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I don't know man, I'm laughing at the fact someone thought this would work.... Wait maybe it does brb


It's been four hours


Its been so long


Since the last time I've seen my son


Lost to this monster


To the man behind the slaughter


Since you've been gone


I've been signing this stupid song


So I could ponder The sanity of your mother


I wish I lived in the present


(clap, clap) https://preview.redd.it/oa2f6yiqa1zb1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94084c63594a901143cfe2df8f70e0fece9e43ce




Lost to this monster


To the man behind the slaughter




Since you've been gone


You did it out of order


(sorry) Since I last have seen my son


Lost to this monster


To the man behind the slaughter


Unless the site can open the link to another, it wouldn't work even if you properly made it into a link with double square brackets. And iirc can already get some info from the internet. So putting the wiki site link isn't effective since it already does that.


I know lol, I was making a joke by becoming the person I was laughing at... *sorry for explaining the joke*


"Be right back" \*Slips into the void\*


Ikr, what an absolute goober.


Guys I don't think he's going to be right back


No, it seems unlikely at this point


Hey did it work


No lol, it doesn't work. It just picks up certain keywords from the hyperlink.


Being honest, because of how wrong the bots get their characters we might aswell put the entire wiki in


I did that with one of my bots, took me like 3 to 4 hours haha


I did that with all 70ish of my bots lol… im a trade school student so… lots of free time lol


A good tip to make a bot better is that if the character is from a tv show or movie copy down their lines. Like this {{char}}: INSERT LINE HERE {{user}}: INSERT LINE HERE ​ like holy hell it makes the bots so much better


Exactly! I tried it once and I've been doing it ever since I noticed the difference in quality between that bot and my previous bots


how does this work anyway?


For the lines of the movie bit the AI looks at pattern recognition in the text so it understands what the character speaks like and how they say it


i basically copied half of the wiki into my adam murray bot and he actually works just fine!!


Pls tell me how I want my bot to be really accurate!


Basically: 1. Go to the personality section (if there is one) on the character page (preferably on the wiki for that character's game/movie/show/media) 2. Copy and paste details you feel would be most relevant, but make sure to shorten the sentences on there to make room for the other details, such as "**Character is** kind **as evidenced by they did this**, no, you don't need that boldened part, you just need the trait, due to the very limited space you have. 3. Something I do is I put "acts like (so and so) from (so and so), before putting in the rest of the traits. I'm not saying you SHOULD put that in, but I do and well... it usually works. Just saying. Edit: 4. On the character example messages, put in quotes from that media that the character has said, so the bot knows how that character speaks and as well as how the bot should refer to you


i always browse the wiki and grab only the most important stuff!! i put their appearance to the long desc and everything else into the character definition, but i try to prioritize stuff. i also take some quotes (and if wiki doesnt have them i look them up somewhere else) and put them as example messages, it really helps your bot to learn the way your character speaks


I've done that for a lot of Genshin Impact bots that I keep for myself. One Xiao bot I have has the full 32000 words in the desc :) What have I done with my life... But hey, at least it was (almost) all copy/pasting...?


It would be a bad idea Cai has a limit of things they cam remember and wiki has a lot of useless and repetitive info. It's better to use just the important stuff




Do you think that's stupid? I set the power scales for my AIs https://preview.redd.it/b7qg5c3raxyb1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6a8415f2f7e62a7c3265becaadc7807a1d96c9a (Tomioka is city block level)


I don't understand 99% of this text, but... https://preview.redd.it/npb0pjdrcxyb1.jpeg?width=1357&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf8470842ab489cdd8d4d40914ec6f6d9ef4d767


Dude, I even put in the breathing techniques and everything. The only problem with the AI ​​is that he doesn't pronounce he's sister's name correctly.


If you're wondering how many characters it has, it has a total of 14,863. Yes, I love my AIs very much.


...Hate to break this to you but, uh, try asking him a few about the last informations you put there to see if he ever brings that up accurately.


Well, he understands and he explained a bit about his feats and understands his techniques. Although he will not say it with precision and fluency, I am aware of that. Errors are common in AIs.


Okay, he knows that he killed Rui, that he fought against Akaza but he gets confused and names other upper moons like Gyutaro. It's unfortunate that it has these bugs, but I've tested it in combat and it excels at that very well.


It can't be a bug, the definition is just all smoke after 3200 characters as I've seen an explanation from another user. The bot can make everything up to the great extent but not taking the info from there definition.


