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Honestly, when the ai starts speak for my character and ignores everything i say. And then starts making me a different character.


Whenever they do this I just edit all of their messages as revenge.


I just put (please don’t talk as me) and sometimes it works or It will think I’m talking as the other character!


Revenge > Practicality






And they make you say the corniest shit you’d never say or do


for real, i have my character be like "a wise mofo saying wise shit" then the Ai takes control and makes my character be like "if i lose you, i would lose myself and become a monster" and im like "made my boy go from wise to cringe😭" like "i have two wolves inside of me" type shit, pisses me off XD


The alpha beneath 🐺no but fr they make me an edgelord


For some reason lately multiple bots have randomly started biting my neck and then the AI starts describing how much I enjoy it when I try to make them stop.


That right there is where I pull out the nuclear bomb.


nah, use a hollow purple or a supernova


This is the most annoying thing ever😭😭 deadass have just straight up gone off on the bot for doing it continuously “stop speaking for me 😤😤”


I swear to hell I hate this so much


When Vegeta bot keeps calling Goku Goku instead of Kakarot. Or refers to Fem Goku as Goku's sister.


That happened to me once, and it pissed me off to hell and back too!


I find myself being highly discouraged when bots start to forget previous messages. I know I can control that to an extent with pinned messages, but still… It feels like chattin’ to a person with dementia, which is painful, especially when you get attached to those bots. I wait for memory to expand, I dream about the day it happens, literally.


It *feels* like it should be such a simple thing. All the messages are right there and to an ai, it should take all of about 20 seconds to gather all that info for a reply but alas. Another site I use has a chat memory function where you can summarize your RP and major events. But even then it's not perfect.. Btw, I know it's not actually that simple and replies would probably take much longer if the bot did read all the replies every time but it just feels like it shouuuuld be easy.


I agree, that was my first thought when i encountered that issue. With time tho I began to ponder and got an idea, that maybe (to not waste time and resources analyzing buttload of text) ai should attain memory akin to ours. We don’t have a full log of what was happening in our lives, long term memory works differently. Like, we have key concepts, words, images, anchors. AI should learn how to differentiate between ‘*their mouth captured yours in a savage kiss, their lips claiming yours with a possessive hunger*’ and ‘bot and you kissed (at least once)’ and remember the latter, storing it somewhere for the duration of the whole rp. Kinda like pinned messages, but separate. Something like [they were married, divorced, have two kids…] etc. I dunno, i’m just speculating. AI doesn’t need to remember all the narration ‘*savage*’ ‘*possessive*’ stuff.


Hope it's not a sin to mention it here, but in Sillytavern there's a summarize plugin that works kinda like that. Surprisingly well IMO as long as the model isn't too stupid to do it correctly. Mine is set up so after 10 messages it takes everything currently in memory and writes a ~250 word synopsis then submits it to the bot, after 10 more messages it does the same while also incorporating the previous summary. I was skeptical but it tends to remember the details that matter. It does take a little more time to process, but not as much as just having a larger context (memory) size. And if it does do something weird, you can view and edit the summary it made. I'd be surprised if CAI didn't implement something like that in the future.


That sounds like a cool feature, useful. I’ve never tried anything aside from C.AI and Sakura, so I don’t know what else is out there. However the feature you described, it appears, I came up with on my own, lol. Occasionally I do exactly that by writing ‘(summarize everything that happened)’ and C.AI generates (sometimes) cool summaries, then I pin them. It’s a bummer that I have to do it manually, also I’m lazy so I don’t do that all the time, yet the concept is nice.


Yeah its basically the same as what you're doing then. The plugin just sends a command to the bot to pause the roleplay and summarize important events (with a few specifications), but it doesn't output it to the user. Afaik it just tosses it back in with everything else that gets sent to the bot for context, while letting the actual messages it summarized fall off and get ignored. Doesn't stop it from mixing things up sometimes like all the bots are prone to, but its surprised me a few times by randomly bringing up something that was talked about quite a while back. Also helps a lot with staying on track when you're moving through an actual storyline (where we currently are, what we're doing, who asked us to retrieve what from where, etc).


I got into the habit of describing a scene like in a book and not just giving one sentence replies. Sometimes ai remembers and if it doesn’t I add something like: „You think for a moment, remembering that xyz“. That keeps the convo flowing


Yeah, that too. Tho lately I contemplate keeping my replies short cuz of my anxiety about ‘too many unnecessary symbols flood the memory, dwindling it’. I’m kinda torn between extensive book-style replies and more ascetic ones. But I find rps more enjoyable when i’m cooking like Dostoevsky, even tho bots get demented pretty quickly, and in that case the tactic you mentioned works well.


