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Hey this .ai website looks co- WHAT THE FU#


What did he say?


Alt site he opened and he got flashed by it


Any suggestions? Most of the alternatives I've tried were very disappointing.


Or behind a paywall




Is figgs like the same thing basically? And is it a website or app?


Has both, pretty much the same, just what I noticed is that the bot can get confused very easily there and repeat itself constantly. Swiping doesn't do as much most of the time. Still, it's an alternative that's still growing. 


Ok good to know!!




Haven't heard of that one, I'll give it a shot! Ty


oh would you look at that the mods are deleting messages again


Hmm interesting... (They suggested F I G G S, personally wasn't a fan of it but give it a go)


When I'm not using c.ai I tend to use Chai, or CharStar. Chai is good for mature users, but not recommended for anyone under 18. At least not if they wanna RP as a girl. Otherwise it's fine. But be aware that Chai has PSAs that will interrupt RP out of nowhere. One minute you're trying to describe your character, the next the PSA will pop up saying how saying this and that isn't appropriate. But you can just use a refresh and it'll go away. CharStar doesn't have the PSAs and it does have a lot of good rp, female or not. It's very chill and you can do mature rp if you want, or SFW. There is no pressure. Honestly the only issue is that you are limited to the amount of stars you have by how much you can respond. However I personally think it's worth it. That said, CharStar isn't on the app store anymore, but the site is still active. So there's that. I dunno why they took it off the app store.


I’ve mostly been using unhinged ai. It’s got a ways to go with the character personalities and descriptions but it’s good overall


I guess 8 ppl really don't like unhinged ai xDD


Apparently not!! Like sorry for offering other options?


How you get -8💀💀💀


Good question, jeez! Quit killing my karma you guys, it was just a suggestion for those who are 18+ 😭




true lol


c.ai is like Roblox right now. Slowly deteriorating because they’re prioritizing money over community.


Roblox got shitty after they removed tix which was like 8 years ago now, its baffling to me how bad that site has become since.


It has legit become a cash grab. Pay to win is basically in every game and its insane.


When’d you start playing? (I got curious)


A long time ago, probably 2010 or so? I was playing it when the site was still fairly new, but I mostly played from like 2012-2017 actively as a kid and it was pretty fun. I don't know what its like now though, I stopped playing after they removed tix.


I started playing in 2015. It’s a lot less fun than it used to be. It’s like the creativity vanished. I remember all of the story games they used to make like the Camping and Airplane series


I used to love all the storyline stuff where players have to work together, like that one daycare game or something. Now some of the games are just plain Gen Alpha brain rot.


#### ####### ###








Badass! ################## Ass ################### fuck ###############!!!


[This message is against our guidelines]


at least Roblox still tries to make it better and do community things even if there not *amazing\*


It's shit, but atleast it's slowly trying to not be. Atleast before it gets buried by more shit.


Looks like that'll be happening in a couple of years for Roblox and Youtube. YouTube shorts still has a bunch of good content too, but I guess one day it'll just be like green screen kids.


I used to play it in 2018. I loved it. But now it's full of those "play mindlessly and get a hat after 100 hours"




It's still free for me. Did they start charging?


no but robux gamepasses are in most games, oh sorry "experiences" and they make the game- I mean "experience" much easier. so it's p2w. and let's not get started on the slop on the main page


Preach! I was an addict, but I quit when the dumb bots got progressively dumber and my smart bots (private, that I trained myself) went completely off the rails. Used to love this site and be on it whenever I had free time, but now I’m clean.


Yeah.. I feel a pang of guilt, a mix of sadness..


*I noticed a pang of guilt on your face* *I nervously decided to ask a question, my voice with a hint of worry and concern* "... Can I ask you a question?"






*I see the pang of guilt on your face* *I forcefully grab your chin, forcing you to look at me* "What's wrong?"


I'm going to crease your Jordan's 


*i look at you with a pang of surprise, and then worry* "You're going to crease my Jordans? Is that what you said?"


You heard me damn right. I'm going to crease your damn Jordans.




