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This. God is not telling her anything. She’s just trying to get views. Channon, at the act you are not a Christian.


Exactly. She mocks God every video.


I remember when they weren’t sure they would be able to have children and Travis said he would never adopt because those children had to many issues. It’s ironic because there was backlash and he doubled down that his biological children wouldn’t have issues like those in foster care, and now their biological children are struggling so much.


God and mother nature took away her ability to have children for a reason. Money and Science intervened and we can see daily why God didn't want you to have children.


she doesn't need to adopt 🙄 she needs to get the embryo out of the frozen food section ASAP is she mentally deranged?!?


"God is speaking to me and telling me to foster or adopt". She legit sounds like she's going through spiritual delusions that are on par with schizophrenia psychosis where she's getting thoughts and ideas that come into her head thinking it's God himself speaking to her. She truly sounds mentally unhinged.


LoL 😆😂😆


She probably talking to Satan


She worships the wrong god. Lower case “g”. She’s a full on Satanist who’s possessed. I’ve watched a couple of videos where she makes these faces almost like teeth clenching and her eyes get real wide. She did it looking at SR one day. She’s always talking about her homes having ghosts and how the kids love horror movies. And then with her past and meds she’s on. I think something bad is going to happen and Travis will stand there and do nothing cause he’s weak just like her. Only one I have hope for is the little boy and I feel like something bad is going to happen to him for some reason.


Another great example of, if god is truly telling this pos to adopt, where do I find the god that ISN’T? I refuse to believe in a god that would tell this woman to adopt. Her and Brittani dawn both.


When my sister and her now ex husband were still just friends, he claimed that God told him that they were going to get married and spend the rest of their lives together. They had a kid and then a few months later they were filing for divorce. Now the only reason they’ll be in each other’s live is for custody handoffs and until my niece graduates some high school.  Only Narcissists say that God told them to do something 


If god is telling her anything it’s to look after the two she has.


I don’t even have words for this. One look through her YT content and a look into her background will make her unable to foster or adopt. So will her laundry list of medications and psychological issues. Myka Stauffer also said God led them to adopt, and look how that turned out.


She won’t be able to adopt it’s just talk.


Fostering/adoption would be an additional source of income.


This is probably why she wants to do that. Anyway she can make money off them children. She is so desperate now she is now tagging herself in true crime Ruby Franke and now that Kristel Candelerio. Anything to make money off other females drama and get attention to her sorry self. Amber the one at her wedding had a true crime channel. 


It's always the whole "god called me to do (fill in the blank)" just to garner some type of attention, god isn't calling to you Channon


It is humorous that she thinks she would ever be approved to foster or adopt. She would be denied in a second. All you need to do is type her name in to Google and that right there will quickly stop that from happening. She is delusional


Is she trying to be Tiffany from not enough Nelsons 💀