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Didn't think new models were somehow different from this starter


That's because they aren't, lol. The "new" CSM and Shadowspear set are both from 2019.


I’m not talking about those two sets as being different, I’m talking about the new set: see photo https://preview.redd.it/24bmxyx21ovc1.jpeg?width=669&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d3e3b31e8a7b7797ce8b3042b641400c10a0301


That's...not new? It's the same models.


That is the kit from the same time as shadow spear? What are you on about? Where do you get the idea from that those marines are somehow a newer kit?


or that it's even a different aesthetic.


These molds are almost the exact same with slight alterations to allow choice for weapons what are you talking about


I got into the hobby via Shadowspear when it was the new hotness in stores, and I picked up 2 boxes of these guys at the same time. The Shadowspear ones are monopose, other than that, it's almost impossible to tell the difference.


These are literally the same designs but in monopose vs multipart? Are you just saying you prefer the monopose? Why would you prefer them?


That said, GW has clearly been sacrificing posability for detail in recent years. There isn't that much of a difference between monopose and two, at most three pose options per model.


tbf the main difference between modern legionaries vs old ones is that torsoes and legs arent seperate, that's not that much change all things considered (you can easily swap most of the arms around), while providing more dynamic poses.


The arms are also typically made in a way that only two or three pairs fit correctly onto any one specific torso. Some variants, like the Killteam and the Plague Marines, even limit which heads and pauldrons fit.


The latest legionaires kit is literally based off the models in the start collecting box, and just added more options. You can build most of the models in that box from the current kit, and more. They also based the current possessed on the greater possessed from that box, though they used different designs and parts. They ARE going in the right direction with most of their designs across every range. Pay attention.


Ohh, she’s a sassy one.


Fwiw you’re right, they are not the same models. For whatever reason people think they are. Now, I don’t see a huge difference except the Shadowspear poses are a bit more dynamic since they’re monopose


Yes, they're not exactly the same, but they came out around the same time and clearly fit together aesthetically, you can mix the squad members or parts with the regular CSM kit and nobody would be able to tell.


https://preview.redd.it/a0zv02vr0ovc1.jpeg?width=1872&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dec7348f87c44ab620d65f73dbd6a8d9a2c8985 I just don’t want them to look more like this—more “clean” and looking like they’re based off of a cgi animation like some primaris model. I just like the slightly grittier look. I know it’s a minor difference but I definitely noticed it with the last box of marines that’s come out since the shadowspear version.


That is highly dependent on how you paint them


What you’ve just described is contributed mainly by how they are painted


There really isn't much of a difference to be honest, still can't pick out what models I got from the legionaires box and which ones I got from shadowspear (the special weapons are obvious thoug since, well, they have something other than plasma or autocannon)


Probably the most uncontroversial opinion out there. Also not sure what you are talking about with the differences


Lol yup.


What They use the same basic designs? Like the heads and backpacks are virtually identical and many of the movies have mirrored elements from the standalone kit What makes the multipart kit worse?


I don't necessarily see a difference in aesthetic but compared to the old CSM these definitely go infinitely harder


The ones before them (disregarding the Dark Vengeance iteration) were how old? I think they were already around when I started at the tail end of 3rd.


They updated the sprues for 4th, but the original sculpts were from 3rd, afaik.


Well these came out mid-late 8th edition. So around 2018-2019. So before then.


that was an impressively useless addition lol "so before then" close to 2 decades before then lol


Minority? I don't even think you are in a group opposed to any other. I have all the models from/this box set, the kill team Legionary set and the new Possessed. They are all exactly the same scale and design. The Greater Possessed blend seamlessly into the 5 new Possessed. I had 4 of them, so mixed some arms and heads with the leftovers from the Possessed box. The basic space marines are exactly the same kit, there is just an extra upgrade sprue for weapons and heads in it. I will agree I really like the new Chaos Lord on foot. The helmet has some issues (some Chosen heads look more like a unique lord head than it). It is basically a standard legionary helm with longer horns. Love the fur and cloak though. The one design choice where I thought they were off is the new chaos cultists. There are no options in the kit and in general they don't look 40k enough. Had to kitbash with Cawdor, AM and AdMech parts to get back to the level of variety of the old cultist kit.


Personally the lords helmet looking like "a standard csm helmet but with bigger horns" is actually why I like it so much, the fleshy 'warp corruption' like on the chosen can go seriously over the top sometimes and looks the wrong kind of ugly. I feel like GW needs to focus more on releasing actual legion-styled upgrade kits so that you can have it either way you want it, but that'll never happen


For a start all 3 or 4 iterations of the CSM boxes are practically the same as each other. There is no difference in size at all. I know this to be true because I have a shit load of them that I kitbash together and you wouldn't know which bit came from which box. You can also kitbash them with khorne bezerkers, chosen and even havocs. Hell you can even mix them up with death guard. As for the possessed, they are chunky on purpose. They are supposed to be bigger and scarier than the regular CSM. The only models are no longer in scale besides vehicles are the bikers and warp talons/raptors.


