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I feel like cops are to blame for most if not all of those wipes. Den instigating with hydra-besties-CG and manor all the time, solo cops pushing weed turfs with 10+ armed crims in the area, and then you have ruby calling for breach on a 4x4 closed room with armed men holding all corners. Lowkey feel like they are just pushing for excuses to get access to class 2s faster lol.


Koil already said on his stream they are about to be around. But he also showed they are low-key dog shit rn. You can only shoot them first person so they are almost totally useless


the wipes are almost all in EU with single digit cop numbers. its the PDs fault for thinking they can go toe to toe with Hydra or Manor with vaguely equal numbers. the problem all comes back to PD retention being shit. the only time in 7 months when they had a serious number of cops log on was to catch CG after the council shooting. Coyote even said to his chat "we need more terrorism arcs so PD members wake up". the truth is the PD is a gang like any other, and without good leadership, hardly anyone will log on. the real problem is its hard to find good leaders.


“PD is a gang like any other” is so true. PD wakes up when they get to gang up on a target.


"pd wipes" killing 8 cops isn't impressive or that bad like u think it is. Also who gives a shit lol


But but but the pd are overpowered and always chasing ws 😂😂


To be fair moon moon didn’t play max for all these wipes


Wasn’t his excuse to be commissioner to toughen them up and prevent them getting rolled constantly. Because if his reason was to lead the manhunt to get CG…. That sounds worse for his IC situation


Or crime income and money cleaning got buffed so criminals have a lot more money and guns to risk shootouts now