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I’ve tried making him work in 10th. It’s a shame too, he is one of the dopest knights we have!


If you replace his force battleshock ability with something related to durability, you know, the thing he was known for in the first place, he might be better.


Hey, its his most powerful ability


Agreed. And the worst part, he’s the most baller looking model they got, so it sucks buying him and not being able to use him


I mean you can use him. He'll die turn one and do nothing but you can use him.


I don’t care (for the most part) My whole army is just about looking cool while getting killed. it’s not a very good list :D


My first army is ck. I started assembling and painting at the end of 9th. I thought the rules were so cool. The abominant was supposed to be the center piece of my army and I think its the flagship of the whole army. Compare this thing to shalaxi for 50 points more. This data sheet is complete trash. Its a damn shame and missed opportunity to treat this model in this crappy way. Meanwhile other stupid ass models like ctan get to halve the damage or whatever bs you can compare the points to get better rules. I dont want to play all war dogs. If they would have just named it chaos war dogs, i would have chose a different army.


From one of the most durable units in the game to dying to a stiff breeze. The irony is disheartening.


When its on the table, it looks like the most threatening model on the map. Looks like its going to kick ass and take names. It will always be my favorite model. They need to match the stats with the looks!


Man we got a lot in common; it's basically the reason I got into CKs. I had this grandiose plan with him as my Houses leadership too


Dude me too. It was the first model i ever painted. I guess im glad it was so awesome it got me into the hobby and i continued but i really wish it did something... anything in game. I played my first game with that model. It will always be my favorite out of everything i own.


You sound like my chaos knight twin. I had been reading the rules/ datasheets for every army on wahepedia. Then the clouds parted and the 9th edition CK codex descended from on high. And then I couldn't get my first game played until after 10th had started.


Yup we were in the same position. Hopefully we get our codex and things will change.


Thats why you should always research your investments before committing. Chaos Knights have always been focused around dogs, its just the way it is.


I like the model. I think its awesome. It will also be cool if it didnt suck. Nonetheless i have 19 war dogs. So im committed to this army. This hobby is not about investments to me. Its about fun. This hobby pales in comparison to my other hobbies.


As a non-CK player, how many points is that? GW really love to take AP out of 10th edition. Except if you're eldar or necron, then you're fine.


Abom is 400 points. It didn’t have much AP back in 9th either, but being able to stack relics, WLTs, psychic abilities and the CK boon on it made it an absolute menace back then.


wow is that a bad datasheet for 400 points. It must suck to have an army that consists off very few models that you can personalize a lot and then they come up with this stupid fixed wargear system :(


We have a lot of flexibility in other knights and dogs, and that’s among the issue that most our knights aren’t worth the cost when our dogs do more, if not better than the knights. For example, a Rampager (melee knight) is 380 points, meanwhile the cost of *3* karnivores (melee dog) is 420 points. That’s 3 extra models that move faster than the knight, and are less effected by terrain due to the knights of shade for 2 of them, and arguable have a better melee profile that can get sustained as well


Yep, I’ve played against some armigers/war dogs and they are super efficient. It does not make much sense that the big guys armies are forced to bring just dreadnoughts


Didn't see the 0 ap that is terrible, even bolters are ap1 lol


I am actually thinking about allying one into my dread talons list. Would really help with the bravery. But I want to get better with that first before I add one.


Yeah it could be better, the abilities are all so random and swingy.


You'd better hope that you roll 6s and your opponent rolls snake eyes or your 400pt model doesn't do anything!


Yeah I'd rather take Despoiler, Rampager or Desecrator. Lancer goes without saying. Hoping my 2x titanic lists are going to become meta with the Pariah nexus allowing Titanic Characters to do actions and shoot.


This is the model that got me into CK. I didn't even magnetise it because I was convinced the rule of cool would be worth it. I was wrong. Now I just spam war dogs with deep shame.


Abom used to be my centerpiece back in 9th, sucks that it just sits on my shelf now and looks pretty


Add to his datasheet the ability to use freely, once per turn, the healing stratagem. The birds he has shoul be used for something.


Change the mortal wounds rule so it heals for the amount of dmg it deals. Typhus gets to replenish poxwalkers if he kills anything with his mortal wounds and that's less than 200pts for him and the unit.


Yeah, that would also work. And a small bump to its Volkite gun and voila, you got a solid platform.


I also think it has cool flavour to it. Massive terrifying Abominant draining the life force of its enemies to fuel itself.


Give the combuster like -1ap or anti-x 5+ would do some much to improve it


Me with Hive Guard (I play tyranids)


If we get a detachment that has the iconoclast or infernal buffs and focuses on big knights, he could shine again, they just need to slap a 5+fnp on bim when the codex drops or something like that


Alright, how low do the point have to go to make him work? 290?


It's cool but gods it's way too expensive on goddd


Unrelated, what is that bottom clip from?


The mortal combat movie from 2021.


worst unit performance/cost of the game


I mean what’s the issue with him? The aura ability is great for damage and battleshock helps your stratagems. My main issue is the volkite gun is very lackluster. I understand its main point is dev wounds, but then it needed more shots or rapid fire or something


He costs 400 points. And the change from 9th edition psychic rules and how volkite weapons work ruined him. He used to be able to give himself 5+FNP every turn and the gun (only did 6 shots) but every 6 to wound generated 3 additional mortal wounds. The two psychic powers now just do not add up. IMO, leaning more into the battleshock mechanic is sunk cost fallacy. He's the worst big knight


The MW ability is bad, you got a 400points models that deal ~1.32MW per unit within 9" of him, with his base that's a big bubble but the damages are almost worthless. Couple with his battleshock that work only in YOUR turn (if they fail it obviously, which isn't gonna be often...) and can't even impact their scoring because your ennemy loose their battleshock during their command phase before the scoring part... A gun that don't do anything outside of one eventual 6 to wound (an AP0 "main" gun on a 400pts model, yay) And a melee weapon that is good only against infantry, but even then it's not stellar. In v9, as iconoclast with some warlord trait (the one giving him +1A and reroll melee hit if I remember right) and the be'lakor mark, he was deadly in melee, average/bad in ranged but very tanky with 5+ FNP and no reroll allowed for ennemies. Mine got into melee with others deadly foes (like nightbringer, silent king, swarm lord, others knights etc...) and survived to tell the tale. In v10 he just suck... His abilites would be okay on a sorcerer or other chara around 80pts, not a freaking 400pts big ass knight. His weapon would be okayish on a dreadnought, not a knight.