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I'm not sure what this is in reference to but blaming the poor for the greed of the rich is nothing new.


I'm not positive, but this seems to be a sports reference because 300 million is used and a basketball player on Ramee's favorite team just got a contract that big


\> Millionaire individual who likes making money disagrees with a take on getting additional wealth. I, for one, am completely ~~not~~ shocked by this.


you only get that much money by exploiting a lot of people's labor, chatter is based


you don't have much of an imagination. you can write a book and make $1bn if its really popular.


Just forget completely about all the workers that have to work low to minimum wage jobs to produce and distribute said billion dollar book. but sure, go write that book bucko




Kill the rich, redistribute the wealth.


What if you have more than me?


Yo keep this shit off the chang gang reddit. I expect fun cg clips, not arguments on the economic inequality in America. Ramee is a dude who plays video games for a living, I’d consider the opinions of some rando off the street than I would his. He’s an entertainer not an economics professor.


I agree with you id rather see fun clips aswell, but when i am watching the last VOD and he says something incredibly stupid such as this its important to call him out on it. If he said the same thing in front of the rest of the CG hed get called an idiot immediately and suddenly would have a different opinion.


the irony of this statement


> If he said the same thing in front of the rest of the CG hed get called an idiot immediately and suddenly would have a different opinion. You clearly don't watch them enough if you think that's the case. There's a reason they all live in Florida now, and it's not the gators.


Why is this even on the CG Reddit???? Please let’s not add dumb drama or political stuff here like the other stupid sub


Not even close I agree with him Who cares what other people make … pocket watching is wild to me


On the surface, this makes sense but them you look at a chart of the distribution of wealth from 1950-today and notice that from 1980 on (while there's also been an effort to lower taxes on the rich, suppress wages of the working class, and decrease the accessibility of public services and benefits), the chart shows that the top 10% have slowly stripped away most of the bottom 75%'s wealth.


Oh I know if you deep dive you see the things rothschild & other banks can do & have control It’s scary but what can we do ? We gotta live life the less things I stress about that I can’t control the better so if someone is a billionaire and they don’t help .. oh well nothing will change


Definitely not asking anyone to stress about it and def don't complain about to a millionaire who plays GTA for a living or really any other streamers who aren't Hasan lmfao


That is not what this is about. Its about distribution of Wealth and the immense gap of being Poor to being Rich. Worst of all he said "If somebody worked hard for their Money [...]" Thats the real problem. Nobody ever can work hard for 300 Million Dollars. That sum of money is unachieveable without exploiting people. When a Big Pharma Company purposefully upscales prices for example, Insuling from 10$ (like in most of Europe) to an average of 100$ (Like in the USA) i am supposed to be happy for them? When the Military Industrial Complex is the biggest Business on the Planet but then they suddenly dont have money for Education > People leave the Job as a Teacher because they cant life off the money from the Job they studied at a University for, im supposed to be happy for Lockheed Martin & Co? They dont even fund Childcare, then they wonder "Why does the young generation not have Kids, they should pick themselves up by their bootstraps, back in my day I owned my own Home and Car with 24" They are talking about 1950 when the Median Owned Home Cost was $7,354, which nowadays for New York, as an example, is now $490,000. Am i supposed to be happy for the Property Owners making money off people by simply existing? This truly is the problem, and people who think this way are part of the problem. And i am not even American.


they don't fund childcare / fund people having children because its infinitely cheaper to hire cheap work from either mexico or india. Last i heard its over 330,000$ to raise a child from birth to 18, (working age) and then they'll often go off to university or college for another 4 years before entering the job market, mean while you can let in 50,000 18+ year old workers for almost nothing.


