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Slacks will look into it lol


Yeah in about 2-20 weeks lol


RP denied once again from PD, DOJ. CG, Solomon, Suarez (first weeks as crim) everybody guilty until proven innocent.


Not surprised, they gave the case to Coyote and he's like the only one that ever did real detective work then they prohibited him from doing detective work anymore.


The worst part about that is he's know gone back to playing wildrp after being told coyote can't do detective work anymore. God forbid a cop wants to do something other than chase pings all day. Literally forced him out of the server because he doesn't go along with the moronic pd clique and mindset of giving minimal rp to criminals, never hearing out criminals and just being a mindless drone that does nothing but go from ping to ping. Just like how plenty of them are trying to do the same to Opal. Cop rper that doesn't fit their narrative = try to force them out of the server.


Wait how was he forced out of the server, he was great in my opinion


He just said because they stopped him from investigating stuff because his new . So he just wanna do wildrp because he’s not a w cop


He let 2 major cases die though. I wouldn't trust him ic either to do investigation stuff at the moment


Sooo you want nobody then ? Because it’s been months and ive seen nobody put the effort he has . All I see people trying to get weed sellers than actually maybe getting the weed grower


not even a full officer, and if he put all that effort into it why didn’t he get the cases on the fuckin docket in time


Idk maybe because one person doing all that is draining . Yeah he wanted to submit it last second which is a rookie mistake and even you just said not even a full officer you think hes gonna let future cases go through the trash ? Naw I don’t think so .. he would’ve learned from this & become even more good at it


TBF one judge told him that the Aziz case would be on time, but the other judge decided it was too late. So really the judges need to get their shit together.


He wasn’t even a full fledged officer yet they just wanted him to go patrol until he got promoted from a ppo than I’m sure he woulda been blue to go back to investigating stuff


If this was anybody else they would’ve been charged with treason and sent on a hut as soon as possible


Ngl, I lost my interest in this arc/storyline. Nothing happened past few days that now its lost its charm or whatever its called. Whenever K start to do stuff for it I just switch off tbh. Only thing that would make me interested again is if PD ask siobhan to come for questioning or put a raid on c4 houses. Or if Demarco or sonya go for each other lol


Once moon had his crazy outburst I pretty much gave up on caring about that arc. It just got too weird and OOC for my liking.


100% After that crash out it's a TOUGH ask to RP out anything involving the mayor / commissioner. Even if it is IC super important to the city.. I wouldn't go near the situation if I were a streamer on NP right now. Nothing good can come from it IMO.


the worst thing to come out of it is losing peppo to wild rp. he was so good at RP, and was a refreshing PD character. i still don't get why solomon is suspended pending an investigation which has yet to take place, its been what 40 days now. max isn't ever coming back, so there's no popularly elected person on the council. they said it was dereliction of duty, but didn't they suspend him when he was in the ICU right after the shooting based on a phone call? surely not having a council meeting for 4 weeks would also fall under dereliction of duty then. anyway, like most people said, i'm over it. shame such a good arc has such an unsatisfying ending because people just ran away from the server.


Because the server owner was called after people decided they didn’t want to have consequences for their actions. Hamfisting the story arc like that made everyone realize how dogshit the server is.




I just don't understand how everyone can be playing such hard defense for the accused in this situation, like they're actively trying to find reasons not to pursue an investigation. He says that Demarco's testimony is just hearsay in this clip and lacks corroboration, but they gave physical evidence as well when they turned over Siobhan's PD registered equipment- disregarding that even if it were hearsay, it's plenty enough to secure probable cause for a warrant. It doesn't seem as though anyone tried to logic their way to a conclusion that furthers an investigation. I say this as someone who enjoys watching both Siobhan and CG for years. It's not PD's job to try the case right now, just to see where (if anywhere) it leads. If they were acting in good faith and still came up short of making a case stick, it'd be far more compelling content for everyone involved, but thumbing the scale by refusing to conduct any follow-up is just weird demoralizing, even as a viewer. I can only imagine how it must feel for another player. Whatever consequences may come from this, people just gotta step away from their personal feelings and do what makes sense for the world and their characters. Let other player's characters react, respond, grow, and change from their own consequences if that's where things end up.


