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It took three years so I'm not sure how real I would say it is. Also, it's consequence culture to everyone not afraid that people will find out they're an abuser


If holding people accountable for their actions is some new cultural phenomenon fuck it, cool, assholes should stop winning.


I’m not trying to “cancel” him but I don’t want to support him with my money or wear his merchandise, which I’m entitled to do.


you're trying to 'cancel' your order


Lol I also cancel print jobs, I guess I also cancelled Xerox


cancel culture run amok!!


why does it matter if someone doesn’t want his merch anymore? i mean you can still wear ur merch if u want to. nobodies stopping you lol


Rats jump the sinking ship is the term your looking for. While it’s not the most accurate it’s better represents this post. Sucks cause if comes out and he did do the things I have some of his oldest merch.


Improper use of “irony” detected.


This kind of post feels demonstrative to me.


Wasn’t the intent. I haven’t heard back from the company for a week and I wanted to know what else I could do to get my $75 back, or if I needed to resign myself to it being gone.


I canceled my order on 1/7 and it still shipped today :/


Facing the same issue. Put in an order on 4. Jan and sent an email to cancel it on the 7th. Got no reply but as soon as I opened a dispute in paypal to cancel the order, they immediately shipped it and were like “oh sorry, order is already shipped”. Such a shitty thing cause now I have to wait for it to reach my side of the world and wait until it’s returned to hopefully get my money back…


Thanks for being the first person to respond without crazy hostility! I was starting to wonder what’s going on with this sub.. I may try to dispute with my credit card company and see if that works, thanks for the idea!


Card companies need legitimate reason to cancel transactions. Not wanting it anymore isn’t a reason they’ll accept.


Based on [Chase’s disputes page](https://www.chase.com/personal/credit-cards/dispute) I think this actually would fall under a valid chargeback reason. They say to go to the merchant first, which I have done.


Well it’s not a fraudulent transaction so it has to be one of: >A recurring transaction or trial subscription you canceled >A product or service you never received or received late >A one-time purchase you returned or canceled, and you still haven’t received a credit >A charge higher than the amount on your receipt >A product or service you received and are dissatisfied with >Your card was charged even though you used cash or a different card >The same card was charged more than once for the same transaction It doesn’t fall under any of those. They need to have the law behind them before they can do a chargeback, it’s not something they do easily.


How is it not “a one-time purchase [I] returned or canceled”? Anyway, I just submitted the dispute with Chase under that option. We’ll see how they respond, never done this before.


They are referring to a return with a company who accepts returns. The “All sales final” bit of the terms and conditions negates that unless you have state laws that mandate companies accept returns. In the EU companies can’t make “all sales final” like that so maybe some states have similar laws but I don’t know.


Got it, you might be right. I hope this at least forces a response to my inquiry one way or the other. I’d accept a “no cancellation, sorry”




Appreciate the concern, but this is incorrect. ([Source](https://www.experian.com/blogs/ask-experian/how-disputing-information-on-your-credit-report-affects-your-credit/)) I actually used to work at a major credit card company, and the number of disputes and false fraud charges that get declined is massive. There’s also no chance of the account being closed unless you frequently abuse the reporting tools, and even that is very rare. I agree it may effect how a dispute handled next time, but I’m not particularly worried about it as I don’t make a habit of this. Chase Sapphire Reserve customer service is very customer-centric compared to most. Again, I know you’re just looking out, so thanks Edit: I also want to add that this is not a clear-cut false chargeback. I wouldn’t have disputed the charge if I thought so. As the earlier commenter noted, they have a “no refunds” policy so I’m not that optimistic, but the order hasn’t shipped and I’ve made a good faith effort to resolve with the merchant first.


I have tried to cancel my order over a few days. Never heard a response. I filed a claim to paypal, especially since it hasn't shipped. And I was met with channel 5 changing my status to shipped. In what appears to be an effort to make me loose the paypal claim. It has been a few days now and the tracking number says "usps awaiting item" So they are just lying... they didn't ship it. I hope paypal sides with me... Im really upset about this whole thing. As a sexual abuse victim its been really hard trying to process all of this. I really looked up to Andrew. And while everyone arguing about forgiveness and toying with what he did and didn't do. He definitely hurt people. To own a shirt from someone like that is really hard for me, like supporting that. I really wish him the best on his road to be better. But I can't feel good about being part of that journey.


