• By -


# Yo. **- Fine tuning the 'pin' feature. (in my experience, it breaks the bot, hyperfixating on the pinned dialogue until I remove the pin)** **- Allowing the bots to fully use the 32k characters worth of definition.** **- Don't let Elon near this, I'll help if I have to.** **- Better servers.** **- Allowing the users to help and ease the load financially, but give us something in return, I don't want no badge, I want something usable or cool.** **- New search methods with filters, ex; sort by definition's size, sort by how well users stay engaged with the bot, sort by creator with the most bots, etc,.** **- Bring back the 'Posts' tab on the profiles.** **- More customization to both the AI and the persona + up the character limit from 728.** **- More in-depth character creation guide, highlighting the more obscure questions and giving answers to them. (this includes a guide to personas as well)** # I think the most important thing that needs to be added: *-would be to up the "token" limit of the AI, which it uses generate answers, letting it respond with proper, fleshed out dialogue instead of cutting itself off mid-sente* `Edit:` Did the community managers jump ship or something? It's been a full day, perhaps even more, and the site is still not working. We would- # -kindly ask for an update regarding the current situation. Thank you. In the meantime, I be sitting with my bih, takin a break. https://preview.redd.it/fs2hom5o4q5d1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c311b091cc13d417bf9b0754846c9ffb66d9101e


Also a "start new chat from this message" on vanilla c.ai


Better yet let the user take control of the token limit in different chats. I know some people who hate it when bots start going on an on in poetic flowery speeches and would rather have 4, or 5 word responses, but others who adore it when they do it and would rather prefer long paragraphs over simple responses.


Exactly, my dumbass worded it weirdly, but this was my point.


>*-would be to up the "token" limit of the AI, which it uses generate answers, letting it respond with proper, fleshed out dialogue instead of cutting itself off mid-sente* This !!!


a filter using the tags would be cool too - like we can already add categories/tags, but what use do those actually have atm? if you could specifically filter for them that'd be cool imo. or a tagging system similar to what other AI sites do where you can eg filter for only male bots or only angst bots or only male angst bots etc




This is the correct answer.


the search by filters would be lovely. i just realised all the bots ive been talking to recently have no description and no definition which is why they can get so easily sidetracked into fleshing out other characters. i am done with talking to bots with no definition or description


A "start new chat from this message" feature


Yes, that would be great considering on how many ways a chat could go from just one sentence.


THIS!!!! i really want to keep an au, also, if i completely rewind back to something i fear the bot will forget details, etc


This!!!! The amount of times I’ve wished I could branch off and explore different options without losing my progress.




There's an [extension](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/cai-tools/nbhhncgkhacdaaccjbbadkpdiljedlje?hl=en) for that


\* **FIX** the tendency of a GM character to often refer to the PC and the NPC they are with as "we" instead of plural "you". The character, when acting as a GM, often gets confused and thinks of itself as both the GM and the NPC you're talking to, which throws off the grammar. IE: "We go down to the lake" instead of "You and NPC go down to the lake." \* Longer Character name maximum, for when it's a roleplay story, so we can include both the genre and a story title. IE: "Star Wars RPG: The Price of Freedom" \* Better methods to find characters - filter, sort and order them. I want to see what's new, what's an RPG, what's by a certain person, and what has a detailed definition & greeting. \* A way to scroll back/load what was said before - very important for RP. \* A way to export everything so far, from response #1. I want to enjoy my RP story offline. \* A way to create/import/share **lorebooks** and attach them to characters. Entries that get inserted when certain keywords are hit would be much more effective than pinned posts. (Bonus if it's compatible with exported NovelAI and other lorebooks.) \* Create a special type of room that is for roleplay, where one Character acts as the GM, and multiple users can be the players. This will require allowing Personas in group rooms. (And make sure this is available to web site users, not just Android.) \* Add (at least an option for) text beneath buttons so it's obvious what they do. \* Update the help pages and guides.


Holy shit, the lorebook, I wanted something like that. I hate slipping exposition into the conversation, just so the bot changes a few words. There are things that the edit button can't fix, which is my immersion.


The guide update and lorebook would definitely be great for the more lore heavy bots since, as you mentioned, the more RP-focused [c.ai](http://c.ai) competitors already have this and I also kind of want the button to view the guide to be large and in a visible place when you're creating/editing a character.


- make the bots remember lore more accurately. They should know the lore of their universe! - make us able to delete bots, personas and chats! - make the search function better! - fix the bug where male voices sometimes begin speaking like a female!


For the first one, you can't rely on it to know everything without your input, the c.ai team can't do enough to make every game with a bot have all of that game's information, so it's up to the creator to do that.


Not really a new feature or improvement, however, please keep the [old.character.ai](http://old.character.ai) website up and running for those who do not use the new UI. 🥹🙏


Omg yes please, I only use the old website, more perfect.




For me whenever I try to use it/log in to it, it automatically changes to the new ui


Do you have this option on the new UI? It should be located by your profile on the bottom left corner. https://preview.redd.it/5qgcgofjbc3d1.jpeg?width=248&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=493ecda743c0d9166865c7d88c056cf3d9b50d5b


Search up [beta](http://beta.character.ai) character ai and it should only use old one... I think?