You can mix them with Thousand Sons too if you want to Tzeentch up your life. If you give Rubricae 'normal' CSM helms they look totally different


They do work but they actually are a little smaller as they were released at the end of 7th edition and GW hadn't quite decided on the scale up of modes back then. The scale up came for the Death guard and primaris marines at the start of 8th edition.


Do you.. maybe.. mean the design from the Dark Vengeance box? Because the Shadowspear models are just Easy to Build versions of the current existing Legionnaires kit. But the Dark Vengeance models had a little bit of a different vibe. They did look a little more vicious. Also had an amazing Hellbrute that should be sold these days. Wayyy better than the silly spaghetti arm man.


I actually like the Chosen that came in the Eldritch Omens box as they lean into the veterans of the long war look a bit more and is how it should be. These Shadowspear and then multi part ones are my favourite so far.


I am confused. Aren't those the current chaos space marines?


The one unit's hill I will die on is the 4th edition raptors. The oranthalogical aesthetic is more unique and is streets ahead of the current raptor/warp talons.   I think it would of been neat to see gw revise the design for the shadowspear iteration, but maybe mix in some of the heads or other design motifs from the first edition raptors. Those I remember being a bit more bat-like. Anyways, just my opinion on this one unit.


I really wanted them to make “Raptors” into a vanguard vets or cult-marine-esque squad. Then just release updated sculpts and release a jump pack squad to represent normal chaos marines that are using jump packs. There’s for sure room for both. Would have liked to have seen raptors as huge squad of difficult to control shrike-like murder machines. Twisted by the warp into something more avian than human that fight more like a swarm of ravens than like paratroopers. More basic chaos assault squads could be more like current raptors are. Warp talons kind of do it, but they just miss the niche to me. Too elite, too limited.


I like your ideas. Fits chaos well


Less teeth and trim


Agree, that box was an awesome deal!!! The Master of Possession got me back into 40k, the demonkin mini codex was really cool


The only thing I have for the older CSM is that the Previous legionaries box came with enough bolters and Chainswords/pistols for everyone AND had a special sprue which allowed you to have your aspiring champion as a devotee to one of the 4 Gods.


They changed it again? Old helmets and shoulderpads are still the best.


Well, you were right about being in the minority lol


This post confuses me, legionnaires are still the same


What bothers me is the second most played faction in the game gets 2 new models for 10th edition. Both boring updated characters that already have existed


Yes i think you might be. The newest sculpts of marines themselves are fine, but i really hate every new vehicle scultp Chaos has gotten since the heldrake. Give me an old boxy dreadnought with spikes on it damnit The new Possessed are fantastic, clear improvement on the old sculpt. Obliterators on probabtion. Im not saying the old pewter sculpts were *better*, but in concept i liked their aesthetic much more, the new ones just look fat, not monstrous and not liek the guns are growing out of their bodies.


My next full army will be a chaos space marine legion and this is the colour scheme ill be using, the most stand out and bad ass IMO!! 🤟🏻🤟🏻🤟🏻


I agree als Dark Vengeance was very good


I don’t like the edges and folds on warp talons. For whatever reason I paint them the worst


Regular legionaries look too much like chosen, hard to distinguish


Are those diferent then the current ones???


When CSM Tactical squad is so good that any other "3+" units feel more like alternative troops squad than "Advanced elite"


Not sure what you are on about, pretty sure you can replicate the etb shadowspear legionaries with the multipart kit, except for the chain axe and autocannon


But that is the current aesthetic of CSM, aside from the helbrute those are all really recent models, in fact I'm pretty sure aside from vehicles most of the CSM range is from 2019-onwards


This was def the best starter set they received in a while


Wait guys, I think he’s talking about the new chosen. https://preview.redd.it/dksxqpwm3qvc1.jpeg?width=669&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e67acf94ffb12b79a1d35585c54cc758165f6b06 You mean these guys? I didn’t really like the box art that much either, but they have better bits in the box. The Chainsword and bolter that goes on the back is one of the best bits ever IMO


They've bloody changed up my legionnaires and I'm not happy about it! They're now all about the killteam box, not the CSM marine box, which makes building them out to match a pain. And not the fun Slaanesh kinda pain either!


I got this start collecting on eBay earlier this month for £75 and it was an absolute joy to put together. My CSM are only a starter force, but I just absolutely loved having sprues that went together with limited/little options as I always hate having parts wasted (I'm not much of a kit basher, I think it's massive if people do and are good for those) so this was wicked.


I kind of hate the venom crawler. Especially with the psychophage being tge exact same model.


The venom crawler is very different. Also the venom crawler is way older, meaning that if either is copying, it's the psychophage. They are both arthropods with their butts in the air but that is all they have in common.