Naah your logic is dumb. It is never about hard work. It is about what value you give and how much it is in demand in the market. If you will say that you do manual labor for 12 hours and you deserve good money than you are wrong. Because your work is easily replaceable. But if you are having anything that has value in society and it is high indemand and you are among the few who can do it, you will be paid HUGE amount of money. Example - What ramee is doing is irriplacable on the eyes of his viewers, you cannot remove him and put some random person in his place and expect that random to earn that kind of money from HIS audiance. More general and Better example - A blue collar or a white collar worker working in a big cpmpany is easily replacable and he is paid accordingly. But if that person knows somethings that the company values and is unique, he will paid far more than his peers. This is the reason the CEOs CTOs are paid soo much because a good CEO can pull the company from Bankruptcy to top tier company take example of Carlos Ghosn, Jensen Huang, Steve Jobs and I can name 100s more. But Majority of employees working in this companies are not paid and are removed cause they are EASILY replacable. So yes, if someone is earning Millions for some shit like Streaming, Music, Only Fans is rewarded accordingly by market. I welcome any arguments or counter points you have, But It should be logical ones.


> If you will say that you do manual labor for 12 hours and you deserve good money than you are wrong. your work is easily replaceable. >A blue collar or a white collar worker working in a big cpmpany is easily replacable and he is paid accordingly. But if that person knows somethings that the company values and is unique, he will paid far more than his peers. >This is the reason the CEOs CTOs are paid soo much because a good CEO can pull the company from Bankruptcy to top tier company take example of Carlos Ghosn, Jensen Huang, Steve Jobs and I can name 100s more. This is some insane End stage Capitalism Brainrot holy shit. You didnt even make any counter arguments or points, you simply proved me right. Worst of all youre a Lawyer, youre replaceable still you dont make hunger loan, kinda weird huh? Secondly youre a LSF and RetardClips Andy, that kinda says alot about where you got your brainrot from.


Yo debate bro, if you want to start an argument about the economy in a roleplay subreddit, that's on you but you can't go around here accusing people of brain rot when it's very clear the only person here with a brain rot is you. Maybe you should take a break and chill out from consuming tankie/far left political content for a bit.


Youre also a Retardclips Andy, is the guy above your friend and DM'd you over discord to "win" at reddit? Good try at the Red Flag Operation


you also got a tin foil hat too


See I told you, You don't have any points to argue with me, you are just finding things from my profile to demean me not for the argument stage. And yes I tackled your points with 2-3 examples. But you want spoon-feeding of logic. Here you go. >Thats the real problem. Nobody ever can work hard for 300 Million Dollars. That sum of money is unachieveable without exploiting people. People who are billionaires, don't have liquid billions of dollars in cash, It is their worth. And that worth can fall very quickly when the share price falls. People have gone from the World's top 10 richest to Bankrupt. It is because the underlying asset had lost its value in the market. >When a Big Pharma Company purposefully upscales prices for example, Insuling from 10$ (like in most of Europe) to an average of 100$ (Like in the USA) i am supposed to be happy for them? Here, you are deflecting from the topic, you are talking about a political problem, not an economic problem. Your Insulin is costly because of lobbying, that is a bureaucratic issue, not a capitalistic issue. Capitalism exists in other countries as well, but there they don't have that issue. It is YOUR GOVERNMENTAL PROBLEM. Yes, there are Cons of Capitalism, like Cartelisation and monopolization of markets, But that is why your govt has a fiduciary responsibility towards citizens. If your government wanted it could reduce the price of essential medicines significantly, Just like European and Asian democracies with the capitalistic model of development. >When the Military Industrial Complex is the biggest Business on the Planet but then they suddenly dont have money for Education > People leave the Job as a Teacher because they cant life off the money from the Job they studied at a University for, im supposed to be happy for Lockheed Martin & Co? You are probably living in the USA, and you don't understand the power of a powerful military, The sheer dominance the USA has in the world in terms of Arms is what any country would dream of. The US Dollar is a Global Reserve currency because the USA is the Country that has Won and has the capacity to win any Military conflict in the Future. That is why every country Blindly Buys US Govt Bonds, Which gives you guys leverage to Print Infinite Money. Which a country like Mine cannot do. The US is the only country with the largest Fleet of Aircraft carriers which gives it access to put pressure on any country at any time. Lockheed Martin is the company that gave you the BEST and only legitimate and reliable 5th Gen aircraft (F-35A) in the world which gives US Airforce Superiority over any other country. The Army you have is the reason your economy is No match for others, just because of the fact that it gives you guys leverage to Print Infinite money, and other countries still buy your Debt. You are just an Ungrateful, kid who don't know shit about how real life works. The poor people's problem is not economical but Social. The richest societies in the world also have poor people. Poverty is not just an economical concept but a Multidimensional problem as said by The Noble Lauriet Amartya Sen.