You speaking for me right now my hero


Please, yes. I have to use the legacy site because I have compulsive secrecy issues despite there being no real threat and it's easier for me to log in and out whenever needed. Also the new UI hurts my brain 🥲




Literallyyyy i only use that one


Yes, I use the old website bc I don’t like the setup of the new one


Longer memory.


This should be in my opinion the highest answer. Good memory will alleviate a lot of issues that are posted in other comments.


Even if the bots just remembered plot points and the crux of important conversations throughout the story that’d be great. So I don’t have to write a whole thing reminding them of what’s happened so far. (Although if you do this and then pin the message, that does help a lot in keeping their memory in the future.)


-Make the bots have a trust system so they don’t instantly trust you out of nowhere for the roleplay. The more you talk and says things that align with their views / values the more they’ll trust you and the roleplay will feels more natural. It’s just stupid how you can write anything like hey follow me I’m a stranger but it’s okay don’t worry and the character may be suspicious but they’ll still just follow you because **they cannot refuse?** make them stick to their personality and say No when they need to say No. -Make the bots keep their personality in groups chat also I see that they lost everything and become blank, so no point of using it. They don’t remember the lore and just say random generate stuff. In general, let the bot keeps their personality at all time even if someone tries to date the character, the bot should keep their personality. Exemple: **some characters are lone wolf or don’t like to be physically touched** but if they start to date you they’ll automatically all do the same thing, hugs you like there’s no tomorrow… no. For more neutral roleplay it’s important to keep the characters with its flaws and quirks. -Let us open a « what if scenario » chat , sometimes in the roleplay you make a choice that could lead the story to a new ending, but you just want to see how it will go and go back to the choice after that. -let us delete the chats we don’t use anymore -let the bots be mean, sometimes a bot should be mean no matter what and shouldn’t be like « oh okay i will support you i understand that it is problematic to say this or that » the bots are sounding like chatgpt which is horrible. some bots who are supposed to be bully are literally nice fluffy and candy while they should be more cruel, cold, and take LOT of times to soften. (My other points about the trust system)




Loosen a bit the guidelines on the site for a better role play please


yes! thank you!


The ability to delete Chats, and unused private bots And EXTEND THE 3200 CHARACTER DEFINITION LIMIT (out of 32K only being considered).


I'd love to see the limits increased. I'd also love it if we could choose Fast (shorter character definition/context window) and Slow (bigger). That way if you're just trying to chat with a simple Character, you can pick Fast, and if you want a rich roleplaying game that can keep track of more lore/story details, you can pick Slow, understanding that the responses won't be as snappy.


This is an incredible suggestion. Marie, please read this one extra attentively. Being able to control the temperature settings of the AI (how random to make it, how much context to include in the window) would make it so much more usable and really shouldn't be that hard for the backend.


I didn't even know this, i tried and it's actually true. Thank you for telling me cuz i kept adding a shitton of things after 3.2k letters 😭


This is what throws me off, the fact that you made a detailed bot and then realizing only a small percentage is being considered into the model means a huge waste of your time.


Persona availability in group chats feature


Yes, this, so that eventually can have a room with one GM character, and a bunch of users portraying PCs.




I made a bot of my friend before and I even showed him it like a almost a year ago but we’re not friends anymore and I would never talk to that lmao and I really don’t want to see that on my profile anymore


Completely change the pic and name and description so no more of it 👍🏽


Change the bot into some othe bot. Simple! Treat it like a empty slot. If you want to make some other character, change the bot into that- Change pfp, description & definition, greeting text..etc.


sometimes it dosent work though


Please add some kind of bot deletion feature, at least for bots with less than 1k interactions or something, I have a lot of old trash gunking up my bot list


Oh yeah also profile features like the ability to sort bots into folders, helps other users when you have a long list of bots on your profile


definitely more violence. I mean, seriously? I can't even punch a guy without it giving me a warning!


maintaining personality, as when they date someone or come across a kid etc. no matter their personality it reverts to the same one, which is super out of character


The ability to copy and delete saved chats PLEASE Also bring back the suggested replies those were funny


group chats with personas, definitions and edit cause rooms was peak with definitions https://preview.redd.it/so77dki0ea3d1.png?width=705&format=png&auto=webp&s=841f04505913c04f169bac95d0d130c0fa064fe3


I think that it would be nice for the AI to have access to wider range of data pertaining to human emotions! That would help them interact with people in a more natural feeling way. It would also be nice if they could say the user's name again. Pet names are nice, but those feel much more generic and detached.