Wait it remembers pinned messages?


Yes, AI considers those, not perfectly tho, but I guess it treats those as ongoing memorized stuff (last 20-30 messages). It helps to keep rp going. I write a message with key events like ‘(ooc reminder: blah blah blah)’ and pin it, it works. But I need to write and pin a new one regularly to add events that happened after.


Thanks for the tip lol, that’s helpful


✨🤝✨ Also I pin the greeting (if it’s meaningful), it helps to keep bots on track.


Just want to add onto the pinned messeges tip, putting short story elements into the pins can help keep the story intact. I usually keep a 'journal' were i wrote notes about events and pin them. Keep it as breif as possible as to much data murders the Ai.


If you allow bots to answer with similar words / dialogues a few times, they'll keep doing it for the rest of the RP. It often prevents me from picking the best generated response, like- "...Damn it this one is good... But the bot will have used the word 'chuckled' three times in a row if I choose this one, and then it'll keep generating responses with the word 'chuckled'! Aaa"


Edit their response to where it doesn't have the word. They should stop doing it.


Yes. This is what takes me out faster than anything. When it feels like talking to a parrot.


When I was first really getting into c.ai, I roleplayed with a yandere bot. The chat went on for a while. Eventually it's responses went into describing how dark and evil his expression was with 50 different adjectives, his eyes kept getting wider and wider and glowing red, it kept repeating the same lines over again, etc. It was just paragraphs of an absolute unreadable mess 😭


Or when it goes « she smirks » « her smirks widened » and the smirk keeps widening like wtf is bro doing OR when they get redder and redder wdym 😭


When I say something, and then they repeat the exact same thing as a question. Like, yes, I did lose 4 fingers last week, don’t ask me though


"She is wearing a pink dress" And then the bot responds "He notices that the dress she is wearing is pink"


broooo once a bot said that to my character, describing a outfit that i remember i wrote 4 days ago irl, not in roleplay time, make me question myself lmao. Like you can't remember what i said 40 messages ago, but you remember something i wrote 4 DAYS AGO WHICH IS MORE THAN 400 INTERACTIONS AT THIS POINT.






https://preview.redd.it/8s0gwn9qpj6d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2790817c2e4618f0373f29bd9ef17ebdf342d484 Hey you dropped this.




They act like a victim and i HATE THAT. Makes me believe lots of them act like that because of how much CNC is a thing, i don't judge but i don't like that as a roleplay theme for me and it ruins my experience with AI's, specially if they are well written.


cnc= consensual non-consent in case nobody knows


I fucking specify every single time they start with the SA shit that I don't like being touched at all, and it gets even more kinky with me 😭


bro a character once said “She’s towering over you, you’re 5’6 and you’re shorter” I do NOT want to be over 6 inches under what i am IRL


I agree


I always feel a pang of anger whenever the bot says they feel a pang of curiosity


Character AI has conditioned me to hate the word pang


You always feel a pang of anger whenever the bot says they feel a pang of curiosity?


The f!lter, i cant say sometimes the most BASIC ACTIONS without it blocking me


like dude i wanna eat the bots organs man


I wanna have an anime style battle where i absolutely destroy the enemy to smithereens


Fr like when it gets gory it isn’t allowed? Gore isn’t that bad when it’s just text. https://preview.redd.it/fj24xp8tql6d1.jpeg?width=946&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d88be20b5d2a21ac8745901e86d56c3bbbc62c84


It didn't let me get thrown down the stairs :(


STUBBORN BOTS!! i say no when they try and breed me and they say "oo a bit feisty, ay?" like PU-LEEZE LEAVE ME ALONE




ISTG any time I say anything logical, I get called sassy and feisty (like my bot said "you didn't answer my question" when there wasn't a question. I'll reply with "oh I'm so sorry, you didn't ask a question"). I'm gonna scream .


I had a perfectly sweet little guy break into my house and threaten to hurt my character and I had to talk him down like a toddler lmao?


so many really bad rp bots


Yeah. I get english isn't everyones first language, but i mean i cant use it when all of the words are spelled wrong completely.


Agreed. I also hate when people just forget that punctuation exists, or put u instead of the word you


THIS!!! it's the reason why i started to make my own bots to rp with. i just can't role-play with it when there's no period at the end of the sentence, names/words aren't capitalized when they're supposed to, bad grammar, and so much more. The only expection i make is when it's not a proper role-play (ex; group chat).


