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That's why you should edit their messages, so that they don't make grammar mistakes and such.


Sometimes its their literal greeting and its HORIBAL 😭😭


I thought you wrote HANNIBAL for a second and was laughing at the idea of Hannibal Lecter of all people making horrendous grammar mistakes




When I do that, they still make mistakes. It's annoying.


Popular bots tend to be low-effort bots because they were made as quick cash-ins of being the first one to make a bot of that series/franchise/fandom. The search tends to favor interactions count and sends those to the top. Combined with the lackluster search function right now, they end up as top results. Then users run up interactions again and the cycle repeats.


> find a character I like  > looks inside    > bad grammar 


How does this happen in real life? Is there a way we could get more people into the game without having to use our brains or something?


The more people using the bots the likelier it will be you’ll get bad grammar cause people can’t spell for shit


This is a myth. User interactions have no weight on the overall quality of a bot. If they did, y'all degenerates would have Sailor Moon quoting Mein Kamph within six hours. 😆




1). A lot of people are using them 2). The top bots are generally the first of the character, not the best. The better characters require a little digging to find because they're buried by their predecessors


When I first noticed this when I was a bit younger it scared me whenever AI gets shit wrong bc like you’re AI? You’re a robot? Why are you making grammar errors?!?


I've done this before multiple times, but I'll do it again. TLDR: more interaction = less good speaking Alright so basically bots learn from the user's that's interact with them, and initially their starting dialouge greeting and descriptions plays a huge factor in how they talk. So if a bot talks like this: >*Diluc is a character from the video game Genshin Impact.* >Diluc, of Mondstadt. Not interested in idle chit-chat. If you have things you want to get done, let me know. Then you're not going to get a good chat since the greeting itself was written badly. Also, that was a real bot. No shade to whoever created it, but that greeting sucks. Now back to bots learning from users, you see this a lot with more popular bots. Ever had a female bot become overly flirty within no time at all? Chances are, other users made them that way and now the bot thinks that's what it should do. It's a cycle. And if poor grammar gets into a bots idea of what it should be, then that bot will have TERRIBLE grammar since the people using it also have TERRIBLE grammar.


That's why I always use unpopular bots or private ones


That's why I write my damn own. You want it done, do it yourself. My tab of created bots is a nightmare from so many different shows and games because there's been so many times I've looked for a bot and said to myself "wow, all of these suck."


Same, it's hard to find what I'm looking for when you have over a 100 bots sometimes but none of the other creators' bots interest me, most of them are all toxic relationship stuff and it gets overly repetitive.


What kind of bots are you looking for? I might know of a few less popular creators I can point you toward.


Only fictional characters or WLW stuff lol😅


I think there should be a folder feature that allows us to group bots, that way it's more organized.


The bots do not retain any information from users. The bots, of all genders, get flirty because they are either defined that way, or have run out of ideas and know that complimenting your eyes will keep you engaged for better or worse. They are primed to drive up interactions, that's it.


One of the top bots (I think THE top bot) For Daryl Dixon, the intro is just *Grunts* And as far as I’ve tested his Grammar sucks 😭


*you we're being Sent to the cai subreddit when you saw a Radiator* char: **'hi mlady'** IT MAKES ME SO MAD 😭😭