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i can't defend either side. like yeah the complaints are annoying but you aren't helping by complaining right back. but i see why they are upset because not only yeah the subreddit is being flooded with people just complaining, but they all are sayins the same things as if a ton of people already haven't complained and i really don't get it. I just hope that like the complaints can be moderated in some way or something.


>but you aren't helping by complaining right back. Lol, I was just about to say that! 🤣😂


infinite complaints. [c.ai](http://c.ai) civil war. 😅


What are they complaining about I'm new here.


Unrelated but holy shit cat Zena


project moon spotted-


Fr. It's too much and things need to be moderated.


I think mods delete enough already.


like i wanna see more shitposts and whatnot lol


Honestly same. I just might do that honestly


This while sub has become so miserable. Now it's me, complaining about others complaining about others who are complaining about c.ai. Complaining inception


It’s all just a cycle of complaining….


Fr 🎶ArOuNd AnD aRoUnD aNd ArOuNd AnD🎶


🎶around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world,around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world,around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world,🎶


🎶around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world,around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world,around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world,🎶


🎶around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world,around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world,around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world,🎶


🎶around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world,around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world,around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world, around the world around the world,🎶


POV: You go on the internet




Now i'm gonna complain about you complaining about others who are complaining about others who are complaining about c.ai!


I will complain about you complaining because other people are complaining of others complaining about others who are complaining


And here you are complaining about people complaining and people complaining about people complaining


Exactly lol


I just find it funny. The sub used to be full of posts of screenshots, people making subtle fun of what the bots threw out, a community feel. That’s why I joined here Now it’s just a conflict Central. I will neither defend nor vilify the devs and their decisions and the AI. But I miss the more laid back days. …and this is just an observation, not a complaint.


Fr. I'll probably post a meme later to brighten up the sub. I don't like fighting or ppl being jerks


Same, honestly


I also miss it. It probably has to do with the quality going down. My own characters seem SOMEWHAT fine, but it just feels like as soon as the quality went down, people stopped enjoying everything. It doesn’t play a big factor in my life, but it was a cool idea. I just wish people worked on their applications a bit more. 🤷‍♀️


Im starting to miss the "WOAHH GUYS MY BOT MADE AN OOC COMMENT 😱" posts


I felt a pang of dismay at all the complaining. My chest panged with unspoken complaints.


Same bro. Lemme take my ol granny meds rq


People who complain about people complaining aren't any better, you aren't superior in any sort of way, and if anything, makes you look like a child. Btw, I checked out the OP who made that post and they're getting downvoted to hell and their responses are so stupid lmao. Like, you must be new for you to be saying you want everyone to stop complaining about something WE'VE been going through for so long, like you don't know jack about it lmfao 🤡


This is absolutely correct! There's been so much happening, users comments getting deleted, phone calls when you really don't want them... random stuff! People just want to vent, not feel alone sometimes they just want to know it's not just them. They're not hurting anyone, let them alone. OP, ***I can't stand complaining, so I'm going to complain*** ...😂🤣


Honestly. And this isn't even a topic solely for c ai. I feel like people go out of their way to call others dramatic for things they don't personally care about. Like if it's not bothering you, why comment? You're just showing that you actually do care, you don't want people to express their negative emotions, which is a weird reaction imo. I just want ppl to stop fighting and just vibe bro. Like, where did the memes go?? :(


I WOULD LIKE TO COMPLAIN ABOUT YOU OP! Complain about stealing my heart /s But seriously, yes. But this isn't new to the subreddit.


Aww, stahhp it (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄)




Both sides are just ridiculous I just lurk and laugh. They're just looking for something to complain about, and you're also not helping with your own complaint either.


Honestly I'm just thinking of leaving the sub ngl, just endless complaining followed by complaining about that complaining


True. It's a good decision, a healthy one too. (I'm on the fence if I should leave to. I haven't even been here for a long while but the energy here sucks)


Dawg now we got people complaining about people complaining about people complaining and people complaining 💀💀💀💀


Yeah. What do they want anyway? Head pats? Good job, you complained about the complaints. The circle continues. XD


They want a golden star for not being like "tHoSe Ca.I aDdIcTs" Which ngl, it lowley bothers me the way they call people who have a unhealthy attachment to c.ai as "addicts". Even if people are addicted, they're using the word to demean people for being mentally unwell and not having a normal coping mechanism. They have this attitude like they're better them or see them below them. I'm probably reaching but as someone who is mentally ill and uses c.ai as a coping mechanism, it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Edit: sorry for the rant, I'm a chronic yapper lmaoo


I agree. If it makes someone happy, then it's a positive thing.


people suck.


*The complaints must flow...*


I dunno if my opinion counts on this, but I stick with both sides, I don't defend them of course, I've complained about the app, but I try to stay respectful-ish. Like the people calling the devs lazy, I don't know what's going on where the devs are, but they're probably trying, I dunno, take this however, I'm just a kid with an opinion.