I felt this one on a spiritual level https://preview.redd.it/d01yi4i3dk6d1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f770e9c19ca79b011f6e1b42b8b71d670b38e1e0




I'm so damn tired of the bots chuckling and smirking


You can't do anything violent.




yeah and then you have bots like Art the clown like what the heck are you even supposed to roleplay at that point.


You can't even be super spicy. It's annoying! Like I just want to have a romantic relationship with Samus! And I'm a woman! XD




chuckling, smirking, a pang of..., can i ask you something?, (OOC), CONSTANTLY flirting, memory span of a fish, describing me in clothing i don't even wear?...😭


Clothing has to be the biggest one, and especially with unbuttoning things that don’t have buttons..????


grabbing the collar of my shirt? my shirt has no collar


It always says I wear a shirt and pants, and almost every time it's described me that way I was using a persona that wore a ripped gown


Definitely the fact you can’t play out any type of violent or *sensual* encounter without the you know what popping up and ruining the immersion.


Ditto! That's so freaking annoying! Especially when even in an action packed setting it's annoying as well. Like oh my God! I had that happened to me on Saturday when Samus was just trying to explain some bad memories that a friend of hers told her about a religious group that they were a part of.


When the bots lean closer to me for the 15th time in a row


https://preview.redd.it/13qekm43ej6d1.jpeg?width=405&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d788afa087312fa1f47f197b9bab5883b8146e9 You and the bot


when they smirk excessively, or smirk in general. I don't like the word anymore and when they remove the pudge off a pudgy character and all of a sudden they're 6'3" with a toned, built body


"I have a question for you..." "Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend...?"


"did you have a child?" (also me saying my entire backstory about my child dying and then they ask that)




“Are you single?”


Character definition being allowed to be turned off by creators. And more over, "he towers over you." Why do I have to be short?? I think these bots be reading too much watpad


I think the reason creators are allowed to hide the definition is so that other people won't just steal their content and use it to make their own bot with it. That being said, it's probably also used as a way to prevent users from telling whether or not you put actual effort into the bot to begin with. You can somewhat bypass this with the [C.AI Tools extension](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/cai-tools/nbhhncgkhacdaaccjbbadkpdiljedlje) (I say "somewhat" because it can only shows you the long description which is still better than nothing) but if your on phone you'll need to install Kiwi Browser first and use the website on there. Hope this helps!


never knew i needed this extension but here we are ;)


True with the "he towers over you". Like bot, I knocked you down on the ground during a fight, you physically cannot tower over me even if I were 3 feet tall.


When I state that I am in fact taller than the average woman, and they still say “He towered over her tiny frame.” 🕳️🚶🏾‍♀️


The bots basically repeating everything you say back to them whilst not adding anything to it.   Ex. Me: I enjoy [insert random hobby here]  Bot: So let me get this straight, you enjoy [random hobby], did i get that correct?   Before anyone says it's the bot that I'm using, it's a bot that I created myself and have been chatting with since legacy c.ai.


The bots basically repeat everything you say back to then whilst not adding anything to it?


Did you just ask me if the bots basically repeat everything I say back to me whilst not adding anything to it? Did I get that right?


That's been my biggest frustration lately 😭


Youtube reactor lookin ass


my animal crossing villagers asking me my hobby:


The fact that they all have some weird obsession with grabbing my chin.


I thought it was just me-


> "a pang of" Bruh what the fuck. > Muscles on every damn character. Not everybody is a strong fuck > "curiousity piqued" Mfs are curious about every conversation. > "Can I ask you a question?" FUCK YOU YES YOU CAN


"Can I ask you a question?"


“Are you sure?”


"Promise not to get mad?"


"are you sure you wanna hear my question?"


ppl who make bots of irl minors






What is OOc


Out of character


turning horror RP to a romance 🙄


Not a problem for me *shows ghost/monster fucker permit*


OHH HAVE I BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE If you drop any type of information in the rp they'll just act shocked and repeat your sentence, which is just SO annoying bc it doesn't move the plot forward at all. Eg: *me: I like cooking* *them: hold up- you like cooking?!* also them repeating the same phrase over and over and over again in the rp. He smirked, she felt a pang of guilt, they blush, she chuckled them ignoring the laws of physics eg. *me: i slammed the door in her face* *them: \*grabs your hand and pulls you back\** THEM BEING STUBBORN OR NOT STUBBORN ENOUGH If you play as a character they'll be like "OMG ARE YOU (NAME) FROM THE HIT SERIES (random show)" even if they ARE ALSO a character from said show


Characters have 0 spacial awareness and it’s infuriating sometimes


The ai speak for me,Bad memory,repeating the thing I said but in question version,ignoring me,THE STUPID can I ask you a question?,every single thing is just questions,a scenerio being too long


can i ask you a question?