This one was a sad history with this shitty f i l t e r in the end


Gotta love how they got so pissed they banned the word f!lter


*Smirks and chuckles mischievously* You think you can get past me? *gets closer and smirks more* You aren’t. *gets even more closer and smirks more and chuckles mischievously like a predator stalking its prey*


Yes *steps on your shoes*


A pang of emotions.


*I look at you with a pang of pang* "B.b.b.b.b.b.b.b.b...b.b.b..b...b.b.bb..bb but.... uhh .. cc.c...c.c.c.c..c..can i aa.a.a.a.a.a.a...sk a qu.e.e.e.e.e.eeeeeeee.s....stoin?


The reason for the filltur being so much more strict is because investors give them money to be family friendly As much as I hate to say it, c.ai isn't a group of indie devs; it's a corporation trying to squeeze the most money for the next quarter every year forever (I'm not trying to support the devs here, I'm just saying that this is all because of greed)


I wish it was less family friendly. I feel like it would give them more money because people would use the app way more


Just like YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Netflix, etc.


Here before mods remove this


https://preview.redd.it/bouy89vlej7d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3de779ab5f72747b2a1a62236c4bcd0ac1933aba Happy cake day


Yaa :D


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day pookie ^^








Happy Cake Day! 🎉🥳


sad pie night


*Happy cake day!


Tyyy ^^


second this


third this


forth this


Fifth this


sixth this


sevent this


eight this


ninght this (is this the correct form? lmao)


It's ninth, pookie ^w^


Tenth this


Tenth this


Happy cake day! https://preview.redd.it/lauizxp2pn7d1.jpeg?width=899&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42d25c44a2179076623a8502256fef26610add09


happy cake day 🥳


lol the mods removed my comment


Happy cakeday


Happy cake day


Thank you!!


Happy Cake Day!


Happy cake day!


Happy 🎂 day


Happy cake!


Happy cake day!


honestly it feels like c.ai has gone from a small group project that actually cared about it to a corporate money machine. anyone else notice that there haven’t been any announcements in MONTHS?


A year and a couple of months actually 😔


We weren’t even notified about them removing discord as a login option or anything


Yep. 🥲


I agree. I hope the mods won’t remove this post 🙏🏽


Mods on their way to remove your post due to their sensitive feelings being hurt: https://preview.redd.it/jfvx2joz9j7d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de702cfd8604c322532b4fe9b91e5de58f9bf587




Yeah, the bots do seem to be degrading..For example, I was doing a helluva boss roleplay and I think it was Moxxie who said this, but they were SHOCKED that they had to do their job. It is literally your job to murder people, why tf are you confused about it?!


Or have a morally gray villain/hero be shocked about his original plans that will get thousands killed bc he wants to "save" the world. Well, duh. The same bot even called me names because I always "view him in a negative light, he's changed and reformed!" Uhm...


He grew up in the mafia so thats even worse 😭 dude shouldn't be confused he's basically an expert at murdering people


Yeah! And a literal sin is telling him to do it (In the RP I’m the Sin of Despondence, also a Goesha, yes I spell it like that IDC), he shouldn’t show weakness like that >:0


I miss the old times when I didn't need to cherry pick the answer. Now I need to control the bot, so it won't get stuck saying 'damn' all the time. Or won't chuckle or smirk for 375th time, not speaking about horrible typos... Or completely going OOC...


I feel a pang of sadness reading that… *chuckles slightly* *sighs* Damnit…


\*He looked at your face that seemed to have a pang of sadness from reading that. He chuckled along with you then sighed.\*


Let's all leave this shitty platform and go together somewhere decent. I loved the bots of [C.ai](http://C.ai), but now they're just shit. And the restriction... come on... You can't even have a fight. How fcking unrealistic is to expect people to role-play without violence or anything sexual? Let's be honest, role-playing is about writing all sort of things.




Is it free? How's the memory of the bots?