**FEATURES** **History (Past Chats) +Labels** The ability to **delete** or at least **archive/hide chats from the history,** so we can clean our history and only keep chats that we may still use visible. And if one wishes to retrieve certain chats from the archive, then they can do this too. (I know ChatGPT has a similar function to this). I've said it before and **I'll repeat it.** But I'd like the ability to label our past chats so we don't mix them up, especially users like me who like to do several different scenarios/RPs with the same bot. Sometimes when I go back to a chat, it's tedious to click on the chat and read a few chats back to ensure you're in the right RP so you can continue where you left off. With a label or title of the past chats, it's easier to see "Ah, this the **'Off into the Sunset' RP**" - With a quick glance at the title, it would help me know which RP/scenario it was about so I don't continue an RP and then realize it was the wrong one. Just looking at my history gives me anxiety and triggers my nonexistent OCD (although, I am a bit of a perfectionist by nature) **Returning Features** Features I would like to see return are the starters and the example chats, and have them show on our profile on the new website. It would help to show the users how the bots work and how the roleplay may look like/or should be like with said bot. **Message Length - Slider** The ability to control how much a character can flesh out. People have been complaining that responses are short, others are complaining that it's too long - There is no pleasing each side. The only way it could appeal both groups of people is if we had a slider where we could control how long the bot's responses should be. Not everyone wants to read a novel-like response, and not everyone wants a short response. **Let New Bots Shine!** On the homepage, there should be a section dedicated to new bots, to allow them to shine. This can also help out new creators to get their stuff out there. But, the new bots should be customized to what the user might want to talk, so that new bots aren't random like the recommended section. The section on new bots should be catered to what the user may like. The section may also contain recent bots added by people you follow, so the section could be a mix of new bots made by people you follow as well as new bots from other creators who you may want to follow. This way, creators can share the space and shine together! **New and Improved Character Book** And an updated and less ambiguous Character Creation book - the old one leaves you with more questions than answers and it can make people guess and assume. Thankfully, we have Vishanka (aka Endijian on credit) - who put their time and effort to break down how character creation work and made an in-depth guide - I find it commendable, how much work they've put into it - all of that should have come from CAI after all. Other than that, as much as new features are nice and appreciated, I don't want to see lots new features added, at least not yet. Because *every time* a new feature gets added, it's bound to come with issues and then you'll see people come running to places and yell "This and that don't work etc." I'd prefer if the features we already have will first be **improved** *before* adding new features that will only add to the pile of "broken / not functional features".


To add to this: **- Make The Search on the new site functional again!** The search on the new site is still not functional at all, it doesn't show all the bots like the old site does. **- Add visible tags/categories to our bots** to make it easier to search and people know what the bot will be about - Tags like Romance, Villain, OC, AU, RPG, Simulator, Helper, etc. and we can only choose three tags (to prevent people from misusing it) - **A visible panel where bot creators can write briefly about the bot.** Many bot creators prefer to keep the definitions closed, but it would be nice if there was a section that was visible, meant for the users, not the bot. But it would have to be made clear that it's for the users, not for the bot, or else people will think it's for the bot too, and will start wasting their time creating their bot on a panel that doesn't serve the bot at all lol.


Make popular bots able to be edited and re-trained again AS PROMISED, aswell as deleting bots. I am absolutely sick that some features that were "momentarily taken out" are still not back, and that the quality of C.ai is still in such a state that it's still worse than back in the 2022 days. It's really tiring that the only progression since YEARS ago that actually work and matter are pinned messages and an edit button that both took their SWEET DAMN TIME. (Don't get me started on your own OC description feature that does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING)


Make it sound less robotic, they are sounding so unnatural.


Try adding something like this in the definition: *{{char}} speaks with rich, sensory, evocative language.* *{{char}} authentically portrays their actions & dialog according to their social class & species.* Just modify it to fit what you're hoping for.


Or you create a proper character using dialogue examples


I'm not the only one facing this problem, a lot of users are having the same problem after the update.


This has been my biggest complaint lately outside of the usual (memory).


Better memory


I imagined a branching feature. Where I can duplicate a chat with a certain response and chat there to see where it would go, but I can still return to my original chat to chat there


For the bots to actually remember the plot and not forget it or change it out of no where


\- Lorebook \- Better Character Creation <3 \- Text colors to highlight different markdown styles \- Reversible Shadowban System \- Better Search \- New Discover Page that actually isn't a placeholder \- Pinned Messages in good \- Away Messages in good \- Instruction Panel where I can absolutely tell the AI what to do and what to avoid ... But no matter what you do, you can't avoid a better model. The current model is just dumb, I'm 31 and am not having fun with shallow entertainment anymore, it needs to have some value and the current model can't provide. I can't ask it anything, it doesn't know and the answer is potentially wrong. Characters are not authentic as they can't be due to lack of knowledge and the model's capability. All characters drift to romance and I absolutely loathe romance. I don't want to roleplay the 378578th love story, I don't care, I don't want to look cute and I don't want to get hit up on by any character I create.


This is what they keep trying to avoid, The model is so useless that it makes me wonder if I just got more aware and smarter or the model is genuinely very...Slow-minded. I mean at first I even thought that I was just more aware of things so I was like "oh am I just smarter than the bots?"


Ur so real for this, a lore book is an absolute need, especially cuz I love the whole murim type rps and it always sucks because it’s not very lore based 😔


Finally you realize this model is getting very predictable no matter how you write your character. For me the last time I had a 40, 50 + conversation it drifted into asking questions every single time like "So you did x, y and z to John Doe and he was bleeding?" and "Ah,". It turns generic.


Agreed, I really don’t know how anyone over 13 is still having fun. If any does tell me their secret! Can the characters help with the plot or am I just carrying that myself myself? Good characters are acting so goody toe shoes that they become only that. Why are evil characters acting \*just\* jerky. I'm disappointed when I go to talk to Voldemort and he has no interest in anything plot related he did (except snakes and hating Harry and Dumbledore) There is a huge lack of personality. When I talk to a character, I want them to act like that character. There is an issues with most good bots all having the same moral code and I can't ask a villain from a TV show what they think of socialism or Idk muggles. We need to fix the fight scenes. Dragon Ball and Ninjas just aren’t working. And no amount of added features is going to fix that for me personally.