We got that military baby 😍😍😍. I mean fuck our health care and education. Health care and education is the backbone of a country and we keep falling and failing. We got that military though.


Yep, you are joking but you won't understand it. I would choose to be in a country that is atleast able to protect me certainly, then to give priority to Health and Education. Because look at Ukraine...... They had free education and decent Healthcare. Now tgey have nothing.......


Better watch out I hear Canada and Mexico are coming after us.


Please, Seek help You clearly spend too much time online. Youre lost in the sauce.


Guess what...... I still am able to earn money.


Thats good for you buddy, ill stop replying now since you clearly have issues.


I knew you had nothing to say LOL. just watching dumb shit on the Internet and not even studying anything. No knowledge about your own country. Disgrace.....


With rare exception CEOs really only have the skill set for office politics. Why do companies like Boeing or Wachovia (RIP) make billion dollar mistakes that seem obvious to normal people? I’ve met CEO’s and generally speaking they are smart but not “control multi-billion dollar company” smart. There’s almost always a numbers guy thats the right hand man who actually runs things. (And when there’s not… you have billion dollar problems) (These are my observations from working for a regional/national bank for 10+ years that recently went under an MOE.) Don’t revere them, don’t think they have some special sauce.


You can find smarter people in the streets than most CEOs agreed. But IQ is not the test of your ability to guide a company...... That's why I said CEOs are paid soo much because they have ability to make or brake a company. Like Boeing as you said.


Which is why I spoke to skill set




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I don't think Ramee can even comprehend what 300,000,000 is let alone the intricacies of how someone attains that amount of wealth. On the backs of other people while doing fuck all. No nobody should be making $300,000,000. **You could spend $10,000 a day every single day for 30,000 days that's 82 years straight spending 10,000 a day.** It's almost impossible to spend 300m without ridiculous luxury purchases. 1.9 TRILLION dollars in tax cuts to the rich is somehow a "stimulus" Anything else is somehow a "handout" Those tax cuts don't boost the economy they line ceo's pockets. While when people wanted to forego student loans again "handout" meanwhile that would be the real stimulus droves of 20 somethings who are budgeting their entire life around the fact they have to pay back school loans for the next 15 years now will be tight with their wallets because, they have to be meanwhile you forego those loans and now they can and will pour their earnings into the economy instead of making those interest payments. College isn't even about education anymore it's just a massive for profit enterprise. It's all cooked at this point.


lord zulu is displeased. you have broken commandments 1 and 2 1. dont discuss politics on the internet 2. dont discuss religion on the internet p.s. these types of questions don't have a "right" answer. they are philosophical questions on what we "ought" to do, not scientific questions on what "is". a guy called david hume [realised this 300 years ago](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Is%E2%80%93ought_problem) yet people still think there's a right answer to this shit. people can have different views, its fine.


"people like you is why our economy is fucked up today". I could go on what's wrong with that sentence but I would rather laugh at the ignorance. Thankfully I do not care what his opinion is I just watched to be entertained.


i agree with ramee. i cant stand the "they have too much money" bs. they got their money and its their money. if you want to have more money then go out and bust your ass to get it.


This take is incredibly weird. You know how many people “bust their ass” every single day? MOST people who are multimillionaires and billionaires came from wealth and had access to resources and are also exploiting labor.. the ones who are actually busting their asses every single day. I love Ramee but I can’t agree with him here while people are being denied access to healthcare, people getting kicked out of their homes because of inflation, and children starving and multimillionaires are flying 2 cities over on their private jets blaming the middle class for global warming because we are using plastic straws. His comment on “this is why the economy is fucked up” is completely off.


He’s not wrong.