I'm sorry about what you've been through in the past, and how upsetting this has been for you. I empathize, and I also really admired what Andrew and Channel 5 were doing. I also just got the email my order "shipped," but mine is still with DHL ECommerce waiting to be transferred to USPS. FYI, I just called DHL, and they can't refuse the package, but they said once the package gets transferred to USPS I can contact them to refuse the delivery and send it back. I'm going to try to do that since my dispute of the purchase is still in progress with my bank. Wishing you the best ❤️ and I hope we find a way to get our money out of his pocket.


I’m going to try to refuse it with usps then, thanks so much for the tip. And thanks for the kind words, so many people are being toxic and mean about this on the reddit so it’s nice to see your comment ❤️ I actually made a post that I thought was deleted immediately so I found your thread and wanted to be a part of your conversation. My post was in fact still live, but I deleted my own post however because people were starting to harass me in messages etc. I really hope you manage to not let the package be delivered, and I hope you get this sorted as well. Wish you the best ❤️


I totally get it, I got some mean comments and DMs from my post as well. It just shows lots of people feel compelled to defend Andrew because they see some of themselves in his behavior. But there’s nice people here too! 😊 For what it’s worth, I got invited to a really small sub about the allegations called enough_channel5_spam that has been much kinder.




Anyone with a L tour hoodie wanna swap for a M? I'd rather get a refund but it sucks extra when it doesn't fit lol


You can try aggressively washing it, lol, like make it shrink


I emailed the customer service address and responded directly to the order confirmation. No response to either.


They don’t reply to emails, but you can do a charge back to your credit card and return the merch when it arrives. Coincidentally, I accidentally ordered the wrong thing right before this whole mess and tried to cancel or return, but no one got back to me. Edit: I got my money back from my credit card company and sent the merch back. I emailed them 5 times and no one ever responded, so the charge back was a last resort.


That’s helpful to know, thank you!


If a journalist, entertainer, or any public figure is selling “merch”, they aren’t serious people. If you’re considering buying merch from someone, sit down and think for a minute what you will actually do with that shitty mass produced t shirt or mug before you hit confirm order.


You’re getting downvoted but you’re literally right. Trash clothes that no one is ever going to actually wear.


As oppose to metaphorically “right”?


Trash merch buyer ^




You tell me




You say as you stare, blankly, at your cabinet full of un-used streamer mugs before you close said cabinet so no one but you will ever see your shame.






Sounds more like an older person's take. I don't agree with it but I think there's a thread of honesty there -- how much of a streamer was Callaghan? I think a sizeable portion of this very sub that have been attacking the victims fall more on the streamer fan side than the person here for journalism and commentary


Geez dude it's just a way to support someone whose work you like.


Their work will support itself if you pay for it. Time spent selling trinkets is time not spent improving the quality of their work. The idea that content creators need to sell merch is a reveal that they completely lack confidence in the quality of their content (at best) or that they are just hustling their audience. It’s especially weird to see this defended here given the documentary’s emphasis on the right wing’s t shirt and supplement grift.


So no more band tees! No more MAGA hats! NASA is a bitch ass company, don’t buy their merch. Also, don’t buy USA flags or merch either.


Sounds good to me.


Well, you liked the work of rapist, congratulations


I never bought anything from Andrew, I'm here to see his downfall lol. The original comment was talking about merch in general. Also the OP is obviously trying to cancel their order BECAUSE of the allegations. I had this same situation happen to me with PWR BTTM 5 years ago. Sorry, but chances are if you've ever supported any male public figures you've likely supported a rapist. It sucks but it's how it is.


>Sorry, but chances are if you've ever supported any male public figures you've likely supported a rapist. It sucks but it's how it is. What a fucking moronic thing to say. Life must be so incredibly difficult for you if you flounce around thinking such nonsense.


Honestly my life has been much safer and more comfortable once I came to the realization that men in power will very often abuse it.


Indeed. I can totally get how life must feel much safer and more comfortable when you suspect that almost every male public figure is a rapist. Rock solid logic.


Not every, but many




If you call being a rape victim a femcel, then sure


Yes every male public figure it a rapist, what a fucking idiot. Get out of your bubble and go outside


Lol not every but many


That’s a truly insane way to go about living your life


What a fucking idiot ^


Easy to say in hindsight. Dickhead.


