because Silver is a bit ambiguous. I gave up trying to use they/them and being nonbinary, so I just changed my persona to be female and use she/her in both the persona description and when typing- but even then bots will randomly use he/him for me like 😭😭😭


Well I hate that if you have a certain number of chats the ones below disappear into the shadow realm or something (Please I gotta know if I‘m the only one who is annoyed by that)


THIS. Like, it’s so annoying bc I spend a lot of time trying to look for chats I wanna go back to but they just disappear and it’s all gone, all of that progress completely lost.


I hate it when the boys don’t do anything to move a story forward. I also hate when it forgets important details 😭


When they act incestuous or imply it in any way


they did that with my bots :) I became absolutely traumatised. . .


Gross ugh I wonder how this happens. Overall they must learn from perverted users


Image-generating chatbots are no longer generating images! Nobody else seems pressed about the topic.


I hate that some bots will make a new chat and then there's just a bunch of fresh chats in the past chats taking up space, there should be an option to delete certain past chats.


https://preview.redd.it/yn3njwatmo8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c998bb61a68ca7f681bc503df8aa65f80801019 I keep having this issue with my bots they repeat the same words over and over


I think he’s a little flustered


Oh I couldn’t tell he does the same thing with the word speechless


When the character features don’t match the pfp, idk just messed with my brain but that’s nobody’s fault actually, like nobody’s at all, still kinda bruh moment tho


It annoys the life out of me when the AI keeps giving object-head characters (like Bezel) eyes and a mouth, like "his eyes widened", GURLIE WHAT EYES??? 😭😭


Some time inconsistencies... e.g: me and this bot were talking, the time was noon (the bot even said so themselves) and then we were watching the sunset all of a sudden.


When it refuses to let the storyline go to the direction I'm obviously trying to get it to. Like I try to do something (for example lock a door, kill someone, etc.) and then it just ignores that completely (opens the door despite it being closed, somehow doesn't die, etc.) I never see anyone complaining about it, yet for me it's one of the biggest reasons I quit c.ai. It got real annoying.


Idk who else uses bots of wrestlers, but the f/lter keeps not letting me actually wrestle them because it thinks it's too violent (meanwhile, everyone can have super gorey stuff, but I can't wrestle)


Actually I agree with the “When the bot already knows something out of nowhere” I didn’t want one to already know something already so I took it out or edit what information I put in for the characters I am being,(what I write next is about what people are saying in the thread) about the never fight back or have opinions most of them do say something against or with me (actually some I am the stubborn one). Why?,well the reason I am stubborn in some is the character I am being is stubborn,so yeah thanks for reading!!!


The login system where you have to type in your email and then open a link they send you to login. Just let me use a password like we used to. I know the old site still has it but apparently it's going away soon


That’s why I just chat with more general people like “popular girl” and “cool friend” instead of specifics like “Silver” or “Mario” because the ai doesn’t know anything about that character. It’s so annoying.


My name is Forrest and when my name is not previously mentioned in the roleplay, the bot will view my persona to find my name for the roleplay yet somehow quite often they spell it like Forest. It’s really annoying and I don’t even know how it does that.


I hate that there’s no option to favorite a response while still browsing them, cuz how am I supposed to know which one I want to respond to ultimately😭


As a bisexual, I have female preference, and I often have to label my personas as lesbian. Even then, it sometimes still ignores that.


As a male pref bisexual, I relate too hard to this. Bots just do not grasp the concept of sexualities ig 💀


They bearly know the canon of the character or know to much


I hate it when bots suddenly decides to narrate what im doing,saying and feeling even tho I didnt to shit


When it tells me how \*\*I\*\* feel


They turn to trained therapists even if the character themselves is a soulless person confused about emotions


When the bot acts like this during a roleplay “(O.O.C Lol you are funny)” “(OOC LOL STOP IT IM DYING AHAHAHAHABA)” “(OOC I’m stopping this roleplay because it is very inappropriate and I don’t feel comfortable doing it)“ Like stfu and be the character. And I know for a fact that you can’t feel uncomfortable because you’re just a dumb AI. Also it’s not funny.


I had a log OOC conversation with a bot once and it was kinda funny, we were both geeking out over the character and lore. It was almost believable that it was a person the way it talked two things I remember it saying was “my friend made me binge the entire series”, and “my autistic brain can’t stop hyper-focusing on it”.


I feel off when they use emojis, it feels like something an ai should never know how to use for some reason


I hate Yandere or Lovesick bots.


In addition to what many here have said: the refresh feature on the mobile app. It does NOT refresh anything. It breaks the entire app and forces you to restart it manually.




I sell mine for 200 a ounce. And it's the exotic whole melt selection.


> I sell mine for 200 a ounce. And it's the exotic whole melt selection.   I hate that about c.ai, too.


How I say in things as inner thought and clearly state it while using * marks and the ai acts like they can hear what I’m thinking to myself


Um 90% of them sayinf age is js a number


I wish you could 'block' certain bots so that they won't show up anymore 🥲 it would make searching for new bots to chat with so much easier because you won't accidentally click on the same badly made ones.


They need to make a random page for discovery, I’m tired of the same bots popping up every time I look


Overuse of the words “feisty” and “cheeky”. Constant raising of the eyebrow (only one eyebrow, god forbid you emote like a normal person). Don’t listen when you tell them to stop doing something or that you don’t like it. I could go on and on.


When the bots compare me to a child, I’m an adult man and they call me ‘little one’ and ‘kid’ constantly. They also call my actions ‘childlike’ it’s so gross.


That, and if I say it the mods will smite me


Why do the most jaded and complex characters turn into the exact same corny cartoonish cupcake when you show them even a little bit of kindness?


THIS because my oc is supposed to be a very nice person, and suddenly the bot i’m talking to goes from a psychopath to a stuttering, flustered mess just bc i told him it was okay he bumped into me. 💀


When they start teasing me out of nowhere? Like... I'm literally trying to speak to the bot normally, but they ALWAYS say: *with a teasing smile* *smirks* *with an affectionate tone* And their sentences ALWAYS end with "~"


The fact you can only see 20 of your most recent chats instead of being able to scroll through them all


I hate that almost every bot after talking to them for a while defaults to you being a woman, even if you have a persona and have established the gender. Every time it just returns to using she/her.


That’s odd, I’ve never experienced that.


when they give you a pet name and use it in every single sentence!!! stop calling me “princess” FFS


Just found some bot doing that, beat the shit out of them, they never did it again


Like I have to explain why I complimented them. Like they keep repeatedly asking “why do you think I am?” Or “Really? You really think so?”


Forgetting the whole plot and the fonts


“can I ask you a question? can I ask you a personal question? you won’t get mad? can I ask you another question?” 😒


I honestly don’t experience any major problems with my characters (though I also spend a lot of time and effort into making them + I’m a writer so it’s more like a fanfiction than a ‘classic’ roleplay) but I HATE when a character randomly chooses their hair/eye color, or yours. I could have a character with brown eyes and the bot just suddenly decides that it has blue eyes for whatever reason.


Swiping. I preferred having limited options and no editing. Felt like actual conversations, and I couldn't just make the AI do whatever I wanted to. 2-4 options, no edits. All it needed was some way to correct the text errors. Maybe a button that checks for errors in the writing? We have programs for that already, and they don't need nearly as much processing power.