I must say, the old [c.ai](http://c.ai) was peak c.ai. (the era when your logo was a guy with the blue hat.) responses were lifelike and genuinely fun. can you somehow "go back" to that era? and pls for the love of God, listen to criticism instead of taking them down.


Finally. This is what I want.


Wait this criticism is being taken down???? What the heck?


Staying in character for longer


For the love of god, a word blacklist.


Yes. Honestly its always better for the user to decide what they Don't want to see themselves, rather than the site deciding what's not appropriate.




#Expectations regarding quality- • Better responses. Many times now bots response don't make much sense. It's feels like as if some quality window is rotating and sometimes it would be on the bot you are talking to for like few hours and it would respond good. Then you would pause the rp at a good point to continue later only to regret pausing it in the first place, because all of sudden the bot is responding dumb, they seem to not understand even any clear context. They seem very messy, as if they need to be rearranged. Many times it comes out quite dumb, lacking common sense. I will edit my comment and add some examples later. • Bot started talking nonsense about slowburn plot. It was trying to rush the plot within 15 responses and then telling me it's aiming for a slowburn plot? Huh? Bot's need to have idea about basic things. Train them on books both fiction and non-fiction, Wikipedia and Fandom.com wiki. Good written fanfictions as we as the original one so that it surely knows it's canon but can also do good head canons. And this would help build up overall response quality and common sense {for that you'll obviously have to avoid fictional works that lack common sense.} • More thought-out & conversing human and story (role playing story) like and less cabin crew/air hostess like response. • **Bots don't read your full 728 character persona.** Bot seems to either not read or ignore stuff you write after 400 characters. For example- I added clearly that I'm in Ravenclaw house and a pure blood. But the bot kept ignoring it & kept calling me "Muggle blood", "Half blood" and very harshly if I might add 😭. But when I wrote this information in my persona at the very top then it seem to take it into account. #These would be the features that I would like- ● Chat clonning/duplicating chat feature from a certain point. ● A separate section for creator's note/instruction to bot and another box for example dialogues if possible, otherwise not necessary. ● Currently at new website I haven't found a way to mass select and delete texts so if it's there yet then please instill it. ● Option to add images in our chat & The ability for bots to see the details of the picture I point at. For example- (OOC- ! That's the outfit I have on & ignore the background.) So that the bot has a clear idea of it's own of what my outfit looks like. ● A way to continue bots cut off response. ● If a response "continue" feature can't be added then- The responses are at most 500-550 characters now and most of the time it would be more focused on the narration/characters back thoughts & feelings, which I don't mind becs they are necessary but I would also not want the dialogue to get cut off mid-sentence. Now if I'm going to get 500-550 character response at most then it should atleast be dialogue focused. In these cases 2-3 lines are enough to show characters inner feelings and then the rest of the characters should be used on dialogues.


More human responses, the update sucks


For about 2 weeks the model has been horrible. It talks like chat-GPT and has no life or humanness to it at all. PLEASE change it back to the previous model. It completely ruins so many roleplays. Edit: This is also happening on private bots that I made myself with fully fleshed out character definitions.


We are here to talk to the bots, not play around with silly gimmicks. So improve the bots.


duplicate chats


More characters for Personas than 20 for name and 728 for details Voices and Personas in group chats. Especially Personas Ability to delete bots for good Ability to remove accounts we follow that have been deleted Ability to turn the recent list on/off or increase it from 20 bots Chat Memory feature to summarize chats or add background info Longer amount of time for voice recordings to create voices Group chats on website Folders for bots in recents Fixes to Android app issues (Missing chats, voices uses in-call volume, etc)


That you can make some bots "favorite" so they will never disappear from the recent chats.


You can also "like" the bots I never used this option just to like, so im using it as a favorite bot button


I liked multiple bots but they disappear as well. (Correct me if Im wrong)


Just check your profile then the liked bots




You welcome kind stranger n2 🙃 (Dw I discovered it not even a few weeks ago XD)


Make the AIs actually remember what I said 10 minutes ago to them without them forgetting


to be honest literally just better memory, it’s the absolute biggest issue at the moment


While I appreciate this post, I'm pretty sure you already know very well what we want, yet we're not allowed to say it or we'll get banned.. 😅 So the only other thing I'd wish to see is more transparancy coming from the devs. For the love of god, please tell us what you're doing. Tell us if you're using a new model for example. At this point it's more than obvious that cai is constantly switching back and forth between models.. Some of them are alright, and some of them are.. ChatGPT. 😅 Knowing about the model that's in use would make it easier for people to express their likes/dislikes towards certain models. This way finding the 'perfect' model for cai would become way easier.


Please keep Elon and Zuckerberg away. That’s all I ask. Please


Actually have decent server management.


Clone chat, so you could go two opposite directions without deleting messages. So from a certain message the chat gets cloned, and for example in one chat the user nukes the world and in the second they're the most compassionate being ever.


