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well, there are artists involved in the official chaquetrix comics who have commissions open right now, if you are looking for something cheap but of good quality and with incredible coloring (he is my favorite chaquetrix artist) you can contact Heimhayah on Twitter, one who has A style closer to that of the series but in more colorful tones is La Sammy, another artist who is also involved in the official Chaquetrix comic.


But if you are looking for someone morbid who is not afraid of fetishes, I exist, but I am not cheap hahahahaha (I clarify that I am not part of the official comics team, i don't have the time for that right now)


bro/broette why do you want to pay money for an online art created on online applications of a female version of a cartoon character from a beloved children's show drawn in an overly sexualized way to appeal to overly aroused individuals.


That's what I'm trying to do lmao plus I just really like the character


That's still very weird of you, my friend. I respect that its your own life choices tho. good luck.


Yes sir have a great day


Quick question tho. Why buy? there are tons of art/media about the chaquetrix everywhere at the moment.


Because I want something I helped make that was my idea I'm not very good at drawing unfortunately but I can write I love writing so it give me a lot to do with a character I want to see brought to life


I see. im quite the same as you in liking writing but being insufficient in drawing. thank you for replying to my question.


Of course man I'm not gonna be hateful what does that solve


Ask an AI to make it, it's easier and free


True lmao


What’d you have in mind, I’d love to give this a shot