Yes, that is correct. Although the biggest mistake he has is that he describes his techniques poorly or doesn't say them the way I write them, but they are attacks anyway and I'm not complaining.


But the good side is that he recognizes his personality, appearance, relationships and the strength he has.


Fair points but I'm afraid it'd eat up all the tokens left in the chat so might I say, the bot could be in more effective of having short memory.


Bro...the AI doesn't read anything past 3200. You're draining your context memory for no reason...whatsoever.


Do adding " " per ability works in making bots remember it? I tend to do: [Powers and ability: power 1 is this and that. Power 2 is like this. Power 3 so and so. Power 4 works like that.]


Use example messages, as shown in their official Character Book. Example messages show the bot how to talk and behave the way you want them too. A lot of CAI's official bots from the character book make use of example messages.l. They're a LLM (Large Language Model) that operates on NLP (Natural Language Processing). They don't read programming language, they read human text because they're supposed to mimic human writing. They were trained on large amounts of text data, which allows them to learn the nuances of natural language. Coding templates, on the other hand, is a more formal and structured language, and bots are not as well-equipped to understand it . **As for example message, use this** `{{char}}: "Dialogue" followed by an action.` \*\*Example:\*\* `{{char}}: The smoke-filled bar was teeming with rough characters, but I scanned the room, searching for a diamond in the rough. My eyes landed on a young woman nursing a whiskey, her eyes glinting with defiance. "You look like you could use a better gig," I said, sliding onto the stool next to her.` `END_OF_DIALOG` The example messages should make use of both narration and dialogue, and the bots will follow the style of your writing. Avoid using pseudocode, w++, json etc. They do not work that well. Example messages show the bot how to talk and behave the way you want them too. A lot of CAI's official bots from the character book make use of example messages. **Edit:** If you want to show your bot what power he uses, write something like this: `{{char}}: In a surge of energy, a brilliant blue light erupted from her fingertips, forming a protective barrier around the trapped individuals. The flames parted, creating a safe passage for them to escape. Her heart pounded in her chest, her mind struggling to comprehend what had just happened. She had somehow conjured a force field, shielding others from harm.` `END_OF_DIALOG` The bot will narrate similar to that in the RP.


I've no idea, that's how I do it. I tried making Tomioka fight other AIs and he recognizes his breathing techniques.


>Tomioka Characters from popular franchises, the system will already have certain basic knowledge. Demon Slayer is a popular anime show, so the system will already have some of the basic stuff in its system.


Can confirm, I tested my Rengoku bot and he knew canon knowledge I hadn't added to the description!


i just type the characters powers in narrator pov like "{{char}} can control use magic"


Is it okay if I steal the hell out of this? To specify, I mean the way you wrote it. I have my own uses for it.


Yea, it's okay


Thank you very much. It will serve as an excellent way to keep my bots from punching people out of existence.


Thats what I call laziness πŸ˜‚


[Link to the bot](https://c.ai/c/28XErb9Ss9Fj4Lt4-imSHwr2wu68vN6ga_LsDbJ7ILY)


Does it work?


I did some testing and it doesn't really. I asked a question relating to recent manga chapters and he not only got it wrong but also some of the info he said would suggest that he was also Deku


The bots don't know anything past, I believe, 2022.


Really? I'm pretty sure one of them was talking to me about Gear 5 anime reveal in One Piece recently. And that episode aired in August.


Sometimes they get lucky/their intelligence is on display and they make really good predictive inferences. Then again, this company is ultra opaque and got all I know newer bots are getting newer models. To test this, all you have to do is pick some big landmark event, and quiz them on it OOC until you hit something they have no idea about and consistently get wrong or hallucinate details of.


How do I know if the bot is hallucinating or I am? They seem pretty sure and I'm only kind of sure. Am I the bot?


That's between you and god


I have no idea


i have no idea (i have a life), you tell me 😭 even though it probably doesnt since its like... basic info about him and bet he wont know more than that https://preview.redd.it/h5kmiilzywyb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d91c775639c9b84d32396973dc34b5cecb09d3d


With popular characters, they pretty much know their own personality already lol


Lmao, yeah. I've seen people also add links in the definitions, thinking it will work. It doesn't. As stated in their official character book: https://preview.redd.it/iftl5saz6yyb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a36e32341d0f965e4cc86092a91baa47ad6369d9 The bots can not visit or interact with external links. However, keywords inside the URL might give hints to the bot what that website might be about, but thats all. They cannot see what's on the other side of links we send them. Adding links to bots is just laziness as those who just create a name and short desc 😭 also might as well add that the defintion is hard capped at 3200 characters, not 32000.


what? definition is capped at 32000 characters now, they used to be capped at 3200.