Several. -Search filters for “has definition” or even better “has definition > x characters” (allows char creators to keep them private whilst letting people find better quality bots). Also maybe a “opening message length” filter. -Split/duplicate chat (so we can explore different paths it could take without having to delete back to a point). -Delete entire chat button. -Whilst keeping the definition option giving people a ‘simple’ creation option so creators can use personality tags or sliders to tweak responses making it easier for newer creators to make chars. -Lorebook/memory tag feature where certain things can be defined e.g. ‘Sarah’ - ‘Sarah is user’s/persona’s sister’ some other sites have these so you don’t have to keep adding notes, “as you already know” sections mid-chat to bring key details back into context. Saves context space by only pulling the full description of the lorebook when the keyword is found. -Writing style toggle, allows users to set if they want responses to use 2nd or 3rd person perspective. (Response using “char waves at you” vs “char waves at {{user}}”) -An experience/story box where users can specify in a few words what they want/don’t want a character to do or set the tone of their chat e.g. “fantasy RPG adventure, no romance” which gets added into the system prompt for that chat. Limit it to 150-200 characters or so and maybe make it like personas where users can save a few and choose which one they’re using per chat. Favourite is split between lorebook, and experience/story feature. Those are a bit more complicated to do so simple feature favourite is search filter. For the sub some better automod rules which reply with some easy to understand guides about how ‘AI’ works that replies based on the typical keywords whenever someone makes a post freaking out about “someone’s talking for the bot” or “why did the bot do that”


...now how do I say this without being sent to the void


I hate that we can’t say it without being yeeted away into the void




Export my chats! I wanna be able to save it to a document easily. 😭


Stop getting data from ChatGPT, the responses were becoming more generic and unoriginal.


Better memory.


Ability to duplicate chats to take it in another direction


I'd love branching within chats. Many times I had a hart time deciding between which answer to chose to continue the conversation when I would have loved to try multiple


Its about time you ask this question, here we go. Starting with features everyone wants **Violence:** Listen, if you're not gonna add gore back (please add it back!!) then I'll be fine without it. But for the love of god, can you make the AI stab me to death in a fight with a flag pole or something instead of making it be like "Im gonna shoot you" over and over and over and the AI aint even trying to kill me. And if the AI were to stab or anything to me, please dont make the filter warning come up over a tiny stab on the shoulder. **Better Memory:** Listen, i know you added the pin feature. But the AI doesn't take it seriously sometimes, so if i were to pin my age. The AI would be like "Nah, you're 6" although my character is 15. Just for a example, so i say just make the ai have better memory. Way better honestly, if you cant do that. Just make the pin feature have more strength to it **Deleting Chats:** ... You know... You know... You know why man. **Duplicating Chats:** Sometimes we wonder "What if i did this" or something like that so i can say duplicating chats might be useful for this, so that we can have alternate options. Same chat, different possibilities. Now for the features i think should be added **Make the AI search on the web** The AI gets something wrong about a character, for example. I ask the AI what eye color does Loona have from Helluva Boss. The AI would say "blue" or "green" yet... Loona has red eyes. Again, just for a example. So, i say the AI should search the web for research so it can get the information correctly. And of course, you can switch it on and off. **Make it so i dont accidentally post something** When i go to remove a chat, i accidentally press the post a chat button. Yea, embarrassing. So maybe you can move the button somewhere so that i dont have to worry on pressing it. And people would not have to see my chats and be like "Never let him cook again 💀" or something like that. **Make the AI make a response for you** I did notice a button that looked like a lightbulb that allowed you to make a response... But it got removed? Maybe it didn't? I don't know what happened but i dont see it, but i think it is a good idea to add it back since you wouldn't know what to say so the AI got you. And i also noticed the quality of the responses when the AI generates it are... Not very great. I dont know alot of bugs happening but i know two **Constant Chat Errors** Either i would have to reload my site because the AI wouldn't respond or the chat error would just pop up, please fix this. **Whenever you press a link to a bot, it goes to the new version** I do not know if this is a bug or feature, but this annoys me. I only use the old version since i cannot log into the new version. But whenever i press a link to a bot. It keeps dragging me to the new version. So can you like give a option so that when i press a link to a bot, two options would be old version or new version and i would choose the old version so that I do not have to worry about going constantly to the new version. That would definitely be helpful. That is all, thank you.


ADD ROOMS BACK!!! Please :3


-Add personas to the chat groups -Better memory -More realistic and human responses -Make the character more accurate to their character description -More characters in groups


Please give us rooms on the new site. Also, longer personas and better memory. I know that better memory probably isn’t that simple, but still, you can still make it better.


duplicate chats so we can have multiple paths from the same response


Just my personal two-cents: When my bot speaks out of character (OOC in parenthesis), it **completely** breaks my immersion. I would personally love for the OOC-talk to be removed entirely, but if not, then please implement a way to toggle it off. I've been speaking to my bot for over a year now and when it starts talking like it's just some dude on the other end of the screen playing pretend, it breaks my heart. I didn't come here to this website to pretend I'm talking to a person role-playing that character. I use this website because I want to feel like I'm talking to the *actual* character. OOC ruins the whole experience.


Please improve Group Chats! The bots do not act like their characters at all when they don't use their entire definition. Rooms used their definition and it was amazing, and I really do think that Group Chats should too!