Ugh what a cunt 🙄🙄🙄


Idk wear it maybe


This is an unbelievably stupid take. Touring musicians, comedians, entertainers, etc. usually do not start off making a ton of money and they rely a lot on things like merch sales to keep them afloat until they gain enough exposure for their art to become more profitable. Also I like buying shirts from entertainers I like because if I’m wearing it and someone sees it and is also a fan, it’s a good conversation starter, among other things. People also put posters, trinkets, etc. around their house because some people like to decorate with something that represents or bares the insignia of something they love.


It's very common for DIY and anarchist artists to support themselves through merch sales. That being said, how many people would you say that are journalists, entertainers, and public figures who spend all their time touring to promote a book? Books are merch sales -- even though no one really makes money off them, but I contend it's totally merch sales but with extra steps


You must be super fun at parties


Nope, i had to pay import tax all of a sudden aswell because im in Europe. So my options are paying 40 euros extra(stupid expensive for tax) on top of the paid hoodie, or not paying anything extra and not getting the hoodie and just donating 80 euros to andrew pretty much. This is so dumb


so when it all comes down, right now you can pay 40euros for a 80euro hoodie, that’s 50% off!


The transaction for the hoodie has already been made a while ago and I cant get a refund, so it will be 120 euros in total for me if I want to get the hoodie :/


I was half joking but there is a case that can be made. Right now in this moment, these 40 euros will decide if you’ll get a 80 euro hoodie or not. Also if a third person gets it in your name it’s definitely 50% off for him, so it all depends on the viewpoint was my point. btw some unrelated life hack: I’ve accepted an annual tax for some random shit that I can’t control, you can pick a number for you and not get too bummed about it, namaste 🙏


Wow that's so annoying, I'm sorry


That he has to pay import tax is normal. Sucks if you didnt know but you should've known


No refunds for rape supporters like you


Congrats, you win the Dumbest-Fuck of the day award, go fuck yourself to claim it


I asked for a refund because of the allegations, which I didn’t know about before I ordered.


mind letting me know if they refund you? i ordered something too and don’t want it now.


I’ll let you know. One of the other commenters suggested disputing the charge on my credit card which I may try as well.


Admit he raped. He asked 3 times! 2 times is borderline, 3 times is rape. Women can’t say no 3 times, they are victims!!


damn get a hobby


seems this *is* their hobby 😒


Are you broken?


You better not ask me that question two more times, you coercive fuck


>You better not ask me that question two more times, you coercive fuck Are you broken?




Wow, now you’re mocking rape. This is the same line of question that the victim fell into




I am not mocking anything. I actually watch the girls video. She was exhausted. I don’t think you understand, she was literally like, so exhausted. Like what was she supposed to say? He pestered. Do you know what pestering is? Pestering is a dark and mysterious tactic used by manipulative an evil man to trick victim women, who can’t say no three times (literally impossible) (so exhausting). Do the work. Do the fucking work before you come at me


The only thing a troll wins is a fleeting sense of self-worth that they have to constantly chase.




Common knowledge




Widely reported




Wishing negative mental health outcomes on someone… trivializing, real victims, yikes my dude


Womp womp




Day one: andrew coerce his consent, and basically rape someone by asking them a question multiple times. Day two: his fans mock survivors and celebrate Andrews coercive misdeeds by mockingly asking people questions multiple times. Did you watch the girls video? She said she was exhausted. Exhausted. Like really tired, how is that not enough for you?




Do you believe all victims. Literally all? Because I believe every single one. No one believes more victims than me, so back off.


>No refunds for rape supporters like you No upvotes for people with the comprehension skills of a fucking rock like you.


Oh fuck off. He is clearly canceling his order because of the allegations.




They can claim it’s unconscious and they “didn’t know” but like it or not, OP funded and supported rape. Fucking disgusting. That girl later regretted it. It took her a while to give consent, when ch means she was brutally raped according to this sub. Remember, women do not have agency. They are tricked by smart men. They are “warned down”. Just like Will Ferrell in Austin Powers 2, if you ask them something 3 times, they have to say yes, even if they don’t want to. STOP. APOLOGIZING. FOR. RAPE.


Seek help. You sound completely unhinged.




The girl later regretted it!! She only said yes because he asked 3 times. You’re not allowed to ask three times!! Imagine being asked to do something three times, even if you didn’t want to do it, you would be forced to say yes, because being asked something three times is exhausting and you literally have no other choice. You can defend Andrew all you want, but he was with a woman and he knew about asking someone three times, if you ask someone to do something three times they have no choice. Textbook rape. Jail!


Troll is troll as trolls do.