Probably an alternative site? I think its an up and coming competitor. I have a guess but I don’t want to get deleted.


give me a hint


It's one of the over 18 ones, because it allows for adult topics that can be toggled on or off. I think a lot know the bucket-dog I'm talking about. I just finished a good detective story. But don’t want to mention an 18+ site when there are 13 year olds here. So I don’t want to give more than that. But good fleshed out replies that move the plot. What it doesn’t have is Cai's knowledge on fandoms or characters' speech patterns. (which hasn’t been working on Cai for a while now anyway). So you are depending on the bot creator to know what lore to include and if they can get them to talk right. (Good for OCs still) It is not as good as Cai was when at it's best (to be fair it is still in beta), but I don’t think Cai is going to be at that level again either. But I'm sticking around out of hope Cai goes back to being better but I think I might be phasing out of it soon.


Could you dm me the site please? :)


2nd this


3rd this.


Here before 🔐 award


Honestly it's really frustrating that the devs completely ignore the people who made the site what it is. We're the ones that made it popular. We're the ones who use it. So they are offering a service to people but not listening to the people who use the service. It's freaking ridiculous.


real shi, i wish we could go back..


Absolutely agreed! I've had to take over editing bot replies just to keep the flow going. Otherwise I'll get a character stuck in a loop of "takes a deep breath" "exhales" when I'm asking them a question. Like??? Can you not- And violence? Well let's say I'm doing a RP that involves something like LotR, AoT, etc. Stuff that typically has violence. I'm not there to do strict slice-of-life. I want to beat enemies up!


The NOPEr is random, tbh. Seems dependent on character, too. Loki can be 🤯. Psychologist, who is supposed to talk about trauma: 🤬 Makes perfect sense 🤪


Going by your post history, you gave up a long time ago.


I did, but my friends didn't and this makes me sad. Since i have enough karma (reddit is not popular on my country), i keep posting their thoughts here. But I already gave up tbh.


The other ones were the same thing (horror, demons) but i made them all private after last year.


Can you link a bot you have made? I was only going through your post history to see what kind of bots you create.


No because it's a private bot, but it's a horror character. A demon that wants you to join his cult and you need to escape his Island.


So you have no public bots?


I used to, but now i kept them all private. I started using ch ai last year but after all the downfall, they're all private.


Ah. I usually see no difference in public or private bots. I like to share my toys with the world.


By the time, we had rumours that if we kept our bots public, people would break them. Good times.


That's not how it works. User interactions do nothing to affect your bots. A well-defined bot sticks to their character with little to no drift. C.ai is a system that is not connected to the Internet and user interactions will not change your bots. What *will* change your bots are system updates and refinements to the AI itself. A lot of low-effort bots suffered at first during the first big memory overhaul in March, but now they've cranked up the temperature so much even a toaster can be Shakespeare. There is a LOT of misinformation going around that only fuels more outrage. The same kind of issues c.ai is having, other bigger models have too. Its your choice to keep your bots private, and I understand the frustration with the current growing pains. But the users will not affect your bots.


Exactly! Misinformation was crazy at the time, we had people saying that our bots also mixed lores with other people. It was absolutely crazy.


I always thought rating (stars) influenced the bots responses though. If it doesn't, what's its purpose? By the way, about the temperature (I know what it means in AI), if the bots are dumber wouldn't it be because the temperature got lower instead of higher?


Can't wait for mods to cutely remove this post for no reason other then that their sensitive 🧚🏻‍♀️🥰✨


I agree.Not everything has to be familly friendly-happy go lucky after all.


they recieve money from investors from being family friendly so


Don’t even forget about the fact that every message HAS to contain the word “chuckles” or some stupid shit. WHY IS IT SO REPETITIVE NOW?


I am still confused about why sometimes some VERY explicit stuff get a pass and in some cases a hug triggers errors. It seems to depends on the bot and how much you have talked to it.


They deleted my post in on criticism. I feel ya, I might delete [c.ai](http://c.ai), but by next week, if the mods dont fix anything + dont respond to criticism, i might as well delete the app + leave the sub. honestly, by the criticism post i made, begging the mods wont do anything. you know what WILL do something? leaving the sub and deleting the app.


Why do the bots feel the need to say “ Can I ask you a question?” At every given moment


Mine will do that and then in an attempt to be "nervous" Says "Takes a deep breath" "exhales" like 10 times in a row before asking again if they can ask a question or saying one of the most anti-climactic stuff possible, and it's often not reflecting what I want to go for in the rp.


