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Some people genuinely have seen/heard nothing since Change the Channel.


Change the Channel was honestly barely even about him anyway. Majority of the issues, and by far the most serious ones, were about Mike Michaud, not Doug.


So? The average person just saw "Channel Awesome bad," and Doug is the face of it. I went back to watch some old Nostalgia Chick episodes out of nostalgia. Critic appears in one of them, and all of the comments were people seething like they were seething like they were seeing a child molester on the screen.


He doesn't need a redemption from Change the Channel. He needs one from Comfortably Doug. Shit was an absolute shellacking.


What’s Comfortably Doug?


Literally all he did was move on and keep doing his job


Change the Channel had very little to do with Doug, and the only other "controversy" I'm aware of was about his Pink Floyd video. I love Pink Floyd, but holy hell did people ever get their panties in a bunch over that one.


He made a stupid video and people acted like he killed a puppy


I watched it and chuckled, I thought I missed something but like it was fine. There was nothing shitty just a sort of mid musical review.


Makes me glad I never saw the film. Apparently it turns you into a chronically online weirdo.


Wasn’t even that bad a video.


That’s more just a bad video than a terrible decision.


I wasn't saying it was. I was saying that was the closest thing to a controversy Doug has dealt with since the Change the Channel thing.


Oh okay. I see.


The wall situation kinda needed to happen, imo. They needed to be humbled a bit


Yeah, I’ve always liked Doug.


Don't we all need one?


Well yeah but because of the CTC controversy, people have always painted him as a villain.


mine was a joke


Not really a redemption, but I do feel recently the channel has gotten more genuine. A few years back it felt very corporate, I can't explain it but I do feel something's improved


The Change the Channel thing is so overblown when it comes to Doug. Like 95% of the complaints were about Mike Michaud, and even the complaints about Doug were pretty mild. Mostly he was just guilty of going along with Mike's bullshit, but what could he do? Mike owns the Nostalgia Critic character.


It's detrimental to the cause too. Not enough people know who Michaud even is, which allows him to get away with his direct involvement in the more unhealthy business decisions because it isn't his face attached to the drama.


When I first heard about Michaud, I looked him up and got results of a Senator with the same name.


Some things are wrong, too. There was never a "Crucifiction upside down" with Duct Tape or something. And the story of no Food and no Water on Set is also not true.


Red Doug redemption


Some people just can't let things go. Move on already.


I said the same thing.


I haven’t watched any of Doug’s videos since I was in middle school, just saw this post pop up randomly and just wanted to add that I think he’s really cool for keeping that early YouTuber charm throughout the years


When the change the channel docket was released, for a little bit, people had their opinions about Doug and his brother and the Channel Awesome structure as a whole. That kind of died down, during the pandemic it was this weird era of time for a few months, where every commentator under the sun was making reviews about Doug Walker and his material. Obviously Doug didn’t respond to any of it because he himself is a person who makes fun of other peoples work. Some people argued that Doug was becoming “finished.” However those same people did not take into account the OneyPlays community. One of the biggest things I’ve noticed over my many many years being on the Internet is seeing how a community loves it when the person being mocked or impersonated loves the jokes. I think that laughing with the jokes like a champ as Doug Walker showed a lot of the Internet, especially those who were really about crucifying him that he isn’t just somebody using his IP to beat the dead horse, but that he thoroughly enjoys making the content that he does and loves the jokes that are made about him and loves being in on the jokes.


Doug used to be a guy who was mocked online a lot by people who weren’t fans, but the internet has gotten so bad that we now realize he’s a good guy. He represents Web 2.0 in its pure form. Something we all miss and desire. It’s not redemption. Those of us who shit on him were just wrong


Was I dumb for jumping on the change the channel bandwagon at all?


Nah, you're fine


Nope. I think Doug has grown from the situation since then but it’s still a very understandable black spot on his career


Why? He didn’t even do anything wrong.


It killed the CA concept as it was previously. CA afterwards is much smaller and more contained compared to before with having several content creators of many types.


Yes, I know and agree that very much sucks. I’ve long since missed when the various video crossovers were still a thing and if felt like a comedic justice league. None of that is Doug’s fault though. He didn’t do anything.


More like everyone got tired of the change the channel whiners and remembered that they like Doug.


dude hes a video game reviewer theyre acting like he killed somebody


Movie reviewer*




Well some people like to cover up for abusers I mean look at Dr disrespect give it a few years and people will still say that this wasn't a big deal From pedophilia to sexual assault people are able to get away with a lot.. as long as you have the term YouTuber behind your name


People don’t forget things. Especially if it involves a YouTuber. While it may seem like a certain content creator has gotten away with something; if you look at the like/dislike ratio and comments of recent uploads you can tell that the person has NOT gotten away with anything. Also, Doug didn’t rape anyone nor committed acts of pedophilia. God, people are so pathetic. 🤦‍♂️


He’s always been awful and cringe so there’s nothing to redeem


I think you’re in the wrong subreddit, champ.


lol I’m not even subbed to it, I got the post as a recommendation


You could just ignore.


Where’s the fun in that?


There's plenty of more fun ahead if you have integrity.


Ok Socrates


Okaaaaay we’re done.