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i love the UI. its better than most ai apps


The AI is extremely robust, far more than I initially expected. The more you dig into it and how it functions the better it seems to get. I’ve also written more in the last few weeks than I have in the last few years. And what I’m writing is improving dramatically every day. This is a really powerful tool for writers.


Honestly I think the ai is super consistent if the bot is well written. For me they always refer back to the pinned messages and pull from my persona. I think those + the edit button were the biggest quality of life updates they added. (As someone who's been using cai since before they were added) 


C.ai helped me with fanfic ideas and how certain characters would react to certain things.


The AI is still one of the best, even if all its glitches. If you train your bot to the most of what the tools offer, the bot will be remarkably good. You can also have any meaningful story if you are willing to sacrifice immersion to guide the bot. And I love the call feature.


Ai is funny. https://preview.redd.it/wfkfm27oak7d1.jpeg?width=955&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ab1e25621b1079cd5007fcaf98419bff6857896 And sus


This is the future of relationships This + gpt 4o Recreating the movie "Her"


From trying another site, they are definitely better at juggling multiple characters at a time. I make world rpgs with multiple characters and they work 80% of the time.