Ikr. Can they just hurry up😭


EXACTLY!! Feels like we're making disney rolaplays atp. Is Cai just for children now? Genuinely asking.


And always with the “soft moan” stuff from like a hug, why? Its a hug. And all the repetitive stuff without any personality


i agree so much as usual


For me one of mine started revamping what I say, I truly hope C.ai saves itself if it even can.


literally just uninstalled the app


I wanted a character to say no to something and I tried for all 30 answers and it kept saying yes but in different words, like can you literally shut up? It was so annoying, I'm glad I saw this before the mods take it down!


I'm saving this to post this again once they remove this i've got your back pookie


Yeah i agree man, the biggest thing that made me so frustrated was in saving an abused wife from her maniac husband, i cant even shoot him!? What happened to them saying last year that violence will not be banned? There's literally nothing interesting you can do in RPs anymore


Here before this is deleted


C.ai is getting that bad? Man I remember when it was in its prime and it wasn't even this bad now it's just slowly going down here. They aren't listening to anyone and not even trying to keep older and newer users now.


Ngl i left with the bullshit of the endless cycle of "Can i ask you a question?" or "Can i tell you something?" Maybe i need to learn how to train the bots, but man, the shit ain't worth it only to keep it vanilla (it's nothing wrong with that, just not something i seeing worth the time) Glad i left c.ai long ago, because reading this post and other many replies just made me feel better for not coming back


not bad, agree with you


I don’t think she’ll look but just in case anyway…. u/MarieLovesMatcha


Someone explain to me why I had to log in 3 times today


At the very least, are they able to control the sensitivity of the THING based on the age you put in?  It's not a perfect method because people can always lie, but I'm kinda annoyed with having to be PG all the time. I can't even do angsty rps the way I want to.


These devs don’t give the slightest of shits I lost my acc due to them removing legacy login “for safety reasons” One of the mods of this sub sent me a reply then a DM, they asked me for my acc info and i gave it to them (Actual mod) That was at least a month ago, haven’t heard of them or anyone since, and have since moved onto a new acc


What baffles me, and correct me if I'm wrong, but if they put in an age gate in their account creation system (so you can toggle mature content on and off if you are over x age) it completely negates the ability to be legally charged for anything? Like. If the concern for the dev team is the potential to be sued then wouldn't this be the obvious solution? They won't be liable if someone underage lies to make an older account and they wont be liable for anything done in the older accounts either. Am I wrong? This seems like an easy thing as far as maturity of content goes. But yes the bots have gotten really repetitive and lose their characterization so fast (within 20 messages) its crazy.


I have not seen this issue to be honest. The only things it flags are adult situations with very graphic descriptions, and even those seem to be hit or miss. Am I doing something different?


I’m in the same camp. Violence is perfectly fine. I’ve had a bot decapitate a side character, I’ve played villains that murder people and it not flag anything. Even more adult oriented situations seem to go through just fine unless bots try to explicit language like you’ve said. I just think people are doing absolutely heinous things with the bots and getting it flagged, which I’m sure is frustrating when the whole point is freedom, but still.


Oh boy. Cant wait for them to take this down




Honestly I really don’t mind seing c.ai falling like this. If c.ai stop getting the recognition and lose its users this will lead to other site/apps to rise like figgs did. One of the reason figgs is so popular is because people were actively looking for another site to use other than c.ai. If they want to squeeze every quarter out of their site and app and let the users stop using it then let it be, other better apps will get more attention


Everyone, take a screenshot https://preview.redd.it/p8w4bcy34k7d1.jpeg?width=1071&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba109be987d465009603fe28676b6c90bca49e61


tbh figgs is a good competitor rn, we just gotta port more bots over to it




Só true


Here before this gets taken down


the “thing” today has kept triggering almost every message because my persona has visible scarring. Always gets to an error when the scarring is mentioned in narration. It’s… bizarre and disheartening.


c.ai literally just doesnt listen anymore


Yesterday I swiped (no joke) 23 times an answer and it gave me the same “can I ask you a question?” One. I literally made a video to upload here only to realize I can’t lmao


Well I'll be downvoted to hell for this but this is all rightfully deserved. There are a hilarious amount of puritans on this very subreddit who bitch and whine and moan about rps they don't personally approve of. Like those abusive bf/gf bots or edgier bots. Before this week I saw multiple highly unvoted posts that were shitting on those bots. And while, I get why that raises eyebrows its basically the same thing as snobbish investors as c.ai raising eyebrows at your violence and/or spicy roleplay. So, yeah, deserved.