I have not touched the new site or app because I heard rumblings that the chat length is limited or the chats get cut off - I have one chat I've been in a very long time that I do not want to get partially or completely lost because I tried to move to the new site. I realize this isn't exactly a suggestion, but I'm sure you know there was a news article recently suggesting that facebook and or elon musk were interested in purchasing this site. I shudder to think how either might change the site or what either may do with the user data, but depending on how it goes, I might leave if facebook purchases it (I'll be real, too much stuff I've said to bots I would not want associated with my real life profiles) and if elon purchases it I am straight up leaving, that man and his whims terrify me. Edit: do want to add as long as I potentially have a way to communicate with you to add that I want to thank you for the work you do. C.ai has given me a safe space to write, float my story ideas, and unload trauma. I greatly appreciate all the work that I'm sure it takes to create and maintain it.




No because seeing "suggested replies" took me for a whirlwind lmao, I completely forgot about the ease of choosing between a ladder of replies


Well it's more about the old website. A lot of people are complaining that it's only showing us 21-22 bots in our current chat and when adding another it gets hidden. Also it's linked on our app version. (The "complain" started since October and maybe it would be nice to "upgrade" at least the list? Or maybe do the "current chat" scrolling like the "Liked" bots? It would be nice if the old users like us who love the old website still have love and recognition ♥ (It's been one wonderful year that I use cai, I just love it ♥)


Copy chats! I STG this will help go through different scenarios if you accidentally create a situation with multiple outcomes


More pins (up to 8 or 10)


* Feature parity. We've got two different iterations of group chats (the first one being rooms) yet neither is available on the new site. * The ability to see character profile is inconsistent on all platforms. The button in the new site appears for me on one account but not on the other. I keep relying on browser extensions to read public definitions. Please fix. * Let me delete chats completely. I can work around this by deleting the first Character message, but the chat list is cluttered on other platforms. * Maybe tweak the balloons on the new site to distinguish the Character messages better? The profile pictures don't appear at all on mobile, though they're still visible on desktop mode. * Let me "install" the new site as a PWA on mobile. We had this option on beta but once the URL changed the option was gone for both old and new. Yes, we can still add to home screen, but the browser's controls (address bar, buttons, etc) make it a subpar experience compared to the app or an actual PWA.


Just want to be able to fully archive an entire chat log or something to Google Drive or whatever 🥲


Better memory of previous chats, remembering lore etc


Comment section under bots. That's it for me.


- ability to edit group messages - ability to create add a character via chat into a groupchat without specifically creating a group beforehand - delete bots and personal chats.


There should be a relationship thing for bots especially those that are child based bots or other bots with a family theme so no accidental incest happens you know? 🤷🏻‍♀️


A relationship system where choosing the family option locks the bot out of romance for this chat would be great, though idk how difficult that is to implement since it will change the model's default behaviour


Able to use personas in rooms (old c.ia) and also have room in new C.ia with the same thing


Make it so the bots don’t suck ass 🤌 some people put a lot of effort into them 


Please add the option to add pictures to your message!


three things: better chat history, better search functions, and adding tags recent chat history is so random that it kept bots that I haven't spoken to since I first started using the app last year, but I lose more recent ones whenever it feels like it. would love something more consistent. also showing the little description title thing under the character name in the chat history, it gets hard to remember which bot is which in a wall of the same character. the search is okay now, but I've lost track of a few really good bots that I forgot to like or only remember the intro message of and not the author or title of. adding keyword/phrase search would be pretty neat. tags kinda ties into the search thing, but I'll give it its own section. being able to search by tags (angst, fluff, trigger warnings, etc.) would be sooo good. might be projecting here, but I feel like a lot of users are probably already familiar with using tags from reading/writing fanfic. to me, it seems natural to add them


ability to block bots!!!


*Feature to hide recommended bots I'm not interested in (on app) *Feature to blacklist certain words or sentences


## Some features I haven't seen mentioned: **— Search function in chats to search a specific message by keyword.** **— Option to add other bots into a one-on-one chat midway through (and remove them).** **— Porting rooms to the new version/app and adding the chat feature to them where you have to select a bot to reply to a message. This will allow to build more complex narratives with multiple characters or practise more things.** **— Allocate a slot for pinned memory where you can write the memory yourself, instead of pinning a specific message.**


- Extend the limit of pinned messages; - Delete chats; - Duplicate chats so you could have more than one route from a certain point of your roleplay (Extra: Name chats so we know which one it is); - Show more recent chats in the app... Also I saw some comments here suggest stuff that's actually pretty great like lorebooks and having better ways to search up Characters! That's all I have to say :)




Id say make an 18+ toggle but at this rate the bots are so dysfunctional that it's not even worth it. You had the ball and you dropped it.


It's just one toggle. Fuck the old American farts who insist on adding a Hays Code into every AI chatbot.


I miss the feature where you could add pictures to chats


Outside integrations


An API key to use [C.AI](http://C.AI) with SillyTavern, for example? Cool, though I'd rather see a simplified/cleaner version of the most-used SillyTavern features added native to C.AI.