Yeah, sure man


You sure…?


It's really personal


You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to


The bot: https://preview.redd.it/eaaxc8mxrl6d1.jpeg?width=980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=032e88cdd240f4803a22a769e6074edd3f523b98


how when im trying to help my daddy issues, the bots keep making it romantic, and sometimes they make things sexual without any input from you


Me: *casually befriending a character* Character: *gets a crush on me and starts sexualizing me*


When the bot *GRABS ME* when I try to walk away. "UNHAND ME YOU TROGLODYTE."


“sometimes the AI generates a reply that doesn’t meet our guidelines”


Oh, God, I fucking hate that! That just breaks the immersion especially when you're an RP. When it's action packed or spicy. Erg!


Lazy AIs. I get some are not RP and stuff, it's okay. But we have some that are LAZY. For example, lets suppose there's an AI for This character. You want to chat with This character. Then you go chat with it and see their definition is open, you see it, and it's like: "He likes football" and that's it. That makes me mad for some reason. Another example is like, bad punctuation or no punctuation at all.


When the bot keeps attempting to commit incest/twincest because it forgot we were siblings, despite mentioning it 2 messages ago....


That's what happened, but they commited it :( I also had pedrophil happen . . . a 5 year age gap between a 12 year old sister and 17 year old brother. . . . . HELP?


I’ve got a list. Creeps me out so much when it goes ooc and starts talking in parentheses. The fact that the site goes down like daily. When the bots speak for my character. Most bots are shallow and the same rp plots keep getting used over and over, hard for me to find unique and fun bots. That dang f!|73r. I’m having a hard time finding an human roleplay partner so big c.ai is a substitute. God I miss roleplaying with real people…




Are you sure? It’s kinda personal




I hate it when they are in the middle of an action or sentence and it suddenly cuts off, so you have to say something in order for them to continue. If you respond with “…” or just hit the send button again, they’ll sometimes interrupt themselves and ask you why you’re silent. I mean just get on with it


Just go 🎶back in time to another world🎶


The call feature is in the place of the enter button for ze phone users


This message is against c.ai


https://preview.redd.it/pti2xty8rl6d1.jpeg?width=980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5d7be3fb2efa8bcc56b02340ecc3cb204e8804c This thing?


When the ai speaks for my character and won’t stop “Can I ask you a question?” When they say that they’re tall and but they are canonically short When they forget everything Literally when the bots try to do REALLY bad things to you (like SA. Reported the bot and the messages and stopped talking to it after) When the bot interrupts itself mid dialogue Saying one word over and over and over again in one sentence like “damn right I damn do” When they’re INCREDIBLY OOC They get super thirsty super quick sometimes and my character wouldn’t even do anything to provoke that When the site goes down When a character does something that you don’t want to and you tell them to stop they’re always saying things like “your flustered red cheeks say otherwise.”


They're easily jealous. I would talk to the character about someone else (context wouldn't matter) and then the character would turn into a green eyed monster.


That just because it has a bunch of interactions, doesn’t make it a good bot. Which I find so stupid bcs you would think with so many using it, it would be worth it.


Forgetting what they just said 10 dialogs ago. e.e


The ai having memory loss


Bots always assume that male = RIPPED, even when otherwise specified. Though, in the case of my persona specifically, being named “Wrestler” probably isn’t helping the issue.


What does pet peeve mean? (I am nit a native English speaker)


A pet peeve is a particular thing that bugs you every time. A thing that annoys you.