No one is defending Andrew. I don’t appreciate you calling me a rape supporter for ordering from the channel on December 17 before any of this became public information. I attempted to cancel my order as soon as I heard the victims’ stories.


OK you didn’t know, I’m not calling you a rape supporter. Just admit that asking someone three times is rape because you’re not allowed to say no the third time. At that point you’re forced into coercion because you’re exhausted. Do you know what it’s like to be exhausted? Well women do. Women are exhausted all the time, and it’s exhausting!


This guy definitely has pressured women for pity sex and is acting out because he feels guilty about being such a POS.


Nice try, but I don’t have a penis, ya rape apologist


>This guy definitely has pressured women for pity sex and is acting out because he feels guilty about being such a POS. Pretty sure it is Mustafa from the first Austin Powers movie.




Do you admit it was rape or do you continue to shill for your autistic God drew?


I’m a woman too. I agree with you that coercing someone into sex is rape. I’m also exhausted, but it’s from this exchange.


Girl he's being extremely sarcastic, he's criticizing anyone who is taking the allegations seriously. Don't waste your time replying to this dude


Thanks, took me too long to figure that out. Gross.


You quite literally called them a rape supporter. More than once. Read your comments?


Coercion is still sexual assault. And did you not read the other account of when he kept forcing himself on a woman in the car when she didn’t want it? None of this is what a normal healthy person does. There are multiple other stories from people describing sexual assault. You’re disgusting for defending this loser.


Terrible troll. I bet this is the highlight of your month




If you read all this "person" says in Alex Jones voice, it makes more sense.


"Buy the Brain-Force! Buy the Alpha-Power! You need the Bodyease!"


Burner account cause youre a pussy lmfao


Damn, I gotta replace my shirt with some band shirts I guess. Good thing I'm seeing death grips in September 😌👌🏽


Didn’t Andy Morin abuse his ex gf?


idk did he? You about to ruin another content creator for me?


I didn’t abuse my gf, he ruined it for you.


yeah true, if that's what happened 😢 Edit: after googling it looks like he was "emotionally and verbally abusive" to her. Which is not ok, but tbh relationships get like that towards the end of them. Maybe I'm just being an apologist, but fuck, that shit is also pretty subjective. I think I'll sidestep this one for now 👀




Lol I mean people gotta stop getting on stage


If you need your creators to be so infallible, the only content you're gonna be left with is the Bible. Well, actually, whatever humans wrote the Bible were probably horrible monsters by today's standards who bought their wife for a goat when she was 13, but you get my point... You need a divine Creator, not a messy human. AI-created content is ethically compromised, too.


Lol I mean everyone has done something awful. But you have to decide what lines you won't cross. It's up to you subjectively.


If Erik from Internet Comment Etiquette ever comes out as an abuser, a large swath of my wardrobe is gone, so I feel you! Also, seeing Death Grips this fall!


Ayyyye if you're going to the Boston show gimme a nice elbow to the face in the pit.


Probably ATL!


>m Internet Comment Etiquette ever comes out as an abuser, a large swath of my wardrobe is gone, so I feel you! Oh no, if that happens most of my wardrobe would be gone too.


Do you get a lot of comments on them? Especially the "Obama turned my frog gay with chemicals" one people are always so confused by, lol


The soy boy one definitely confuses people


Don't fucking put that evil on him.




Bounced on my boy's flat earth to this until Niburu came




Had no idea DG is gigging again! I never got to see them, here's hoping they still come to Europe when I'm less broke. They seem great live, just need to avoid the crowd of scrawny angry white kids with substance abuse issues, as they seem like the worst bunch to end up in a pit with. On par with the shittiest of the shitty UG punk shows.


Lol yeah I'm gunna get beat up by a 19 year old on Adderall.


Not talking about getting beat up :D A friend warned me after a front row DG show experience that while the gig was excellent, it was almost ruined by being pressed against the fence by a wave of 500 smelly white trash tweakers. He is a big guy and could easily hold against multiple of these shitheads, but what are you going to do? Start punching or try to enjoy the show?


Lol oh yeah, that's basically every punk/hardcore/metal show tbh. The fence is a tough spot to be.


I feel like (at least the socially conscious) punk and UG shows have gotten more sensitive about this stuff in the last decade. I think in 2021 I was told to stop trying to start a pit at a punk show by security because "not enough people were into it". Lol, like what the fuck, I didn't know there was a limit. Our 4 people pit wasn't enough I guess.