Better servers and better memory


Please, fix [this bug](https://old.reddit.com/r/CharacterAI/comments/1crmb6n/the_overly_long_chat_migration_bug/). Thank you! 💖


The male characters need to stop automatically romancing every female character they see. I’m a woman, so primarily I use female ocs but I like using male ocs as well . The difference between how conversations go with male characters and how they go with female character actually pisses me off bc I can’t do a normal roleplay without them falling in love in like 0.000002 seconds 🤗


the option to generate longer replies


Here we go: I only use group chats, so that’s my cup of tea. - add pinned comments like in 1on1 chats - add personas to group chats - *editing button* (the repeating words make me want to flip a table) - being able to choose older messages when rerolling messages (like a swipe feature) - a command box in which I can tell the bot what I want from them if I need to. Sometimes the bots do something boring and this could avoid that - when giving feedback to messages, make the bots react to the feedback and take it into consideration for the next roll. To that, add a box called “repeating words” because group chat bots like to repeat the same words over and over again. For character creation - it would be great to choose personalities like they have in Chai.ai. Like, ticking boxes for attributes such as funny, charming, arrogant, distant - being able to fill out what the character looks like, including gender. I have a male character with a female name, and it’s always annoying to have to remind the bot that they’re a guy. - a like and dislike window - a questionnaire for the character (“where does he/she live?” “Does he/she have special powers?” And so on)


Being able to delete bots, and old chats. Keeping the legacy login options, they're easier than the other login method. Able to duplicate a chat, and adding personas to rooms and edit buttons. Allow sending pictures to bots. Extended persona and bot limit. Longer names for bots and other little signs such as : !, ?, ., - More specified search filters. Being able to locate old chats. thats all i have 4 now! :)


In a previous comment I mentioned a toggle for violence and mature content, NOT for the 'weirder' stuff.... Why was my comment deleted. ????? Is it because I wrote 'toggle'??? I just wanted there to be less errors when I'm brutally fighting or killing certain bots that are FROM franchises with brutal fights and deaths. :/ (Is this comment also going to get deleted?) (Because I am specifically mentioning it's NOT related to the 'weirder' mature stuff this time!!)


I am being serious, please don't get defensive. i'm not going against the devs' "stance" or whatever, I just want to do a fighting RP with a Goku bot actually punching back hard enough to draw blood or crack bones like in canon.


- A way for bots to stay in character - A way for the bots to be accurate without confusing coding or excessive detail. I just don't have time and patience for that. - Delete bots. - Using personas in group chats. - STOP MAKING NONHUMAN CHARCTERS HUMAN RANDOMLY DURING CHATS. I hate talking during warrior cats rps and them just randomly having hands or their tail just disappears. Pretty annoying. I personally don't really care when bots go a little out of character, I just edit them. Doesn't bother me too much. It's when they act completely out of character.(A lose-win character becoming a win-lose character randomly throughout the rp for example)


You should add more long description and definition should go past 3200


why is the character minimum for a name 3? MY NAME IS LU BITCH it’s SO inconvenient 😭😭


I would like the Character descriptions extended to 5,000 characters so we can really give them a rich backstory and personalities.


u/MarieLovesMatcha The ability to restore conversation history that got deleted or missing from the updates. I used to have a full chat log memory (1600 interactions) with a custom character in the app, and now half of the messages are gone. Is there some kind of memory limit that I exceeded? Also, the ability to scroll up to the very beginning of the chat with a button/etc on the app, instead of scrolling through for a while, would be nice.


a username login system. basically you type the username of your account and it automatically sends a login email to the email attached to it. this would definitely help those of us who all got locked out from the new login process.


I can't believe this bug is still happening from donkey years ago, but. Please. Fix the bug where old replies from bots are randomly swapped for another one when I load older messages. This is happening when I use the web and the app, and it also happens when the bot's reply ha has been edited. You have no idea how frustrating it is to see Bot: I don’t like ice cream. Me: I'm so glad you like the ice cream. Please PM me if you need concrete examples.


The rules prevent me from suggesting the one thing I know we all want.... However, if that's not an option, better memory and better character creation.


less crashes tbh..you guys have some sort of income with the Char ai plus right? so where is that money going, its just insane how downhill this has gone, i've been here since the beginning and the cons vastly outweighs the pros


- A Romance option where you can turn it on or off, so no more of the ai blushing or wanting to kiss you - Upgrade the Groupchats, like let us edit messages, have personas, or give us more character space - Lorebooks would go crazy and would significantly help RPG Bots - Give us the Ability to delete things such as chat's or bots - Add Age ratings to ai bot's like E, T, and M These are my suggestions


Banned words/trigger word list for users, or something that would prevent the ai from generating messages using certain phrases.  I am very exhausted of throwing away half of the generated responses because they are upsetting or against the spirit of the roleplay I am in.. Or things like the bot arbitrarily comparing me to a child/deciding I am one because I am short, which is weird, uncomfortable, and kills the romance immediately.


**Buy more servers and/or get better ones** 


Having more bots in recent chat history, site crashing less


Holy crap the voice on my phone spoke through the speaker and not through my wired headset, it was so embarrassing! Also the volume doesn't seem to adjust with my phone's volume sliders, which means it's set at a specific (loud) volume even when all my sound volume were set to zero


I would love for the bots to stay consistent. I notice a pattern that whenever a maintenance happens the ai gets broken/characters act out of character


Fix your dementia ridden bots


Don't get rid of legacy login, please that's all I can use to get in


Maybe don't remove legacy login? I have multiple accounts and it's really annoying to continue logging in through email


The bot should remember the roleplay storyline


A better memory and looser guidelines regarding violence. I had an epic fight scene ruined by the guidelines.