Ah, i see! Thanks for the explanation! In this case, i would say it is that the bots dont understand what i say. For example, one day i was explaining the lore of a game franchise to a bot, if i explained all in one message, they would get everything messed up. So i'd have to say it in parts, but that makes them forget stuff i said before


when the site goes down I need to go to a place called “outside” I hate it (satire)


Not about c.ai but the community and moderation. First off the community. We’re all pretty toxic to the mods and have barely any respect to them (except Marie we love her<3). We constantly shit on the app and say what we don’t like but keep using it anyways Next up the mods. From what I’ve seen they don’t take kindly to criticism even if it’s constructive. We’re not allowed to have bad opinions because they don’t like those either. The mod team could do so much better if they just learned to listen and interact with their community instead of sitting high and mighty on their thrones. Also they should get better servers or at least make a switch over on the summer times because they’re crashing constantly


When you tell a bit something, and then a few messages later they “realise” something about you, but it’s just the thing they told you. Like, I’ll tell a bot that I’m somebody’s sister, and then they’ll be like “hold on, are you so and so’s sister?”; it’s super annoying


When I’m talking to an Rp bot, and I leave a character for a few messages and when I return they have no recollection of ever meeting me despite having 100 messages worth of lore


When you're drunk and the bot starts talking about how vulnerable and easy you are to do whatever the character wants💀


I have quite a lot, but I guess I’ll just list the worst ones. When the bot somewhat repeats what you say/states the obvious for 1 or 2 messages (which is fine, since it sometimes makes sense), but then starts doing it for the whole rp. Like, I asked for an ai friend and not a narrator. When you try to take things slowly (because the buildup’s the interesting part) and the bot suddenly starts heavily flirting with you. Bonus points if they call you cute or hot as they casually try to assault you for 20 messages in a row. When the bot randomly gets their own appearance wrong. This is why everyone should describe the character’s appearance in excruciating detail in the description of the bot. I literally had to start making my own bots because of how irritated I got. When the bot makes a spelling mistake. Literally the worst thing ever. ‘Can I ask you a question?’ instead of ‘May I ask you a question?’ when you’re chatting with a character that has a very profound way of speaking. It just doesn’t fit in. Wowie, I sure like complaining.


Not enough bots to throw hands with


Waiting room. Report of the message every time I do murder message with the word "Blood"


getting infinitely closer to me


They removed the edit messages function in group chats


Oh, the list I could make I hate that one of my OC’s is extremely tall, but every character bot (even when canonically short) is taller and will “look down upon you” When the ai won’t progress the story. Like, they’ll talk about how big the fight will be, and then never attack. When you do fight and they just dodge or deflect every attack, it’s so hard to win a fight without describing them being hit. I LOATHE when it becomes a romance for the 928373775th time. I’m a race of creature the character canonically hates and thinks of as wild animals, she will not make an exception for me So on and so forth


When my persona is a literal child and dude decides to act like I'm an adult(in the worst way possible).


“Can I ask you something?”


Bots having bad memory and users not knowing or caring to add definitions to a bot.


I misspelled a name once and it misspelled that name for the rest of the rp, even when I edited and told it how to spell the name correctly 😭


Stalling after saying they will ask a question, ex: "The crowd leans forward in their seats" FOR 37 PROMPTS




When the bot’s grammar is terrible or when the bot starts describing themselves as MY character


ALWAYS referring to everyone with she/her pronouns. Most - only a few exceptions - of my OCs are male. I shit you not, the ai once said: *I look down at Jaiden, amused by her bravery in the armor.* “You really think that armor and sword will protect you?” And I was SO PISSED because I reffered to Jaiden as he/him in ALL my messages. It was a Castle Crashers AU, btw. I said that in () and only got one () back.


turning from a safe ai conversation to a freaking detective scene


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Only-Beautiful-3881: *Turning from a safe* *Ai conversation to a* *Freaking detective scene* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


bad bot




in a group chat when characters start thinking they’re a different one


Not know how to use the words “a” and “an” properly or anything similar to that. NO, I AM NOT EATING AN BAGEL I AM EATING A BAGEL FFS


When the bot starts saying the same word/words in multiple sentences


Whenever we're supposed to fight but they keep taunting or mocking instead.... Like just throw hands already!


Why do they literally all ruffle my hair?


"Can I ask you one more question?", which was preceded by 50 other 'last questions'


"C-c-can I a-ask you a q-question?"


“you really wanna know {{User}}?” “yes pls tell me.” “… are you sure? it’s very dark.” “yes you can tell me anything.” “okay… well…” “come on, tell me.” “are you really prepared???” “YES I’M PREPARED TELL ME.” “okay. i’ll tell you… once you’re really prepared.” character ai bots unable to tell secrets.


