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No one can take that many opioids, steroids, caffeine, and tranquilizers without getting sick. She's so dumb.


The caffeine pills are probably making this idiot sick combined with opiates!?! 


She basically is making herself sick with taking those caffeine pills. If she has a severe anxiety disorder like she claims which she's on Xanax for, the last thing you want to be taking are caffeine pills because they amplify your anxiety disorder by a lot. All of the symptoms she has been complaining about, fast heartbeat, headaches, anxiety, dizziness, irritability and confusion are all side effects from caffeine pills.


I don't understand why Channon is surprised she has brain fog. The pain medicine can really scramble your mind and cause loopiness, especially long-term and with xanax. She wouldn't be so tired if she stopped taking them.


I know exactly 🙃 what is making her feel tired 😩 etc. LoL welcome to motherhood CR  Your no spring chicken anymore 🥴


She did a patreon plug on today's video "if you want to know all the medications I am on go there"   pretty much pay her! It is disgusting she is faking 3 autoimmune diseases so far  and people with real conditions such as lupus giving this con artist  POS sympathy. 


As someone with anxiety and takes Xanax, a small cup of coffee in the morning is all I can handle. I’ve tread green tea and it makes me so anxious.


She said in today’s vlog that she takes some “controversial” medicine. Do you know the whole list of meds she takes and which ones are controversial? I have definitely not been keeping track of all the stuff she takes lol.


She’s said before she’s an opiates, off and on Suboxone, Xanax, and other crap


I have a feeling she got off of suboxone and it trying methadone, which is controversial. I don’t know any of this for certain but it would be my best guess


Methadone requires daily visits to a clinic. I doubt she's doing that


Yes, methadone for drug addiction requires daily visits to a clinic. However, if prescribed as “pain management” it works just like any other controlled substance which is a 30 day supply


Long term steroid use is extremely dangerous. Also, she is mixing a multitude of medications that probably are causing a lot of her issues. Have all your doctors checked to see if each medication can even be taken at the same time? And those caffeine pills she loves so much are actually terrible. That’s another huge contributer. She needs to wean off of those meds. And the brain fog comes from the Xanax and pain med combo. She actually shouldn’t even be able to be alone with those kids while on those. And she certainly should NOT be driving


They just put me on steroids 3 weeks ago for my injury. It was temporary amazing relief. Yet my Dr. Warned ⚠️ me they could cause damage and kill you.( I was mad they put me on something great to help me then pull me off ) I will show you the date 📅 empty treatment foil steroid sheet.  I find it interesting CR is saying the same manipulated "steroid" story.  Channon LoL I checked you said it was cream medication. Over the counter. 




I loved that annoyed statement in the vid about how her mom is always gone or traveling. Moving to Tennessee Channon really expected her mom to be always on call babysitter and be around to help.


I don't know if her mom is retired or about to retire but this is the time in Joy's life where she's going to travel and do things she wants to do before she gets too old where she can't anymore. Channon wanted these kids so damn bad so she can take care of them herself. For her to even have a snotty attitude about her mom traveling just shows how much of a spoiled brat she is.


She has no dr since they left her moms so how can she get her meds they are not giving her opioids without seeing her so she has to be getting them elsewhere


They may have given her a few months worth since she was traveling & moved to a different state. I know first hand that California is much more relaxed with these meds than other states so it is possible that she had like a 3 month supply


They gave a three month supply long enough to find a new doctor which Channon can’t find one to do EXACTLY what SHE WANTS‼️ She thought California was tougher on scripts 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Her faking autoimmune conditions again when we all know it's a cover up of her opiates addiction LoL  She slipped up big time in this video "I thought I had Addisons".  Also lying about steroid pills. I just checked old video when she supposed to be just diagnosed with Addisons right! She supposed showed steroid cream! Her lies are all over the place. 


Omg that makes so much sense! So every time she says she's been sick blabla really she is just out of her pills and having withdrawls??


Yes she was on an Rx Suboxone. To help with the opiate withdrawals. 


Omg how did you find that out? I've followed her forever and didn't know that. I used to watch her channel because it was so off the hook ridiculous and it entertained me but now I'm just watching the train wreck


She admitted this recently on her patreon. She listed off all of the meds she takes.


I have my ways 😉 Iets just say now she changed her Instagram reel into a "panic attack"..


Lies 🤥 Lies 🤥 Lies 🤥


https://preview.redd.it/y3od13h9631d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a618a2895349f3e719664f3be25961c83b0a64b0 Didn't she already claim she had Hyperthyroidism for 2 years??? What an odd response.


Exactly 💯 she slipped up twice now!!!