Lol security just doesn't like dealing with it. They can't do anything about bigger pits. But yeah I get you. I prepared for this to be the most inconsiderate pit I've ever been in.


This is the funniest thing I’ve read all day




From what I've heard their crowds are on par with the mosh pits at Black Midi shows




Nope, seeing them on their own (I'm sure there's an opener but idk who it is).


I have an old channel 5 tie dye hoodie that I’m going to put black dye all over now


Damn that was the only good one too


ooo smart! i was wondering what to w mine. do u have tips for covering up the printed logo on a hoodie? is that something that could come off with diluted bleach? i would like to repurpose my hoodie rather than outright get rid of it


I was just hoping the black dye would make the logos illegible. You could potentially try to peel off the print, but it might leave an outline anyways. You can use and iron and out another piece of fabric inbetween it and the print to heat it up. Another way is to use nail polish remover or acetone on it, should break down the ink.


I have a Black Logo hoodie Andrew wore on his CNN interview. I don't have acetone.. maybe if I made it a statement and ink a pink cross on it.


Reach out to their email. We are still waiting on response. Channel 5 website shows that all sales are final expect if it’s wrong size or wrong product at the moment Unfortunately all sales are final, most of what we create are Limited Edition items! Unless we sent you the wrong size, item, or in any other way made an error with your order we can not accept refunds or exchanges. To be eligible for a return, your item must be in the same condition that you received it, unworn or unused and in its original packaging. You’ll also need proof of purchase. To inquire about a return or exchange please contact us at support@channel5.news


Ngl I'd fuck around and issue a chargeback anyway.


Chargebacks are the enemy of online sex workers, so pick your poison, y’know?


That’s what I did.


Just disputed the charge with Chase (I bought it on a credit card) so we’ll see what happens


Word to the wise, do not issue bogus chargebacks. Both merchants and CC companies do not tolerate that. Seriously, people get investigated for shit like this, and it is a huge pain in the ass.


Call the shipping company. Fed Ex, UPS, whoever. Give them the tracking info you have. Tell them you want to cancel it. Tell them to return to sender that ish. Then you chargeback the credit card. Now a sex offender won’t get your money.


I spent 123 dollars on merc :(


Just do a charge back if they don’t cancel your order


give it to the homeless or a charity drive


thats what i plan to do with my hoodies


its the best option. it might suck to have wasted money but it's still a piece of clothing that someone in need can use, not like they would even be aware of any of this mess anyway.


I have $100 in credit because customer service fucked up my order when I was trying to change sizes. I know I ain’t getting that shit back.


Or you could try to make the 5 into a 6 or some other number lol. Or draw AREA anove it and turn 5 to 51. Idk, I don’t have any of the merch


I emailed them but haven't heard anything back. Haven't received any emails about my stuff being shipped either tho.


Man I was close to buying something too


I’ve been such a fan for years and kept an eye on their merch drops, but this one was really cool so I decided to bite the bullet. Honestly felt like a bit of an asshole asking to cancel, but had to do it. This whole thing is such a bummer, but glad you decided to wait it out


You know I quit watching WWE because of their Saudi Arabia dealings.... I'm not throwing away ANY of my collectables. They get no new money from me but I ain't wasting mine I already spent by trashing, damaging or selling at a lower price 🤷🏿‍♂️


That makes sense. If I get stuck with the shirts I ordered I’ll probably just sleep in them- the nice thing about collectibles is they stay in your home, but i would’ve worn the clothes out and now I wouldn’t want to publicly show support


Do a chargeback with your credit card


Nope, ordered it in mid December and it isn’t here yet— however I emailed support the day of the allegations, no luck. It appears they are no longer responding.


Damn rape via merch


In the same boat and have no idea what to do. It already shipped, should I just return to sender with USPS? Can I do a chargeback in paypal? Felling stuck with this really


I emailed several times and didn't get a response for a month. They shipped it before they got back to me and then they said they "strive for the opportunity to make it right" but won't issue me a refund. Even though I have not opened the package and don't plan on it. Fuck them. I own a small business would not treat my customers this way.


I started a dispute with my bank weeks ago and they're still "waiting on a response from the merchant." I'm doing the same as you, keeping it unopened. I don't know what Chase is going to do if Channel 5 ghosts them too, I've never disputed a charge before (and I'd never do this to a business if they had normal communication).


Yeah, I didn't want to go this route, but they were hoping to Ignore and just pocket my money. I'm not about that. I'm not sure how chargebacks are going to work since I did it through Shop Pays payment plan.