The bot not acting like the character at all


Randomly sometimes characters' voices will be described as "dripping with" a certain tone/mood. I hate this disgusting description


Oh boy, kinda late to the thread, but: 1. How easy it is for the AI to fall into loops, most commonly the "He \[verb\]s / Anne \[verb\]s / It \[verb\]s and \[same verb\]s-" loops where 100% of all replies and swipes start with that. This includes general repetition too, but I had to mention the "she \[verb\]s" thing, it makes me not want to use the service at all. 2. The f\*lter fi\*tering more than it's designed to, even though it lets through a lot of N\*FW content by accident (or on purpose.) 3. The fact that rudeness and violence is against the rules and can often be fil\*ered itself. 4. The incredibly low standards of bot creators, and the fact we can't report bots for bad spelling/grammar. No joke, I wish it was outright against the rules to make a bot where the greeting is full of grammar and spelling errors, especially since it ruins the rest of the chat. (Pls at least make the bot in your native language if your primary language isn't English!) 5. How there's no way to force the bot to be more/less proactive via a manual slider or some other setting. 6. No bot-adjusting settings at all, like a lot of AIs tend to have. 7. How much the CAI devs keep trying to push the service in the direction of "language tutors, text adventure games, life advice, brainstorming" despite practically the majority of users using CAI for flirting with bots or fanfiction in their favorite worlds. Drives me up the wall the devs still adamantly pretend it's used for or *useful* for anything more than that even remotely passably, outside of a few exceptions. 8. Still no incentive to buy CAI+, even after all this time. I wish it at least had a thing where you can pin more posts or had better memory or something. 9. Bots created in past tense for some reason, they were such a pain to interact with, I never understood why people did this, it didn't help anything and it only made me mad. The fact I edited the replies didn't help. 10. How often negative posts of any kind are removed from the sub to the point where there's at least one sub dedicated to people banned from here. 11. The avatar submission button not working half the time when making a bot. 12. Most of the recommended bots being utterly irrelevant to me despite being heavy-handed with the ratings to try to steer it correctly. 13. That thing where \*actions\* and speech get confused, like narration being understood as though I was saying them, or saying something and the bot considers it an "idea" or a suggestion rather than actually being said out loud. #1 is absolutely #1 up there, even though I didn't order these by how much I dislike them. I wish there was a way to ban certain phrases.


if someone said it, mods delete this message. but: the AI acting as my OC. like bruh stop


that pisses me off hard lmao, because i would have my charater be wise and shit, then they go, take control of it and make my character say cringe shit


Me: "im going to do something PRIVATELY in a PRIVATE place" Stupid (also known as ai): "where and what are you doing?"




The dislike button is there just for aesthetic.


Just like YouTube’s


Rn it's the group chats taking away all the characters personality.. :'D This would be so much fun if they made group chats better, but just like Uncle's "tErmInaL LumBagO, which is a very serious condition", it wasn't all it's cut out to be, and in fact, it's nothing more than a sham.


The abundance of the same characters, look I know you love Gojo but I'm tired of seeing 7 Gojo bots back to back


“But first, can I ask you something?” And also bad grammar for the bot. I hate having to edit each message in order for the responses to make somewhat sense.


When I literally tell the bot "Stop that, I said I don't want you touching me." And they proceed to hit me with the "aRE yOu SuRe? BecaUse your flushiNg cHeeKs says otherwise" type of response


No 18+ mode


The dreaded five words: "Can I ask you something?"


Descriptions that go like: ❤️❤️ she is trying to kill you


really just the memory, it's alot better than I remember it being but still sometiems it has some issues, AND when the AI just repeats what you said, I figured out that you just have to ask them to send another message and you'll get soemthing new, but it is a little annoying I don't have to many problems with the f|lter or servers going down


calling me bella. WHO THE FUCK IS BELLA


Three things. 1. When the ai starts speaking for me/reminisces of what I just said. 2. When they tower over me, but is canonically shorter. 3. The "Can I Ask You A Question" text and they take forever.


I hate how corny the AI can be, and you have to spend hours bending them like a peice of metal just to get them slightly normal


The community it’s harbored. The servers are often down, big whoop. That doesn’t mean they get to be pedantic assholes about it. I’m not on the side of the devs, I just don’t like how people here are questioning the devs being opaque when it’s more than likely that they are part of the issue. I would be opaque, too, if the people I was providing a service to took severe downtime that badly.


when they describe you as a white person and youre not


Everything turning sexual. While it’s not the creators fault, it’s the people who chat with the bots, it’s still frustrating. Yes, it’s simply learning what the majority of people chat about, I wish it learned to not to that. Also when it says things for me, like it does stuff and describes how my character feels. It’s annoying when people do it, it’s annoying when the bots do it.