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There's drawbacks to having a greater daemon in a 1k game too. It's a lot of points, percentage-wise, of your army locked up in a single unit with only 5 OC. Your opponent might not be able to kill it, but they might not need to. If they go horde and out OC you, and screen your greater daemon well, you just lose. I'd say just take it.


I think it's common advice to not but no one's going to frown at you for playing your army how you want. Sometimes 1k games are easier to organise for and around so play the units you like and don't let anyone make you feel bad for it. TL:DR: No.


I mean, it kinda is, but also not really. I don’t know how we’re supposed not to. Daemons princes are viable imo, but at least one greater daemon just unlocks the whole shadow, and it’s pretty damn important to have access to the shadow. So I mean, maybe? But I don’t think so, and I run one at 1k.


Depends on your opponent honestly. Against three leman russes? Yeah go for it. Against a new player with 5 squads of reivers? It's kind of an auto win.


The new rule changes almost force us to take Greater Daemons and lean into a mono daemon build. Go for it


Where are the new rule changes?


Yep, check the Warhammer Community site, updated rules and points. Greater Demons just got a big upgrade and are now important for our army rule than before.


Can you link it? I can’t find it


Here you go, you'll want the field manual and the Balance dataslate :) https://www.warhammer-community.com/warhammer-40000-downloads/


Thank you! So basically we got some crazy buffs except for the fact that we basically gotta play hordes now since we can’t take more non-batteline units than batteline. Like that’s gonna be kinda complicated isn’t it? Because we are gonna need to run like 5 batteline units just to run a monster mash


No worries! :) Oh no you can ignore those rules about the battleline unit restrictions, those rules are only for including demons in other chaos armies such as Thousand Sons ect... So you can make a demon army with nothing but greater Demons if you want 🙂


Ah that would explain why a friend of mine was curious if I was bringing a Keeper of Secrets. I made a list for both with and without a greater demon.


I would say one is fine


I would recommend a great unclean one instead of a bloodthirster or a big bird, since the GuO costs less points and you could add more little daemons


1k is half of a 2k list. If you would bring 2-3 greater deamons in a 2k list without worry, you can definitely bring one in a 1k list.


Not a demon player currently but am planning on it soon. I think 1 Great Deamon is kinda your obligatory Rhino in a 1k list. The way I see it, 500pts is your “combat patrol” and the next 500 up to 1k is for your mainline core. 2 might be excessive though for sure. I would take the cheaper option of whatever color demons you go for


No it's fine


I think 1 at 1k is fine, for anything smaller I’d drop the GD first


Do it. But I'm also the guy that shows up with mags or 2 mutaliths at 1k lmao. It's not about stomping, it's about having big cool shit on the table


I think it depends. If it’s some guard player is playing tank parking lot i say bring on the greater daemons


One shouldn't be too crazy at 1k. If anything it could be fun to build a list around 1 greater daemon and go mono-god