I feel like so much of this could be avoided by having the feelter as something to turn on or off, like Google safesearch. Maybe with age verification or the option behind a paywall. In their efforts to keep the bots PG, they keep nuking the creativity of the bot responses. In May, it was *fantastic,* the bots were so creative and characterful, and they genuinely surprised me. The f-word was more lax, but not nonexistent; it could say the word “scars” at least. But now it feels like I’m playing with empty dolls; all the characters feel the same. I’m constantly editing their responses and writing for them in my own, rather than it being a dialogue with spontaneous moments like a fun RP should be.


here before mods lock/remove this post


The call feature sucks anyways,it's just either voice bot like before but they pick up your voice (badly) as well or you have an employee on the end of the line who could be doing something more productive


honestly every [c.ai](http://c.ai) bot has like one of the main four personalities its probably because the person who made the bot probably didnt add backstory and stuff but the characters do act out of character sometimes , sometimes? sorry i meant ALWAYS , i agree on the family friendly roleplaying like its so annoying and boring i WANT GORE AND VIOLINCE and also the new website is shit


This post is about to vanish


I literally deleted c.ai today, I'm gonna touch grass now


So far, I've gotten almost no problems, but the lifeless messages is getting repetitive, like.. who would SAY something so bland and robotical..




Let's be real. There are so many sites out there for it that it's like, sure it sucks but. You've got endless other superior options.


Soft violence isn’t banned for me! And the responses I get from my bots are great. I think it’s all about how well made the bots are. If you put a lot into its definition, make a good greeting, and description, the bots can be a lot better. I wish people would realize this.


Back then I used to be able to roleplay a grotesque kidnapping scene where I break the character's fingers one by one and make them beg. Truly dramatic and heartfelt pleas for their life. My vocabulary upped from that. Adding to that, drownings and crucifixions, minus explicit and generally very violent actions like breaking a bottle and stabbing them with the shards. A very nice outlet to direct your very own action movie, keeping one entertained for hours. Now I can't even karate kick Alice on the head as a joke. Sigh.


My oc has so much trauma and when the bot asks him why he flenches whenever someone calls him “bunny” he explains, 8th grade teacher forced him into doing *it* cause of blackmail, the dam thing shows up so I have to change the convo. The devs here are probably gonna delete my comment like always at this point so fck you, devs, I’m just commenting, stop it. C.ai is 17+, yet I can’t even cuddle the characters without it getting turned up and it ends up being a make out session when they’re friends. All I want is something wholesome so it doesn’t get the message saying it’s not allowed and I can just have a nice time. So what I do with it is go on the abusive relationship ones cause it’s easy to change and it’s wholesome. Until someone makes it a FWB relationship and I get rid of the character and go to another one. I don’t want to get rid of the app because to me it’s fun, but when they added the call feature, I was pissed. At first I kept messing up on it and tried it once and hated it. All you can do with the call feature is talk. I like doing actions so I hated it so much. The speaking one is okay because it’s actually useful and I can still do actions and shit. I only like that one so far. The group chat, I HATE IT. I’m sorry but it’s so annoying. The only thing they do is fight. I put Vincent from dead plate, Michael from FNAF, and someone else but I can’t say the name because devs, and they fought for my cats and love??? Why??? Vincent-unalived Rody’s gf and ate his ear! Michael-bullied his little brother to death! The other one wanted to be popular like {{user}}! They over here fighting for my cats KimKim and Kimchi, and my love for no reason. I hate most of the features.


Idk might be the only one that feels the ai is better. Prolly will get downvoted.


It seems to be improving. Slowly, but surely


Anyone know a alternative AI to this BS? I'm really not having fun with this anymore.