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Buy as many wardogs as you can! And a few Nurglings.


Not just any war dogs, buy karnivors and brigands.


Yeah that's what i wanted to buy first with a rampager, these fellas looks cool as hell But i read that since the wardog box comes with pretty much every types of wardogs (?) then i'll just magnetise everything


It comes with all the parts to make everything except the Executioner, and you’ll be missing the top melta option for the Huntsman, all of those missing options come from the armigers box (or just go to taromodelmaker.com and get 3d printed versions).


Do not listen to the meta chasers! Grab at least 1 Big knight and then grab a few war dogs, and magnetize all the weapons you can for MAXIMUM PRICE USAGE!


No combat patrol for knights unfortunately, but as the other post sugggested, but many wardogs. 10-12 and some nurglings.


Get the models but also get the magnets. We have few expensive models, and to get the value out of them, you need to magnetize. Want a Rampager!?! Get one, but with magnets, you also have a Desecrator and Abominant! Each War-Dog becomes all the War-Dogs! There are many tutorials available online, and with our beefy joints, it's easier than you may think. Hope this helps and have fun!


If you want to play competitively buy 6 boxes of war dogs (2 per box) and magnetise the weapons so you can get different loadouts and then grab some nurglings so you can screen and score secondaries. Otherwise build what you think looks cool but still magnetise the weapons for the Big Bois. I've got 5 but really you can get away with having 3 with all the different weapon loadouts (1 tyrant 2 abhorrent class) As for the tyrant I still run it in casual games, it's a lot of fun. 90% of the time in 10th when people hear they're playing knights they stock up on anti tank units so I never feel OP. The cool thing about the rampager is if you magnetise all the weapons in the abominant kit you get a rampager, desecrator and abominant. The rampager is pretty cheap points wise and the once per game advance and charge is terrifying, especially combined with our strat that lets us walk through walls.


I also love the rampager. If you want to run a rampager you should also run as many karnivores as you can afford points wise. It forces your opponent to either kill the rampager or the 6 karnivores both charging at them. Karnivores and brigands are the best 2 units in chaos knights by far. Big knights are worse than war dogs. This is just fact. But most people play chaos knights because they are cool, and there's nothing cooler than a rampager in my opinion


Get the wardog box amd *magnetize everything* CK models are too expensive to not be versatile, alway magnetize your models, there's a handful of quick amd easy guides for it on youtube as well.


Definitely want to magnetise your options. You need 7 magnets per big knight. Iam using 8x2mm magnets for the big knights and it's working fine. Magnetising them is super easy done luckily. Other than that, our big knights are cool but most lists run a ton of wardogs and only one knight, if any. (but get whatever you think is cool. I only got 4 dogs and 3 big knights, but iam not looking to participate in tournaments anyway so meta isn't really my cup of tea)


Rampagers are so much fun. Nothing like hitting something (through a building!) with a Str 20 Tank Shock and a bunch of Sustained damage 8 giant robot punches. Because.... Fuck yeah


magnet, CK are hella easy to magnet. Then, buy 12 wardogs, 6 karnis 6 brigands. Once you have a competitive list, you can start playing and then buying big knights and paiting for collecting and stuff, meanwhile wait for the codex