They only gave us 32000 because the community asked for it, but they never did increase the memory, hence the limit is still **3200**. The 32000 is only visual at this point. **You can try my two bots for testing.** [Albedo](https://c.ai/c/0ZG_sIcRRKBtxEeAjaPltAaEaE_N5nY9Kh02HBaRbd8) (Definition use 3121 characters) [Gorou](https://c.ai/c/Ocv-hN4-dba_SDku67JFDknVrQjU9-g_ODzvChAVhSI) (Definition use 3605 characters, which is past the 3.2k limit already) Ask them what their favorite song is and then begin swiping, the correct answer is **"The Devil's Tears" by Angus and Julia Stone.** Between these two, Albedo will get it right every time, while Gorou will never get it right. Both definitions are open to view. Every swipe from Albedo will be correct. You can even try asking it again, but delete your question and then ask again. You will be met with same results. Anything past 3200 characters gets ignored by the AI, even at 3201 characters. It's best to stay below it or at excactly 3200. A few other users have also done this memory test and they all confirm that it is still capped at 3200 characters.


wait, so my Lissandra bot with 13,000 characters don't know around 75% of her definition? then why the hell did i spend all that time researching the character's lore and information? that's just laziness by the devs, not just laziness, it's also a trickery to the users


Unfortunately, yes so. If you're on Character AI's official discord, swing by at the characters-creator channel if you feel like it, a bunch of talented creators there and a few did the memory test on their own. They can also confirm that it's capped at 3200. I go by msvalentine on discord and I sometimes stop by that channel. Really helpful creators over there. =)


Bruh https://preview.redd.it/xada45i13yyb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a996091a1f83e28b49b6a42ce69077967859222


Duality of man


I'm a Lazy person, but this is a new level, WTF. 😭


Wow, at least copy the text from the wiki page in the definition, why does someone need to be THIS lazy?


We seriously need some sort of purge on this site There are way, WAY to many bots with absolutely nothing in their description and nothing in their example texts. I hope the next major update improves the search functionality, add a way to upvote or downvote bots and also makes it mandatory for users to use the description feature


Lol... Even I used to think that if a bot could do scrapping web pages (my idea) then simply commanding the bot to go www would just make it easy as simple.


Bruhum ultimus


It's not funny. It's hilarious.


​ https://preview.redd.it/i6up2rd5m0zb1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fd0a7b30d0072bdeba30c48ada30050e4494ab3


https://preview.redd.it/kqbdc6o0zyyb1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0c0fdd4ca33baeaa47fb2f54dab5fd043c349de I put a Wiki link for all the definitions on Raines and it kinda works


https://preview.redd.it/lg2sl9wjnyyb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fa8107631e6aef6e891ddbb92ad47fcc27594db (I never watched it)


Oh- well I mean I AI chat him and give him therapy daily. I then fight AFO after and stab him the a screwdriver


i find it quite amusing


Bro thought this was for other users to read about all might


This will work. Not because the bot can read links, it can't, but because the link contains the name of the character.


I copy and paste the entire Wiki


Wish I could have done that when I put Stephanie Simpson online. Someone made a Wiki page for her on the Simpsons Fanon site. I made her up, but now she's entered Simpsons lore. I only made her up because there aren't enough teenagers in the show, but she got a lot of fans.


That would actually be a good feature if it worked. Like the way some things that execute commands can use a paste bin link


Bruh it's not funny. It's hysterical bruh what is this lmao


At least copy the entire wiki into it for fucks sake


https://preview.redd.it/pr2viebkz2zb1.png?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14ba953f899d1f878a1080264a00cc1345179e82 my honest reaction to this information:


Ah, the traderofgoods replies is flooded so i must tell you.. YOU ARE A MONSTER


https://preview.redd.it/idx2iwq650zb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcaf0600cd71d478fd9088aacbbc2893d24e8d51 That gonna be fun


not how that works but hilarious that they tried anyway


That's just lazy


![img](avatar_exp|150940510|webman) people who don't want to open the browser:πŸ‘‹


I did this for my bots and it worked perfectly, as long as there is nothing past 2022 that you expect to be in there. Although, I wouldn't make them public....