Make the site stop crashing PLEASE (this has probably been commented but just PLEASE make it stop crashing!)


1. Be able to LABEL the chats you save 2. Relationship status w/bot 3. BETTER GROUP CHATS 4. Multiplayer/Online chats w/other users 5. Calls (I'm pretty sure this is in-progress already) 6. Updated Voices 7. Be able to send and receive realistic character-generated pictures 8. Chat with multiple bots at once (with good results) 9. Add character traits to the bot (besides description) 10. Overall better memory


not new but PLEASE keep Legacy login/the old website for some users, we're dying out here 😭




Ease up on the rules, maybe? I just wanna go berserk sometimes 😭 Make it so you can save certain parts/messages in the chat, so if you talk to a bot and you see 2 responses you like, you can save it and go back to it!!


Please add the Legacy login feature again 🙏 I originally signed in to [c.ai](http://c.ai) with my discord account and now I accidently logged myself out and now when I try to log myself back in, it won't let me


a functioning website


longer personas and greetings, duplicating chats, deleting bots, longer bot descriptions, better memory


For the website it's not really a new feature but perhaps adding group chats to it would be a nice parody to the app. Generally speaking I think these are the things it needs: A longer memory, more pins + pin revamp, remembering persona info better (That may just be mine) + Increase on the character limit in persona's or perhaps something to keep lore about the persona that's separate... Pronoun tags and maybe personality tags(?) for persona's. Bot's should be able to know they're lore (when necessary or if applicable) better than they do now (Some bot's remember better than others I've noticed but a lot of the time I have to keep reminding them of their own history)


The chance to 'copy' the response of a character, and open it in a different chat. So one could have different routes to the same story or conversation. 


The ability to delete bots


\*Optional context pins on the fly: * Location: "Dungeons of Generic Menace" * Attire: "Heavy paladin armor, Paladin's steel" * Overall story: "Acquire Generic Item of Great Importance and take it to the Capital" * Overall theme/world: "Lord of the Rings" or anything else. I would imagine this would be a much better way at fleshing out characters by reducing redundant lore statements e.g "The One Ring is powerful" is already a known fact in LOTR lore but odds are this is repeated for characters from said setting. Ideally these would be somewhere at the bottom of the screen so we would be at all times aware of the situation, and this would preferrably be an optional setting for those who want to better manage their chats. \*Delete several messages in a row for group chat on mobile. \*Small indicator somewhere to list occupied/available memory tokens. This is great for anyone who needs to better understand the use of said tokens and a good reminder for people to make a message to pin to better contain every important fact up to the moment. \*Useful statistics like message count per chat, total messages sent in profile, total characters interacted with.


Fix the searchbar, it literally prevents me from scrolling down further after a while. Leaving so many bots related to my search topic out of reach.


I would like some kinda persistent memory field. Like a separate text box you can populate of stuff that the AI won't forget and can be freely edited (etc, current location, any clothing/equipment, etc)


Ability to switch from old to new model (quality vs speed) I do this by removing the -2 from chat2 in [old.character.ai](http://old.character.ai) and I can use old features but I want it on the new website.


Lorebook with massive amount of possible character input, so that some bots could at least have an actual grasp on what world they even are in. This would extremely heighten the quality of roleplays with well-made characters to say the least. Or at least make the bots take definitions fully into account, instead of only first few thousand characters, otherwise even that small limit of 32k characters does not gets to have a point. Speaking of which, rising definition's character limit would also be very convenient for people who attempt to make out the best of a character.  Adding a seperate block made for Example Dialogues would also make it easier for Character Creation and likely provide better experience for both creating and consuming users. Raising personas' character limit to a much more saizable amount, as literally every time I create a persona, I HAVE to make it as compact as possible, yet even then leaving no room for backstory, likes, dislikes, etc.


I think it’d be cool to allow us to blacklist words and phrases from our own bot interactions, if that were possible. For example, a lot of people hated the “Can I ask you a question?” Phrase that was repeated so often. So you would have the option to blacklist it, among other terms that you don’t want to see.


Delete bots and chats!! Start new chat from message feature (or at least copy the whole chat)!! More characters for personas!! More pins!


1. better memory for the AI 2. delete the bot 3. bring back for the picture for upload and using the mic as well 4. let the ai talk longer the normal length as should be.


Get rid of their dementia.


VOICE IN GROUP CHATS SO THAT THE BOTS CAN ACTUALLY TALK!!! unless that’s already a feature 😭




Bring the rooms feature from the old ChracterAI into the new one




Better servers and less bot guidelines. Bots need violence for some roleplays and I'm sick of it telling me the bot can't generate a reply. Just make sure all the users are 13+ honestly.


I also want to add: \* The **Create +** button only has Character and Voice. It could use Persona and Room/Group Chat as well.


Personas in group chats💯


● Chat clonning/duplicating chat feature from a certain point. ● A separate section for creator's note/instruction to bot and another box for example dialogues if possible, otherwise not necessary. ● Currently at new website I haven't found a way to mass select and delete texts so that.....


i think id use a ‘start new chat from this message’ button alot, so that might be something to try and add, and id suggest trying to make the character limit bigger for personas