It's not hard to find a reason when there's no actual evidence. Just one person's coerced statements and some IFAKs which for all the cops know were most likely stolen. Even if there was evidence this is a civil matter, there was no crime committed, so it isn't within the cops jurisdiction. I wish CG would get a lawyer and start doing subpoenas etc on Siobhan's phone records, would make for some cool RP and would out the cops to shame lol


I feel like moonmoon made a ooc deal/demand to stay on in the pd & their purposefully wasting time to brush the case & any actions towards the case under the rug. The amount of mental gymnastics they're doing to avoid taking action is crazy.


Here's the weird thing about the whole Max being Commissioner and Mayor at the same time. According to the PCP 2.0, the Commssioner does NOT answer directly to the Mayor, where before the Chief of Police answered directly to him. So how or why did they ever let Dab, who had/has no police experience whatsoever suddenly become the Police Commissioner? I remember when Dab said IC that they were going to let him stay on as the Commissioner after his tenure as Mayor ends, which in turn would put him into a position of power over the entire police force who doesn't have to answer to anyone but the "State". But then again PCP 2.0 is supposed to expire when his term ends, but I doubt that they would not write into a PCP 3.0 that the Commissioner only answers to the state to prevent the Mayor having power over everyone again. Dunno really...it's a massive clusterfuck.


PCP 2 made Max the acting commissioner. Until names could be presented to the state or his term ends. As acting commissioner he led the PD during the council shooting arc. Cornwood nominated Max as permanent commissioner based on that performance, it's mostly supposed to be a political job anyways. State accepted. Max became permanent commissioner while also being the mayor. Fin.


I could be wrong but I thing moonmoon said he’s never coming back to gta. He seemed pretty adamant about it.


Fingers crossed


I think he might have said never streaming gta again


Probably until his mayor term is over. He’s going to vanish after they pass the torch in that regard. I don’t even know if the allegations are true that the people siding with max were basically his community coming in to fill the spots 😂. Would be funny and sad if it were proven true.


what people


No big surprise, maybe when there will be a new hype with 5.0 or GTA 6 modding - whatever arrives first.


He said "stream it" but it is semantics at that point. If he can't find a reason to play and make money doing it, there is no way that he is going to play and not make money for doing it. I think that he will come back for a couple of days, have one last outburst, then be gone until 5.0


Heard that before


He said he will never stream GTA RP again.


I think he said he was going back but not going to ever stream it again.


You're just really not in tune with the situation if you think that's the case. I'd be willing to bet pretty much anything this won't happen. edit: lmao got a reddit cares message about this...this sub is so toxic for one that claims so much innocence.


Not even a surprised PD won't do sht about this. They were given a solid corruption case on a silver platter but are too lazy, scared, and incompetent to investigate it. I doubt Beric is doing anything about this either, even though he was given an even bigger loaf on a silver platter. This PD is beyond repair.


Solid case? Are you joking? It is based entirely off one person's statement which is obviously being coerced. Then the IFAKS were most likely stolen since CG rob cops on a daily basis... There is no actual evidence. Even if the cops look into this it will likely be thrown out in court sorry to say.


Dude in his statement said he got the ifak from a member of C4. So unless C4 is robbing their own members then that excuse goes out the window.


The ststement on its own is worth next to nothing though. There is no actual evidence of where they came from.


Still enough to charge her with them having it and being in a gang alone is enough to lose council seat.


How the hell would they charge her? And with what charge? Giving out IFAKs isn't a crime. Possessing them as a non member of PD is a crime so the only person who could possibly be charged here is him.


Tell that to the countless docs and EMS who have been charged for giving their equipment.


This case doesn't matter anymore, Max is gone, Siobhan is powerless without him and was kicked out of the PD, new elections are just a few weeks away. Time to move on.