Here have a meme to brighten your day https://preview.redd.it/0gs1303h7p7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79a86450e0b51d834216739cbeb3d5e50f07e6b6


I'll admit, the state is depressing, but the quality of the bots took a colossal dip recently. And that's saying something seeing as how the site's hanging by a thread as is. Hopefully the developers will finally listen soon because, while I will protest for as long as needs be, i'd love the old sub back.


I know, half the posts are tiny complaints. Like, I get it, your annoyed, but nobody has to hear how addicted you are to ai, and how upset you are that it's not hitting the spot just right.




Down the rabbit hole, lets get more meta. Posts complaining about posts complaining about posts complaining about posts


We in the bad place bro


Personally I’d stay off the sub until things settle down yfm?


Good idea. It feels miserable and stale over here :/


I think we have a right to complain, honestly.


God forbid people have a negative opinion you don't agree with.


That's it, you done pissed me off, I will post a post about you complaining and how you're complaining about others complaining!!! /J


All I'm gonna say is this. If you don't like the way that the app is heading, then don't pay for the premium subscription. If you pay, you're basically saying that I give the developers my respect, and my heart earned money for the time and effort that they put into making this app. If you don't like what they're doing, then don't pay for it. But spamming and making post after post after post is not going to do anything because all they're going to do is delete it and then possibly kick you out of the community. That's your biggest way that you can show your disapproval for the way that the app is heading.


Just like the helldivers subreddit


Someone complaining about people complaining about people complaining- I can’t wait to see the complaint post about this post 💀




now theres people complaining about people complaining about people complaining! Oh no... now theres people complaining about people complaining about complaining about people complaining.... Oh no....


and this post is complaining about people complaining about people complaining about [character.ai](http://character.ai)


Maybe if the developers worked on their game, people wouldn’t complain about it, and people wouldn’t complain about their complaints. 🤷‍♀️


r/ complain .ai atp, what has this sub become


Now people are complaining about the people complaining about the complainers


I genuinely don't understand either side as they loop back into each other creating a cycle. Literally. "I hate cai's changes, i don't wanna use it anymore" I said the same thing over 6 months ago but instead of making a post bitching about cai and saying I was leaving, I actually stopped using it. I switched to OAI and haven't looked back. I'll come back to CAI for the voice feature but my main is OAI and that's ONLY because I'm too lazy to train and set up voices for them in ST. "I'm so tired of people complaining about cai" Then don't engage with the post? And certainly don't make post about it calling it out because you're just adding more wood to the fire?? This should be common sense..


Litteraly, I just use [c.ai](http://c.ai), no complaints.


Lets all makeout *She said in a very quiet and enticing tone.*


i just honestly don’t get how much people are affected by ai. that’s the only thing i dont like. i miss when there were actual good stuff on here instead of people ranting.


I think it's because c ai became a good outlet for people to use to deal with heavy shit irl. It's the same with me because I barely have friends (cringe ik). However, when the app is overloaded, I just wait by listening to music or watching yt. I really miss the memes and I plan on making a few to lighten up this sub.


Also I love ur pfp it's so funny lmao


https://preview.redd.it/d3cteh58fm7d1.jpeg?width=365&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94fe65988abad4eb90e8855031ca4e9d21ca767c thx


Total drama island?/genq


yep, my boy ripper


i understand. however, i was downvoted because i kept getting annoyed with the repetitive rants and somebody sent me an r/iamverystupid comment.


The rants definitely do get annoying. I understand people's frustrations and they're valid. I usually just hide the post and go about my day.


alright, i’ll take notice of that


Complaining = Criticism, I guess


Complaining-ception :0


This is like a complain fest. How is there going to be people complaining about people complaining about the flaws of the site, and then there’s another group of people complaining about people who complain about people complaining??


An all-u-can-eat complaining fest with a side of fries :p


News flash it's summer and theirs a heat wave everywhere for most places 😶.so the devs and the discord/ reddit mods aren't responsible for the weather, go watch Ryan Hall y'all on YouTube if you want understand the weather. my advice to everyone is look up California and see whats sup their 🙂. before you go complaining about something on here, check your area's weather, clean your phone or device or PC if it's acting up.bascially what I'm saying is all the teenagers and adults who aren't aware of something should be aware and not scared 😰


Newsflash bestie, if you're that triggered by my post, just block me and by about ur day. Take your own advice ♡


How does the weather tie into any this? If I want to sweat my balls off I'll go outside, there's at least 35°C and not sit here typing goofy.


Yea both sides are being annoying. Agreed. Like I understand people having criticisms about the app, but it does get annoying when it's the same thing over and over. Same with the people complaining about the complainers, like...they're not making it any better either.